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[[User:Danielsavoiu|Danielsavoiu]] 03:09, 16 November 2005 (PST)
[[User:Danielsavoiu|Danielsavoiu]] 03:09, 16 November 2005 (PST)

Latest revision as of 14:06, 25 March 2006


This language is intended to be simple to learn and simple to speak and write. It follows a few simple rules:

  • Static conjugation
  • Static declension
  • No gramatical gender
  • No diacritic marks

Sounds and Phonetics


  • abcdefghijlmnoprstuvxz – Pronounced like in Latin
  • k = k in English
  • y = ы in Russian (like 'e' in 'roses' when muttered through the teeth)
  • w = short u

Letter groups

  • sh = “sh” in English /ʃ/
  • ts = “ts” in English /ʦ/
  • zh = “zh” in English /ʒ/
  • ce,ci = “che” , “chi” in English /ʧ/


AW ; AJ ; EW ; EJ ; OW ; OJ ; UJ ; YJ ; WA ; WE ; WO ; JA ; JE ; JO ; JU ; JY

Everything else in in separate syllables.

Grammar and Morphology


Static declension
No gramatical gender
Definite article sg: lo
Definite article pl: le (plural is achieved by adding an i to the noun)

Can be:

-	Subject - DIR
-	Predicative Denominator - DIR
-	Apposition - DIR
-	Direct, Indirect, Circumstantial Object – DIR;IND;IND
-	Attribute – IND
-	Agent Object - DIR
  • Has 2 cases N/A ; G/D = Direct ; Indirect = Dir ; Ind
  • For case-specific prepositions see ‘Prepositions’ section


Crat ; lo Crat ; Vaka ; lo Vaka


Static conjugation

  • grI <=> R = X + [consonant]
  • grII <=> R = X + [vowel]


   Past  >  Present  >  Future
    ||        | |         ||
    \/        \ /         \/
   R+ec        R         R+av
[esec;irec] [es;ir]  [esav;irav]
Infinitive: R + ‘at’  [esat ; irat]
Gerund: R + ‘and’ [esand ; irand]
Participle: R + ‘it’  [esit ; irit]
Conditional: R + ‘-ko’ [es-ko ; ir-ko]
Imperative: for grI : R + last cons of R + ‘i’ [essi ; irri]
Imperative: for grII: R + ‘i’                   [moi ; saj]
Imperative: for pl. and politeness = Imp + ‘te’ [essite;sajte]

Copulative verbs:

-	Esat    = to be         |
-	Menat   = to mean       |
-	Numat   = to be called  |+ what OR how
-	Rodat   = to be born    |
-	Devenat = to become     |



pI    | Jo  || Mi  |
pII   | Tu  || Vu  |
pIIIm | Il  || Ili |
pIIIf | Ilo || Ili |
 Imp  | Ilo ||  X  |
 Refl |    Sinu    |

Posessive: Personal + ‘m’ [Jom ago ; Tum ago]


   ke  |ka  = this     |that
   ket |kat = this+noun|that+noun

Relative / Interrogative:

   Ho  - What
   Hno – Who
   Ki - which


   Nihno - Nobody
   Niho  - Nothing


   Hemi         - all
   Hemiti + noun – all + noun




on duv trej shtar sen sei set pot nov tsek sent limm milion
1  2   3    4     5   6   7   8   9   10   100  1000 1000000


tsek-on tsek-duv sent-duvtsek-duv
11      12       122             

Ordinal = Cardinal + ‘st’ Divisive: x/y = Xcard + Ydivisive ; Divisive = Cardinal + ‘ton’


  • 19,382,948,395,280 = 19 limm 382 sent miliardi 948 milioni 395 limm 282
  • 1,248,225 = on milion duvsent-shtartsek-pot limm duvsent-duvtsek-sen
  • 285,482,333 = duvsent-pottsek-sen milioni shtarsent-pottsek-duv limm trejsent-trejtsek-trej


Direct Case:





Indirect Case: CObj

‘cam’ – CM = like
‘po’  – CL = on
‘o’   - CL = to
 ...etc... (indicating time,place,manner,scope,cause)


‘o’ = lo Crat o lo mad = the house of the girl


‘o’ = Io saj o lo mad = I say to the girl
‘so’ = with
...etc... (any other)

Adjective / Adverb

  • Lo ret crat. – Attribute , IND <- Adject
  • Lo crat es ret. – Pred. Denom. , DIR <- Adject
  • Lo mad scrib ret – Cobj , IND <- Adverb

Comparative Degree:

-Positive      = ret
-	Superior  = reter     |\
-	Inferior  = sam ret   | + cam [smth]
-	Equal     = puste ret |/
-	Absolute  = forte ret
-	Relotive  = retest
  • Evidentalmente - obviously
  • Clasicalmente - classically

Translation Samples


A chemical reaction is a process involving one, two or more substances (called reactants), characterized by a chemical change and
yielding one or more product(s) which are different from the reactants. 
Classically, chemical reactions encompass changes that
strictly involve the motion of electrons, although the general concept of a chemical reaction (in particular the notion of a
chemical equation) is applicable to transformations of elementary particles, as well as nuclear reactions.


On reactsion kimik es on proces implicand on, duv aj multer substantsi (numiti reactanti), caracterizati de on camb kimik ej
rezultand on aj multer product(i) ki es diferent(i) o le reactanti.
Clasicalmente, reactsioni kimiki avolget cambi ki
strictalmente impliket lo motsion o electroni, ben ke lo concept general o reactsii kimiki (spetsialmente lo notion o ekuatsion  
kimik) es aplicable o le transformatsionii o particuli elementari, cam es reactii nucleari

Danielsavoiu 03:09, 16 November 2005 (PST)