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Conlang Relay 15/Vozgian: Difference between revisions

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Line 182: Line 182:
;уважаће uvažaþe: (v) to notice
;уважаће uvažaþe: (v) to notice
;увідеће uvideþe: (v) to see (perfective)
;увідеће uvideþe: (v) to see (perfective)
:узюченје uzüčenje: (n) education
;узюченје uzüčenje: (n) education
;умяће umäþe: (v) to be able, to know how to
;умяће umäþe: (v) to be able, to know how to
:фoрмалены formalenai: (adj) formal
;фoрмалены formalenai: (adj) formal
;чеду čedu: ( what
;чеду čedu: ( what
;чедусе čeduse: (pron.ind.) something
;чедусе čeduse: (pron.ind.) something

Revision as of 06:54, 4 June 2008

by Jan van Steenbergen

The Text


Челoвяк сет уважах, шу мястятум музикoнтјöнс спoле седвікћа, людoве ші седвікнoнћ зўoнкентямес гoлсўo сўöјіх імяніх. Крoнженю іће кялу самoючені сoнћ. Іђенак двікћех сўöјіх іће весе дадoнћ, чемук чінітелнoћ і мoжамoће тялесенаје іх ім дoсевўoленћ - іће правўoће крoнженћ. Семoжећ іда прібераће, шу стил крoнженја іх нывезелешы і нылађенешы вешхез ећ. Села шу іх узюченје фoрмалену неећ, іће седвікнoће сўoвoђенo умянћ. Іће крoнкух секрöнтенћ такак іће бялібы быће ену жіјöнћу. Сету іх так сеченћеніћ, шу іће лећену інак дялаће немoғoнћ. А ету крoнженюм сім кoмбінаціö пякрoће і сумoнћенoће дoдаћ, ету іхез чедусе чініћ, чеду сулöжену ећ і oржену інчедўoд.

Romanised Text


Čeloväk set uvažach, šu mästätum muzykontjöns spole sedvikþa, lüdove ši sedviknonþ zŭonkentämes golsŭo sŭöjich imänich. Kronženü iþe kälu samoüčeni sonþ. Iðenak dvikþech sŭöjich iþe vese dadonþ, čemuk činitelnoþ i možamoþe tälesenaje ich im dosevŭolenþ - iþe pravŭoþe kronženþ. Semožeþ ida priberaþe, šu styl kronženja ich naivezelešai i nailaðenešai vešchez eþ. Sela šu ich uzüčenje formalenu neeþ, iþe sedviknoþe sŭovoðeno umänþ. Iþe kronkuch sekröntenþ takak iþe bälibai baiþe enu žijönþu. Setu ich tak sečenþeniþ, šu iþe leþenu inak dälaþe nemohonþ. A etu kronženüm sim kombinaciö päkroþe i sumonþenoþe dodaþ, etu ichez čeduse činiþ, čedu sulöženu eþ i orženu inčedŭod.


Vozgian is a North-Slavic language that underwent some considerable influence from the Uralic languages. It is a highly synthetic language, mostly fusional but with agglutinative elements. Its grammar is rather complicated. In this relay I will not bother you with its (in)famous noun declensions from hell, the numerous verbal classes, etc. I'll limit myself to the most elementary.

Word order is rather rigid: SOV. Nouns are inflected for gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular, dual, plural), case (13 cases), and definiteness (definite, indefinite). The latter is mostly a matter of a postfixed article; all forms are indefinite by default, unless otherwise marked. In combination with demonstrative and/or possessive pronoun, the indefinite form is normally used.

In the glossary, all nouns are given in their basic form: the nominative singular (indefinite). In the text, you will encounter the following case endings:

  • masculine:
    -ентямес -entämes
    comitative sg.def.
    -ух -uch
    locative pl.
    -ўo -ŭo
    genitive pl.
  • feminine:
    -е -e
    nominative pl.
    -е -e
    genitive sg.
    -oнтјöнс -ontjöns
    comitative sg.def.
    -ö -ö
    accusative sg.
  • neuter:
    -а -a
    genitive sg.
    -ех -ech
    locative pl.
    -ю -ü
    locative sg.
    -юм -üm
    dative pl.

Adjectives, as well as demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns, numerals etc., agree with the noun in gender, number and case (but not in defininess, as only nouns make this distinction). They are always placed AFTER the noun they modify. In the glossary, the masculine nominative singular form is given, ending with -ы -ai. Apart from that, you will encounter the following adjectival endings:

-ез -ez
elative pl.
-ешы -ešai
comparative (inflected, of course, like an adjective) (in combination with the prefix "ны-" "nai-": superlative)
-і -i
-іх -ich
-у -u
-ыгу -aigu

Verbs are inflected for person, number, tense, and mood. Verbal paradigmata in Vozgian are pretty huge, but let's keep it simple. In the glossary, verbs are giving in the infintive (ending: -ће -þe). In this text, the following forms appear:

-х -ch
past tense, 3sg
-ібы -ibai
conditional, 3pl
-нћ -nþ
present tense, 3pl
-ћ -þ
present tense, 3sg

Besides, we have a few participles. These are inflected like adjectives. The masculine nominative singular endings are:

-нћы -nþai
present active participle
-ны -nai
perfect passive participle
-шы -šai
perfect active participle

In the case of irregularities, you will find both forms in the glossary: the irregular form as used in the text, and the "basic" form. Where it comes to pronouns, I have decided to give all pronouns used in this text a separate entry in the glossary, as most of them are irregular anyway.

When a verb is reflexive, the reflexive pronoun "се-" "se-" is prefixed to the verb. As pro-drop is not allowed in Vozgian, when a reflexive verb appears without a subject, this implies and impersonal subject: "one can see...", "it is said that...", etc.

When a verb is negated, this is also indicated with the help of a prefix: "не-" "ne-".

Unlike Russian, Vozgian has a fully inflected and pretty irregular verb "to be": "быће" "baiþe". But just like Russian, Vozgian lacks a word for "to have". Instead, the genitive is used in combation with a form of "быће" "baiþe". So instead of "I have two parrots", the Vozgians say: "Mine are two parrots" (actually, more literally: "Mine parrots two are", but that's a different story).

That's all I can think of for now. So let's move on to the glossary...


Keep in mind that I follow Cyrillic alphabetisation here!

а a
(conj) and, but
ак ak
(adv, conj) how, in what way, like
быће baiþe
(n) being, creature
быће baiþe
(v) to be
бялібы bälibai: (v) cond.3pl. of "быће"
везелы vezelai
(adj) merry, joyful
весе vese
(pron.ind.) all, everything
вешхы vešchai
(adj) every, all
гoлс gols
(m) voice
дадoнћ dadonþ
(v) pres.3pl. of "даће"
даће daþe
(v) to give
дoдаће dodaþe: (v) to add, to give to
двікнoће dviknoþe
(v) to move
двікће dvikþe
(n) movement; moving
дoсевўoліће dosevŭoliþe
(v) to permit, to allow
дялаће dälaþe
(v) to do, to make
ену enu
(num.card.) of "іђін" "iðin"
ету etu
(pron.pers.) it
ећ eþ
(v) pres.3sg. of "быће" "baithe"
жіће žiþe
(v) to live
зўoнк zŭonk
(m) sound
іђенак iðenak
(adv) yet, however
іђін iðin
(num.card.) one
імяны imänai
(adj) own
і i
(conj) and
іда ida
(adv) even
ім im
(pron.pers.) dative of "іће" "iðe"
інак inak
(adv) otherwise, else, in another way
інчеду inčedu
(pron.ind.) something else, anything else
інчедўoд inčeduod
(pron.ind.) ablative of "інчеду" "inčedu"
іће iþe
(pron.pers.) they
іх ich
(pron.pers.) genitive of "іће" "iþe"
іхез ichez
(pron.pers.) elative of "іће" "iþe"
кялу kälu
(adv) wholly, entirely
кедусе keduse
(pron.ind.) someone, somebody
кoғусе kohuse
(pron.ind.) genitive of "кедусе" "keduse"
кoмбінаціа kombinacia
(f) combination
крoнженје kronženje
(n) dance; dancing
крoнжіће kronžiþe
(v) to dance
крoнк kronk
(m) circle
крöнтіће krontiþe
(v) to turn, to spin
лађены laðenai
(adj) nice, pretty
лећену leþenu
(adv) easily, simply, just
людoве lüdove
( people
мoғoнћ mohonþ
(v) pres.3pl. of "мöхће" "mochþe"
мoжамoћ možamoþ
(f) possibility
мoжећ možeþ
(v) pres.3sg. of "мöхће" "mochþe"
мöхће mochþe
(v) can, may, be able
музика muzyka
(f) music
мястятум mästätum
(prep with gen.) instead of
не- ne
(prefix) not
ны- nai
(prefix) superlative marker
oбсерваціа observacia
(f) observation
oржены orženai
(adj) different
правўoће pravŭoþe
(adv) really, truly
прібераће priberaþe
(v) assume, suppose
пякрoћ päkroþ
(f) beauty
самo- samo-
(prefix) self-
се- se
(pron.refl.) oneself
села sela
(adv) for this reason
села шу sela šu
(conj) because
сет set
(pron.dem.) this
сету setu
(pron.dem.) of "сет" "set"
сеченћеніће sečenþeniþe
(v) to make happy
сім sim
(pron.dem.) of "сет" "set"
сoнћ sonþ
(v) pres.3pl. of "быће" "baithe"
спoле spole
(adv, postp with comitative) together (with), along (with)
стил stil
(m) style
сулöжены sulöženai
(adj) complicated, complex
сумoнћенoћ sumonþenoþ
(f) sadness
сўoвoђенo sŭovoðeno
(adv) freely, liberally
сўöй sŭöj
(pron.poss.) one’s own
так tak
(adv) so, in such way
такак takak
(conj) so that; as if
тялесены tälesenai
(adj) physical, pertaining to the body
уважаће uvažaþe
(v) to notice
увідеће uvideþe
(v) to see (perfective)
узюченје uzüčenje
(n) education
умяће umäþe
(v) to be able, to know how to
фoрмалены formalenai
(adj) formal
чеду čedu
( what
чедусе čeduse
(pron.ind.) something
челoвяк čeloväk
(m) human being, person
чемук čemuk
( allative of "чеду" "čedu"
чінітелнoћ činitelnoþ
(f) creativity
чініће činiþe
(v) to make, to create
ші ši
(pron.dem.) of "сет" "set"
шу šu
(conj) that
ючіће üčiþe
(v) to teach