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! rowspan="2" | Case  !! colspan="2" | '''Interrogative'''  
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! Animate || Inanimate  
! Animate || Inanimate  

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Celestial Laefêvëši has many types of pronouns.

There are two large classes of pronouns in Laefêvëši: substantival (or nominal) pronouns, and adjectival pronouns. As their name suggests, substantival pronouns replace nouns while adjectival pronouns replace adjectives. Each of these classes has further subdivisions.

Substantival pronoun

Substantival pronouns are divided into two main groups: personal and non-personal pronouns. The personal pronouns are pronouns like ós "I", "you", njûn "we", etc., as well as reflexive and reciprocal pronouns.

The group of non-personal pronouns includes interrogative pronouns (sel "who" and sei "what"), relative pronouns, unspecified pronouns, relative unspecified pronouns, indefinite pronouns, negative pronouns, total pronouns, and manifold pronouns.

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns (jubila ljaklansa) are used to denote the speaker, the addressee, or a third person - they are inflected for three persons. There is also a fourth person form of the pronouns, the obviative pronoun. Personal pronouns further inflect for number (singular, dual, plural), case, and clusivity.

The personal pronouns have unique forms for the six basic cases. Other case endings are added to these basic six forms, according to the case hierarchy.

Many pronouns also have two possible forms for each case: the long or emphatic form, and the short or unstressed form. Some pronouns have a third form in some of the cases: the preclitic form, which is a clitic form attached to the verb. The unstressed forms are used when the pronoun is not important. However, then inflecting for the subcases or additional cases, then the emphatic forms are used (along with Class II nominal suffixes, corresponding to the number, ie. singular pronouns take singular endings, and so on). Lastly, the clitic forms are often used when the verb begins in a vowel and the pronoun contracts. This is especially common in set phrases or idiomatic expressions.

Laefêvëši personal pronouns differentiate clusivity too - between inclusive (me and you) and exclusive (me and someone else) forms. Inclusive and exclusive pronouns exist in first person dual and plural, as well for second person dual and plural. However, the second person inclusive and exclusive pronouns are rarely used - the shorter inclusive forms are typically used.

There is also a fourth person pronoun, which exists only in singular. It is somewhat defective compared to other pronouns because it lacks certain forms. It is used when it's necessary to indicate that there are two separate people or things.

Third person pronouns in singular also differentiate between animate (ie. he/she) and inanimate (ie. it) forms, but only in nominative. The difference is non-existed in all other forms. There is also no gender difference or any other class difference.

Since Laefêvëši is a pro-drop language, nominative forms are rarely used explicitly. An exception to this might be the exclusive pronouns and the obviative pronoun, which tend to be used more often to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Non-nominative forms of any pronoun are frequently used.

Case Singular
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person
Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic Long Short Clitic
Nominative ós ó é jâ; dô â; ô léis
Genitive vrai va stai sa trai ta lau
Dative vriu vi vl- stiu si st- triu ti tr- leu
Accusative vrei ve vj- stei se sj- trei te tj- lei
Locative vrui vu stui su trui tu lui
Instrumental vroi vo stoi so trói to lou
Case Dual
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
Long Short Long Short
Nominative hat xat tal dal
Genitive hrai xirrai čai dilai kjai
Dative hriu xirriu čiu diliu kjiu
Accusative hrei xirrei čei dilei kjei
Locative hrui xirrui čui dilui kjui
Instrumental hroi xirroi čoi diloi kjoi
Case Plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive Long Short
Nominative njûn njôr pal bal
Genitive njai rjai prai birrai jai
Dative njiu rjiu priu birriu jiu ji
Accusative njei rjei prei birrei jei je
Locative njui rjui prui birrui jui
Instrumental njoi rjoi proi birroi joi

Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns

The reflexive pronoun is used to refer back to the subject of the sentence. It inflects only for case, but not for number. It takes singular Class II case endings. There is also no stand-alone nominative form, but a nominative form exists when additional cases require it.

The reciprocal pronoun indicates that the persons or things do the same thing, feel the same way or have the same relationship. It also inflects only for case, takes singular Class II case endings, and has no stand-alone nominative form, except for additional cases.

Case Reflexive Reciprocal
Nominative (nî-) (nû-)
Genitive nai nûda
Dative niu nûdi
Accusative nei nûde
Locative nui nûdu
Instrumental noi nûd

Examples of the reflexive pronoun:

  • Nareu šillar noido.
    Take the book with you.
  • Nei lallais tvēalu.
    He saw himself in the mirror.
  • Lottallúksi nuiru.
    She doesn't want to speak about herself.

Examples of the reciprocal pronoun:

  • Nûdi grîttes neires.
    The two of them are washing each other's hands.
  • Tajatoksi nûdo.
    They don't agree with each other.

Reflexive verbs and reflexive/reciprocal pronouns

Laefêvëši also has reciprocal verbs, which also indicate that the action refers back to the subject. Because of that, there is some overlap with the reflexive and reciprocal verbs. In many cases, one can be used instead of the other, sometimes there are slight nuances in the meaning, and sometimes they convey very different information.

Some verbs are inherently reflexive. The reflexive pronoun can be added to indicate the direction of the action. Compare the three examples below:

  • Neinnasse. (reflexive without the reflexive pronoun)
    He's laughing.
  • Neinnasse niu. (reflexive with the reflexive pronoun)
    He's laughing at himself.
  • Neinnasse vi. (reflexive with a non-reflexive pronoun)
    He's laughing at me.

In other cases, the reflexive pronoun can be replaced by turning a regular verb into a reflexive verb when the reflexive pronoun isn't important.

  • Nei lallais tvēalu. → Laillaisse tvēalu.
    He saw himself in the mirror. → He saw himself in the mirror.

Some verbs can be used either reflexively or with a reflexive pronouns without any change in meaning, apart from emphasising the reflexivity of the action. Compare the following examples:

  • Grîtta nioreu. (non-reflexive)
    I'm washing the child.
  • Grîttare. (reflexive)
    I'm washing myself.
  • Grîtta nei. (non-reflexive with the reflexive pronoun)
    I'm washing myself.

In dual and plural, further distinctions can be made by using the reciprocal pronoun. Continuing from the previous examples:

  • Grîtteri. (reflexive) - Grîtte nei. (non-reflexive with the reflexive pronoun)
    The two of us are washing ourselves. (each person is washing themselves)
  • Grîtte nûde. (non-reflexive with the reciprocal pronoun)
    The two of us are washing each other. (person A is washing person B, and person B is washing person A)

The same applies to inherently reflexive pronouns:

  • Neinneri. (reflexive without the reflexive pronoun)
    The two of us are laughing.
  • Neinneri niu. (reflexive with the reflexive pronoun)
    The two of us are laughing at ourselves.
  • Neinneri nûdi. (reflexive with the reciprocal pronoun)
    The two of us are laughing at each other.

Interrogative pronouns

The interrogative pronouns (tentandila ljaklansa) are used to introduce a question and enquire about persons, animals, objects, etc. The corresponding English pronouns are who and what.

Case Interrogative
Animate Inanimate
Nominative sel sei
Genitive sai sak
Dative san sat
Accusative seu set
Locative sen sem
Instrumental sin sim


  • Sel hjonnas?
    Who is coming?
  • San vettain nareu?
    Who did you give the book to?
  • Sak hkillanne?
    What are you afraid of? (or What do you fear?)
  • Set marranos?
    What are they looking for?
  • Simot geittaun?
    What will you pay with?

Relative pronouns

The relative pronouns are used to introduce a relative clause, which then gives more information about someone or something mentioned in the main clause. These are substantival relative pronouns, however, which means they stand in for nouns or refer to whole clauses. The best English equivalents are (the person) who, (he) who, or (someone) who, and (the thing) which, (that) which, or (something) which.

Case Relative
Animate Inanimate
Nominative sol sos
Genitive soi sok
Dative son sot
Accusative sou sut
Locative son som
Instrumental sun sum


  • Sol nevvanas, nevant ás.
    A person who teaches is a teacher.
  • Tannar, sut ullan.
    Do what you want.
  • Pol sanlás, sumot tajataker.
    This is the only thing which I disagree with.
  • Pol, sut lonnais, nalj áksi.
    What he said isn't true. (or more literally, That which he said isn't true.)

Unspecified pronouns

The unspecified pronouns are similar to interrogative pronouns but refer to an unspecified person, animal, object, etc. They are never used to introduce a question. There are no direct English counterparts, the closest are who, anyone, someone, and what, anything, something.

Case Unspecified
Animate Inanimate
Nominative sēl siu
Genitive sau sâk
Dative sân sât
Accusative søn søt
Locative sēn sēm
Instrumental syn sym


  • Sannar vi, søt lallavan.
    Tell me if you see anything.
  • Sannar vi, siu ehtiavausse.
    Tell me if anything changes.
  • Ynnake, sân vettaha pei.
    I don't know who I should give this to.
  • Njainnahas sēl fjøljade.
    Someone should call the doctor. (or May someone call the doctor.)
  • Yssynnanasse, suj ti sēl søt vettas.
    It always makes him happy when someone gives him something.
  • Ynnaike, synot lottai.
    I didn't know who I was talking to.

Relative unspecified pronouns

Indefinite pronouns

Negative pronouns

Total pronouns

Manifold pronouns

Other pronouns

Case Interrogative Relative Relative unspecified Indefinite Negative Unspecified
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nom. sél séi sól sós sóles sóxes tél téi tól tóh sêl síu
Gen. sái sák sói sók sóies sóges tái ták tói tók sáu sâk
Dat. sán sát sór sót sóres soðes tán tás tór tós sân sât
Acc. séu sét sóu sút sóues súðes téu tés tóu tús sǿn sǿt
Loc. sén sém són sóm sóŋes sôŋes tén tém tón tóm sên sêm
Inst. sín sím sún súm súŋes sûŋes tín tím tún túm sýn sým
Case Total Manifold
la- (many) xa- (many) ta- (few) ja- (rarely)
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nom. fél féi lás lîn xás xîn tás tîn jás jîn
Gen. fái fâk lái lák xái xák tái ták jái ják
Dat. fân fât lán lár xán xár tán tár ján jár
Acc. féu fét lýn lýs xýn xýs týn týs jýn jýs
Loc. fén fém lén lém xén xém tén tém jén jém
Inst. fîn fím lûn lûm xûn xûm tûn tûm jûn jûm



The combined indefinite-relative pronouns are pronouns made from an indefinite and a relative pronoun. Pronouns are inflected by case and therefore cannot be the object and the subject of two different verbs at the same time. The usual construction is to use two pronouns separated by a comma, thus forming two clauses. With combined indefinite-relative pronouns, it becomes possible to use a single pronoun which is both the object and the subject of two different verbs at the same time.


  • How can you miss something (that) you never had?
  • Váj fíllallén tés, sók énnanaiŋe?
  • Váj fíllallén téssok énnanaiŋe?
Cases Indefinite Relative Indefinite-relative
Nom + Nom téi sós teós
Nom + Gen téi sók teók
Nom + Acc téi sút teút
Acc + Nom tés sós téssos
Acc + Gen tés sók téssok
Acc + Acc tés sút téssut


This kind of pronouns correspond to English we all, you all, they all pronouns. In contrary to other personal pronouns, personal-summative pronouns do not have a verbal form.

Case Personal-summative (plural)
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 4th person (obviative)
Inclusive Exclusive Inclusive Exclusive
Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep. Long Short Prep.
Nominative skjûn skû skjôr skjô stjál stjâ stál stâ kvôn kvî
Genitive skjái skja skjá- skái ska ská- stjái stja stjá- stái sta stá- kvái kva kvá-
Dative skjéu skjø skjǿ- skéu skø skǿ- stjéu stjø stjǿ- stíu sti stí- kvéu kvø kvǿ-
Accusative skjéi skje skjé- skéi ske ské- stjéi stje stjé- stéi ste sté- kvéi kve kvé-
Locative skjúi skju skjú- skúi sku skú- stjúi stju stjú- stúi stu stú- kvúi kvu kvú-
Instrumental skjói skjo skjó- skói sko skó- stjói stjo stjó- stói sto stó- kvói kvo kvó-

Adjectival pronouns

Personal possessive pronouns

Person Singular Dual Plural
Full Oblique Clitic Full Oblique Clitic Full Oblique Clitic
voc. non-v. voc. non-v. voc. non-v.
1st person Inclusive suiri sou(r)- soj- sjo- hairi hau(r)- haj- hja- njuiri njuu(r)- njyj- njy-
Exclusive xairi xau(r)- xaj- xja- njoiri njou(r)- njoj- njo-
2nd person Inclusive seiri seu(e)- sej- sje- tairi tau(r)- taj- tja- pairi pau(r)- paj- pja-
Exclusive dairi dau(r)- daj- dja- bairi bau(r)- baj- bja-
3rd person jairi jau(r)- naj- nja- koiri kou(r)- koj- kjo- jøiri jøy(r)- njøj- njø-
4th person lîsiri lîsu-/lîsr- lis-

Reflexive possessive pronoun

The forms of the reflexive possessive pronoun are:

  • long: nîjiri
  • short: nîu-
  • vocalic: nîj-
  • non-vocalic: njî-

Non-personal adjectival pronouns

Other adjectival pronouns

Qualitative Relational Possessive Quantitative
Full Oblique Clitic Full Oblique Clitic Full Oblique Full Oblique
Interrogative vreisi vrei(s)- -ér vraili vrae(l)- -ár luiri luu(r)- þammisi þammi(s)-
þammili þamme(l)-
Relative reisi rei(s)- raili rae(l)- løiri løy(r)- þëttisi þëtti(s)-
Unspecified vreisi vrei(s)- -ér vraili vrae(l)- -ár luiri luu(r)- þammisi þammi(s)-
Relative unspecified preisi prei(s)- -ép praili prae(l)- -áp pluiri pluu(r)- ƕëttisi ƕëtti(s)-
Indefinite treisi trei(s)- - noili noe(l)- -ón noiri nou(r)- tømmisi tømmi(s)-
vroila vroe(l)- -
Negative skeisi skei(s)- - saili sae(l)- - sairi sau(r)- tohhisi tohhi(s)-
Total freisi frei(s)- -ǿr faili fae(l)- -ǿf fairi fau(r)- xōl (-óh)
ēffili ēffe(l)-
mjeili mjee(l)- miiri miu(r)- mi
Manifold laevreisi laevrei(s)- laevraili laevrae(l)- laeluiri laeluu(r)- laeþammisi laeþammi(s)-
Differential ljaisi ljai(s)- -íl laili lae(l)- -ál ljairi ljau(r)-
Equal faisi fai(s)- -áf taili tae(l)- -át tairi tau(r)
Proximal šaisi šai(s)- -áš pol(i) -ól poljiri polju(r)- tymmisi tymmi(s)-
Medial čeisi čei(s)- - mol(i) -óm moljiri molju(r)- møttisi møtti(s)-
Distal kjaisi kjai(s)- - kjal -ák kjaljiri kjalju(r)- kømmisi kømmi(s)-

Demonstrative and summative pronouns

Number Case Demonstratives Summative
Nom. pól(i) sól(i) kjál(i) xôl
Gen. pái sái kjáde xái
Dat. píu síu kjádo xíu
Acc. péi séi kjáda xéi
Loc. púi súi kjádi xúi
Inst. pói sói kjádu xói
Nom. pél(i) sél(i) kján(i) xêl(i)
Gen. piái siái kjánde xiái
Dat. pýe sýe kjándo xýe
Acc. piéi siéi kjánda xiéi
Loc. piúi siúi kjándi xiúi
Inst. piói siói kjándu xiói
Nom. pál(i) sâl(i) kjân(i) xál(i)
Gen. pâs(i) sât(i) kjâfe xâs(i)
Dat. pît(i) sît(i) kjâfo xît(i)
Acc. pés(i) sét(i) kjâfa xét(i)
Loc. pût(i) sût(i) kjâfi xût(i)
Inst. pós(i) sót(i) kjâfu xós(i)
Clitic forms -(n)ool
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