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The Kala conlang...
The Kala conlang...

* [[Kala/calendar|calendar]]
* [[Kala/calendar|calendar]]
* [[Kala/chat|conversations]]
* [[Kala/etymology|etymology]]
** [[Kala/roots|roots]]
* [[Kala/lexicon|lexicon]]
* [[Kala/lexicon|lexicon]]
** [[Kala/affixes|affixes]]
** [[Kala/lexicon/theme|thematic lexicon]]
** [[Kala/lexicon/theme|thematic lexicon]]
* [[Kala/particles|particles]]
* [[Kala/phrases|phrases]]
* [[Kala/phrases|phrases]]
* [[Kala/syllables|syllables]]
* [[Kala/affixes|word formation]]
* [[Kala/affixes|word formation]]
* [[Kala/writing|writing]]
* [[Kala/writing|writing]]

= introduction =
Kala is a personal [[Wikipedia:Constructed_language|conlang]] (actually more of an [[Wikipedia:Artistic_language#Personal_languages|artlang]]), not attached to any [[Wikipedia:Worldbuilding|conworld]] or conculture.
== parts of speech ==
Kala has three parts of speech, each with several subgroups. Nouns and verbs are substantive, while particles tend to be only functional.  Many of the words can be used as both nouns and verbs. The best, and most common example would be '''ina''' (food; to eat).
* '''na ina''' - <small>1sg eat</small> - ''I eat.''
** '''na ke ina anya''' - <small>1sg O food see</small> - ''I see the food.''
== borrowing ==
Kala borrows extensively from various natural languages. This is a very small sample of borrowings:
* '''kala''' – ''to speak, talk, converse''; from Arabic [[Wiktionary:تكلم|''takallama'']]
* '''na''' – ''I, me''; from Arabic [[Wiktionary:أنا|''ʾanā'']]
* '''pato''' – ''duck (Anatidae)''; from Spanish [[Wiktionary:pato|''pato'']]
* '''tsenka''' – ''orange''; from Chinese [[Wiktionary:橙|''chéng'']]
* '''uasi''' – ''to take, get, acquire''; from Lakota [[Wiktionary:wasi'chu|''wasichu'']]
* '''myonta''' – ''to allow, permit''; from Finnish [[Wiktionary:myöntää|''myöntää'']]
* '''a''' – ''to be, exist, yes''; from Japanese [[Wiktionary:ある|''aru'']]
= phonology =
== consonants ==
* Where '''~''' appears, it indicates [[wp:Free_variation|free variation]] between phonemes.
{|class=wikitable style="text-align: center; width:60%;"
|-style="font-size: x-small;"
! Nasal
|m ('''m''')||n ('''n''')|| ||ɲ ('''ny''')|| ||
! Plosive
|p~b ('''p''')||t~d ('''t''')|| || ||k~g ('''k''')||ʔ ('''`''')
! Affricate
| ||ts ('''ts''')||t͡ɬ~tl ('''tl''')||t͡ʃ ('''ts''')|| ||
! Continuant
| ||s ('''s''')||l~ɾ ('''l''')||ʃ ('''s''')|| ||h~ɦ ('''h''')
! Semivowel
| || || ||j ('''y''')||w ('''u''')||
* '''Prenasalized''': /ᵐp ⁿt ᵑk/
* '''Labialized''':/pʷ kʷ mʷ nʷ ʃʷ hʷ t͡ʃʷ/
* '''Palatalized''': /pʲ kʲ mʲ hʲ/
<small>Note: Because of its small phoneme inventory, '''Kala''' allows for quite a lot of allophonic variation. For example, /p t k/ may be pronounced [b d ɡ] as well as [p t k], /s l h/ as [ʃ ɾ ɦ], and /t͡s t͡ɬ/ as [t͡ʃ t͡l]; also, vowels may be either long or short.</small>
== vowels ==
{| class="wikitable"
|{{IPA|i~ɪ}} '''(i)'''  || || {{IPA|u~u:}} '''(u)'''
|{{IPA|e~ɛ}} '''(e)''' || || {{IPA|o~o:}} '''(o)'''
| || {{IPA|a~a:}} '''(a)''' ||
'''Kala''' has five vowels /i/, /e/, /a/, /o/ and /u/. Each occurs in both stressed and unstressed syllables. Phonetic nasalization occurs for vowels occurring between nasal consonants or when preceding a syllable-final nasal, e.g. '''tsunka''' [ˈt͡ʃũᵑka] ('bug').
=== diphthongs ===
Phonetically, Kala has only two diphthongs, both falling; [aɪ̯] and [aʊ̯], but there are five syllables that can be analyzed as rising diphthongs; [wa], [we], [ja], [je], and [jo]. The two triphthongs [waɪ̯] and [jaʊ̯] are very rare but should be noted as possible.
== syllable structure ==
'''Kala''' syllable structure is (('''N''')'''C''')(''y, u'')'''V'''('''F'''). As in most languages, CV is the most common syllable type, accounting for the majority of '''Kala''' lemmas. The '''f'''inals /n/, /m/, and /k/ are grammatical and indicate adverbs, plurals, and negatives, respectively. They only occur word finally. So, '''nkapa''' (alcohol) is permitted, but '''''nakpa''''' is not; '''kyopo''' (fear) is acceptable, but '''''koypo''''' is not, etc. There is a limited set of syllables allowed by '''Kala''' phonotactics, similar to Japanese or Chinese. They are listed here: [[:File:Kalasyl.png|Syllable Chart]], or [[Kala/syllables|here]].
* /l/ cannot occur word initially (except in loan words and toponyms).
= word order =
The basic structure of a '''Kala''' sentence is:
AGENT--PATIENT--VERB (or [[Wikipedia:Subject–object–verb|'''SOV''']])
The agent is the person or thing doing the action described by the verb; The patient is the recipient of that action. The importance of word order can be seen by comparing the following sentences:
* '''mita tlaka anya''' - <small>dog man see</small> - ''The dog sees the man.''
* '''tlaka mita anya''' - <small>man dog see</small> - ''The man sees the dog.''
In both sentences, the words are identical, the only way to know who is seeing whom is by the order of the words in the sentence.
= nouns =
== plural ==
* Nouns can be marked plural by '''-m''' (or '''-lo''' if the consonant in the final syllable is /m/).
** In general the plural suffix is not used when the plurality of the noun is clear from context. For example, while the English sentence "there are three dogs" would use the plural "dogs" instead of the singular "dog", the '''Kala''' sentence '''mita ha'o a''' "dog three exist" keeps the word '''mita''' "dog" in its unmarked form, as the numeral makes the plural marker redundant.
** The collective plural is marked by '''tli'''-, derived from '''tatli''', meaning ''group; collection; gathering''. It is mainly used to indicate collectives of animals, but can also indicate groups of flora, geographic features, and various other groupings. This is called the collective plural ('''COL''').
* '''mita''' – dog / '''tlimita''' – pack of dogs
* '''yama''' – mountain / '''tliyamalo''' – mountain range
* '''tsaka''' – house / '''tlitsaka''' – neighborhood
* '''puku''' – clothing / '''tlipuku''' – wardrobe
== gender ==
* Gender is not normally marked but can be by '''-na''' (FEM), '''-ta''' (MASC), or nouns such as '''naka''', '''tlaka''', '''nahi''', or '''tahi''' (''the woman, the man, the girl, the boy''), etc. A gender neutral suffix, '''-nta''' may be used when the gender is unknown or ambiguous.
= determiners =
Determiners precede the noun they modify in Kala. Kala makes a three-way distinction. Typically there is a distinction between [[Wikipedia:Demonstrative#Distal_and_proximal_demonstratives|proximal]] or first person (objects near to the speaker), [[Wikipedia:Demonstrative#Distal_and_proximal_demonstratives|medial]] or second person (objects near to the addressee), and [[Wikipedia:Demonstrative#Distal_and_proximal_demonstratives|distal]] or third person (objects far from both).
* '''itla''' ('''i-''') - this (near me)
* '''uatla''' ('''ua-''') - that (near you)
* '''yetla''' ('''ye-''') - that (over there)
The demonstratives can be prefixed to any noun to show [[Wikipedia:Deixis|deixis]].
Quantifiers follow the noun that modify.
* '''kua''' ('''-kua''') - all; every; whole
* '''oli''' ('''-li''') - each; every
* '''ula''' ('''-la''') - whatever; any; some
* '''mi''' ('''-mi''') - few; little
* '''nke''' ('''-k''') - none
* '''mpa''' ('''-mpa''') - many; much; a lot
* '''maha''' - more; plus
* '''ohi''' - less; fewer
= pronouns =
'''Kala''' agent pronouns are often omitted when the person is obvious from context. There are four persons in Kala. The 4th being inanimate, or indefinite. There is a special pronoun '''na'am''' which is used as the 1st person plural exclusive, meaning "We, but not you." The 3rd person plural is irregular, all other pronoun decline regularly. Pronouns do not inflect for gender; if gender is significant, one can use words like '''naka, tlaka, nahi, tahi''' (''the woman, the man, the girl, the boy''), etc.
* '''na''' - 1st person
* '''ta''' - 2nd person
* '''ha''' - 3rd person
* '''tla''' - 4th person ("it", "one")
* '''-m''' - plural
* '''-nku''' - reciprocal (only attaches to plural pronouns)
* '''e-''' - patient
* '''-i''' - reflexive
* '''-yo''' - possessive
<small>''[[Kala/syllables#Personal_Pronouns|Here]] is a chart with all regular declensions of Kala pronouns.''</small>
Other pronouns include:
* '''tlokua''' - everyone, everybody
* '''kola''' - someone, somebody; whomever, anyone, anybody
* '''tlok''' - no one, nobody
* '''nokua''' - everything
* '''nola''' - something; whatever, anything
* '''nok''' - nothing
= verbs =
Verbs in Kala are either active or or stative. Active verbs solely denote actions and occurrences and never states in Kala. Stative verbs are the words that modify nouns in an attributive and often adjectival way. They often express a state like a quality or result.
==== tense ====
Kala has three simple tenses; past, present, and future. Present tense is unmarked. However, past ('''-ye''') and future ('''-tli''') tenses can be modified to include immediate future ("''is about to''..."), distant future ("'' a long while''"), recent past ("''just'' ..."), and remote past ("...''a long while ago''"). These distinctions are made with the augmentative and diminutive endings '''-ha''' and '''-hi'''.
* The present tense can show immediacy by using the adverb '''ima''', "now; at this time":
:'''ima mita ina''' - <small>now dog eat</small> - ''The dog is eating right now.''
* If a temporal adverb is used, the tense suffix may be omitted.
:Example: '''yomaye nam ina''' - <small>yesterday 1pl eat</small> - We ate yesterday.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 600px;"
|+ eme
! Kala
! gloss
! English
! Present
| '''mita ina''' || <small>dog eat</small> || ''The dog eats.''
! Past
| '''mita inaye''' || <small>dog eat-PST</small> || ''The dog ate.''
! Recent Past
| '''mita inayehi'''<br>or '''-hye''' || <small>dog eat-REC</small> || ''The dog just ate.''
! Remote Past
| '''mita inayeha''' || <small>dog eat-REM</small> || ''The dog ate a long while ago.''
! Future
| '''mita inatli''' || <small>dog eat-FUT</small> || ''The dog will eat.''
! Immediate Future
| '''mita inatlihi'''<br>or '''-tlai''' || <small>dog eat-IMM</small> || ''The dog will eat soon.''
! Distant Future
| '''mita inatliha''' || <small>dog eat-DIS</small> || ''The dog will eat a long while from now.''
==== aspect ====
There are four aspects in Kala. The progressive, also called the [[Wikipedia:Continuous_and_progressive_aspects|continuous]] ['''CONT'''], this is used to express an incomplete action or state in progress at a specific time. It is marked with '''-nko''', from '''nkoso''' - "to continue; proceed; progress". The [[Wikipedia:Perfective_aspect|perfective]] aspect indicates that an action is completed ['''PFV''']. It is often translated by the English present perfect (''have done some-thing''). It is marked with '''-pua''', from '''opua''' - "to end; finish; complete". The [[Wikipedia:Inchoative_aspect|inchoative]] aspect refers to the beginning of a state ['''INCH''']. It is marked with '''-mu''', from '''mula''' - "to begin; start; initiate". The [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]  aspect refers to a repeated action ['''FREQ''']. It is marked with '''-nua''', from '''nua''' - "frequent; often; regular".
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 600px;"
|+ ti'a
! Kala
! gloss
! English
! Progressive
| '''mita inanko''' || <small>dog eat-CONT</small> || ''The dog is eating.''
! Perfective
| '''mita inapua''' || <small>dog eat-PFV</small> || ''The dog has eaten.''
! Inchoative
| '''mita inamu''' || <small>dog eat-INCH</small> || ''The dog begins to eat.''
! Frequentative
| '''mita inanua''' || <small>dog eat-FREQ</small> || ''The dog eats often.''
==== mood ====
The negative mood (always marked finally) is indicated by the suffix –'''k''' or '''–nke''' (when the last syllable contains /k/).
* '''mita inayek''' - <small>dog eat-PST-NEG</small> - ''The dog did not eat.''
* '''mita mokunke''' - <small>dog sleep-NEG</small> - ''The dog does not sleep.''
= adjectives =
Kala does not have adjectives as a distinct part of speech. Instead, many intransitive verbs can be used as adjectives. This leaves open to interpretation many phrases.
* '''mita inya''' - <small>dog be.hungry</small>
** ''The dog hungers.''
** ''The dog is hungry.''
** ''The hungry dog.''
** ''A hungry dog.''
= adverbs =
Temporal adverbs in Kala precede the verb phrase they modify. Other adverbs follow the verb or adjective they modify and are explicitly marked by '''-n'''.
= prepositions =
Prepositions are placed before the noun or noun phrase, and the prepositional phrase is placed after the noun being modified, or, if used adverbially, after the verb or at the beginning of the sentence.
= conjunctions =
There are three coordinating conjunctions in Kala and three correlative conjunctions:
* '''ma''' - and; also
* '''ua''' - or
* '''ehe''' ('''me''') - but; yet
* '''yema''' - both X and Y
* '''ue''' - either X or Y
* '''uenke''' ('''uek''') - neither X nor Y
= questions =
There are two types of questions: [[Wikipedia:Yes–no_question|Polar]], those which may be answered "yes" or "no," and those which require explanations as answers. Any statement can become a polar question by adding the interrogative particle ka at the end of the sentence.
* '''mita ina''' - <small>dog eat</small> - ''The dog eats.''
** '''mita ina ka''' - <small>dog eat Q</small> - ''Does the dog eat?''
The other type contains a question word and is followed by '''ka''':
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 600px;"
|+ kanyo
! Kala
! gloss
! English
! object
| '''ke mita ina ka''' || <small>O dog eat Q</small> || ''What does the dog eat?''
! person
| '''ko ina ka''' || <small>person eat Q</small> || ''Who eats?''
! possession
| '''koyo mita ina ka''' || <small>person-POSS dog eat Q</small> || ''Whose dog eats?''
! manner
| '''to mita ina ka''' || <small>manner dog eat Q</small> || ''How does the dog eat?''
! place
| '''mo mita ina ka''' || <small>place dog eat Q</small> || ''Where does the dog eat?''
! reason
| '''nye mita ina ka''' || <small>reason dog eat Q</small> || ''Why does the dog eat?''
! time
| '''ama mita ina ka''' || <small>time dog eat Q</small> || ''When does the dog eat?''
! amount
| '''uku mita ina ka''' || <small>amount dog eat Q</small> || ''How much/many does the dog eat?''
! which
| '''ula mita ina ka''' || <small>any dog eat Q</small> || ''Which dog eats?''
= clauses =
= numbers =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 300px;"
|+ uku
! Kala
! number
! English
| '''ye'o''' || 0 || zero
| '''na'o''' || 1 || one
| '''ta'o''' || 2 || two
| '''ha'o''' || 3 || three
| '''ma'o''' || 4 || four
| '''ya'o''' || 5 || five
| '''tsa'o''' || 6 || six
| '''ka'o''' || 7 || seven
| '''pa'o''' || 8 || eight
| '''sa'o''' || 9 || nine
| '''ue'o''' || 10 || ten
| '''nye'o''' || 10<sup>2</sup> || (one) hundred
| '''tle'o''' || 10<sup>3</sup> || (one) thousand
| '''mue'o''' || 10<sup>4</sup> || (one) ten thousand
| '''kye'o''' || 10<sup>5</sup> || (one) hundred thousand
| '''nte'o''' || 10<sup>6</sup> || (one) million
| '''hue'o''' || 10<sup>9</sup> || (one) billion
== ordinals ==
Ordinal numbers take the (unstressed) prefix '''ki-'''.
* '''kina'o''' - first
* '''kiha'o''' - third
* '''kitsanyema'o''' - six hundred and fourth
== repetitions ==
Multiple numbers take the (unstressed) prefix '''ti-'''.
* '''tita'o (tao)''' - double; duo; two times
* '''tiha'o''' - triple; trio; three times
* '''tisa'o''' - nine times
* '''tikanye'o''' - seven hundred times

== fractions ==

Fractions take the (unstressed) prefix '''i-'''.

* '''ita'o''' - half
* '''iha'o''' - third
* '''ima'o''' - quarter; fourth
* '''iue'o''' - tenth
* '''iueta'o''' - twelfth
* '''imaue'o''' - fortieth
* '''inye'o''' - hundredth


Latest revision as of 11:58, 7 December 2021


The Kala conlang...