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* [[Proto-Uralic/Ä|Data for *ä]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/Ä|Data for *ä]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/Ü|Data for *ü]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/Ü|Data for *ü]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/I|Data for *i]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/derived|Potential derivativs]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/derived|Potential derivativs]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/CC|Cluster issues]]
* [[Proto-Uralic/CC|Cluster issues]]

Revision as of 17:06, 20 November 2009

Subpages & such

Reconstructed phoneme inventory

Vowels: */i ü u e ë o ä a/ in the initial syllable. Only a two-way height-based contrast */I A/ is reconstructed in later syllables, which may have been realized as [i æ] after front vowels and [ɯ ɑ] after back vowels (ie. with vowel harmony); or as unalternating [i a]. Mid values [e ~ ə ~ ɤ] for */I/ are also possible.

It is furthermore unclear if (1st-syllable) *ë was [ɯ] or [ɤ], and *a [ɑ] or [ɒ], but substitution of Indo-Iranian *a by *ë in loans suggests the latter values (unless these particular words are newer loans.)

Two "reduced" or "semi-rounded" vowels */ê ô/ have been proposed recently.

Consonants: nasals */m n ń ŋ/, voiceless stops/affricates */p t ć č k/, voiceless sibilants */s ś š/, a "laryngeal" *x (likely a voiceless velar fricativ & a recent pre-Uralic split from *k), two "spirants" */ð ðʲ/, two liquids */l r/ and two semivowels */w j/.

*ć (as distinct from *ś?) and *š (as original Proto-Uralic?) are reconstructed less securely than the other consonants. A palatal liquid *ĺ is also found in old reconstructions, but the etyma involved do not really behave. The "palatal spirant" may be the actual palatal liquid; obstruent reflexes are limited to western branches, and external comparisions generally involve laterals. The dental spirant, while also merging with *l in most branches, is however certainly distinct.

A notable distributional feature was that *ŋ, *x and probably *r could not occur word-initially.

Roots generally had the form (C)V(C)C{A I}, with initial stress; in pronouns and prepositions and the copula also CV; and a single lone-V root, the negativ verb *e-

Medial consonant clusters

Words included chiefly from appendix from this: (see comments in table code)


2nd →
1st ↓
p t č k s ś ð w j l r m n ŋ Notes Frequency color code
N m mp mt ms N/A 5 mostly i-stems except *mś single root
n nt 13 two roots
ń ńś 1 might not be distinct from *nś 3-4 roots
ŋ ŋt ŋk ŋs 8 back-harmonic or *ä 5-6 roots
P p pp pt ps 7 ~10 roots
t tk 3 all front-harmonic i-stems Most suspiciously none
č čk 1
k kt kk ks 11
S s sk 2 both o_i
ś śk 4 mostly i-stems + *wäśka
(?) x xt   xs (xð) xj xl (xr) xm xn 23 i-stems only, some may be loans with long vowels
L l lt lk lw lj lm 21 *lw *lj only a-stems; *lt may be derived ← *-lk-t-
lʲk 1
r rp rt rk rw rm 10 mostly back-harmonic
(?) ðʲ ðʲk ðʲw 2
sV w N/A? wj wl 5 after e ä a only
j jw jm 6 after ä a o only
4 17  31 8 10 4 8 5 11 (1) 10 1 4