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==Noun morphology==
==Noun morphology==
Substantives flect according to '''number''' (''singular-plural'') and '''case''' (''nominative-genitive-dative-accusative''). Since the original endings were cancelled by phonetical changes (loss of final vowels, palatalization, lenition), declension is expressed by phonetical mutations of the starting and final consonant.
Nouns are divided in three declensions, depending on their genre and their ancient ending (vowel-consonant)
* '''1st declension''' - Nouns starting in consonant and ending in consonant - Masculine
* '''1st declension''' - Nouns starting in consonant and ending in consonant - Masculine

Line 201: Line 205:
| Accusative || DAKIU || DAKIO || ë dacu || eň ðac || v'u ðacu || v'ë ðac
| Accusative || DAKIU || DAKIO || ë dacu || eň ðac || v'u ðacu || v'ë ðac
===Foreign borrowings===
Keβag borrowed some words from other languages, as ancient terms from Latin or today words from modern languages. Since Keβag words' declension is based on their ancient forms, foreign terms adapted to its particular declension.
*'''From Latin''':
Words from Latin entered the language in different periods, and could endure Keβag typical phonetical changes. Latin words are used to adapt to Keβag declension patterns:
: - Latin words ending in -us were declined as Keβag words in -OM
: - Latin words ending in -a were declined as Keβag feminine words in -O
: - Latin words ending in consonant were declined as Keβag words belonging to the 3rd declension.
* Avoxat (from Latin ''advocatus'')
|colspan=3| <center>'''avoxat''' (''lawyer'')</center>
| || colspan=2| ''Definite declension''
| || Singular || Plural || Singular
| Nominative || ënh avoxat || eμ avoxat'
| Genitive || ëň avoxat' || eμëz avoxat
| Dative || e-avoxat || em'-avoxat'a
| Accusative || ë-avoxatu || eμ avoxat
* Proceşo (from Latin ''processio, -onis'')
|colspan=3| <center>'''proceşo''' (''procession'')</center>
| || colspan=2| ''Definite declension''
| || Singular || Plural || Singular
| Nominative || ë proceşo || e phroceşoň
| Genitive || ë phroceşoň  || enu proceşon
| Dative || e phroceşon || eňa phroceşoňa
| Accusative || ë proceşoňu || eň phroceşoň
*'''From modern languages''':
Words from modern languages (usually from English, French, German, but also Spanish, Italian and Russian) have entered the Keβag lexycon. On the contrary to Latin these languages have no declension pattern matching Keβag ones and nouns are placed in a declension pattern arbitrarily (sometimes respecting the original genre in some language). Orthography usually adapts to Keβag writing rules, but phonetics do not; in this way when a noun ends with an unusual consonant for Keβag phonology, this consonant remains unchanged in declension.
* Këmp'uter (from English ''computer'') - 1st masculine declension
|colspan=3| <center>'''këmp'uter''' (''computer'')</center>
| || colspan=2| ''Definite declension''
| || Singular || Plural || Singular
| Nominative || ë këmp'uter || en xëmp'uter'
| Genitive || ë xëmp'uter' || enu këmp'uter
| Dative || e xëmp'uter || eňa xëmp'uter'a
| Accusative || ë këmp'uter'u || en xëmp'uter

Line 528: Line 597:
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| I || LARO KATE || lër kat' || OLASOR KATE || olëzër kat' || ME LARO KATE || μër xat' || ME OLASOR KATE || μozër kat'
| I || LARO KATE || lër xat' || OLASOR KATE || olëzër kat' || ME LARO KATE || μër xat' || ME OLASOR KATE || μozër kat'
| Thou || LEMOR KATEN || lemër kat' || OLEMOR KATEN || olëμër kat' || ME LEMOR KATEN || μër kat' || ME OLEMOR KATEN || μolër kat'
| Thou || LEMOR KATEN || lemër kat' || OLEMOR KATEN || olëμër kat' || ME LEMOR KATEN || μër kat' || ME OLEMOR KATEN || μolër kat'
Line 538: Line 607:
| You || LUR KATI || lër kat' || OLURU KATIS || oloru xat' || ME LUR KATI || mor kat' || ME OLURU KATIS || μolur xat'
| You || LUR KATI || lër kat' || OLURU KATIS || oloru xat' || ME LUR KATI || mor kat' || ME OLURU KATIS || μolur xat'
| They || LIR KATUN || l'ër xatu || OLIRI KATUN || ol'ër xatu || ME LIR KATUN || m'ër katu || ME OLIRI KATUN || μol'ër xatu
| They || LIR KATUN || l'ër katu || OLIRI KATUN || ol'ër xatu || ME LIR KATUN || m'ër katu || ME OLIRI KATUN || μol'ër xatu

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| They || LIR ASUN || l'ërh asu || OLIRI ASUN || ol'ërh asu || ME LIR ASUN || m'ërh asu || ME OLIRI ASUN || μol'ërh asu
| They || LIR ASUN || l'ërh asu || OLIRI ASUN || ol'ërh asu || ME LIR ASUN || m'ërh asu || ME OLIRI ASUN || μol'ërh asu
===Subordinate declension===
Subordinate/subjunctive forms did not exist in the ancient language, but they were created by fusion of the subordinating conjunction '''SA''' + the other forms of verbs.
* '''1st active conjugation''' - Verbs starting in consonant
| colspan=9|<center>'''kato''' (''to see'')</center>
|  ||colspan=4| <center>''Positive''</center>||colspan=4| <center>''Negative''</center>
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| I || SA LA KATE || së xat' || SA OLAS KATE || zlë kat' || SA ME LA KATE || zμë xat' || SA ME OLAS KATE || zμolë kat'
| Thou || SA LEM KATEN || së kat' || SA OLEM KATEN || sol kat' || SA ME LEM KATEN || zμë kat' || SA ME OLEM KATEN || zμol kat'
| He/She/It || SA LO KAT || se xa || SA OLO KATO || sol xat || SA ME LO KAT || zμë xa || SA ME OLO KATO || zμol xat
| We || SA LUV KATOM || so kat || SA OLU KATOM || zlë xat || SA ME LUV KATOM || zmo kat || SA ME OLU KATOM || zμolë xat
| You || SA LOS KATI || su kat' || SA OLU KATIS || zlë xat' || SA ME LUS KATI || zmo kat' || SA ME OLU KATIS || zμolë xat'
| They || SA LI KATUN || şë xatu || SA OLI KATUN || şol' xatu || SA ME LI KATUN || zm'ë xatu || SA ME OLI KATUN || zμol' xatu
* '''2nd active conjugation''' - Verbs starting in vowel
| colspan=9|<center>'''aso''' (''to eat'')</center>
|  ||colspan=4| <center>''Positive''</center>||colspan=4| <center>''Negative''</center>
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| I || SA LA ASE || s-aş || SA OLAS ASE || zlëz aş || SA ME LA ASE || zμ-aş || SA ME OLAS ASE || zμolëz aş
| Thou || SA LEM ASEN || sëμ aş || SA OLEM ASEN || zlëμ aş || SA ME LEM ASEN || zμëμ-aş || SA ME OLEM ASEN || zμolëμ aş
| He/She/It || SA LO AS || s-a || SA OLO ASO || sol-as || SA ME LO AS || zm-a || SA ME OLO ASO || zμol-as
| We || SA LUV ASOM || soβ as || SA OLU ASOM || zlë as || SA ME LUV ASOM || zmoβ as || SA ME OLU ASOM || zμolë as
| You || SA LUS ASI || sol aş || SA OLU ASIS || zlë aş || SA ME LUS ASI || zmoz aş || SA ME OLU ASIS || zμolë aş
| They || SA LI ASUN || şl-asu || SA OLI ASUN || şol'-asu || SA ME LI ASUN || zm'-asu || SA ME OLI ASUN || zμol'-asu
* '''1st passive conjugation''' - Verbs starting in consonant
| colspan=9|<center>'''kato''' (''to see'')</center>
|  ||colspan=4| <center>''Positive''</center>||colspan=4| <center>''Negative''</center>
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| I || SA LARO KATE || sër xat' || OLASOR KATE || zlëzër kat' || SA ME LARO KATE || zμër xat' || SA ME OLASOR KATE || zμozër kat'
| Thou || SA LEMOR KATEN || semër kat' || SA OLEMOR KATEN || zlëμër kat' || SA ME LEMOR KATEN || zμër kat' || SA ME OLEMOR KATEN || zμolër kat'
| He/She/It || SA LOR KAT || sër ka || SA OLORO KATO || zlër xat || SA ME LOR KAT || zμër ka || SA ME OLORO KATO || zμolor xat
| We || SA LUVOR KATOM || soβër kat || SA OLURU KATOM || zloru xat || SA ME LUVOR KATOM || zmoβër kat || SA ME OLURU KATOM || zμolur xat
| You || SA LUR KATI || sër kat' || SA OLURU KATIS || zloru xat' || SA ME LUR KATI || zmor kat' || SA ME OLURU KATIS || zμolur xat'
| They || SA LIR KATUN || şër katu || SA OLIRI KATUN || żl'ër xatu || SA ME LIR KATUN || żm'ër katu || SA ME OLIRI KATUN || zμol'ër xatu
* '''2nd passive conjugation''' - Verbs starting in vowel
| colspan=9|<center>'''aso''' (''to eat'')</center>
|  ||colspan=4| <center>''Positive''</center>||colspan=4| <center>''Negative''</center>
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||||colspan=2| <center>'''Imperfective'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Perfective'''</center>||
| || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form || Ancient form || Modern form
| I || SA LARO ASE || sarh aş || SA OLASOR ASE || zlëzërh aş || SA ME LARO ASE || zμërh aş || SA ME OLASOR ASE || zμolëzërh aş
| Thou || SA LEMOR ASEN || sëμërh aş || SA OLEMOR ASEN || zlëμërh aş || SA ME LEMOR ASEN || zμëμërh aş || SA ME OLEMOR ASEN || zμolëμërh aş
| He/She/It || SA LOR AS || sërh a || SA OLORO ASO || zlërh as || SA ME LOR AS || zμërh a || SA ME OLORO ASO || zμolërh as
| We || SA UVOR ASOM || soβërh as || SA OLURU ASOM || zlorh as || SA ME LUVOR ASOM || zmoβërh as || SA ME OLURU ASOM || zμolorh as
| You || SA LUR ASI || sorh aş || SA OLURU ASIS || zlorh aş || SA ME LUR ASI || zmorh aş || SA ME OLURU ASIS || zμolorh aş
| They || SA LIR ASUN || şërh asu || SA OLIRI ASUN || zl'ërh asu || SA ME LIR ASUN || zm'ërh asu || SA ME OLIRI ASUN || zμol'ërh asu
The subordinating forms of verbs are used to create every kind of subordinate sentences (except for relative clauses and indirect questions). Some examples:
* ''I tell you I saw Karl'': lë μem' doşë zlë kat' Karl'u
* ''I want to see her'': lë phel' së xat' ðë sëm

Line 588: Line 757:

| colspan=5|<center>'''aso''' (''to see'')</center>
| colspan=5|<center>'''aso''' (''to eat'')</center>
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Positive'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Negative'''</center>||
| <center>'''Person'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Positive'''</center>||colspan=2| <center>'''Negative'''</center>||
Line 665: Line 834:
* ''My name is Marco'': le bhe ë seɸo go Marco
* ''My name is Marco'': le bhe ë seɸo go Marco
* ''He was eating your apple'': l-a dë e galoňu ðo
* ''He was eating your apple'': l-a dë e galoňu ðo
* ''Did you read the book?'': olëμ arec dë po ë recu?
* ''Did you read the book?'': olëμ arec dë po ë rucu?
* ''Did they see my new house?'': ol' xatu ðë po ë dacu bhoku ɣo?
* ''Did they see my new house?'': ol' xatu ðë po ë dacu bhoku ɣo?
* ''What are you writing?'': lë tawş po pat'u?
* ''What are you writing?'': lë tawş po pat'u?
Line 678: Line 847:
* ''The man, you see, is my father'': lë kat' ë pöt'u, le bhe ë kal ë fät go.
* ''The man, you see, is my father'': lë kat' ë pöt'u, le bhe ë kal ë fät go.
* ''Whom did you give my book?'': olëμ ovin' dё po pät ë rucu ɣo?
* ''Whom did you give my book?'': olëμ ovin' dё po pät ë rucu ɣo?
* ''Where do you want to go?'': lë pel' po sol gev' pyň?
* ''Didn't they tell you that she bought our book?'': mol' μemu ðë po sol phek ðë ë rucu μan?

===The Lord's prayer===
===The Lord's prayer===
Line 686: Line 857:
:aże taɸ ë nheμet', aże taɸ ë nhujm'
:aże taɸ ë nheμet', aże taɸ ë nhujm'
:ovinë manheşë ekys ë nałecu ekyşoru μan
:ovinë manheşë ekys ë nałecu ekyşoru μan
:cë ...
:cë danosë en μyg μan
:lo danos aże en μyɣocuv μan
:cë μë phonë manhëm taɸ ë rhejżaxaş
:aca püksatё manhëm renh e-ekwaň.
===Babel text===
:Le qha dë e nujm ɣok e βörhişu ðäp cë eň ðenoc ɣoc

*aɣon: ''old'' [AGONO]
{{main|Keβag-English dictionary}}
*areko: ''to read'' [ARREKO]
*aso: ''to eat'' [ASO]
*beso: ''to be'' [BESO]
*bok: ''new'' [BOKO]
*da: ''house'', ''home'' [DAK]
*eθen: ''hand'' [ETENOM]
*fät: ''father'' [FAHETOM]
*kato: ''to see'' [KATO]
*pat: ''what'' [PATO]
*pät: ''who'' [PAHETOM]
*peko: ''to buy'' [PEKO]
*qalo: ''to speak'' [QALO]
*ruk: ''book'' [RUKOM]
*satno: ''to do, to make'' [SATO]
*seɸo: ''name'', ''noun'' [SEFOT]
*tawso: ''to write'' [TAUSO]
*um: ''mother'' [UMO]
*vad: ''son'' [VADOM]; ''daughter'' [VADO]
*vörhis: ''language'' [VOHERISO]

Latest revision as of 06:11, 27 May 2010

Keβag is a constructed phantasy language. Some phonetical changes (similar to those as in Celtic languages) are very important in its morphology.


Every consonant comes with a lenited and palatalized counterpart. They are basic for declinantion and conjugation:

Alternative Lenited form dh fh gh kh lh mh th vh
Lenited form bh ð ɸ ɣ x ł μ nh ph qh rh z θ β
Full form b d f g k l m n p q r s t v
Palatalized form b' d' f' ż c l' m' ň p' q' r' ş t' v'

Vowels are:

  • a [a] ← ancient vowel: A
  • e [e] ← ancient vowel: E
  • i [i] ← ancient vowel: I
  • o [o] ← ancient vowel: O
  • u [u] ← ancient vowel: U
  • ë [ə] ← from reduction of ancient vowels
  • ä [æ] ← ancient group: AHE
  • ö [ɶ] ← ancient group: OHE
  • ü [y] ← ancient group: UHE
  • y [ɨ] ← ancient group: IHE


The basic word order is VSO - Verb-Subject-Object.


There is both indefinite and definite article

Indefinite article

The indefinite article (English a, an) has a plural form, which traslates the meaning of some.

Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
Nominative VOM VE v'ë
Genitive VI v'ë VOS ve
Dative VON VIA v'a
Accusative VIU v'u VIO v'ë
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
Nominative VO VE v'ë
Genitive VAS ve VOS ve
Dative VON VIA v'a
Accusative VIU v'u VIO v'ë

Definite article

Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
Nominative EN ë EMI en
Genitive ENI ë EMOS en
Dative EHO e EMIA eňa
Accusative EH ë EMO en
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
Nominative EN e ENI e
Genitive ENAS en ENOS enu
Dative EHA e ENIA eňa
Accusative ENA e ENIO

Noun morphology

Substantives flect according to number (singular-plural) and case (nominative-genitive-dative-accusative). Since the original endings were cancelled by phonetical changes (loss of final vowels, palatalization, lenition), declension is expressed by phonetical mutations of the starting and final consonant.

Nouns are divided in three declensions, depending on their genre and their ancient ending (vowel-consonant)

  • 1st declension - Nouns starting in consonant and ending in consonant - Masculine
vad (son)
Definite declension Indefinite declension
Ancient term
Modern term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADOM VADE ë vad en βad' vë vad v'ë βad'
Genitive VADI VADOS ë βad' enu vad v'ë βad' ve vad
Dative VADON VADIA e βad eňa βad'a vë vad v'a βad'a
Accusative VADIU VADO ë vad'u en βad v'u βad'u v'ë βad
  • 1st declension - Nouns starting in consonant and ending in vowel - Feminine
vad (daughter)
Definite declension Indefinite declension
Ancient term
Modern term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADO VADI e vad e βad' vë βad v'ë βad'
Genitive VADAS VADOS en vad enu vad ve vad ve vad
Dative VADIO VADIA e βad' eňa βad'a vë vad' v'a βad'a
Accusative VADIU VADIO e βad'u eň βad' v'u βad'u v'ë βad'
  • 2nd declension - Nouns starting in vowel and ending in consonant - Masculine
eθen (hand)
Definite declension Indefinite declension
Ancient term
Modern term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative ETENOS ETENE ënh eθen eμ eθeň vëμ eθen v'ë eθeň
Genitive ETENI ETENOS ëň eθeň eμëz eθen v'ë eθeň vëz eθen
Dative ETENON ETENIA e-eθen em'-eθeňa vënh eθen v'a eθeňa
Accusative ETENIU ETENO ë-eθeňu eμ eθen v'u eθeňu v'ë eθen
  • 2nd declension - Nouns starting in vowel and ending in vowel - Feminine
um (mother)
Definite declension Indefinite declension
Ancient term
Modern term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative UMO UMI enh um eň um' v-um v'ë um'
Genitive UMAS UMOS enhëz um enhëz um vëz um vëz um
Dative UMIO UMIA e-um' eň-um'a vënh um' v'a um'a
Accusative UMIU UMIO enh um'u eň-um'o v'u um'u v'ë um'o

  • 3rd declension - Nouns starting in consonant and ending in consonant

Nouns belonging to the 3rd declension are said "neutre". They take masculine articles and adjectives in singular, and feminine articles and adjectives in plural.

da (house)
Definite declension Indefinite declension
Ancient term
Modern term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative DAK DAKI ë da e ðac vë da v'ë ðac
Genitive DAKI DAKOS ë ðac enu dak v'ë ðac ve dak
Dative DAKON DAKIA e ðak eňa ðaca vë dak v'a ðaca
Accusative DAKIU DAKIO ë dacu eň ðac v'u ðacu v'ë ðac

Foreign borrowings

Keβag borrowed some words from other languages, as ancient terms from Latin or today words from modern languages. Since Keβag words' declension is based on their ancient forms, foreign terms adapted to its particular declension.

  • From Latin:

Words from Latin entered the language in different periods, and could endure Keβag typical phonetical changes. Latin words are used to adapt to Keβag declension patterns:

- Latin words ending in -us were declined as Keβag words in -OM
- Latin words ending in -a were declined as Keβag feminine words in -O
- Latin words ending in consonant were declined as Keβag words belonging to the 3rd declension.


  • Avoxat (from Latin advocatus)
avoxat (lawyer)
Definite declension
Singular Plural Singular
Nominative ënh avoxat eμ avoxat'
Genitive ëň avoxat' eμëz avoxat
Dative e-avoxat em'-avoxat'a
Accusative ë-avoxatu eμ avoxat
  • Proceşo (from Latin processio, -onis)
proceşo (procession)
Definite declension
Singular Plural Singular
Nominative ë proceşo e phroceşoň
Genitive ë phroceşoň enu proceşon
Dative e phroceşon eňa phroceşoňa
Accusative ë proceşoňu eň phroceşoň
  • From modern languages:

Words from modern languages (usually from English, French, German, but also Spanish, Italian and Russian) have entered the Keβag lexycon. On the contrary to Latin these languages have no declension pattern matching Keβag ones and nouns are placed in a declension pattern arbitrarily (sometimes respecting the original genre in some language). Orthography usually adapts to Keβag writing rules, but phonetics do not; in this way when a noun ends with an unusual consonant for Keβag phonology, this consonant remains unchanged in declension.

  • Këmp'uter (from English computer) - 1st masculine declension
këmp'uter (computer)
Definite declension
Singular Plural Singular
Nominative ë këmp'uter en xëmp'uter'
Genitive ë xëmp'uter' enu këmp'uter
Dative e xëmp'uter eňa xëmp'uter'a
Accusative ë këmp'uter'u en xëmp'uter

Adjective morphology

Adjectives have a simpler morphology than nouns' one. They decline according their nouns' gender and number. As the position of adjectives is always after their nouns, if they begin in consonant, their first consonant undergoes lenition if required by the ancient last vowel of the noun. If they begin with a vowel the ancient last consonant of the desinence of the nouns could be restored (and lenited).

We have to enlist the entire declension path of nouns and adjective together, to show the changes they both may undergo.

  • 1st adjectival declension - Adjectives starting in consonant after a noun ending in consonant (masculine)
bok (new)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADOM BOKO VADE BOKE ë vad bok en βad' bhoc
Genitive VADI BOKI VADOS BOKU ë βad' bhoc enu vad boku
Dative VADON BOKI VADIA BOKI e βad boc eňa βad'a bhoc
Accusative VADIU BOKU VADO BOKO ë vad'u bhoku en βad bhok
  • 1st adjectival declension - Adjectives starting in consonant after a noun ending in vowel (feminine)
bok (new)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADO BOKO VADI BOKE e vad bhok e βad' bhoc
Genitive VADAS BOKAS VADOS BOKU en vad bok enu vad boku
Dative VADIO BOKA VADIA BOKI e βad' bhok eňa βad'a bhoc
Accusative VADIU BOKA VADIO BOKO e βad'u bhok eň βad' bhok
  • 2st adjectival declension - Adjectives starting in vowel after a noun ending in consonant (masculine)
aɣon (old)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADOM AGONO VADE AGONE ë vaðëμ aɣon en βad' aɣoň
Genitive VADI AGONI VADOS AGONU ë βad' aɣoň enu vaðëz aɣonu
Dative VADON AGONI VADIA AGONI e βaðënh aɣoň eňa βad'a aɣoň
Accusative VADIU AGONU VADO AGONO ë vad'u aɣonu en βad aɣon
  • 2nd adjectival declension - Adjectives starting in vowel after a noun ending in vowel (feminine)
aɣon (old)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative VADO AGONO VADI AGONE e vad aɣon e βad' aɣoň
Genitive VADAS AGONAS VADOS AGONU en vaðëz aɣon enu vaðëz aɣonu
Dative VADIO AGONA VADIA AGONI e βad' aɣon eňa βad'a aɣoň
Accusative VADIU AGONA VADIO AGONO e βad'u aɣon eň βad' aɣon
  • 3rd adjectival declension - Adjective starting in consonant with a noun ending in consonant
bok (new)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative DAK BOKO DAKI BOKE ë da bok e ðac bhoc
Genitive DAKI BOKI DAKOS BOKU ë ðac bhoc enu dak boku
Dative DAKON BOKI DAKIA BOKI e ðak boc eňa ðaca bhoc
Accusative DAKIU BOKU DAKIO BOKO ë dacu bhoku eň ðac bhoc
  • 3rd adjectival declension - Adjective starting in vowel with a noun ending in consonant
aɣon (old)
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative DAK AGONO DAKI AGONE ë dax aɣon e ðac aɣoň
Genitive DAKI AGONI DAKOS AGONU ë ðac aɣoň enu daxëz aɣonu
Dative DAKON AGONI DAKIA AGONI e ðaxënh aɣoň eňa ðaca aɣoň
Accusative DAKIU AGONU DAKIO AGONO ë dacu aɣonu eň ðac aɣon



Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I GA GOS go GOSIA goşë GAMO gëm
Thou DA DOS do DOSIA doşë DAMO dëm
He LO le LU LUIA lëjë LUMO lëm
She SO se SA SAIA sëjë SAMO sëm
We MAN ma MANES man MANESIA manheşë MANEMO manhëm
You TEL t'e TELOS t'el TELOSIA t'ełëşë TELOMO t'ełëm
They KOD ke KODOS kod KODOSIA koðëşë KODOMO koðëm


English Ancient form Modern form Modern lenited form
My GOS go ɣo
Your (thou) DOS do ðo
His LU łë
Her SA
Its NES nhë
Our MANES man μan
Your TELOS tel θel
Their KODOS kod xod

Possessive pronouns (a genitive form of personal pronouns) come after their nouns and endure lenition, if required. Examples:

  • my house: ë da go
  • of my house: ë ðac ɣo
  • to her daughter: ë βad' zë
  • we see their daughter: lo kat e vad'u xod


Case What? Who?
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
Nominative PATO pat PAHETOM pät
Genitive PATI pat' PAHETI pät'
Dative PATO pat PAHETON pät
Accusative PATIU pat'u PAHETIU pät'u

Which: [POHETO]: pöt (declined and treated as an adjective)


The relative pronoun in pöt [POHETOM], declined as a noun, with the definite article.

Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative POHETOM POHETE ë pöt en phöt'
Genitive POHETI POHETOS ë phöt' enu pöt
Dative POHETON POHETIA e phöt eňa phöt'a
Accusative POHETIU POHETO ë pöt'u en phöt
Ancient term
Modern term
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative POHETO POHETI e pöt e phöt'
Genitive POHETAS POHETOS en pöt enu pöt
Dative POHETIO POHETIA e phöt' eňa phöt'a
Accusative POHETIU POHETIO e phöt'u eň phöt'

Verb morphology

Verbs conjugate according to person, number and aspect. They do not conjugate according to tense.

  • 1st conjugation - Verbs starting in consonant
kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I LA KATE lë xat' OLAS KATE olë kat'
Thou LEM KATEN lë kat' OLEM KATEN ol kat'
He/She/It LO KAT le xa OLO KATO ol xat
We LUV KATOM lo kat OLU KATOM olë xat
You LUS KATI lo kat' OLU KATIS olë xat'
They LI KATUN l'ë xatu OLI KATUN ol' xatu
  • 2nd conjugation - Verbs starting in vowel
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I LA ASE l-aş OLAS ASE olëz aş
Thou LEM ASEN lëμ aş OLEM ASEN olëμ aş
He/She/It LO AS l-a OLO ASO ol-as
We LUV ASOM loβ as OLU ASOM olë as
You LUS ASI loz aş OLU ASIS olë aş
They LI ASUN l'-asu OLI ASUN ol'-asu

The meaning of past is expressed by an adverbial particle, placed after the verb:

  • DA → (lenited form: ðe)

Negative declensions

Verbs form negative sentences with special negative declensions:

  • 1st conjugation - Verbs starting in consonant
kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I ME LA KATE μë xat' ME OLAS KATE μolë kat'
Thou ME LEM KATEN μë kat' ME OLEM KATEN μol kat'
He/She/It ME LO KAT μe xa ME OLO KATO μol xat
We ME LUV KATOM mo kat ME OLU KATOM μolë xat
You ME LUS KATI mo kat' ME OLU KATIS μolë xat'
They ME LI KATUN m'ë xatu ME OLI KATUN μol' xatu
  • 2nd conjugation - Verbs starting in vowel
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I ME LA ASE m-aş ME OLAS ASE μolëz aş
Thou ME LEM ASEN μëμ aş ME OLEM ASEN μolëμ aş
He/She/It ME LO AS m-a ME OLO ASO μol-as
We ME LUV ASOM moβ as ME OLU ASOM μolë as
You ME LUS ASI moz aş ME OLU ASIS μolë aş
They ME LI ASUN m'-asu ME OLI ASUN μol'-asu

Passive declension

To express a passive form, verbs have a special passive conjugation, normal and negative.

  • 1st passive conjugation - Verbs starting in consonant
kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I LARO KATE lër xat' OLASOR KATE olëzër kat' ME LARO KATE μër xat' ME OLASOR KATE μozër kat'
Thou LEMOR KATEN lemër kat' OLEMOR KATEN olëμër kat' ME LEMOR KATEN μër kat' ME OLEMOR KATEN μolër kat'
He/She/It LOR KAT lër ka OLORO KATO olër xat ME LOR KAT μër ka ME OLORO KATO μolor xat
We LUVOR KATOM loβër kat OLURU KATOM oloru xat ME LUVOR KATOM moβër kat ME OLURU KATOM μolur xat
You LUR KATI lër kat' OLURU KATIS oloru xat' ME LUR KATI mor kat' ME OLURU KATIS μolur xat'
They LIR KATUN l'ër katu OLIRI KATUN ol'ër xatu ME LIR KATUN m'ër katu ME OLIRI KATUN μol'ër xatu
  • 2nd passive conjugation - Verbs starting in vowel
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I LARO ASE larh aş OLASOR ASE olëzërh aş ME LARO ASE μërh aş ME OLASOR ASE μolëzërh aş
Thou LEMOR ASEN lëμërh aş OLEMOR ASEN olëμërh aş ME LEMOR ASEN μëμërh aş ME OLEMOR ASEN μolëμërh aş
He/She/It LOR AS lërh a OLORO ASO olërh as ME LOR AS μërh a ME OLORO ASO μolërh as
We LUVOR ASOM loβërh as OLURU ASOM olorh as ME LUVOR ASOM moβërh as ME OLURU ASOM μolorh as
You LUR ASI lorh aş OLURU ASIS olorh aş ME LUR ASI morh aş ME OLURU ASIS μolorh aş
They LIR ASUN l'ërh asu OLIRI ASUN ol'ërh asu ME LIR ASUN m'ërh asu ME OLIRI ASUN μol'ërh asu

Subordinate declension

Subordinate/subjunctive forms did not exist in the ancient language, but they were created by fusion of the subordinating conjunction SA + the other forms of verbs.

  • 1st active conjugation - Verbs starting in consonant
kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I SA LA KATE së xat' SA OLAS KATE zlë kat' SA ME LA KATE zμë xat' SA ME OLAS KATE zμolë kat'
Thou SA LEM KATEN së kat' SA OLEM KATEN sol kat' SA ME LEM KATEN zμë kat' SA ME OLEM KATEN zμol kat'
He/She/It SA LO KAT se xa SA OLO KATO sol xat SA ME LO KAT zμë xa SA ME OLO KATO zμol xat
We SA LUV KATOM so kat SA OLU KATOM zlë xat SA ME LUV KATOM zmo kat SA ME OLU KATOM zμolë xat
You SA LOS KATI su kat' SA OLU KATIS zlë xat' SA ME LUS KATI zmo kat' SA ME OLU KATIS zμolë xat'
They SA LI KATUN şë xatu SA OLI KATUN şol' xatu SA ME LI KATUN zm'ë xatu SA ME OLI KATUN zμol' xatu
  • 2nd active conjugation - Verbs starting in vowel
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I SA LA ASE s-aş SA OLAS ASE zlëz aş SA ME LA ASE zμ-aş SA ME OLAS ASE zμolëz aş
Thou SA LEM ASEN sëμ aş SA OLEM ASEN zlëμ aş SA ME LEM ASEN zμëμ-aş SA ME OLEM ASEN zμolëμ aş
He/She/It SA LO AS s-a SA OLO ASO sol-as SA ME LO AS zm-a SA ME OLO ASO zμol-as
We SA LUV ASOM soβ as SA OLU ASOM zlë as SA ME LUV ASOM zmoβ as SA ME OLU ASOM zμolë as
You SA LUS ASI sol aş SA OLU ASIS zlë aş SA ME LUS ASI zmoz aş SA ME OLU ASIS zμolë aş
They SA LI ASUN şl-asu SA OLI ASUN şol'-asu SA ME LI ASUN zm'-asu SA ME OLI ASUN zμol'-asu
  • 1st passive conjugation - Verbs starting in consonant
kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I SA LARO KATE sër xat' OLASOR KATE zlëzër kat' SA ME LARO KATE zμër xat' SA ME OLASOR KATE zμozër kat'
Thou SA LEMOR KATEN semër kat' SA OLEMOR KATEN zlëμër kat' SA ME LEMOR KATEN zμër kat' SA ME OLEMOR KATEN zμolër kat'
He/She/It SA LOR KAT sër ka SA OLORO KATO zlër xat SA ME LOR KAT zμër ka SA ME OLORO KATO zμolor xat
We SA LUVOR KATOM soβër kat SA OLURU KATOM zloru xat SA ME LUVOR KATOM zmoβër kat SA ME OLURU KATOM zμolur xat
You SA LUR KATI sër kat' SA OLURU KATIS zloru xat' SA ME LUR KATI zmor kat' SA ME OLURU KATIS zμolur xat'
They SA LIR KATUN şër katu SA OLIRI KATUN żl'ër xatu SA ME LIR KATUN żm'ër katu SA ME OLIRI KATUN zμol'ër xatu
  • 2nd passive conjugation - Verbs starting in vowel
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I SA LARO ASE sarh aş SA OLASOR ASE zlëzërh aş SA ME LARO ASE zμërh aş SA ME OLASOR ASE zμolëzërh aş
Thou SA LEMOR ASEN sëμërh aş SA OLEMOR ASEN zlëμërh aş SA ME LEMOR ASEN zμëμërh aş SA ME OLEMOR ASEN zμolëμërh aş
He/She/It SA LOR AS sërh a SA OLORO ASO zlërh as SA ME LOR AS zμërh a SA ME OLORO ASO zμolërh as
We SA UVOR ASOM soβërh as SA OLURU ASOM zlorh as SA ME LUVOR ASOM zmoβërh as SA ME OLURU ASOM zμolorh as
You SA LUR ASI sorh aş SA OLURU ASIS zlorh aş SA ME LUR ASI zmorh aş SA ME OLURU ASIS zμolorh aş
They SA LIR ASUN şërh asu SA OLIRI ASUN zl'ërh asu SA ME LIR ASUN zm'ërh asu SA ME OLIRI ASUN zμol'ërh asu

The subordinating forms of verbs are used to create every kind of subordinate sentences (except for relative clauses and indirect questions). Some examples:

  • I tell you I saw Karl: lë μem' doşë zlë kat' Karl'u
  • I want to see her: lë phel' së xat' ðë sëm


Imperative is build regardless of aspect and usually without the first conjugating particle. As the verb usually come at first in sentences, in positive forms the first consonant of the verbs does not undergo any lenition.

kato (to see)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I - - - -
Thou KATEU katë ME KATEU μë xatë
He/She/It KATIA kat'a ME KATIA μë xat'a
We KATOME katëm ME KATOME μë xatëm
You KATEVI katëv ME KATEVI μë xatëv
They KATIO kat'ë ME KATIO μë xat'ë
aso (to eat)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I - - - -
Thou ASEU asë ME ASEU μ-asë
He/She/It ASIA aşa ME ASIA μ-aşa
We ASOME asëm ME ASOME μ-asëm
You ASEVI asëv ME ASEVI μ-asëv
They ASIO aşë ME ASIO μ-aşë
kato (to see' - Passive')
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I - - - -
Thou ER KATEU ër katë MER KATEU μër katë
He/She/It ER KATIA ër kat'a MER KATIA μër kat'a
We ER KATOME ër katëm MER KATOME μër katëm
You ER KATEVI ër katëv MER KATEVI μër katëv
They ER KATIO ër kat'ë MER KATIO μër kat'ë
aso (to eat - Passive)
Ancient form Modern form Ancient form Modern form
I - - - -
Thou ER ASEU ërh asë MER ASEU μërh asë
He/She/It ER ASIA ërh aşa MER ASIA μërh aşa
We ER ASOME ërh asëm MER ASOME μërh asëm
You ER ASEVI ërh asëv MER ASEVI μërh asëv
They ER ASIO ërh aşë MER ASIO μërh aşë

Verbal adjective

Verbs build two verbal adjectives, with a perfective sense, and an active and a passive meaning respectively, (similar to past participles).

Active adjective: The desinence -ön [-OHENO] is added to the root of the verb, and the previous consonant is lenited.

  • kato [KATO] to see → kat- + -ön [KAT- + -OHENO] → kaθön [KATOHENO], which saw
  • aso [ASO] to eat → azön [ASOHENO], which ate

Passive adjective: The desinence -öt [-OHETO] is added to the root of the verb, and the previous consonant is lenited.

  • kato [KATO] to see → kat- + -öt [KAT- + -OHETO] → kaθöt [KATOHETO], seen
  • aso [ASO] to eat → azöt [ASOHETO], eaten


  • Did you see my house?: ol kat' dë po ë dacu ɣo?
  • My name is Marco: le bhe ë seɸo go Marco
  • He was eating your apple: l-a dë e galoňu ðo
  • Did you read the book?: olëμ arec dë po ë rucu?
  • Did they see my new house?: ol' xatu ðë po ë dacu bhoku ɣo?
  • What are you writing?: lë tawş po pat'u?
  • What are he doing?: le za po pat'u?
  • Who were they searching for?: l'-yμavu dë po pät'u?
  • I speak Keβag: lë qhal' gë e Keβażu
  • Don't you speak Keβag?: μë qal' po e Keβażu?
  • They don't speak your language: m'ë qhalu e vörhişu θel
  • I'm at my home: lë bheş taɸ ë ðac ɣo
  • I'll speak with her father: olë qal' sunh e ɸät së
  • Which book do you search for?: lëμ ymav' po recu phöt'u?
  • The man, you see, is my father: lë kat' ë pöt'u, le bhe ë kal ë fät go.
  • Whom did you give my book?: olëμ ovin' dё po pät ë rucu ɣo?
  • Where do you want to go?: lë pel' po sol gev' pyň?
  • Didn't they tell you that she bought our book?: mol' μemu ðë po sol phek ðë ë rucu μan?

The Lord's prayer

Fät man, lë beş ë pöt taɸ ë nheμet'
lo seintsat ë seɸot'u ðo
qeşa e dewönhoxul ðo
ër sat'a ë pełäk do
aże taɸ ë nheμet', aże taɸ ë nhujm'
ovinë manheşë ekys ë nałecu ekyşoru μan
cë danosë en μyg μan
lo danos aże en μyɣocuv μan
cë μë phonë manhëm taɸ ë rhejżaxaş
aca püksatё manhëm renh e-ekwaň.

Babel text

Le qha dë e nujm ɣok e βörhişu ðäp cë eň ðenoc ɣoc


Main article: Keβag-English dictionary