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==Pronunciation table==
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{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:500px;"
![[Wikipedia:Ogonek#Similar diacritics|ǫ]]

|tu=Eastern Europe in the Pleistocene
|species=The Six Loquent Peoples
|script=3 scripts
several modern alphabets and syllabaries adapted
|creator=Charlie Brickner
|date=ongoing since 1975}}

*Senjecas is an [[Wikipedia:Proto-language|Ursprache]] spoken in the homeland of Sefdaania (seven-river-land). Sefdaania was located in what is now eastern Europe stretching from the advancing or receding glacier ('''ȝeƣda̋a̋o''', ''ice river'') in the north to the [[Wikipedia:Caspian Sea|Caspian Sea]] ('''ausma̋re''', ''eastern sea''), the [[Wikipedia:Caucasus Mountains|Caucasus Mountains]] ('''ȝúsmarǧa̋ros''', ''between-sea mountains''), the [[Wikipedia:Pontic Mountains|Pontic Mountains]] ('''k̨uðǧa̋ros''', ''shore mountains'') and the [[Wikipedia:Balkan Mountains|Balkan Mountains]] ('''m̃esǧa̋ros''', ''western mountains'') in the south; from the [[Wikipedia:Vistula|Vistula River]] ('''kuðda̋a̋e''', ''northern river''),  the [[Wikipedia:Carpathian Mountains|Carpathian Mountains]] ('''þifǧa̋ros''', ''far mountains'') and the Balkan Mountains on the west to the [[Wikipedia:Ural Mountains|Ural Mountains]] ('''v̌ééþn̨akı̋ȝo''', ''world spine''), the [[Wikipedia:Ural (River)|Ural River]] ('''m̃uida̋a̋e''', ''border river'') and the Caspian Sea on the east.
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*The [[Wikipedia:tengwar|tengwar]] are not visible on Frathwiki.
*Sefdaania means ''seven rivers'' and refers to the seven major rivers that flow through the land and empty into the Black Sea ('''m̃esma̋re''', western sea) and the Caspian Sea. From west to east these are the [[Wikipedia:Danube|Danube]] ('''mézm̃esda̋a̋e''', ''great western river''), the [[Wikipedia:Dniester|Dniester]] ('''m̃esda̋a̋e''', ''western river''), the [[Wikipedia:Southern Bug|Boh]] ('''pinda̋a̋e''', ''small river''), the [[Wikipedia:Dnieper|Dnieper]] ('''meðda̋a̋e''', ''middle river''), the [[Wikipedia:Don (River)|Don]] ('''ausda̋a̋e''', ''eastern river''), the [[Wikipedia:Volga|Volga]] ('''méżausda̋a̋e''', ''great eastern river''), and the [[Wikipedia:Ural (River)|Ural]].

*The language is now extinct.

*The language is being created (since c.1975) by Charles Brickner as a pre-PIE language for a fantasy culture. It is a derived language, based mainly on PIE grammar and vocabulary, with a smattering of Proto-Altaic, Proto-Basque, Proto-Dravidian, Proto-Eskimo, Proto-Kartvelian, Proto-Uralic, Etruscan and Hittite to fill in the blanks, and some words of my own invention when the preceding do not supply.
#[[Wikipedia:Affix|''affx'']] = affix, either a prefix or a suffix, ''e.g.'', '''ƣo-''', ''proclitic which intensifies the word to which it is prefixed''.
#''derv'' = a word derived from a root, ''e.g.'', '''réiða''', ''postp.'' by < '''re̋iða''', ride.
#''P.N.'' = proper noun, ''e.g.'', '''rote̋ida''', November.
#Words in {{Color|red|red}} indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
#At the end  is a legend, Total: 55/33+8/75%. This means that there are 55 root words ([[Wikipedia:Lemma (morphology)|lemmata]]) of which 33 are verbs and eight are adjectives which can be treated as stative verbs. The last number means that 75 percent of the vocabulary is verbs.

:[[Senjecas Conlang|Conlang]]
::[[Senjecas dictionary|Dictionary]] (a-ż in separate files, polysemy, Swadesh list, lists of postpositions)
::[[Senjecas dictionaries|Dictionaries]] (various thematic dictionaries)
::[[Senjecas grammar|Grammar]]
:::[[Senjecas Glossing Abbreviations|Glossing Abbreviations]]
:::[[Senjecas Phonology|Phonology]]
:::[[Senjecas Inflection|Inflection]]
:::[[Senjecas Syntax|Syntax]]
:::[[Senjecas Word Formation|Word formation]]
:::[[Senjecas Orthographies|Orthographies]]
:::[[Senjecas Appendices|Appendices]]
::[[Senjecas Phrasebook|Phrasebook]]
::[[Senjecas translations|Translations]]
:[[Senjecas Conculture|Conculture]]
::[[Sefdaanian Ethnography|Ethnography]]

*r001 '''ra̋a̋|a''', ''i.v.'' be possessed [> Kolami ''<u>rā</u>ŋg-'', be possessed]. '''–i''', ''adj.'' possessed. '''–ra''', possession.
*r002 '''ra̋a̋|di''', ''adj.'' glad, gladsome [> Old English ''<u>rōt</u>'' glad]. '''-da''', ''i.v.'' have a good time, be glad. '''-dı̋da''', ''t.v.'' gladden. '''-ðra''', good time. '''-ðta''', gladness.
*r003 '''ra̋a̋ða''', ''t.v.'' promote [> English <u>read</u>]. '''-ra''', promotion.
*r004 '''ra̋a̋|ȝa''', ''t.v.'' witness (to, '''o''') [> Tamil ''ā<u>rāy</u>'', observe]. '''-ilu''', witness.
*r005 '''ra̋a̋sa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' croak. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' croak [> Spanish ''<u>ra</u>na'', frog].
*r006 '''ra̋a̋t|o''', log [''of wood''] [> English rood]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' log. '''-ı̋da''', ''t.v.'' log.
*r007 '''ra̋m̃a''', ''t.v.'' tear-, -apart, -open [> Latin ''ē<u>ru</u>ō'', tear out].
*r008 '''ra̋|ta''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' line (-up), align. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' line (-up), stand in line [> Middle Low German ''<u>rat</u>'', row]. '''-to''', line, row, rank, file. '''–þmi''', ''adj.'' -lined. '''–þm̃i''', ''adj.'' linear, lineal. '''–þm̃ĕvi''', ''adv.'' in a line.
*r009 '''ra̋v|a''', ''i.v.'' rage, rave, storm[> English <u>rab</u>id]. '''-a''', wrath, rage, ire, fury, frenzy, temper. '''-i''', ''adj.'' irate, raging, enraged, frantic, fanatical, furious, raving, frenzied, wrathful. '''–ra''', alignment.
*r010 '''ra̋x|a''', ''i.v.'' crackle, rustle, rattle. '''–lo''', rattle.
*r011 '''re̋e̋|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' slim, slenderize. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' slim (down), slenderize [> English <u>ra</u>re]. '''-i''', ''adj.'' slim, slender. '''-ta''', slimness, slenderness. '''–va̋a̋lmes''', those having slender leaves [''the fifth order of living beings''].
*r012 '''re̋e̋|bo''', belch, burp. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' belch, burp, eructate. '''-bı̋da''', ''t.v.'' belch, burp. '''-vra''', eructation.
*r013 '''re̋e̋|da''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' cheer-, (-up, -on), encourage, hearten. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' cheer (up). '''-di''', ''adj.'' cheerful, cheery. '''-do''', cheer. '''-ðra''', encouragement, cheer.
*r014 '''re̋e̋ð|i''', ''adj.'' superior, paramount, supreme, foremost; super-, arch-. '''–asűr=u''', emperor. '''=i''', ''adj.'' imperial. '''=ta''', empire. '''–se̋ilu''', archimage. '''-ta''', superiority.
*r015 '''re̋e̋|ȝa''', ''t.v.'' set right, adjust, regulate, standardize [> English <u>ra</u>tio]. '''–ilo,''' regulator. '''–imi''', ''adj.'' principled, scrupulous. '''-ȝo''', rule, standard, model, norm, criterion, principle, scruple.
*r016 '''re̋e̋k|o''', neigh [> Latin ''<u>racc</u>āre'', growl]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' neigh, chortle.
*r017 '''re̋e̋m|i''', ''adj.'' dark [> Sanskrit ''<u>rām</u>á-'', dark]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' be-, become-, -dark. '''-i''', ''adj.'' dark. '''-ı̋da''', ''t.v.'' darken. '''-ta''', darkness.
*r018 '''re̋e̋|pa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' sneak, steal, prowl. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' slink, sneak, skulk, steal, prowl [> English <u>rep</u>tile]. '''-flu''', sneak, prowler. '''-fra''', stealth. '''-pi''', ''adj.'' stealthy, furtive, surreptitious.
*r019 '''re̋e̋ƣ|u''', {{Color|red|king}} [> English <u>reg</u>al]. '''-a̋a̋ra''', {{Color|red|kingdom}}. '''-i''', ''adj.'' {{Color|red|royal, regnal}}. '''–muþı̋ȝ=u''', {{Color|red|council, royal court}}. '''=a̋a̋gu''', {{Color|red|majordomo}}.
*r020 '''re̋e̋s|a''', ''i.v.'' run; course [> English <u>rac</u>e]. '''–ankűlo''', {{Color|red|conveyor belt}}. '''-i''', ''adj.'' cursorial. '''-lu''', runner, courser. '''-o''', course.
*r021 '''re̋e̋t|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' roar. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' roar, rumble, drone. '''–o''', roar, rumble.
*r022 '''re̋e̋|ża''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' extend; rack. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' extend. '''-zra''', extension, tension. '''-żo''', extent. '''-ż̨i''', ''adj.'' extensible, elastic.
*r023 '''re̋|da''', ''i.v.'' gutter, trickle down; elapse, lapse [''of time'']. '''–ðra''', lapse [''of time''].
*r024 '''re̋|ga''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' wind, reel. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' wind. '''-ƣlo''', reel, winder, windlass, winch, capstan, crank. '''–ƣra''', torsion.
*''derv'' '''réið|a''', ''postp.'' by [< '''re̋iða''', ride]. '''–ko''', (supermarket) cart.
*r025 '''re̋ika''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' scribble, scrawl, scratch. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' scratch, splutter [''of pens''] [> German ''<u>Reih</u>e'', row].
*r026 '''re̋ira''', ''i.v.'' quiver, waver.
*r027 '''re̋iv|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' ring. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' ring, peal. '''-o''', ring, ringing, peal.
*r028 '''re̋|ka''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' decide [> English ''<u>reck</u>on'']. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' decide, determine. '''–ko''', decision, ruling. '''–xra''', determination. '''–xsi''', ''adj.'' decisive.
*r029 '''re̋m|o''', lath, batten [> German ''<u>Rahm</u>en'', frame]. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' lath, batten.
*r030 '''re̋m̃|i''', ''adj.'' vast, extensive, ample, capacious, voluminous, far-reaching, sweeping; wide. '''-ta''', vastness, ampleness, capaciousness.
*r031 '''re̋n|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' climb (up), clamber up, scramble up, mount, scale, ascend. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' climb, scale, mount, ascend, rise, go up, clamber; ''fig.'' be promoted [> English <u>run</u>]. '''–ı̋ȝo''', run, sequence [''cards'']. '''-m̃i''', ''adj.'' gradual, gentle [''slope'']. '''-o''', step, degree. '''-ra''', climb, ascension, ascent, rise, rising.
*r032 '''re̋|pa''', ''t.v.'' snatch (up), grab, carry-, -off, -away, rape, abduct [> English <u>rape</u>]. '''–flu''', abductor, rapist.
*r033 '''re̋s|a''', ''t.v.'' stab, puncture; spur on, prod, goad. '''-lo''', spike, goad. '''-re̋þ=o''', rowel. '''=nı̋ðo''', spur.
*r034 '''re̋s̨a''', ill will, malevolence, enmity.
*r035 '''re̋tu''', buffoon, jester, clown [> Georgian ''<u>reṭ</u>-'', spin [''of the head'']].
*r036 '''re̋þ|o''', wheel, roll, cylinder, roller, caster [> German ''<u>Rad</u>'', wheel]. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' roll, trundle. '''-i''', ''adj.'' rolled, cylindrical, convoluted; watered [''of fabric'']. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' roll (up), trundle; water [''fabric'']. '''-le̋e̋iso''', rut, track [''of a wheel'']. '''-muxműűlo''', cigar. '''-ra''', volution. '''-sı̋ı̋ɫo''', cog. '''-va̋a̋nlu''', wheelwright.
*r037 '''re̋ud|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' sob. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' sob [> Bavarian ''<u>rotz</u>en'', blow the nose]. '''-o''', sob.
*r038 '''re̋uð|i''', ''adj.'' red, ruddy [> English ''<u>red</u>'']. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' turn-, become-, -red, redden; blush, flush. '''-gı̋li''', ''adj.'' titian. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' redden, color-, make-, -red. '''-ta''', redness. '''-t̬i''', rubifacient.
*r039 '''re̋uga''', ''t.v.'' burst-, -forth, -out, break forth.
*r040 '''re̋upa''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' pluck (out), tear out, pull (up), pick. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' pluck, pick [> English <u>rip</u>].
*r041 '''re̋uva''', ''t.v.'' be-, -due to, -up to.
*''derv'' '''re̋v|o''', vein [''of a leaf''] [< '''re̋vo''', rib]. '''-i''', ''adj.'' ribbed, costal. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' rib.
*r042 '''rı̋ı̋|bi''', ''adj.'' exact, accurate, precise, very. '''-vta''', exactness, accuracy, precision. '''-vte̋n=i''', ''adj.'' prompt, punctual. '''=ta''', promptness, punctuality. '''=vi''', ''adv.'' promptly, punctually, on time. '''–v̈i''', ''adv.'' exactly, accurately, precisely, just, to the day.
*r043 '''rı̋ı̋n|o''', balk, ridge, bank [''between fields''] [?]. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' fix boundaries, demarcate, survey, chart, map. '''-lu''', surveyor, mapmaker. '''-mo''', map, chart, plan, design. '''-o''', balk, ridge, bank [''between fields''].
*r044 '''rı̋l|a''', age. '''-a''', ''post.'' at the age of [Etruscan ''<u>ril</u>'', at the age of].
*r045 '''rı̋ƣ|a''', ''i.v.'' burrow  [> [[Wikipedia:Inupiaq language|Inupiaq]] ''<u>aɣɣ</u>ak-'', dig]. '''–o''', burrow.
*r046 '''rı̋r|a''', ''i.v.'' quake, palpitate. '''-o''', quake.
*r047 '''rı̋z|a''', ''t.v.'' prop, stay, support, shore up, brace, uphold [Etruscan ''<u>riz</u>a'', support]. '''-bőto''', fulcrum. '''-o''', prop, stay, leg, support, brace.
*r048 '''rőő|ba''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' hollow out, excavate, chamfer, flute, undermine. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' excavate.  '''-bi''', ''adj.'' hollow. '''-bo''', excavation, cavity, hollow, concavity; ventricle, chamber. '''–vǧe̋ti''', ''adj.'' concave. '''-vra''', excavation, grooving, fluting.
*r049 '''rőőm|i''', ''adj.'' fertile. '''-ta''', fertility.
*''affx'' '''-rőgi''', ''suffix used in naming plants, e.g.'', '''banrőgi''', soapwort (''Saponaria officinalis'') [< '''ba̋na''', ''t.v.'' wash].
*r050 '''rőiv|o''', spot, stain, blot. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' spot, stain, blot.
*r051 '''rőuk|a''', ''t.v.'' crease. '''–o''', crease.
*r052 '''rőża''', ''t.v.'' tear-, rip-, burst-, wrench-, force-, fling-, -open.
*r053 '''rűűm|a''', '''1.''' ''t.v.'' extend hospitality to. '''2.''' ''i.v.'' extend hospitality. '''-i''', ''adj.'' hospitable. '''-lu''', host. '''-ra''', hospitality. '''-ve̋e̋l̤u''', guest master.
*r054 '''rűűn|o''', letter [''alphabet''], rune [> English ''<u>run</u>e'']. '''-a''', ''i.v.'' spell. '''-ı̋d̨a''', ''t.v.'' spell. '''-ȝa̋ra''', orthography, spelling. '''-pa̋f=o''', alphabet. '''=i''', ''adj.'' alphabetic, abecedarian.
*''affx'' '''-ru''', ''noun suffix used to name a person connected with, belonging to, or a resident of what is named in the noun base, e.g.'', '''þe̋e̋no''', lowland; '''þe̋e̋nru''', lowlander, flatlander.
*''derv'' '''rűs|e''', Ruminantia [''Tax.''] [< '''rűsa''', ''i.v.'' chew the cud].
*r055 '''rűz|a''', ''t.v.'' engrave [> Etruscan ''<u>ruz</u>e'', engraving]. '''–lo''', burin. '''–lu''', engraver. '''-o''', engraving. '''–rűűno''', glyph.
Total: 55/33+8/75%

Latest revision as of 12:26, 12 July 2024

Pronounced: /sen'jekas/
Timeline and Universe: Eastern Europe in the Pleistocene
Species: The Six Loquent Peoples
  • Ethran
  • Pyran
  • Hydoran
  • Human
  • Xylan
  • Lithan
Spoken: Sefdaania
Total speakers: Extinct
Writing system: 3 scripts
  • block
  • cursive
  • brush
several modern alphabets and syllabaries adapted
Genealogy: Ursprache
Morphological type: Fusional
Morphosyntactic alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Basic word order: SOV
Creator: Charlie Brickner
Created: ongoing since 1975
  • Senjecas is an Ursprache spoken in the homeland of Sefdaania (seven-river-land). Sefdaania was located in what is now eastern Europe stretching from the advancing or receding glacier (ȝeƣda̋a̋o, ice river) in the north to the Caspian Sea (ausma̋re, eastern sea), the Caucasus Mountains (ȝúsmarǧa̋ros, between-sea mountains), the Pontic Mountains (k̨uðǧa̋ros, shore mountains) and the Balkan Mountains (m̃esǧa̋ros, western mountains) in the south; from the Vistula River (kuðda̋a̋e, northern river), the Carpathian Mountains (þifǧa̋ros, far mountains) and the Balkan Mountains on the west to the Ural Mountains (v̌ééþn̨akı̋ȝo, world spine), the Ural River (m̃uida̋a̋e, border river) and the Caspian Sea on the east.
  • Sefdaania means seven rivers and refers to the seven major rivers that flow through the land and empty into the Black Sea (m̃esma̋re, western sea) and the Caspian Sea. From west to east these are the Danube (mézm̃esda̋a̋e, great western river), the Dniester (m̃esda̋a̋e, western river), the Boh (pinda̋a̋e, small river), the Dnieper (meðda̋a̋e, middle river), the Don (ausda̋a̋e, eastern river), the Volga (méżausda̋a̋e, great eastern river), and the Ural.
  • The language is now extinct.
  • The language is being created (since c.1975) by Charles Brickner as a pre-PIE language for a fantasy culture. It is a derived language, based mainly on PIE grammar and vocabulary, with a smattering of Proto-Altaic, Proto-Basque, Proto-Dravidian, Proto-Eskimo, Proto-Kartvelian, Proto-Uralic, Etruscan and Hittite to fill in the blanks, and some words of my own invention when the preceding do not supply.
  • Contents
Dictionary (a-ż in separate files, polysemy, Swadesh list, lists of postpositions)
Dictionaries (various thematic dictionaries)
Glossing Abbreviations
Word formation