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== Drikës -- Links ==

[|Thorsutian Grammar]
[ | Thorsutian Grammar]

Revision as of 15:25, 19 April 2008

Thorsutё -- Thorsutian

For more information on the Thorsutian Language please click on the PDF links further down the page.

Prezantin - Introduction

Thorsutian, a constructed language, contains an Indo-European influence. It's grammatical influences stem from many European language including Czech and Armenian. It's orthography influences come from Albanian and other European languages (mostly Slavic). This being the third conlang, I personally strived to make a conlang not have a very complicated grammatical structure so it would be easier to use and learn, but still retain that kind of structure. In a way Thorsutian is connected to my previous conlang, Musmeh. However, there are many differences and revisions enough to classify it as a different language. Thorsutian is the official language of the Republic of Thorsutia.

Thorsutё, nedojnozi lazgu, ёnaçil Indo-Jevropa nidkisёn. Anun grammasidёs nidkisёs ciliçiç el shumetёţu Jevropaţu lazguţu penjeshunaţ Çectё e Ermenjetё. Anun othrografe nidkisёs rikasiç el Albenitё e olma Jevropaţu lazguţu. Ked ёdunaţ trist conlange, je perxhisoçu pёrcinom xojcur conlange nok cam ёshmi zёdcunavozidёn grammasidёn structure ţa an zsёd xa falin pёrdur e mёsojur pas ёzsa mather çadёn melojtёn structurje. Inima, Thorsutё ёd ljёtёn nek jen uzsjotё conlange, Musmehё. Minjava, andej ёl shumetёsh difiniţash e thjexhash tojce xacezsonur anu siç difinitё lazgu. Thorsutё ёd Thorsutije Respublicje offiţane lazgu.

Aflёvit - Alphabet

A B C Ç D E Ë F G H I J K L M N O P R RR S Sh T Ţ U V X Z Zs

Drikës -- Links

| Thorsutian Grammar