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{{infobox|pronounce={{IPA|['ʃ]}}|tu=EJW Universe, Near Future|species=Indigenous Martian Humanoid|in=Mars|no=20,000,000 (est.)|script=syllabic|tree= Tide:* Tiye
:* [[Siye]]|morph=Agglutinating/Polysynthetic|ms=Split Ergative|wo=SOV|creator=Linguarum Magister|created=2012}}
{|style="background:#f9f9f9; float: right; border: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width:30%; font-size:95%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3
|- style="text-align: center;"
!colspan=2 style="background: #dfdfdf; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; font-size: 110%;"| Siye
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Pronounced: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| ['ʃ]
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Timeline and Universe: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Earth Jungle Lord (EJL)
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Species: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Martian Hominin
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Spoken: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Mars
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Total speakers: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| 19,000,000
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Writing system: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Native Syllabary
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Genealogy: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Thide <br>&nbsp; Tide <br>&nbsp; Tiye <br>&nbsp; [[Siye]]  
!colspan=2 style="background: #dfdfdf; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0;"| Typology:
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Morphology: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Agglutinative
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Morphosyntax: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Split Ergative
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Word order: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| SOV
!colspan=2 style="background: #dfdfdf; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0;"| Credits
|style="border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 30%"| Creator: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; border-bottom: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| Linguarum Magister
|style="width: 30%"| Created: ||style="border-left: 1pt solid #c0c0c0; width: 70%"| 2012


=Phonology and Orthography=
Siye is one of the two major languages, along with Ulok, of the Martian Equator, It is spoken by nineteen million people in the Valley of the River. The Guild of Scholars estimates that there are twenty million speakers, but the Terrestrial conservative estimate separates one million speakers whose inclusion within the Simakim is more political than linguistic.

'Simakim', a key concept in linguistic and political thought, means 'area where the Siye language is spoken.' The Simakim is defined by the presence of a Siye-speaker with immovable property. If the Simayam (Siye speaker) is bilingual, the Siye portion is dominant under Siye law.

/m/ [m], > [ⁿ]/V_#, V_C
The Valley is a federation of city states and autonomous regions whose only unifying government is the Guild of Scholars, a body of grammarians based in the Central Province which regulates the grammar of Siye and therefore the validity of contracts. The Valley is divided into provinces, but unless there is need for military action, provinces are more geographical descriptions than political unities. The only permanent militia is maintained by the Far Western Province, which borders the Ulok-speaking Kingdom of Nesa.

/n/ [n]
=Phonology and Orthography=

/p/ [p], > [pʰ]/#_, [f]/_u, [ç]/_i

/t/ [t], > [tʰ]/#_, [ʦ]/_u, [ʦʰ]/#_u
[[Siye Orthography]]

/k/ [k] > [kʰ]/#_, [x]/_u, [ʧ]/_i, [ʧʰ]/#_i
/s/ [s] > [ʃ]/_i
/w/ [v]
/y/ [j]
/l/ [l]
/h/ [placeholder after /m/ [ⁿ]]
/i/ [i]
/im/ [ɪⁿ]
/e/ [e]
/em/ [ɛⁿ]
/a/ [a]
/am/ [aⁿ]
/o/ [o]
/om/ [ɔⁿ]
/u/ [u]
/um/ [ʊⁿ]
==Vowel Dominance==
Siye Vowel Dominance indicates which vowel will dominate in a vowel-vowel sequence (nasalization of vowels does not affect this). The Vowel Dominance hierarchy is listed below:
/u/ > /o/ > /a/ > /e/ > /i/
The 3rd person animate subject prefix of the verb is -i- and therefore vanishes most of the time after the object prefixes. It is, however, present in /yi-/ and /umhi-/ and /tumhi-/.
==Stress Placement==
A Siye noun receives a primary accent on the first syllable. Thus /laye silime/ receives primary accents on /la/ and /si/. A Siye verb receives a primary accent on the first syllable of the verb root.  Thus /pelekopuyamma/ receives a primary accent on /ko/. If the root is monosyllabic, the number suffix does not receive stress, If the root is polysyllabic, the number suffix does receive stress. From the number suffix onward, secondary accents occur every other syllable, with the caveat that only the first syllable of a suffix can receive an accent. Thus /ekepunemena/ is stressed /eKEpuNEmeNA/ but /epomipunemena/ is stressed /ePOmiPUnemeNA/ not */ePOmiPUneMEna/.
The Valley in which Siye is spoken stretches halfway across the Martian equator, so there are variations in speech along its length. The primary isogloss is the boundary line between nouns that use the Nominative and Accusative and those that use the Ergative and Absolutive. In Standard Siye, the dialect of the City in the Central Province and the variety on which this article is based, only pronouns and personal names can use Nominative and Accusative forms. As one travels east the range of the Nominative decreases; as one travels west towards the Mountain, the opposite occurs. Thus, all varieties of SIye use /le, la/ for the first person pronouns. All but the Far Eastern Province and the Lake use /pe, sa/ for the second person pronoun. The Mid-Eastern Province and points west place all pronouns, regardless of number, in the Nominative category. Standard Siye, from the Central Province, adds personal names to the Nominative category. The Near Western Province requires that nouns denoting humans must be in the Nominative category, reducing the number of complex cases in the spoken version of the western dialects. The Mid-Western Province treats all animate nouns as Nominative, and the Far Western Province is full nominative under the "contamination" of Ulok.
=Nominal Morphology=
1. NOMINATIVE (NOM): -0  NOM: Pronouns, Personal Names
The Nominative Case in Standard Siye is used for the subject of an intransitive clause and the subject of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is either a pronoun or a personal name. Where a Siye dialect draws the line between Nominative/Accusative and Absolutive/Ergative, in other words, where the split of the split-ergative occurs, is the primary isogloss between Siye dialects.
2. ABSOLUTIVE (ABS): -0  ABS: Everything Except Pronouns and Personal Names
The Absolutive Case is used for the subject of an intransitive clause and the object of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is not a pronoun or a personal name.
3. ACCUSATIVE (ACC): -a, -0, -ha
The Accusative Case is used for the object of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is either a pronoun or personal name. -ha occurs after syllables containing a nasal vowel. The Accusative Case is vulnerable to the depredations of vowel dominance, and therefore has a -0 surface form. See the section on complex cases to understand the interactions of this case with others that may precede it.
4. ERGATIVE (ERG): -ya, -na
The Ergative Case is used for the subject of a transitive clause, provided that the noun is not a pronoun or a personal name. -na follows a syllable contained a nasal consonant or a nasal vowel; -ya follows otherwise. Some have suggested that this is a relic of the days when the Lake-dwellers were the primary speakers of Siye.
5. GENITIVE (GEN): -ne
The Genitive Case is used to describe alienable possession or an accidental characteristic of a object.
The Possessive Case is used to describe inalienable possession or an essential characteristic of an object. The Possessive Case, unlike the other Cases, precedes rather than follows the grammatical number suffix.
7. ABLATIVE (ABL): -sum
The Ablative Case is used to describe motion away from a point or origin from a particular location.
8. LOCATIVE (LOC): -kem
The Locative Case is used to describe a location, or, in ditransitive clauses, the object being transferred or the price of the object in the Absolutive Case (more rarely, Accusative Case).
9. (AL)LATIVE/DATIVE (ALL): -su ALL: Inanimates
The Dative Case is used for the inanimate indirect object of a main clause, the inanimate indirect object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the imperfective aspect, and the inanimate direct object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the perfective aspect.
10. DATIVE (DAT): -tu DAT: Animates
The Dative Case is used for the animate indirect object of a main clause, the animate indirect object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the imperfective aspect, and the animate direct object of a Causative Construction clause when the verb of the Causative Construction clause is in the perfective aspect.
The Instrumental Case is used to describe the means by which something is done. This case is only used with Inanimate nouns in Standard Siye; therefore it is rude to use the Instrumental Case with an Animate nouns.
12. ADVERBIAL (ADV): -ku
The Adverbial Case converts roots into adverbs. The Guild of Scholars treats this as a case rather than a separate part of speech.
13. EQUATIVE (EQ): -pu
The Equative Case is used to describe the second noun or adjective in a predicate statement. It is also used as a vocative external to the core arguments of the clause.
The Comitative Case is used to describe accompaniment. It also serves as the primary nominal form of 'and', thus contrasting with the primarily verbal form -(h)(a)m.
==Complex cases==
Complex cases occur when Suffixaufnahme place an Accusative -a after another case suffix which ends in a vowel.
5. ACCUSI-GENITIVE (AGEN): -na (<-ne-a)
6. ACCUSI-POSSESSIVE (APOSS): -ma(< -me-a)
7. ACCUSI-ABLATIVE (AABL): -sumha (< -sum-a)
8. ACCUSI-LOCATIVE (ALOC): -kemha (< -kem-a)
9. ACCUSI-(AL)LATIVE/DATIVE (AALL): -su (< -su-a)
10. ACCUSI-DATIVE (ADAT): -tu (<-tu-a)
11. ACCUSI-INSTRUMENTAL (AINS): -ka (<-ki-a)
12. ACCUSI-ADVERBIAL (AADV): -ku (<-ku-a)
13. ACCUSI-EQUATIVE (AEQ): -pu (<-pu-a)
14. ACCUSI-COMITATIVE (COM): -na (<-ni-a)
==Grammatical Number==
Grammatical Numbers:
NULL (NL): -ku, -hu, -u
The Null Number refers to the absence of a particular thing. When used with an adjective, the Null Number changes an adjective to its opposite.
The Singular Number is used with singular nouns, some abstract nouns, and mass nouns.
DUAL (DU): -so
The Dual Number is used to refer to exactly two things. Although pairs of items, such as eyes, are in the Dual Number, the Dual Number does not inherently indicate a pair.
The Paucal Number refers to a group, smaller than that of Plural Number but more than the Dual Number.
PLURAL (PL): -lo
The Plural Number refers to a group, larger than that of Paucal Number. This is the generic plural in Siye.
The Pantic Number refers to all of a certain thing. It is also used as an ethnic or group designation.
Structure: ROOT-NUMBER-CASE, except if there is a Possessive Case, in which case it is ROOT-CASE-NUMBER.
==Definiteness and Numeral Placement==
Siye nouns are inherently definite.
tupi-ya                the bird
An indefinite noun requires a following /tum/.
tupi tum-na            a bird
Adjectives follow the noun.
tupi tuki-ya            the white bird
tupi tuki tum-na        a white bird
The demonstrative /me/ provides fruther definition.
tupi tuki me-na          this/that white bird
The numeral one, as all numerals do, precedes the verb.
tum tupi-ya              one bird
so tupi-so-ya            two birds
ko tupi-lo-ya            five birds
le, la: 1st person
pe, sa: 2nd person
i, ya: 3rd person animate
e, a: 3rd person inanimate
mu: 3rd person indefinite
tum: 3rd person indefinite (before subject prefix (h)i-)
m-: 3rd person indefinite (before verb root beginning with a vowel)
The second form is exclusively Accusative; all other case suffixes attach to the Nominative form.
===Non-standard pronouns===
peya, pe: 2nd person (Far Eastern Province, Lake)
iya, i: 3rd person animate (Eastern Provinces, Lake)
eya, e: 3rd person inanimate (Far Eastern Province, Mid-Eastern Province, Lake)
muna, mu: 3rd person indefinite (Far Eastern Province, Mid-Eastern Province Lake)
=Verb and Participle Structure=
==Verb Structure==
Verb Structure
1. Object Prefix
The last prefix in each list is the ya-conjugation form. The others are yi-conjugation forms.
le-, la-: 1st person
pe-, sa-: 2nd person
i-, y-, ya-: 3rd person animate
e-, a-: 3rd person inanimate

mu-: 3rd person indefinite
[[Siye Phonology]]

tum-: 3rd person indefinite

um-: reflexive
[[Siye Dialects]]

2. Subject Prefix
=Morphology and Syntax=

-le-: 1st person
==Nominal Morphology==

-pe-: 2nd person
[[Siye Nominal Morphology]]

-y-, -(h)i-: 3rd person animate
==Verbal Morphology==

-e-: 3rd person inanimate
[[Siye Verbal Morphology]]
-mu-, -m-: 3rd person indefinite
3. Root
Many basic Siye roots are suppletive and correspond with a particular aspect. CHANGE: Others, such as /-im-/, have irregular object and subject prefixes. Most verbs, however, have the same form for both perfective and imperfective verbal forms.
4. Grammatical Number
-ku: null number
-pu: singular number (also indefinite)
-so, -s-: dual number
-ke: paucal number
-lo, -l-: plural number
-ka: pantic number (i.e., all); sometimes ethnic
-pi: exclusive marker (replaces dual, paucal, plural)
The exclusive marker -pi- may replace the dual, paucal, or plural number if and only if the dual, paucal, or plural number is marked on the noun with which the verb agrees in number.
5. Causative
-sum: causative
66. Derivatives
This is a semiproductive category and Terrestrial researchers are discovering new ones
-hi, -nam: 'begin to X'. -hi- occurs after -sum-; -nam occurs everywhere else.
-(h)u-,-tam: 'continue to X'. -u occurs after -s- and -l-; -hu occurs after -sum-; -tam occurs everywhere else.
-ka: 'intend to X'
-neme: 'stop X-ing'
-te: 'want to X'
-teka- 'should/must X' (+me, +meku)
-to: negative imperative 'do not X'. -to- must combine with a negative aspect/polarity/tense marker.
-ulu: tense marker. -ulu- plus perfective aspect suffix -n- creates a definite past tense; -ulu- plus imperfective aspect suffix -m- creates strong future tense.
-wi: positive imperative 'do X'
-yam: 'able to X'
7. Directionals
-ki: 'in place'
-na: 'up'
-nu: 'down'
-su: 'away from'
-tu: 'towards'
The other suffixes are fairly self-explanatory, but -ki- probably requires some clarification. The suffix -ki- places emphasis on the stationary nature of the verb. Examples:
eletom''tu''na I bought it
eletom''su''na I sold it
eletom''ki''na I kept it in stock
8 & 9. Aspect (8) & Polarity (9)
-ma-: imperfective positive realis
-na-: perfective positive realis
-me-: imperfective positive subjunctive
-meku-: imperfective negative subjunctive
-ne-: perfective positive contrafactual
-neku-: perfective negative contrafactual
-mu-, -mew-: imperfective negative realis. -mew- occurs before the coordinative suffix -am.
-nu-, -new-: imperfective negative realis. -new- occurs before the coordinative suffix -am.
10. Relational
-(a)me: Relative 'who/what/which/that'
-(e)ki: Purpose, 'so that', Result, 'with the result that'
-(e)kem: Temporal, 'when'
-(e)su: Apodotic, 'then'
-(e)sum/-(e)sunam: Conditional, 'if
-(e)ya: Explanatory, 'because'
-umo: positive interrogative (dial. -(a)mo, Eastern Provinces, Lake)
-ukumo: negative interrogative (dial. -(a)mo, Eastern Provinces, Lake)
These suffixes and the coordinative suffix are clause final, rather than verb-final. A sentence with OVS word order, i.e., one in which the subject is the final word, will take these suffixes even though the nouns retains its original case.
11. Coordinative
-(h)(a)m: 'and'. The coordinative suffix is -ham after a syllable containing a nasal consonant; -am after a syllable ending in the vowels -i or -e; -m after a syllable containing ending in vowel -u. The expected form -sum 'then and' is homophonous with -sum 'if', so the Standard Siye form of 'then and' is -sunam (< -su-ni-am). A pronominal root combined with a coordinative suffix is considered in Siye grammar to be a special form of pronoun.
12. Negative (floater)
-ku: negative
Positions 1 and 2 often combine due to Vowel Dominance. There are two conjugations, yi-conjugation and ya-conjugation. The ya-conjugation is object-prominent. Position 3 is often suppletive depending on aspect (Position 8). Position 4 reflects the subject if the verb is imperfective, the object if the verb is perfective. It is mandatory even in the singular number. Position 5 is often derivational and triggers the Causative (Syntactical) Construction in originally transitive verbs. Position 6 is derivational; each suffix may be associated with a particularly aspect. Position 6 triggers the Causative Construction in specific cases. Position 7 is sometimes derivational, sometimes not, usually mandatory. Position 8 and 9, usually combine into one syllable. Position 10 usually indicates a subordinate clause or a matrix clause in a conditional statement. Position 11 indicates parallel clauses and may combine with Position 8/9 or Position 10. Position 12 is a mobile suffix used to disambiguate certain negative statements or strengthen an already negative statement.
==Participle Structure==
1. Root
2. Causative
3. Derivatives
4. Directionals
5. Aspect
6. Mode
7. Nominalizer
-ki: passive, instrumental
-kim: locative
-yam: active, ergative
8. Grammatical Number
9. Case
Positions 2, 3, and 4 are only present if necessary. Position 7 has three variants, active, passive, and locative. A participle lacks the Object and Subject Prefixes of a verb in a relative clause.


Basic syntax is SIAOV and uses a yi-conjugation verb. The indirect object and other non-core arguments precede the Direct Object.
[[Siye Syntax]]

(le) lesupusuma. I will leave.
=Texts and Vocabulary=

(le) yete iluluwepuma. I will find the fruit.

le layeketu tupiso iletomsosuna. I sold the two birds to the girl.
[[Siye Texts]]
If the Direct Object is fronted, the verb changes from yi-conjugation to ya-conjugation.
yete (le) yaluluwepuma. The fruit is what I will find.
tupiso le layeketu yaletomsosuna. The two birds are what I sold to the girl.
If the Indirect Object is front, the verb remains yi-conjugation.
layeke metu le tupiso iletomsuna. That girl, she's the one to whom I sold the fruit.
If the Subject requires more prominence, the verb remains yi-conjugation, but the subject follows the verbs.
lesupuwisuma lam (<le-am) petampuwisuma. 'Tis I must go, and you must bide.
yete iluluwepuma le. 'Tis I who will find the fruit.
layeketu tupiso iletomsosuna le. 'Tis I who sold the two bird to the girl.
neneka yiyokanana tupisoyam (< tupisoya-am) 'Twas the birds that ate the bugs.
As the forms /lam/ and /tupisoyam/ illustrate, the postponing of the subject results in clause-final suffixes affixing to the subject rather than the verb.The explanatory suffix -ya is the most misleading of these.
nusu laye imelo yikoputemu i. He does not want to see his sisters.
nusu laye imelo yikoputemu iya ... because he does not want to see his sisters.
==Causative Construction==
If the causative suffix is added to a transitive verb, the cases of the core arguments from the original clause are governed by the aspect of the verb. If the verb is imperfective, the originally nominative or ergative subject of the original clause becomes dative or allative, while the originally accusative or absolutive object of the original clause remains accusative or absolutive. If the verb is perfective, the opposite occurs. Position 6 suffixes take the Causative Construction except when the Object of the Causative Construction is the same as the Subject of the Causative Construction. Thus “I wanted you to see the book” (le kenosu sa eleyemputena) uses the Causative Construction, while “I wanted to see the book” (le keno eleyamputena)  does not.
==Complex Clause Order==
NP → N Adj Gen Relative-Clause Possessive Numeral Case
/tupi tuki lupate tupikelo yiyokakanamesokani/
tupi tuki lupate tupike-lo i-i-yo-ka-ka-ne-a-ame-me-so-ka-ni
bird white mountain bird.DIM-PL
With all the white birds of the two mountains who intended to eat the many small birds.
Siye uses post-positions. The preceding noun is in the Genitive Case (much less commonly, the Possessive Case).
==Relational Verb Order==
A clause with a verb ending in -(a)me is usually embedded within the matrix clause.

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)ki is either embedded within the matrix clause or follows the matrix clause.
==Thematic Vocabulary==

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)kem usually precedes the matrix clause.
[[Siye Thematic Vocabulary]]

A clause with a verb ending in -(e)ya may precede or follow the matrix clause.
=Guild of Scholars Docket=

In a conditional statement, the clause with a verb ending in -(e)sum precedes the clause a verb ending in -(e)su or -(e)sunam.
[[Guild of Scholars Docket]]
A clause ending -umo or -ukumo (dial. -(a)mo) is always the final clause.
[[Siye Texts]]

[[Category: Conlangs]]
[[Category: Conlangs]]
[[Category:A priori conlangs]]
[[Category:A priori conlangs]]

Latest revision as of 16:58, 12 April 2018


Pronounced: ['ʃ]
Timeline and Universe: Earth Jungle Lord (EJL)
Species: Martian Hominin
Spoken: Mars
Total speakers: 19,000,000
Writing system: Native Syllabary
Genealogy: Thide
Morphology: Agglutinative
Morphosyntax: Split Ergative
Word order: SOV
Creator: Linguarum Magister
Created: 2012


Siye is one of the two major languages, along with Ulok, of the Martian Equator, It is spoken by nineteen million people in the Valley of the River. The Guild of Scholars estimates that there are twenty million speakers, but the Terrestrial conservative estimate separates one million speakers whose inclusion within the Simakim is more political than linguistic.

'Simakim', a key concept in linguistic and political thought, means 'area where the Siye language is spoken.' The Simakim is defined by the presence of a Siye-speaker with immovable property. If the Simayam (Siye speaker) is bilingual, the Siye portion is dominant under Siye law.

The Valley is a federation of city states and autonomous regions whose only unifying government is the Guild of Scholars, a body of grammarians based in the Central Province which regulates the grammar of Siye and therefore the validity of contracts. The Valley is divided into provinces, but unless there is need for military action, provinces are more geographical descriptions than political unities. The only permanent militia is maintained by the Far Western Province, which borders the Ulok-speaking Kingdom of Nesa.

Phonology and Orthography


Siye Orthography


Siye Phonology


Siye Dialects

Morphology and Syntax

Nominal Morphology

Siye Nominal Morphology

Verbal Morphology

Siye Verbal Morphology


Siye Syntax

Texts and Vocabulary


Siye Texts

Thematic Vocabulary

Siye Thematic Vocabulary

Guild of Scholars Docket

Guild of Scholars Docket