Záren: Difference between revisions

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Line 484: Line 484:
| '''ṭṣáṇi'''
| '''ṭṣáṇi'''
| give to someone / something
| give to someone / something
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 475px;"
! Affirmative
| -
| '''kxín'''
| to know
! Negative
| -aŋ / -ŋ
| '''kxínaŋ'''
| don't to know

Revision as of 06:50, 1 May 2014

/Preliminary description/



Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular
Nasal m n ɳ ŋ~ɴ
Plosive p t ʈ k q
Affricate p͡f t͡s ʈ͡ʂ k͡x q͡χ
Fricative f v θ̠ ð̠ ʂ ʐ x~χ ɣ~ʁ
Trill r r͡ɽ
Lateral approximant l ɭ
Approximant j
  • p t ʈ k q /p t ṭ k q/
  • p͡f t͡s ʈ͡ʂ k͡x q͡χ /pf ts ṭs kh qh/
  • f θ̠ ʂ x~χ /f s ṣ h/
  • v ð̠ ʐ ɣ~ʁ /v z ẓ ḥ/
  • m n ɳ ŋ~ɴ /m n ṇ ŋ/
  • l ɭ /l ḷ/
  • r r͡ɽ /r ṛ/
  • j /j/


Front Central Back
Short Long Short Long Short Long
Close i ɨ ɨː u
Mid ə əː
Open ä äː
  • iː ɨː uː /í ý ú/
  • əː /é/
  • äː /á/
  • i ɨ u /i y u/
  • ə /e/
  • ä /a/




  • penultimate primary acute accent
  • ultimate secondary gravis accent



  • noun class system (preffixal): Animate (Masculine vs Feminine), Inaminate (Abstractive vs Objective)
  • nominative-genetive alignment
  • 3-way agent secundative ditransitive alignment (S/A = Nominative, D = Pegative P/R = Genetive, T = Instrumental)
  • cases (suffixal): Nominative, Pegative, Genitive, Instrumental, Vialis, Ablative, Lative, Locative, Benefactive
  • number (suffixal): singular, plural
  • definiteness (phrasal clitic): definite proper, definite distant, indefinite

Noun class + Root + Root extension(s) + Case + Number + Definiteness

Noun class

Animate Masculine t- / te- tamen man
Feminine j- / je- jamen woman
Inanimate Abstractive ṇ- / ṇe- ṇamen humanity
Objective - qtem stone


Nominative - tkára wolf subject of intransitive clauses, agent of transitive clauses
Pegative -s / -es tkáras wolf donor of a ditransitive clauses
Genitive -n / -en tkáran wolf, of wolf, to wolf possessor, patient of transitive clauses, recipient of ditransitive clauses
Instrumental -li tkárali by / with wolf instrument, method, accompaniament
Vialis -ema / -ma tkárama through wolf way, vial direction
Ablative -t / -et tkárat from wolf separation, starting point
Lative -ví tkáraví to / at wolf purposive direction
Locative -uṣ / -ṣ tkáraṣ in / on / under wolf spatial or temporal location
Benefactive -ur / -r tkárar for wolf destination, destinative recipient


Singular - qtem stone
Plural -k / -yk qtemyk stones


Neutral - jamen woman
Indefinite -me jamenme a woman
Definite proper -tsa jamentsa the woman
Definite distant -kxy jamenkxy yonder woman


  • aspects (suffixal): Imperfective, Perfective (Punctual Perfective), Conclusive (Durative-Perfective), Habitual
  • voices (infixal): Active vs Middle + Direct vs Causative
  • noun class preffixes
  • tense-moods (suffixal): Past visual, Past non-visual, Present, Future, Conditional, Jussive
  • polarity (phrasal clitic): affirmative, negative
  • subjective and objective persons

[Modal particle] + [Modal verb] + [Noun class + (Root + Voice) + Root extension(s) + Aspect + Tense / Mood + Subject + Object / Theme + Polarity]


Imperfective - vláq to speak
Habitual / Iterative -ja- vláqja to speak many times / regularly
Conclusive (Durative-Perfective) -ny- vláqny to say (after long time of the action)
Perfective (Punctual-Perfective) -su- vláqsu to say (in short moment)


Direct Causative
Active - ŋáv to see -ra- ŋárav to show
Middle -sí- ŋásív to see self -ḥú- ŋáḥúv to show self


Past visual -ṛ- át-ṛ- to go (action in past, visible by subject)
Past non-visual -z- át-z- to go (action in past, non-visible by subject and unconfirmed to him)
Present - át to go (now)
Future -mu- át-mu- to go (future action)
Conditional -fý- át-fý- would to go
Jussive -ḷá- át-ḷá- should to go


Singular Plural
1. -al qával I am living -avy qávavy we are living
2. -if qávif thou art living -ify qávify you are living
3. -a qáva he / she / it is living -ak qávak they are living
4. - qáv someone / something is living
Singular Plural
1. -la tsýlla to let me -va tsýlva to let us
2. -fi tsýlfi to let thee -fe tsýlfe to let you
3. -t tsýlt to let him / her / it -ta tsýlta to let them
4. - tsýl to let someone / something
Singular Plural
1. -je / -j ṭṣáje give to me -ma / -m ṭṣáma give to us
2. -he / -h ṭṣáhe give to thee -ṣa / -ṣ ṭṣáṣa give to you
3. -tsu ṭṣátsu give to him / her / it -tsuk ṭṣátsuk give to them
4. -ṇi ṭṣáṇi give to someone / something


Affirmative - kxín to know
Negative -aŋ / -ŋ kxínaŋ don't to know


  • three degrees: positive, comparative, superlative


  • obviative
  • subjugating hierarchy (suffixal)
  • plural roots


  • postpositions and prepositions (mixed system)
  • conjugable by subjective person


  • SOV
  • head-final