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{{infobox|name=Henaudute ([[Image:Henaudute-hee.gif]][[Image:Henaudute-nau.gif]][[Image:Henaudute-du.gif]][[Image:Henaudute-te.gif]])|pronounce=/hæːnaudute/|tu=[[Arda]]|species=Humans|in=[[../Yellow Empire/]]<br>(''Ῥαυραρ Ἡνατε'')<br>1400 AM|no=—|script=[[../Henaudute abugida/]]|tree=''[[Dele]]''<br>&nbsp;'''Henaudute'''|morph=Fusional|ms=Accusative|wo=VO|creator=[[User:Muke|Muke Tever]] &#x7c; [[User Talk:Muke|✎]]|date=2001}}
Henaudute (''Ἡναυδυτε'') is a [[Dele]] language, spoken on [[Arda]].

*Timespan: beginning from 1400s ''anno mundi'' ≈ classical times
'''Henaudute''' ({{x|Henaudute|hee|nau|du|te}}, /hæːnaudute/) is a language of [[Arda]]. 
*Setting: [[Arda:Yellow Empire|Yellow Empire]] (''Ῥαυραρ Ἡνατε'')
*[[Henaudute Lexicon]]
*[[Henaudute texts]]
*[[Henaudute ceremonial calendar]]
*[[List of rulers of the Yellow Empire]]
The phonology of Henaudute is very similar to that of Ancient Greek, and for convenience is spelled with the same alphabet.  For convenience it is transliterated to Latin characters in the Roman manner, with one exception, in that ''k'' is used for ''κ''.
! || Bilabial || Dental || Velar || Glottal
! Voiceless stop
| '''π''' /p/ || '''τ''' /t/ || '''κ''' /k/ ||
! Aspirated stop
| '''φ''' /pʰ/ || '''θ''' /tʰ/ || '''χ''' /kʰ/ ||
! Voiced stop
| '''β''' /b/ || '''δ''' /d/ || '''γ''' /ɡ/ ||
! Voiceless fricative
|      || '''σ'''/'''ς''' /s/ ||  || '''῾''' /h/
! Voiced fricative
|      || '''ζ''' /z/ ||  ||
! Nasal
|  '''μ''' /m/ || '''ν''' /n/ || ('''γ''' [ŋ]) ||
! Liquid
|        || '''λ''' /l/ || ||
! Tap
|        || '''ρ''' /ɾ/ || ||

*Author: [[User:Muke|Muke Tever]] | [[User Talk:Muke|✎]]

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In etymologies, ** indicates a root not in the Dele word list, while * is a regular Dele word.
There are three genders, '''ταν''' (''tan'', fire), '''λῡε''' (''lūe'', water), and '''γαρη''' (''garē'', earth).  
The citation form is nom. sg., gen. sg. for nouns, and 1sg. for verbs.  The symbol · in a verb indicates the infix point.
*'''ἁ''' ''pron.rel.'' '''αὑ''' ''obl.''
*'''ἁ·βνε''' ''v.'' to be four.  '''ἁφθα''' ''num.'' four.  '''ἁβρα''' ''num.'' fourth.
*'''ἁ·γνε''' ''v.'' to be red.
*'''ἁ·θνε''' ''v.'' to know.
*'''ἀιτε''', -τεν ''l.'' name, noun.
*'''ἀιτλε''', -λᾱν ''l. sg., t. pl.'' word. 
*'''ἀλ''' ''pron. dem.'' that.  '''ἀλλυ''' ''obl.''
*'''ἁ·λνε''' ''v.'' to be nine.  '''ἁλθα''' ''num.'' nine. '''ἁλδρα''' ''num.'' ninth.
*'''ἀ·μνε''' ''v.'' to sit.
*'''ἀν''' ''pron. dem.'' this; ''def. art.'' the.  '''ἀννυ''' ''obl.''
*'''ἁργλη''', -λα ''t.'' jackal. —''**srgāl-''.
*'''ἀρ''' ''pron. dem.'' that yonder.  '''ἀρῥυ''' ''obl.''
*'''ἀρε''', -ρεν ''l.'' the sun.
*'''ἁς''' ''conj.'' and.
*'''ἀτρα''', -τρα ''t.'' brother's wife.
*'''α·ὑνε''' ''v.'' to be two. '''αὑ''' ''num.'' two. '''αὑρα''' ''num.'' second, 2nd.
*'''ἀ·χνε''' ''v.'' to bite.
*'''βαι·νε''' ''v.'' to curse.
*'''βα·χνε''' ''v.'' to hide, conceal.
*'''βορῥι·νε''' ''v.'' to be warlike.  '''βορῥη''', -ρῥινα ''g.'' Borrhē, the third day of the week.
*'''βρελ''', -λα ''t.'' month, about 35 days.
*'''βρερτη''', -τεν ''l.'' Brertē, second week of the month.
*'''βῡ''', βυα ''t.'' father's mother.
*'''γα·θνε''' ''v.'' to recline.
*'''γα·κνε''' ''v.'' to defecate; to be bad.
*'''γαλ''', -λα ''t.'' bird.
*'''γαρη''' -ρνα ''g.'' earth, land; inanimate gender
*'''γαρνωβρελ''', -λα ''t.'' Gar, the third nobrel of the lada.
*'''γαρτοι''', -τοιχα ''t.'' gnome.
*'''γε''' ''pron. pers. 2pl.'' '''γευ''' ''obl.''
*'''γοχλαδα''', -δα ''t.'' the second lada of a rhike.
*'''γραρτη''', -τεν ''l.'' Grartē, third week of the month.
*'''δα·θνε''' ''v.'' to dry.
*'''δαλ''', -λα ''t.'' brother; elder brother.
*'''δε·βνε''' ''v.'' to swear.  '''δεβη''', -βνα ''g.'' oath. 
*'''δελ''', -λα ''t.'' tongue.
*'''δηθνε''', -να ''t.'' father.
*'''δηκε''', -κᾱν ''l.'' a horn.
*'''δηνα''', -να ''t.'' man.
*'''δηνυ''', -να ''t.'' son's wife.
*'''δη·χενε''' ''v.'' to be long (in space)
*'''δηψῑ''', -ψῑν ''t.'' (pl. tant.) teachings.
*'''δλη·νε''' ''v.'' to be jovial.  '''δλη''', δληνα ''g.'' Dlē, the fifth day of the week.
*'''δρῑγι''', -γα ''t.'' zodiac; a sequence of eleven rhiki, about 23,100 days.
*'''δῡνε''' (δυ·υνε) ''v.'' to mill, grind.
*'''δυ·ρνε''' ''v.'' to be round.
*'''εἰνε''' (ε·ενε) ''v.'' to be hot.
*'''εἱ·ννε''' ''v.'' to bless.
*'''ἑ·λνε''' ''v.'' to drink.
*'''ἑν''', ἑμα ''t.'' eye.
*'''ἠδα''' ''prep.'' before, in front of.  '''ἠδη''', -δανα ''g.'' front, face.
*'''ἠδε''' -δειν ''l.'' lake. 
*'''ἡ·νανε''' ''v.'' to be yellow.
*'''ἡνωβρελ''', -λα ''t.'' He, fourth nobrel of the lada.
*'''ἡτοι''', -τοιχα ''t.'' sylph.
*'''ἡχε''' ''prep.'' behind.
*'''θρα·ννε''' ''v.'' to be holy; to go berserk.  '''θρανη''', -ννα ''g.'' Thranē, the second day of the week.
*'''θυ·τνε''' ''v.'' to be beautiful.  '''θυτη''', -τνα ''g.'' Thutē, sixth day of the week.
*'''ἱ''', ἱκα ''t.'' son.
*'''῾ῑθιτε·νε''' ''v.'' to be gray.
*'''ἰμε''', -μεν ''l.'' grease, fat.
*'''᾿ῑνε''' (ἰ·ινε) ''v.'' to be many.
*'''ἱ·ννε''' ''v.'' to be one.  '''ἱν''' ''num.'' one. '''ἱνδρα''' ''num.'' first.
*'''ἰσ·νε''' ''v.'' to poison.  —Etym. uncertain.
*'''ἱ·τνε''' ''v.'' to spoil.
*'''῾ῑ·φινε''' ''v.'' to be black.
*'''και·χνε''' ''v.'' to be all.  '''καιχη''', -χνα ''g.'' whole.
*'''καλε''', -λεν ''l.'' neck.
*'''κενε''', -νεν ''l.'' head.
*'''κη·νε''' ''v.'' to be three. '''κη''' ''num.'' three. '''κηρα''' ''num.'' third.
*'''κῑ·μινε''' ''v.'' to do.
*'''κιρη''', -ρνα ''g.'' leather.
*'''κουνε''' (κο·ονε) ''v.'' to rain. '''κου''', κοα ''t.'' rain.
*'''λᾱδα''', -δα ''t.'' lada, or "long year", about 700 days.
*'''λαλη''', -λνα ''g.'' a day.
*'''λαλλι''', -λλα ''t.'' bitterness.
*'''λαλλιδρατη''', -τεν ''l.'' Lallidratē, fifth week of the month.
*'''λαν''', λαμα ''t.'' hand.
*'''λαρ''', -ρα ''t.'' ox.
*'''λε''' ''prep.'' through.
*'''λε''' ''pron. pers. 2sg.'' '''λευ''' ''obl.''
*'''λει''', λειεν ''l.'' flesh, skin.
*'''λε·τνε''' ''v.'' to fly.
*'''ληε''', ληᾱν ''l.'' star.
*'''λιθη''', -θνα ''g.'' ritual.
*'''λι·θνε''' ''v.'' to be one hundred. '''λισθα''' ''num.'' hundred. '''λιθρα''' ''num.'' hundredth.
*'''λιφη''' -φνα ''g.'' mountain.
*'''λιχη''', -χνα ''g.'' sand.
*'''λογε''', -γεν ''l.'' ear.
*'''λο·ρνε''' ''v.'' to sleep.  '''λορῥολη''', -λανα ''g.'' pillow.
*'''λου''', λωα ''t.'' tiger. —''**lōhu-''
*'''λυ''', λυκα ''t.'' wolf.
*'''λῡνωβρελ''', -λα ''t.'' Lu, the second nobrel of the lada.
*'''λῡσιφαγ·νε''' ''v.'' be [[Fanglutsen]].  '''λῡσιφαγγε''', -ᾱν ''l. sg., t. pl.'' a Fanglutsen person
*'''λῡτοι''', -τοιχα ''t.'' undine. 
*'''λυσσα''', -σσα or '''λυττα''', -ττα ''t.'' young wolf.
*'''λω·χονε''' ''v.'' to hear.
*'''μα''', μαδα ''t.'' woman.
*'''μα·θνε''' ''v.'' to be good.
*'''μα·ινε''' ''v.'' to happen.
*'''μαυ''', μαα ''t.'' hare.
*'''μενε''', -νεν ''l.'' belly.
*'''μερε''', -ρεν ''l.'' moon.
*'''μη·ανε''' ''v.'' to be night, dark. '''μηαθη''' or '''μηθη''', -θανα ''g.'' night.
*'''μηϊδρατη''', -τεν ''l.'' Mēidratē, fourth week of the month.
*'''μημνε''', -να ''t.'' mother.
*'''μηχα''', -χα ''t.'' fright, fear.
*'''μι''' ''prep.'' in, within.  '''μιη''', μινα ''g.'' inside.
*'''να''' ''prep.'' amid, between.  '''νακη''', -κνα ''g.'' center.
*'''να·δνα''' ''v.'' to swim.
*'''νακλα·νε''' ''v.'' to fill.
*'''ναι''', ναια ''t.'' daughter.
*'''ναμε''', -μεν ''l.'' egg.
*'''νατε''', -τεν ''l.'' body.
*'''ναυρ''', -ρα ''t.'' strength.
*'''νε''', ''pron. pers. 1sg.'' '''νευ''' ''obl.''
*'''νελε''', -λεν ''l.'' cloud.
*'''νολ''', -λλα ''t.'' hog.
*'''νοθε''', -θεν ''l.'' finger.
*'''νο·ρνε''' ''v.'' to go.
*'''νο·τνε''' ''v.'' to be five. '''νοσθα''' ''num.'' five. '''νοτρα''' ''num.'' fifth.
*'''νο·χινε''' ''v.'' to be silent.  '''νοχη''', -χινα ''g.'' Nochē, seventh day of the week.
*'''νυε''', νῡεν ''l.'' breast.
*'''νυ·ινε''' ''v.'' to stop, stand.
*'''νυρ''', ''prep.'' near; almost. '''νυρη''' -ρνα ''g.'' vicinity, surroundings, neighborhood.
*'''νωβρελ,''' -βρελα ''t.'' nobrel, or "quinquemester", about 175 days.
*'''ὁ·πνε''' ''v.'' to eat.
*'''οὐνε''' (ὀ·ονε) ''v.'' to break.
*'''οὐνε''' (ὀ·ονε) ''v.'' to laugh.
*'''οὐλαδα''', -δα ''t.'' the third lada of a rhike.
*'''ὁφη''', -φνα ''g.'' seed.
*'''πανδῑγι''', -γα ''t.'' panther.  —''**pan- *dīgi''
*'''πιμβλαδα''', -δα ''t.'' the first lada of a rhike.
*'''πωλαλε''', -λεν  ''l.'' a week, seven days.
*'''ῥαρτη''', -τεν ''l.'' Rhartē, first week of the month.
*'''ῥε·υνε''' ''v.'' to shine.  '''ῥευτη''', -τενα ''g.'' Rheutē, the first day of the week.
*'''ῥικε''', -κιεν ''l.'' rhike, or cycle of three ladi, about 2,100 days.
*'''ῥοχυ''', -χα ''t.'' turtle.
*'''σις''', -σα ''t.'' lion.  —''**sisi-''
*'''ταλλα''', -λλακα ''t.'' phœnix.
*'''ταννωβρελ''', -λα ''t.'' Tan, first nobrel of the lada.
*'''ταντοι''', -τοιχα ''t.'' salamander.
*'''τοχον·νε''' ''v.'' to be obscure, be mysterious.  '''τοχονη''', -ννα ''g.'' Tochonē, fourth day of the week.
*'''ὑ''' ''prep.'' on top of.  '''ὑη''', ὑνα ''g.'' top (part).
*'''ὑ''' ὑτα ''t.'' daughter's husband.
*'''ὑδε''', -δεν ''l.'' tail.
*'''ὑ·δνε''' ''v.'' to be big.
*'''ὑλε''', -λεν ''l.'' muscle.
*'''ὑν-''' ''pref. neg.''

*'''Ταν''' is, broadly, all terms of high animacy; this class includes people, animals, ''σταφθα'' (''staphtha'', self-propelled) processes such as fire, and complex systems, where "complex systems" are symptoms comprising simpler systems. An example is ''λαν'' (''lan'', the hand), which comprises ''νοθι'' (''nothi'', fingers).
*'''χα·μνε''' ''v.'' to see.
*'''Λῡε,''' terms of low animacy, including simple systems, plants, collectives, verbal nouns, parts of ''ταν'' things, and ''ὑνταφθε'' (''huntaphthe'', non-propelled) processes such as rivers.
*'''χαρ''', -ρα ''t.'' heart (seen as the seat of emotions). '''χαρε''', -ρεν ''l.'' heart (body part).
*'''Γαρη,''' inanimate terms, including parts of ''λῡε'' things, diminutives, augmentatives, mass nouns, words and letters.
*'''χατε''', -τεν ''l.'' bone.
*'''χει''', χειεν ''l.'' feather.  '''χεισιφαπε''', -πεν ''l.'' "featherbark", an aromatic medicinal plant.
*'''χεν''' ''pron. pers. 1pl. inclusive'' '''χεισυ''' ''obl.''
*'''χευνε''', -νεν ''l. sg., t. pl.'' member of a tribe. '''χευνηδα''', -δα ''t.'' king, tribal chief.
*'''χηυλη''', -λανα ''g.'' stone, rock.
*'''χι·λνε''' ''v.'' to be like or similar.
*'''χο·βνε''' ''v.'' to be eight. '''χοφθα''' ''num.'' eight. ''χοβρα'' ''num.'' eighth.
*'''χοδα,''' -δα ''t.'' father's father; head of household; fiancée's father; respectful term of address, Mr., sir.
*'''χο·ονε''' ''v.'' to croak; to caw. 
*'''χοσι''', -σα ''t.'' fish.
*'''χουλα''', -λα ''t.'' charm, charisma.
*'''χυδη''', -δνα ''g.'' root.
*'''χυρ''' ''prep.'' next to.  '''χυρη''', -ρνα ''g.'' side.

[[Category:Dele languages]]
*'''ὠθε''', -θουν ''l.'' liver.
*'''ὠ·μονε''' ''v.'' to smoke. '''ὠμο''', -μα ''t.'' smoke.
*'''ὡ·ρονε''' ''v.'' to drop, let go.

Latest revision as of 21:21, 5 April 2010

Henaudute (Henaudute-hee.gifHenaudute-nau.gifHenaudute-du.gifHenaudute-te.gif)
Pronounced: /hæːnaudute/
Timeline and Universe: Arda
Species: Humans
Spoken: Yellow Empire
(Ῥαυραρ Ἡνατε)
1400 AM
Total speakers:
Writing system: Henaudute abugida
Genealogy: Dele
Morphological type: Fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Accusative
Basic word order: VO
Creator: Muke Tever |
Created: 2001

Henaudute (heenaudute, /hæːnaudute/) is a language of Arda.



The phonology of Henaudute is very similar to that of Ancient Greek, and for convenience is spelled with the same alphabet. For convenience it is transliterated to Latin characters in the Roman manner, with one exception, in that k is used for κ.


Bilabial Dental Velar Glottal
Voiceless stop π /p/ τ /t/ κ /k/
Aspirated stop φ /pʰ/ θ /tʰ/ χ /kʰ/
Voiced stop β /b/ δ /d/ γ /ɡ/
Voiceless fricative σ/ς /s/ /h/
Voiced fricative ζ /z/
Nasal μ /m/ ν /n/ (γ [ŋ])
Liquid λ /l/
Tap ρ /ɾ/



There are few if any true adjectives; most are participial forms.

Comparison of adjectives is formed by prefixation.

ου -θα = ουθα
old PART:T : "old"
ἀμ- ου -θα = ἀμουθα
COMP old PART:T : "older"
ἰσ- ου PART:T = ἰσουθα
SUP old ADJ:TAN : "oldest"


There are three genders, ταν (tan, fire), λῡε (lūe, water), and γαρη (garē, earth).

  • Ταν is, broadly, all terms of high animacy; this class includes people, animals, σταφθα (staphtha, self-propelled) processes such as fire, and complex systems, where "complex systems" are symptoms comprising simpler systems. An example is λαν (lan, the hand), which comprises νοθι (nothi, fingers).
  • Λῡε, terms of low animacy, including simple systems, plants, collectives, verbal nouns, parts of ταν things, and ὑνταφθε (huntaphthe, non-propelled) processes such as rivers.
  • Γαρη, inanimate terms, including parts of λῡε things, diminutives, augmentatives, mass nouns, words and letters.