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! '''Accusative'''
! '''Accusative'''
| ezqu'''iho''' || ezqu'''ihok'''
| ezqu'''io''' || ezqu'''iok'''
! '''Instrumental'''
! '''Instrumental'''

Revision as of 16:51, 21 September 2014

Xetlaqui is an a priori conlang created by Elia Ansaloni in 2013 and currently under development. The name Xetlaqui literally means "good language". It is intended to be part of a fantasy setting, being spoken by a human race living in a vast region known as Xinchal or the Hive.

Although Xetlaqui is an a priori conlang, it has been inspired by several natural languages, mainly Nahuatl, Basque, Armenian, Irish and Korean. It is designed to reflect the philosophy of the Hive, also known as Pheyn Yeotl (literally "All is one"), which sees completeness and wholeness as perfection.



Xetlaqui consonants
Bilabial Dental Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Glottal
Central Lateral Plain Labialized
Nasal m n
Plosive p t d k g ʔ
Affricate ʦ ʣ ʧ
Fricative ɸ β θ ð s z ɬ ʃ h
Approximant ɫ j
Trill r
Flap ɾ


Xetlaqui consonants
Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid e eº o
Mid ø
Open-mid ɛ ɛº ɔ
Open ä äº


Xetlaqui has its own writing style (which is currently being developed), but can be transcribed using Latin characters. The alphabet has a one to one letter-sound correspondence, even if few letters can be read in two different ways.

Latin script Pronunciation Further information
a [ä]
ao [äᵒ] The stress never falls on "o".
ch [ʧ]
d [d] / [ð] Pronounced as [ð] when ending a word or when followed by an apostrophe.
e [ɛ] / [e] Generally pronounced as [ɛ] when the stress falls on it, but the two are equivalent.
eo [ɛᵒ] / [eᵒ] See above.
eu [ø]
g [g]
h [h] / [ʔ] Pronounced as [h] only at the beginning of a word.
i [i] Never pronounced as [j].
k [k]
l [ɬ]
ll [ɫ]
m [m]
n [n]
o [ɔ] / [o] Generally pronounced as [ɔ] when the stress falls on it, but the two are equivalent.
p [p]
ph [ɸ] Pronounced as [pʰ] in Old Xetlaqui.
qu [kʷ] Always followed by a, e, i or o.
r [ɾ]
rr [r]
sh [ʃ]
t [t]
th [θ] Pronounced as [tʰ] in Old Xetlaqui.
tl [tɬ]
tz [ʦ]
u [u] Never pronounced as [w].
v [β]
x [ʣ]
y [j]
z [s] / [z] No specific rule about its use as voiced or voiceless.


Xetlaqui is an agglutinative language with declensions for names and adjectives and very few irregular verbs. Nouns and adjectives are gender neutral.


There are three declensions and eight cases in Xetlaqui.

First declension

Nouns and adjectives of this declension end in consonant in the nominative singular. The predominant letters in the ending forms of this declension are e and o. Nouns and adjectives ending with a vowel followed by a single consonant (except for d, l, t, th and tl) form the plural by adding -tli instead of -i. Nouns ending with a vowel followed by l or r form the plural by dropping the l/r and adding -lli/-rri.

house, home
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative xith xithi thep theptli chal challi uzgar uzgarri
Genitive xithe xithek thepe theptlek chale challek uzgare uzgarrek
Dative xithur xithuri thepur theptluri chalur challuri uzgarur uzgarruri
Accusative xitho xithok thepo theptlok chalo challok uzgaro uzgarrok
Instrumental xithea xitheak thepea theptleak chalea challeak uzgarea uzgarreak
Locative xithe xithek thepe theptlek chale challek uzgare uzgarrek
Active xithev xithevi thepev theptlevi chalev challevi uzgarev uzgarrevi
Predicative xithen xitheni thepen theptleni chalen challeni uzgaren uzgarreni

Second declension

Nouns and adjectives of this declension end in consonant in a in the nominative singular. The predominant letter in the ending forms of this declension is a.

work, job
Singular Plural
Nominative aztla aztlak
Genitive aztle aztlek
Dative aztlar aztlari
Accusative aztlao aztlaok
Instrumental aztlea aztleak
Locative aztle aztlek
Active aztlav aztlavi
Predicative aztlan aztlani

Third declension

Nouns and adjectives of this declension end in consonant in i in the nominative singular. The predominant letter in the ending forms of this declension is i.

Singular Plural
Nominative ezqui ezquik
Genitive ezque ezquek
Dative ezquir ezquiri
Accusative ezquio ezquiok
Instrumental ezquia ezquiak
Locative ezque ezquek
Active ezquiv ezquivi
Predicative ezquin ezquini


Main article: Xetlaqui/Lexicon