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===[[dal'qörian|back to dalq'örian main page]]===

Almost all Dalcurian verbs are regular in inflection. The position of the verb is much the same as in English, in that it normally follows the subject, except when the word order of a prepositioned phrase takes preference. Dalcurian verbs are ''non finite''; they do not take an inflection in the 3rd person singular as the verb agreement is denoted from the noun or pronoun that precedes it.
[[Dalcurian Language Homepage|Homepage]]
Almost all Dalcurian verbs are regular in inflection. The position of the verb is much the same as in English, in that it normally follows the subject, except when the word order of a prepositioned phrase takes preference. Dalcurian verbs are ''non finite''; they do not show agreement. This is denoted from the noun or pronoun that precedes it.


The following is a quick glance at the various conjugations of the Dalcurian verb, using '''gör'''-''to'' go as an example. Here, we will use the first person singular pronoun '''I''' as the subject since there is no verb agreement change in the third person singular ''he/she'' or ''it'':  
Following is a quick glance at the various conjugations of the Dalcurian verb, using '''gör'''-''to'' go as an example. The first person singular pronoun '''I''' will act as the subject since there is no verb agreement:  

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Tenses that do not exist in Dalcurian are: ''will be going, would be going, was/were going, have/had been going'' and the ''passive tense''. The negative form adds '''x''' to the end of the inflection (see '''Negatives''')
=='''The Infinitive'''==
This is the form that ends in '''r'''. Whether or not this equates as a ''to'' infinitive depends on context. If the infinitive follows the modals: ''want'' and ''like'', then ''to'' is implied by default:
* '''Mæ voltir ''gör.''''' ''He wants '''to go'''''.
* '''Ména iqur ''talehasr'''''. ''We like '''to go on holiday'''''.
* '''Mæ Þöldr ''gör'''''. ''He should '''go'''''.
* '''Binä gä'létr mæöra ''görax'''''. ''I told him '''not to go'''''.

The forms that do not exist in Dalcurian are: ''will be going, would be going, was/were going, have/had been going'' and the ''passive tense''. The negative form adds '''x''' to the end of the inflection (see '''Negatives''')
There are no ''split infinitives'' in Dalcurian: ''to slowly walk, to boldy go'', adverbials always precede verbs.
The preposition '''te''' is only used with infinitives to translate a ''gerund'', see [[dal'qörian nouns|Nouns]].

=='''Participle formation'''==
=='''Participle formation'''==
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* '''quascr'''-''ask''  '''quascria'''-''am/are/is asking''
* '''quascr'''-''ask''  '''quascria'''-''am/are/is asking''

The ''past participle'' is formed with the prefix '''gä’''' to the infinitive. Unlike English, there is no spelling change in either the ''simple past'' verb or the ''past participle'':
The ''past participle'' is formed with the prefix '''gä’''' to the infinitive.  

* '''ságr'''-''say''  '''gä’ságr'''-''said''     
* '''ságr'''-''say''  '''gä’ságr'''-''said''     
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* '''örendör'''-''specify''  '''gä’örendör'''-''specified''
* '''örendör'''-''specify''  '''gä’örendör'''-''specified''

The ''present perfect'' and ''past perfect'' tense are formed by inserting '''ábra'''-''have'' and '''ádra'''-''had'' between the prefix and the infinitive: (in Dalcurian, the ''present perfect participle'' is called a ''perfect participle'')
The ''present perfect'' and ''past perfect'' tense are formed by infixing '''ábra'''-''have'' and '''ádra'''-''had'' between the prefix and the infinitive: (in Dalcurian, the ''present perfect participle'' is called a ''perfect participle'')

* '''gä’ábragör'''-''have gone''  '''gä’ádragör'''-''had gone''     
* '''gä’ábragör'''-''have gone''  '''gä’ádragör'''-''had gone''     
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The present tense indicates something which is happening now. It includes habitual actions and  
The present tense indicates something which is happening now. It includes habitual actions and  
statements of fact (''the Dalcurian '''indicative mood''' is rendered in this way''):
statements of fact. Either the progressive tense or the infinitive is used:

* ''' Di prodnæj täöcria!''' ''The building is collapsing!''.
* ''' Di prodnæj täöcria!''' ''The building is collapsing!''.
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====''The present progressive''====
===='''The present progressive'''====

This is the ''ing'' form of the verb used with a present tense form of the verb ''to be''. It can have several functions in English:
This is the ''ing'' form of the verb used with a present tense form of the verb ''to be''. It can have several functions in English:

'''a'''  to describe an action that is going on at this moment:
'''A'''  to describe an action that is going on at this moment:

* ''She’s talking too loudly!''
* ''He's driving too fast''!

* ''Ask that man what he’s selling.''
* ''I'm asking you a question.''

* ''He is driving too fast!''
* ''John is congratulating Paul.''

* ''They are expecting him here at any moment.''
* ''I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight''.

'''b''' to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend:
In Dalcurian, an '''ia''' inflection denotes this tense. It should be noted that the Dalcurian present progresseive is only used for actions that are happening now, or in terms of the future, will happen on the same day (a minor exception is the use of the progressive in some comparative sentences; see '''Comparative sentences''' in the [[dal'qörian adjectives|'''Adjectives''']] section):

* ''Are you still working for the same company?''
* '''Mæ evédria den vös!''' ''He is driving too fast!''

* ''More and more people are becoming vegetarian.''
* '''Binä, andri diöra, quascria ni qualtédrämös!''' ''I am asking you a question!''
* '''Jöna grætölária Palö.''' ''John is congratulating Paul.''

'''c''' to describe an action in the future that has already been planned or prepared:
* '''IádaninÞi, binä, máriÞ di qömerinöj qve binöra, tirigöria.''' ''I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight''

* ''We’re going on holiday next week.''
'''B'''  to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend:

* ''I’m meeting my boyfriend tonight.''
* ''Are you still working for the same company?''

* ''Are they visiting you next winter?''
* ''More and more people are becoming vegetarian.''

'''d'''  to describe a temporary event or situation:
In Dalcurian, an adverb plus the infinitive will normally be used:

* ''He usually plays the drums, but he's playing bass guitar tonight.''
* '''Diö, máriÞ di méÞril sä ädavon, brát ábæÞr, yil?''' ''Are you still working for the same company?'' Lit: You, with the company as previous, still work?
* ''The weather forecast was good, but it's raining at the moment.''

'''e''' with ''always, forever, constantly'', to describe and emphasize a continuing series of repeated action:
* '''Frætörädnas, danöÞ brát mériÞ nörasáb,, taÞ vädenár stæmöjátsi.''' ''There are more and more people becoming vegetarian.'' Lit: Continuously, there are still more people who become vegetarian.

* ''Stacey and Brian are always arguing!''
'''C''' to describe an action in the future that has already been planned or prepared:
* ''You're forever complaining about your mother-in-law!''

The Dalcurian present progressive tense is used to denote 'only' the action that is happening now, as in example '''a''' and most times in examples '''b''' and '''d''' above:
* ''We’re going on holiday next week.''

* '''Mæ evédria den vös!''' ''He is driving too fast!''
* ''Are they visiting you next winter?''

* '''Binä quascria diöra ni qualtédrämös!''' ''I am asking you a question!''
Here, the future tense must be used (see '''Future''' below)
* '''Jöna grætölária Palö.''' ''John is congratulating Paul.''
* '''Yil yil! stæabetáros diöra giÞvetária!''' ''Oh do stop exaggerating!''

* '''Diö, máriÞ di méÞril sä ädavon, brát ábæÞria, yil?''' ''Are you still working for the same company as before?''
'''D''' to describe a temporary event or situation:

* '''DanöÞ brát mériÞ nörasáb,, taÞ vädenária stæmöjátsiel.''' ''There are more and more people becoming vegetarian.''
* ''He usually plays the drums, but he's playing guitar at present.''

The Dalcurian present progressive is only used to denote the future if the event will happen on the same day:
As with the examples in '''B''', an adverb and an infinitive equate this:

* '''IádaninÞi, binä tirigöria di qömerinöj qve binöra.''' ''I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight''
* '''Picalosni, mæ spélögr di derömj,, brát qedérÞas, mæ spélögr gæatéj.''' ''He usually plays the drums, but he's playing guitar at present.''

'''C''' see ''Future tense''
'''E''' with ''always, forever, constantly'', to describe and emphasize a continuing series of repeated action:

'''E''' is rendered by the infinitive:
* ''Stacey and Brian are always arguing!''
* ''You're forever complaining about your mother-in-law!''  

* '''Stäsé ön Brián sævála vecsár!''' ''Stacey and Brian are always arguing!'' (lit: ''Stacey and Brian always argue!'')
And again, as with '''B''' and '''D''':
* '''Stäsé ön Brián sævála vecsár!''' ''Stacey and Brian are always arguing!'' Lit: Stacey and Brian always argue!

* '''Diö sævála qonvenistr di siaparenöj-vála qve diöra.''' ''You're always/forever complaining about your mother-in-law.''   
* '''Diö sævála qonvenistr di siaparenöj-vála qve diöra.''' ''You're always/forever complaining about your mother-in-law.''   

====''The present perfect tense''====
===='''The present perfect tense'''====

In English, the present perfect is formed with the auxiliaries ''have/has'' and the past participle. Its use in Dalcurian is much the same and is used for:
In English, the present perfect is formed with the auxiliaries ''have/has'' and the past participle. Its use in Dalcurian is much the same and is used for:

ː Verbs of state that begin in the past and lead up to and include the present. (usually with for or since)<br/>ː To express habitual or continuous action.<br/>ː Events occurring at an un-defined or unspecified time in the past, with ever, never, already, yet or before:
* Verbs of state that begin in the past and lead up to and include the present. (usually with for or since)
*To express habitual or continuous action.
*Events occurring at an un-defined or unspecified time in the past, with ever, never, already, yet or before:

* '''Rödn vélas yérasel, mæ gä’ábrahabitr dérÞ.''' ''He has lived here for many years.''
* '''Rödn vélas yérasel, mæ gä’ábrahabitr dérÞ.''' ''He has lived here for many years.''
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* '''Rödn 20 yérasel, ména, andri séÞa nörasabödä, gä’ábra-acäödr.''' ''We have taught at this school for 20 years.''
* '''Rödn 20 yérasel, ména, andri séÞa nörasabödä, gä’ábra-acäödr.''' ''We have taught at this school for 20 years.''

* '''Binä gä’ábraqömárax,, sintra binä gä’descöbr,, taÞ di abödä perösendos!''' ''I haven’t slept since I found out the house is haunted!''
* '''Sintra binä gä’descöbr,, taÞ di abödä perösendos,, binä gä’ábraqömárax!''' ''I haven’t slept since I found out the house is haunted!''

* '''Dörac di vétä qve mæöra, mæ gä’ábragliár visániöestáj.''' ''He has worn glasses all his life''. ('glasses' is singular in Dalcurian and can mean 'a pair of glasses')
* '''Dörac di vétä qve mæöra, mæ gä’ábragliár visániöestáj.''' ''He has worn glasses all his life''. ('glasses' is singular in Dalcurian and can mean 'a pair of glasses')

* '''Iádas séÞa qömbla, sia, máriÞ di sabaj, gä’ábramösár levaltr.''' ''She has had to catch the bus every day this week.''  
* '''Dörac iáda, binä gä’ábra ni ecör'penjämös.''' ''I have had a headache all day.''

* '''Dörac iáda, binä gä’ábra nis ecörämös di sentániäj.''' ''I have had a headache all day.''
When used with ''never, already, yet, before'' and ''just'', then stylistically, these normally go before the past participle (as most adverbs precede the verb in any state). Rendering the form ''ever before'', use the expression'''esti vonéri''', as this can show a degree of suprise or distain depending on context:

When used with ''ever, never, already, yet, before'' and ''just'', then these must go 'after' the past participle. However, with the form ''ever + before'', then 'before' immediately 'follows' ever: (ever is rendered by the intensifier '''esti''', see '''Intensifiers''')
* '''Nabödn, te binä, gä’ábraságr taÞ vonéri esti !''' ''Nobody has ever said that to me before!''

* '''Nabödn, te binä, gä’ábraságr esti vonéri taÞ!''' ''Nobody has ever said that to me before!''
* '''Döqu sä séÞa, te ména, gä’ábradafödr esti!''' ''Nothing like this has ever happened to us!''

* '''Döqu sä séÞa, te ména, gä’ábradaƒödr esti.''' ''Nothing like this has ever happened to us.''
* '''Éren gä’ábravisör esti néavára ni plampäj.''' ''What, they've never seen a hippo?.''

* '''Éren gä’ábravisör néavára ni plampäj.''' ''They have never seen a hippo.''
* '''Sia aléaræÞ gä’ábrastæabetár di ábæabödäj qve siöra, yil?''' ''Has she finished her homework already?''

* '''Sia aléaræÞ gä’ábrastæabetár di ábæabödäj qve siöra, yil?''' ''Has she finished her homework already?''
* '''Binä nø gä’ábrabesöcérax di 'Tate Gallery'.''' ''I haven’t visited the Tate Gallery yet.''

* '''Binä gä’ábrabesöcérax nø di 'Tate Gallery'.''' ''I haven’t visited the Tate Gallery yet.''
* '''Sonaros diöra! Binä gä’ábralétr esti aléaræÞ tredimä!''' ''Hurry up! Ive told you three times already!''

* '''Sonaros diöra! Binä gä’ábralétr aléaræÞ tredimä!''' ''Hurry up! Ive told you three times already!''
NOTE: If the action has just taken place, one can insert '''jenö'''-''just'' immediatly after '''ábra''':

* '''Binä, te mæ, gä’ábraqonvetár jenö.''' ''I have just spoken to him.''
* '''Binä, te mæ, gä’ábrajenöqonvetár.''' ''I have just spoken to him.''

'''Have/has been'''
'''Have/has been'''
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The form ''have/has been'' is rendered in one of three ways. When referring to places such as ''countries, cities, friends houses'' etc, in the sense of 'having been/never been', the verb '''besöcér'''-''visit'' is used:
The form ''have/has been'' is rendered in one of three ways. When referring to places such as ''countries, cities, friends houses'' etc, in the sense of 'having been/never been', the verb '''besöcér'''-''visit'' is used:

* '''Binä gä’ábrabesöcér néavára Japéna.''' ''I have never been to Japan.''
* '''Binä néavára gä’ábrabesöcér Japéna.''' ''I have never been to Japan.''

* '''Mæ gä’ábrabesöcér néavára di abödä qve binöra.''' ''He has never been to my house.''
Again, '''esti''' can be used to add force to the statement:

And idiomatically in sentences such as:
* '''Binä esti néavára gä’ábrabesöcér Japéna!''' ''Look, I have NEVER been to Japan!''

* '''Diö gä’ábrabesöcér abödä, néƒaracte?''' ''Haven't you been home yet?''
* '''Mæ néavára gä’ábrabesöcér di abödä qve binöra.''' ''He has never been to my house.''

When talking about ''performances, concerts, shows'' or anything connected with performing arts, the verbs '''visör'''-''to see'' and '''ansör'''-''to'' watch are preferred:
When talking about ''performances, concerts, shows'' or anything connected with performing arts, the verb '''vehigeladr'''-''to attend'' is preferred:

* '''Di beröj qve binöra gä’ábravisör esti ni peƒerödn.''' ''My brother has never been to a concert''. (lit: ''has never seen'').
* '''Di beröj qve binöra gä’ábravehigeladr ni peferödn.''' ''My brother has been to a concert''.  

* '''Iáda voninÞi, ména, andri animatáj, gä’ansör ni mosödrämös.''' ''We’ve been to the cinema tonight''. (lit: ''This evening, we, at the cinema, have watched a film'').
* '''Iáda voninÞi, ména, andri animatáj, gä’ébrvehigeladr.''' ''We’ve been to the cinema tonight''.  

When ''have/has been'' refers to the 'whereabouts' (in an existential sense with ''since/for'') or the 'state' of someone/something, and the action is still on going, the present indicative tense is used with the  
When ''have/has been'' refers to 'location' (in an existential sense with ''since/for'') or the 'state' of someone/something, and the action is still on going, then the statement remains in the present indicative or present progressive with the preposition '''sintra'''-''since'':  
preposition '''sintra'''-''since'':  

* '''Sintra hec qömblasel, ména dérÞ'''. ''We have been here for six weeks'' (and still are.) (lit: ''Since six weeks, we are here'').
* '''Sintra hec qömblasel, ména dérÞ'''. ''We have been here for six weeks'' (and still are.) .
* '''TiÞ morgér,, taÞ, sintra etirimiÞ, ména talehasria, néƒaracte?''' ''It seems like we’ve been on holiday for ages, doesn’t it''? (lit: ''It seems that, since a long time, we are on holiday, doesn’t it?'')
* '''DanöÞ morgér,, taÞ, sintra etirimiÞ, ména talehasria, néfaracte?''' ''It seems like we’ve been on holiday for a while, doesn’t it''? (lit: ''It seems that, since a long time, we are holidaying, doesn’t it?'')
* '''Sintra ni Þömn äda, danöÞ ni veclérÞ darø lemasträmös, öcra di öløsimáj, qamöria.''' ''There has been a really bad smell coming from the cellar for over a month''. (lit: ''Since a month ago, there is a really bad smell, from the cellar, coming'').
* '''Sintra ni Þömn äda, danöÞ ni veclérÞ darø lemasträmös, öcra di öløsimáj, qamöria.''' ''There has been a really bad smell coming from the cellar for over a month''. (lit: ''Since a month ago, there is a really bad smell, from the cellar, coming'').

To ask about the whereabouts of someone, or to answer in the affirmative, the verb '''Þalár'''-''to reside'' is used:
To ask about the whereabouts of someone, or to answer in the affirmative, the verb '''Þalár'''-''to reside'' is standard:

* '''Dorac iáda, væl? gä’ábraÞalár diö.''' ''Where have you been all day?'' (lit: ''All day, where have resided you?'')  
* '''Dorac iáda, væl? gä’ábraÞalár diö.''' ''Where have you been all day?'' (lit: ''All day, where have resided you?'')  
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====''The present perfect continuous''====
===='''The present perfect continuous'''====

In English, there are basically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense. (There is usually a connection with the ''present'' or ''now''):
In English, there are basically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense. (There is usually a connection with the ''present'' or ''now''):
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'''A'''. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped:
'''A'''. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped:

* ''I'm tired'' (now) ''because '''I've been running'''''.  
* ''I'm tired (now) because I've been running''.  

* ''Why is the grass wet?'' (now) '''''Has it been raining'''''?  
* ''Why is the grass wet? (now) Has it been raining''?  

* ''She has been out running along the canal.''
* ''She has been out running along the canal.''

* ''You don't understand'' (now) '''''because you haven't been listening'''''.
* ''You don't understand (now) because you haven't been listening''.
'''B'''. An action continuing up to now (usually used with ''for'' or ''since''):

* ''I have been reading for 2 hours''. (I am still reading now.)  
'''B'''. An action continuing up to now and still ongoing (usually used with ''for'' or ''since''):

* ''We've been studying since 9 o'clock''. (We're still studying now.)
* ''I have been reading for 2 hours''.  

* ''We have been waiting over an hour for a bus!'' (still waiting)
* ''We've been studying since 9 o'clock''

The examples in '''A''' are rendered using the Dalcurian ''simple past'' with, for the most part, the adverb '''jenö'''-''just'':
* ''We have been waiting over an hour for a bus!''  

* '''Binä tädø,, qösra binä jenö gä'vaÞr'''. lit: ''I'm tired, because I just ran.''
The examples in '''A''' are rendered using the Dalcurian ''simple past'' with, for the most part, the adverb '''jenö'''-''just'' which infixes:

* '''Várö? di rasenj nahasrädn. TiÞ jenö gä'danpör, yil?.''' ''Why is the grass wet? It just rained, yes?.''
* '''Binä tädø,, qösra binä gä'jenövaÞr'''. Lit: ''I'm tired, because I just ran.''

* '''Sia, enga di geböædénij, jenö gä’vaÞr.''' ''She, alongside the canal, just ran.''
* '''Várö? di rasenj nahasrädn. DanöÞ gä'jenödanpör, yil?.''' Lit: ''Why is the grass wet?  It just rained, yes?.''

* '''Diö vestéörax,, qösra diö jenö gä'alhörax.''' ''You didn't understand because you just listened not''. (''just'' in this example indicates that this has just happened).
* '''Sia, enga di geböædénij, gä’jenövaÞr.''' ''She, alongside the canal, just ran.''

The examples in '''B''' would normally be in the present tense:

The examples in '''B''' would normally be rendered in the present tense:
* '''Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä quádria.''' ''I have been reading for 2 hours''. (and still am)Lit: ''Since 2 hours ago, I am reading.''

* '''Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä quádria.''' lit: ''Since 2 hours ago, I am reading.''  
* '''Sintra 9, ména stödæéria.''' ''We've been studying since 9 o'clock'' (and still are)Lit: ''Since 9, we are studying.''  

* '''Sintra 9, ména stödæéria.''' lit: ''Since 9, we are studying.''
* '''Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra ni sabaj, vögéria!''' ''We have been waiting over an hour for a bus!'' (and still waiting) Lit: ''Since an hour ago, we are, for a bus, waiting!''  

* '''Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra ni sabaj, vögéria!''' lit: ''Since an hour ago, we are, for a bus, waiting!''  
However, if the event has finished, then the verb clause goes into the present perfect tense, again with or without'''jenö''':

However, if the event has just finished, then the sentence goes into the present perfect tense:
* '''Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä gä'ábrajenöquádr.''' ''I have been reading for 2 hours''. (but have just finished) Lit: '' Since 2 hours ago, I have just read.'' (but I've just finished)

* '''Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä gä'ábraquádr.''' lit: '' Since 2 hours ago, I have read.'' (but I've just finished)
* '''Sintra 9, ména gä'ábrajenöstödæér.''' ''We have been studying since 9 o'clock.'' (but have finished) Lit: ''Since 9pm we have just studied''. (but we've just stopped)

* '''Sintra 9, ména gä'ábrastödæér.''' lit: ''Since 9 we have studied''. (but we've just stopped)
* '''Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra séÞa sabaj, gä'ábravögér!''' Lit: ''Since an hour ago, we, for this bus, have waited.'' (the bus has just arrived or no longer waiting)
* '''Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra séÞa sabaj, gä'ábravögér!''' lit: ''Since an hour ago, we, for this bus, have waited.'' (the bus has just arrived)

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There are 2 forms of the past tense in Dalcurian: ''simple past, and perfect'' or ''pluperfect past''.
There are 2 forms of the past tense in Dalcurian: ''simple past, and perfect'' or ''pluperfect past''.

====''Simple past''====
===='''Simple past'''====

The Dalcurian simple past is formed with the prefix '''gä’''' to the front of the infinitive:
The Dalcurian simple past is formed with the prefix '''gä’''' and the infinitive:

* '''gör'''-''go''  '''gä’gör'''-''went''
* '''gör'''-''go''  '''gä’gör'''-''went''
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* '''andöcr'''-''give''  '''gä’andöcr'''-''gave''
* '''andöcr'''-''give''  '''gä’andöcr'''-''gave''

* '''pilƒör'''-''steal''  '''gä’pilƒör'''-''stole''
* '''pilför'''-''steal''  '''gä’pilför'''-''stole''

* '''Ädiáda, mæ, te binä, gä’andöcr ni gistäj'''. ''He gave me a present yesterday''.
* '''Ädiáda, mæ, te binä, gä’andöcr ni gistäj'''. ''He gave me a present yesterday''.
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* '''Sia, te sia, gä’Þonábr disiri tagéÞrädnas'''. ''She gestured very seductively to her.''
* '''Sia, te sia, gä’Þonábr disiri tagéÞrädnas'''. ''She gestured very seductively to her.''

The Dalcurian simple past is used in much the same way as in English. However, one of its main uses in Dalcurian is to render the English ''past continuous tense'' (the past tense of the verb ''to be-was/were'' and the present participle of a main verb; see '''Past continuous''').

====''Perfect/Pluperfect Past''====
===='''Perfect/Pluperfect Past'''====

This tense states an action that began in the past and ended before another began (usually followed by before or when). This is formed with the auxiliary verb ''had'' in English, which is '''ádra''' in Dalcurian and formed in the same way as the Present Perfect:
This tense states an action that began in the past and ended before another began (usually followed by ''before'' or ''when''). The auxilliary '''ádra''' infixes:

* '''jedár'''-''adjust''  '''gä’ádrajedár'''-''had adjusted''
* '''jedár'''-''adjust''  '''gä’ádrajedár'''-''had adjusted''
Line 295: Line 305:
* '''täsplétr'''-''burst''  '''gä’ádratäsplétr'''-''had burst''
* '''täsplétr'''-''burst''  '''gä’ádratäsplétr'''-''had burst''

* '''Binä, öcra di danpörämös stæabetár, gä’ádravögér,, vonéri binä näocr gadörajvalcr'''. ''I had to wait for the rain to stop before I could walk the dog''.
* '''Binä, lintöni di danpörämös gä'stæabetár, gä’mösár vögér,, vonéri binä näocr gadörajvalcr'''. ''I had to wait for the rain to stop before I could walk the dog''.

* '''Mæ gä’ádragörør jenö,, vömä diö gä’téádr'''. ''He had just gone out when you rang.''
* '''Mæ gä’ádrajenögörør,, vömä diö gä’téádr'''. ''He had just gone out when you rang.''

Notice how, in English, the auxiliary and main verb can separate; this can’t happen in Dalcurian.
Notice how, in English, the auxiliary and main verb can separate; this can’t happen in Dalcurian.

====''The Continuous Past''====
===='''The Continuous Past'''====

Again, in English, this tense has multiple uses:
Again, in English, this tense has multiple uses:

ː To describe the background in a story written in the past tense:<br/> * ''The sun '''was shining''' and the birds '''were singing''' as the elephant came out of the jungle''.
* To describe the background in a story written in the past tense:<br/> * ''The sun '''was shining''' and the birds '''were singing''' as the elephant came out of the jungle''.

ː To describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event (usually followed by when or until):<br/> * ''I '''was having''' a great dream when/until the dog barked''.
* To describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event (usually followed by when or until):<br/> * ''I '''was having''' a great dream when/until the dog barked''.

ː To describe an action that happened over a period of time:<br/> * ''They '''were climbing''' for twenty seven days before they reached the summit''.  
* To describe an action that happened over a period of time:<br/> * ''They '''were climbing''' for twenty seven days before they reached the summit''.  

ː With 'wonder', to make a very polite request:<br/> * ''I '''was wondering''' if you could baby-sit for me tonight?''
* With 'wonder', to make a very polite request:<br/> * ''I '''was wondering''' if you could baby-sit for me tonight?''

ː To express a change of mind:<br/> * ''I '''was going''' to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead''.
* To express a change of mind:<br/> * ''I '''was going''' to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead''.
With the exception of the last 2 examples above, Dalcurian uses its simple past to render this tense. If the action was unfinished or interrupted, the  subordinate clause is introduced by '''lintöni'''-''until''. Where 'before' is used in the English sentence, again, Dalcurian uses '''lintöni''':
With the exception of the last 2 examples above, Dalcurian uses its simple past to render this tense. If the action was unfinished or interrupted, the  subordinate clause is introduced by '''lintöni'''-''until'':

* '''Di Siárij gä’ømár,, ön di vögäl gä’löigár,, sä di majentáj, gä’ömøqamör di jonglæ'''. ''The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle''. lit: ''The sun '''shone''' and the birds '''sang''' as the elephant came out of the jungle''.
* '''Di Siárij gä’ømár,, ön di vögäl gä’löigár,, sä di majentáj, gä’ömøqamör di jonglæ'''. ''The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle''. Lit: ''The sun '''shone''' and the birds '''sang''' as the elephant came out of the jungle''.

* '''Binä gä’æanémr éagöra,, lintöni di gadöraj gä’vaƒr'''. ''I was having a great dream when/until the dog barked''. lit: ''I '''dreamed''' well until the dog barked''.
* '''Binä gä’æanémr éagöra,, lintöni di gadöraj gä’vafr'''. ''I was having a great dream when/until the dog barked''. Lit: ''I '''dreamed''' well until the dog barked''.

* '''Rödn senal’dionta iádel, éren gä’qlimbér,, lintöni éren gä’öraqur di viténiÞ'''. ''They were climbing for twenty seven days before they reached the summit''. lit: ''For 27 days, they '''climbed''' until they reached the summit''.
* '''Rödn senal’dionta iádel, éren gä’qlimbér,, lintöni éren gä’öraqur di viténiÞ'''. ''They were climbing for twenty seven days before they reached the summit''. Lit: ''For 27 days, they '''climbed''' until they reached the summit''.

To express a change of mind or plan/intention, the verb '''septér'''-''intend'' is used in the simple past:
To express a change of mind or plan/intention, the verb '''septér'''-''intend'' is used in the simple past:

* '''Binä, andri öbri, dörac di áda, gä’septér gör,, brát binä, máriÞ ni töribesöcérämös, gä’edécödr gör tisdæd.''' ''I was going to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead.  
* '''Dörac di áda, binä, andri öbri, gä’septér neparépør,, brát binä, máriÞ ni töribesöcérämös, gä’edécödr tisdæd gör .''' ''I was going to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead''. Lit: ''Throughout the day, I, at the beach, intended to spend time but I, with an excursion, decided to instead go ''.
lit: ''I, at the beach, throughout the day, intended to go but I, with an excursion, decided to go instead''.

* '''Ména, am Strománi, gä’septér vehær,, brát ména nöra gä’ábra, lintöni Tødröna, lobéstr'''. ''We were planning on a summer wedding but we’ve had to put it off until October now''. lit: ''We, in the summer, intended to marry but we now have had to, until October, postpone''.
* '''Ména, am Strománi, gä’septér vehær,, brát, ména gä'mösár, lintöni Tødröna, lobéstr'''. ''We were planning on a summer wedding but we’ve had to put it off until October now''. Lit: ''We, in the summer, intended to marry but we had to, until October, postpone''.

With 'wonder', a special verb is used. The verb is formed with the appropriate reflexive personal pronoun attached to the end of the word '''qualtéa'''. (This is quite an idiomatic word; '''qualtéa''' roughly translates as ''a thought'' or ''goal'' that may be difficult to reach):
With 'wonder', a special verb is used. The verb is formed with the appropriate reflexive personal pronoun attached to the end of the word '''qualtéa'''. (This is quite an idiomatic word; '''qualtéa''' roughly translates as ''a thought'' or ''goal'' that may be difficult to reach):

* '''Qualtéabinöria méla diöra neldrquas te binä di vötöj qve diöra¿''' ''I was wondering if you would lend me your car?'' lit: ''I am wondering if you would lend to me your car?''
* '''Qualtéabinöria,, méla diöra, te binä, neldrquas di vötöj qve diöra¿''' ''I was wondering if you would lend me your car?'' lit: ''I am wondering if you, to me, would lend your car?''

* '''Qualtéaménöria,, öbæ tev’araciev, diö iquirquas, máriÞ ménöra, amøcamör¿''' ''We were wondering whether you'd like to come out with us later?'' lit: ''We were wondering whether later, you would like, with us, to come out?''
* '''Qualtéaménöria,, öbæ tev’araciev, diö iquirquas, máriÞ ménöra, amøcamör¿''' ''We were wondering whether you'd like to come out with us later?'' lit: ''We were wondering whether later, you would like, with us, to come out?''
Line 340: Line 349:
==='''The Future Tense'''===
==='''The Future Tense'''===

The Dalcurian future tense is simply formed by adding the suffix '''æ''' to the end of the verb. In English, the future tense can be formed by using the present tense or by using the auxiliary verbs ''will/shall'' (''shall'' is used more to denote an intention or order):
The Dalcurian future tense is simply formed with the suffix '''æ'''. In English, the future tense can be formed by using the present tense or by using the auxiliary verbs ''will/shall'' (''shall'' is used more to denote an intention or order):
* ''We are going out tonight''.     
* ''We are going out tonight''.     
Line 356: Line 365:
* '''Tev’araciev iáda, binä görøria'''. ''I am going out later today''.
* '''Tev’araciev iáda, binä görøria'''. ''I am going out later today''.

However, this tense is only used if the event in question will happen 'on the same day'. For example, you
However, as stated earlier, this tense is only used if the event in question will happen 'on the same day'. For example, one wouldn't typically say:  
wouldn’t say:  
* '''Vonériáda, ména görøria'''. ''We are going out tomorrow''. You would say:
* '''Vonériáda, ména görøria'''. ''We are going out tomorrow''. But rather:

* '''Vonériáda, ména görøræ'''.  ''We will go out tomorrow''. (Note: this is not completely wrong, but it will easily establish you as a non-Dalcurian).
* '''Vonériáda, ména görøræ'''.  ''We will go out tomorrow''.  
NOTE: Although this is standard Dalcurian grammar, learners will certainly not come under scrutiny for using the progressive tense.
The future is also used when you are uncertain when the event will take place, and with hypothetical statements/questions:
The future is also used when you are uncertain when the event will take place, and with hypothetical statements/questions:
Line 367: Line 377:
* '''Nösaraciev, binä quascræ mæöra'''. ''I will ask him sooner or later''.  
* '''Nösaraciev, binä quascræ mæöra'''. ''I will ask him sooner or later''.  

* '''Vömä? nörasägræ éren'''. ''When are they going to learn?'' lit: ''When will learn they''?
* '''Vömä? nörasägræ éren'''. ''When are they going to learn?'' Lit: ''When will learn they''?

* '''Qualtéabinör méla, vonériáda, tiÞ danpöræ?''' ''I wonder if it’s going to rain tomorrow?'' lit: ''I wonder if, tomorrow, it will rain''?
* '''Qualtéabinör méla, vonériáda, danöÞ danpöræ?''' ''I wonder if it’s going to rain tomorrow?'' Lit: ''I wonder if, tomorrow, it will rain''?

* '''DanöÞ nébaræ sævála dasquriøámn am perösarä'''. ''There’s always going to be sadness in the world''. lit: ''There will be always sadness in the world''.
* '''DanöÞ nébaræ, am perösarä, sævála dasquriøámn'''. ''There’s always going to be sadness in the world''. Lit: ''There will be, in the world, always sadness''.

* '''Binä nitörieÞ stæpatiquálö,, brát binä qönér,, taÞ Éan quascræ binöra néba di onis sáj qve mæöra'''. ''I’m not quite sure, but I think Ian is going to ask me to be his best man.''
* '''Binä nitörieÞ stæpatiquálö,, brát binä qönér,, taÞ Éan quascræ binöra néba di onis sáj qve mæöra'''. ''I’m not quite sure, but I think Ian is going to ask me to be his best man.''
There is also another inflection to the future tense, which is an additional '''n'''. This equates to the English use of ''shall'' and where ''will'' is used in requests, and can also translate as ''lets'':
* '''Iáda'ninÞi, ména görøræan, yil?''' ''Shall we go out tonight?''
* '''Iáda'ninÞi, ména görøræan.''' ''Let's go out tonight''
* '''Diö qoÞ, öcra binöra, eÞöa vaquræan, yil?''' ''Will you do something for me?''

==='''The Passive Tense'''===
==='''The Passive Tense'''===

In English, the passive tense is formed with a form of the verb ''to be'' and the past participle of the verb. Verbs are said to be either ''active'' (The executive committee '''approved''' the new policy) or ''passive'' (The new policy '''was approved''' by the executive committee) in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a ''be-er'' or a ''do-er'' and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a ''do-er'' or a ''be-er'', but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed (The new policy '''was approved''').
In English, the passive tense is formed with a form of the verb ''to be'' and the past participle of the verb. Verbs are said to be either ACTIVE: ''The executive committee '''approved''' the new policy'', or PASSIVE: ''The new policy '''was approved''' by the executive committee'' in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a ''be-er'' or a ''do-er'' and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a ''do-er'' or a ''be-er'', but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed: ''The new policy '''was approved'''.

Dalcurian has no passive voice. Instead, the active voice is used with an impersonal pronoun, either '''minä'''-''you/one'' or '''minäla'''-''they'' (not to be mistaken as '''éren'''-''they''-this is only used when the ''they'' are known).
Dalcurian has no passive voice. Instead, the active voice is used with an impersonal pronoun, either '''minä'''-''you/one'' or '''minäla'''-''they'' (not to be mistaken as '''éren'''-''they''-this is only used when the ''they'' are known).

There are several passive tenses in English, again, all of which are rendered by the active voice in Dalcurian.
There are several passive tenses in English, again, all of which can be rendered by the active voice in Dalcurian.
Below are several examples to illustrate this, using the verb ''design'':
Below are several examples to illustrate this, using the verb '''inoventör'''-''design'':

'''Present/present perfect-''is/are/has/have been designed'''''

Passive in Eng:
* ''The car/s is/are designed with safety in mind''. 
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventör di vötöj/el''' ''Lit: They, in thought of safety, design the car/s.''

* ''The car/s is/are designed with safety in mind''
'''Present Progressive'''
Dal' equivalent:
* ''The car/s is/are being designed with safety in mind.''
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventöria di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They, in thought of safety, are designing the car/s.'' 

* '''Minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, gä’inoventör/gä’ábra-inoventör di vötöj/el''' ''Lit: They, with safety in thought, designed/have designed the car/s.''
'''Simple Past'''
* ''The car/s was/were designed with safety in mind.''
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, gä’inoventör di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They, in thought of safety, designed the car/s.''

'''NOTE 1''': '''minäla''' is the impersonal pronoun for ''they''; '''éren''' is not used 'unless' the agent is known.
'''Perfect Present'''

'''NOTE 2''': It would be wrong to use the present progressive tense: '''minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, inoventöria di vötöj/el'''-''they are designing the cars with safety in mind'' to form the equivalent of this passive construction because this would imply that the cars are 'still in the process' of being designed, when in fact the passive construction: ''The car/s is/are designed with safety in mind'' tells us that ''the car/s'' have already been designed.  
* '''The car/s have been designed with safety in mind'''.
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, 'ábra-inventör di vötöjel'''. lit: ''They, in thought of safety, have designed the car/s''.

'''Past-''was/were/had been'''''
'''Perfect Past'''
* ''The car/s was/were/had been designed with safety in mind.''

* '''Minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, gä’ádra-inoventör di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They, with safety in mind, had designed the cars.''
* '''The car/s had been designed with safety in mind'''.
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, gä'ádra-inventör di vötöjel'''. lit: ''They, in thought of safety, had designed the car/s''.

'''Continuing past-''was/were being'''''
'''Continuing past'''
* ''The car/s was/were being designed with safety in mind.''
* ''The car/s was/were being designed with safety in mind.''
* '''Sä minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, gä'inoventör di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''As they, with saftey in mind, designed the car/s.''

This is the 'odd ball' of the Dalcurian passive equivalent. The construction ''was/were being designed'' indicates that the process was halted for some reason. For instance, we could elaborate on the sentence: ''The cars were being designed with safety in mind but due to a design fault their production was delayed''. So the Dalcurian equivalent is to say: ''As they designed the cars......''This implies that there was a reason as to why the designing 'stopped' during the process.
This is the 'odd ball' of the Dalcurian passive equivalent. The construction ''was/were being designed'' indicates that the process was halted for some reason. For instance, we could elaborate on the sentence: ''The cars were being designed with safety in mind but due to a design fault their production was delayed''. The Dalcurian equivalent is to use the simple past; context becoming clear from additional text or info.

'''Present progressive-''is/are being'''''
* ''The car/s is/are being designed with safety in mind.''
* '''Minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, inoventöria di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They, with safety in mind, are designing the cars.''
'''Future/future perfect-''will be/will have been'''''
* ''The car/s will be/will have been designed with safety in mind.''   
* ''The car/s will be/will have been designed with safety in mind.''   
** '''Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventöræ di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They, in thought of safety, will design the car/s''.
* '''Minäla, ma yéras amqönérämös, inoventöræ/gä’ábra-inoventöræ di vötöj/el.''' Lit: ''They will design/will have designed the cars with safety in mind''

=='''To Be or not to Be!'''==
=='''To Be or not to Be!'''==

The verb ''to be'' is probably one the most inflected verbs in use, even though it is classed as an auxiliary verb. It has no less than eight conjugations in English and even more in German! In complexity, the Dalcurian verb ''to be'' '''néba''', is far less complex than in other languages. It has only 'one' inflection which is to denote the future tense '''nébaræ'''-''will be'' and it is the actual words it is used in conjunction with that give denote its tenses. As you should know by now, there are no present tense conjugations am/are/is; their existence lies within the ''pronoun/noun'' or the ''present participle'' of a main verb.  
The verb ''to be'' is probably one the most inflected verbs in use, even though it is classed as an auxiliary verb. It has no less than eight conjugations in English and even more in German! In complexity, the Dalcurian verb ''to be'' '''néba''', is far less complex than in other languages. It has only 'one' inflection which is to denote the future tense '''nébaræ'''-''will be'' and it's the words it is used in conjunction with that denote its other tenses. As you should know by now, there are no present tense conjugations am/are/is; their existence lies within the ''pronoun/noun'' or the ''present participle'' of a main verb. In fact, it should be noted that '''néba''' has very little usage at all in Dalcurian speech, save for political and very formal contexts.

==='''Néba'''-present/progressive tense '''''being'''''===
==='''Néba'''-present/progressive tense '''''being'''''===

When '''néba''' is used in conjunction with nouns/pronouns and prepositions, (except '''te'''-''to''; like other infinitive verbs it means this already), it takes the present participle meaning of ''being'':
This is the ''am/are/is being'' form, invariably followed by an adjective. Dalcurian does not use '''néba''' at all in this construct, but rather idiomaticaly uses the present progressive verb inflection '''ia''' with an adjective (if the adjective ends in '''i''', then this is removed):
* '''Gegéna, éren néba ƒaliÞi'''. ''They are being stupid again''.
* '''Gegéna, éren faliÞ'ia'''. ''They are being stupid again''. lit: ''They are '''stupiding''' again''.
* '''Megan veclérÞ belistø'ia.'''  ''Megan is being really noisy.'' lit: ''Megan is really '''noisying'''''.

* '''Megan néba veclérÞ belistø.'''  ''Megan is being really noisy.''  
To make this past, ''was/were being'', one simply puts the adjective into the past tense:
* '''Gegéna, éren gé'faliÞ'ia'''. ''They were being stupid again''. lit: ''They were '''stupiding''' again''.
* '''Megan veclérÞ gé'belistø'ia.'''  ''Megan was being really noisy.'' lit: ''Megan was really '''noisying'''''.

==='''Infinitive use'''===
==='''Infinitive use'''===

When '''néba''' is used with the modal verbs '''már'''-''may'', '''nöacr'''-''can'', '''mösár'''-''must'', '''Þöldr'''-''should'' in the present tense, it takes the infinite meaning ''be'', but with '''voltir'''-''want'', it takes the ''to'' infinitive meaning.  
When '''néba''' is used with the modal verbs '''már'''-''may'', '''nöacr'''-''can'', '''mösár'''-''must'', '''Þöldr'''-''should'' in the present tense, it takes the infinite meaning ''be'', but with '''voltir'''-''want'', it acts as a ''to'' infinitive:  
* '''Mæ voltir néba berömni.'''  ''He wants to be famous''.   
* '''Mæ voltir néba berömni.'''  ''He wants to be famous''.   
* '''Di löræasáÞ mösár néba te’qurehendø.'''  ''The music must be louder.'' ('''Note''': the modal verb '''mösár''' is translatable as ''to have to'' and not as strict as ''must'').
* '''Di löræasáÞ mösár néba te’qurehendø.'''  ''The music must/has to be louder.'' ('''Note''': the verb '''mösár''' can be translated in English as ''to have to'').
* '''Mæ Þöldr néba dérÞ'''. ''He should be here.''

==='''Néba future tense'''===
==='''Néba future tense'''===
Line 450: Line 466:
The future tense is denoted in the same way as any other Dalcurian verb except that it adds an '''r''' before the future inflection '''æ''':
The future tense is denoted in the same way as any other Dalcurian verb except that it adds an '''r''' before the future inflection '''æ''':
* '''Vonériáda, Sösan, ela dörac di áda, nébaræ dörÞ'''. '''Susan will be there all day tomorrow.''
* '''Dörac vonériáda, danöÞ nébaræ strömi'''. ''It will be hot all day tomorrow.''
For more on '''néba''' as an adjectival copula, see [[dal'qörian adjectives|Adjectives]]
==[[Dalcurian verb to do|The verb '''to do''']]==
==[[Dalcurian modal verbs|Modal Verbs]]==
==[[Dalcurian verb moods|Verb Moods]]==

Latest revision as of 09:32, 8 November 2012


Almost all Dalcurian verbs are regular in inflection. The position of the verb is much the same as in English, in that it normally follows the subject, except when the word order of a prepositioned phrase takes preference. Dalcurian verbs are non finite; they do not show agreement. This is denoted from the noun or pronoun that precedes it.


Following is a quick glance at the various conjugations of the Dalcurian verb, using gör-to go as an example. The first person singular pronoun I will act as the subject since there is no verb agreement:

I go binä gör
I am going binä göria
I went binä gä'gör
I have gone binä gä'ábragör
I had gone binä gä'ádragör
I will go binä göræ
I will have gone binä gä'ábragöræ
I would go binä görquas
I would have gone binä gä'ábragörquas

Tenses that do not exist in Dalcurian are: will be going, would be going, was/were going, have/had been going and the passive tense. The negative form adds x to the end of the inflection (see Negatives)

The Infinitive

This is the form that ends in r. Whether or not this equates as a to infinitive depends on context. If the infinitive follows the modals: want and like, then to is implied by default:

  • Mæ voltir gör. He wants to go.
  • Ména iqur talehasr. We like to go on holiday.
  • Mæ Þöldr gör. He should go.
  • Binä gä'létr mæöra görax. I told him not to go.

There are no split infinitives in Dalcurian: to slowly walk, to boldy go, adverbials always precede verbs.

The preposition te is only used with infinitives to translate a gerund, see Nouns.

Participle formation

The Dalcurian present participle (the English ing form) adds ia to the infinitive and always implies am/are and is with the verb:

  • gör-go göria-am/are/is going
  • quascr-ask quascria-am/are/is asking

The past participle is formed with the prefix gä’ to the infinitive.

  • ságr-say gä’ságr-said
  • örendör-specify gä’örendör-specified

The present perfect and past perfect tense are formed by infixing ábra-have and ádra-had between the prefix and the infinitive: (in Dalcurian, the present perfect participle is called a perfect participle)

  • gä’ábragör-have gone gä’ádragör-had gone
  • gä’ábraquascr-have asked gä’ádraquascr-had asked


The present tense

The present tense indicates something which is happening now. It includes habitual actions and statements of fact. Either the progressive tense or the infinitive is used:

  • Di prodnæj täöcria! The building is collapsing!.
  • Sia, am Efranca, habitr. She lives in France.
  • Dionadas, binä besöcér di beröj qve binöra. I visit my brother every Tuesday.

The present progressive

This is the ing form of the verb used with a present tense form of the verb to be. It can have several functions in English:

A to describe an action that is going on at this moment:

  • He's driving too fast!
  • I'm asking you a question.
  • John is congratulating Paul.
  • I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight.

In Dalcurian, an ia inflection denotes this tense. It should be noted that the Dalcurian present progresseive is only used for actions that are happening now, or in terms of the future, will happen on the same day (a minor exception is the use of the progressive in some comparative sentences; see Comparative sentences in the Adjectives section):

  • Mæ evédria den vös! He is driving too fast!
  • Binä, andri diöra, quascria ni qualtédrämös! I am asking you a question!
  • Jöna grætölária Palö. John is congratulating Paul.
  • IádaninÞi, binä, máriÞ di qömerinöj qve binöra, tirigöria. I'm meeting my boyfriend tonight

B to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend:

  • Are you still working for the same company?
  • More and more people are becoming vegetarian.

In Dalcurian, an adverb plus the infinitive will normally be used:

  • Diö, máriÞ di méÞril sä ädavon, brát ábæÞr, yil? Are you still working for the same company? Lit: You, with the company as previous, still work?
  • Frætörädnas, danöÞ brát mériÞ nörasáb,, taÞ vädenár stæmöjátsi. There are more and more people becoming vegetarian. Lit: Continuously, there are still more people who become vegetarian.

C to describe an action in the future that has already been planned or prepared:

  • We’re going on holiday next week.
  • Are they visiting you next winter?

Here, the future tense must be used (see Future below)

D to describe a temporary event or situation:

  • He usually plays the drums, but he's playing guitar at present.

As with the examples in B, an adverb and an infinitive equate this:

  • Picalosni, mæ spélögr di derömj,, brát qedérÞas, mæ spélögr gæatéj. He usually plays the drums, but he's playing guitar at present.

E with always, forever, constantly, to describe and emphasize a continuing series of repeated action:

  • Stacey and Brian are always arguing!
  • You're forever complaining about your mother-in-law!

And again, as with B and D:

  • Stäsé ön Brián sævála vecsár! Stacey and Brian are always arguing! Lit: Stacey and Brian always argue!
  • Diö sævála qonvenistr di siaparenöj-vála qve diöra. You're always/forever complaining about your mother-in-law.

The present perfect tense

In English, the present perfect is formed with the auxiliaries have/has and the past participle. Its use in Dalcurian is much the same and is used for:

  • Verbs of state that begin in the past and lead up to and include the present. (usually with for or since)
  • To express habitual or continuous action.
  • Events occurring at an un-defined or unspecified time in the past, with ever, never, already, yet or before:
  • Rödn vélas yérasel, mæ gä’ábrahabitr dérÞ. He has lived here for many years.
  • Rödn 20 yérasel, ména, andri séÞa nörasabödä, gä’ábra-acäödr. We have taught at this school for 20 years.
  • Sintra binä gä’descöbr,, taÞ di abödä perösendos,, binä gä’ábraqömárax! I haven’t slept since I found out the house is haunted!
  • Dörac di vétä qve mæöra, mæ gä’ábragliár visániöestáj. He has worn glasses all his life. ('glasses' is singular in Dalcurian and can mean 'a pair of glasses')
  • Dörac iáda, binä gä’ábra ni ecör'penjämös. I have had a headache all day.

When used with never, already, yet, before and just, then stylistically, these normally go before the past participle (as most adverbs precede the verb in any state). Rendering the form ever before, use the expressionesti vonéri, as this can show a degree of suprise or distain depending on context:

  • Nabödn, te binä, gä’ábraságr taÞ vonéri esti ! Nobody has ever said that to me before!
  • Döqu sä séÞa, te ména, gä’ábradafödr esti! Nothing like this has ever happened to us!
  • Éren gä’ábravisör esti néavára ni plampäj. What, they've never seen a hippo?.
  • Sia aléaræÞ gä’ábrastæabetár di ábæabödäj qve siöra, yil? Has she finished her homework already?
  • Binä nø gä’ábrabesöcérax di 'Tate Gallery'. I haven’t visited the Tate Gallery yet.
  • Sonaros diöra! Binä gä’ábralétr esti aléaræÞ tredimä! Hurry up! Ive told you three times already!

NOTE: If the action has just taken place, one can insert jenö-just immediatly after ábra:

  • Binä, te mæ, gä’ábrajenöqonvetár. I have just spoken to him.

Have/has been

The form have/has been is rendered in one of three ways. When referring to places such as countries, cities, friends houses etc, in the sense of 'having been/never been', the verb besöcér-visit is used:

  • Binä néavára gä’ábrabesöcér Japéna. I have never been to Japan.

Again, esti can be used to add force to the statement:

  • Binä esti néavára gä’ábrabesöcér Japéna! Look, I have NEVER been to Japan!
  • Mæ néavára gä’ábrabesöcér di abödä qve binöra. He has never been to my house.

When talking about performances, concerts, shows or anything connected with performing arts, the verb vehigeladr-to attend is preferred:

  • Di beröj qve binöra gä’ábravehigeladr ni peferödn. My brother has been to a concert.
  • Iáda voninÞi, ména, andri animatáj, gä’ébrvehigeladr. We’ve been to the cinema tonight.

When have/has been refers to 'location' (in an existential sense with since/for) or the 'state' of someone/something, and the action is still on going, then the statement remains in the present indicative or present progressive with the preposition sintra-since:

  • Sintra hec qömblasel, ména dérÞ. We have been here for six weeks (and still are.) .
  • DanöÞ morgér,, taÞ, sintra etirimiÞ, ména talehasria, néfaracte? It seems like we’ve been on holiday for a while, doesn’t it? (lit: It seems that, since a long time, we are holidaying, doesn’t it?)
  • Sintra ni Þömn äda, danöÞ ni veclérÞ darø lemasträmös, öcra di öløsimáj, qamöria. There has been a really bad smell coming from the cellar for over a month. (lit: Since a month ago, there is a really bad smell, from the cellar, coming).

To ask about the whereabouts of someone, or to answer in the affirmative, the verb Þalár-to reside is standard:

  • Dorac iáda, væl? gä’ábraÞalár diö. Where have you been all day? (lit: All day, where have resided you?)
  • Binä, andri léjänabödä, gä’ábraÞalár. I have been at the hospital. (lit: I, at the hospital, have resided.)

The present perfect continuous

In English, there are basically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense. (There is usually a connection with the present or now):

A. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped:

  • I'm tired (now) because I've been running.
  • Why is the grass wet? (now) Has it been raining?
  • She has been out running along the canal.
  • You don't understand (now) because you haven't been listening.

B. An action continuing up to now and still ongoing (usually used with for or since):

  • I have been reading for 2 hours.
  • We've been studying since 9 o'clock.
  • We have been waiting over an hour for a bus!

The examples in A are rendered using the Dalcurian simple past with, for the most part, the adverb jenö-just which infixes:

  • Binä tädø,, qösra binä gä'jenövaÞr. Lit: I'm tired, because I just ran.
  • Várö? di rasenj nahasrädn. DanöÞ gä'jenödanpör, yil?. Lit: Why is the grass wet? It just rained, yes?.
  • Sia, enga di geböædénij, gä’jenövaÞr. She, alongside the canal, just ran.

The examples in B would normally be in the present tense:

  • Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä quádria. I have been reading for 2 hours. (and still am)Lit: Since 2 hours ago, I am reading.
  • Sintra 9, ména stödæéria. We've been studying since 9 o'clock (and still are)Lit: Since 9, we are studying.
  • Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra ni sabaj, vögéria! We have been waiting over an hour for a bus! (and still waiting) Lit: Since an hour ago, we are, for a bus, waiting!

However, if the event has finished, then the verb clause goes into the present perfect tense, again with or withoutjenö:

  • Sintra 2 stöndæel äda, binä gä'ábrajenöquádr. I have been reading for 2 hours. (but have just finished) Lit: Since 2 hours ago, I have just read. (but I've just finished)
  • Sintra 9, ména gä'ábrajenöstödæér. We have been studying since 9 o'clock. (but have finished) Lit: Since 9pm we have just studied. (but we've just stopped)
  • Sintra on stöndæ äda, ména, öcra séÞa sabaj, gä'ábravögér! Lit: Since an hour ago, we, for this bus, have waited. (the bus has just arrived or no longer waiting)

The Past Tense

There are 2 forms of the past tense in Dalcurian: simple past, and perfect or pluperfect past.

Simple past

The Dalcurian simple past is formed with the prefix gä’ and the infinitive:

  • gör-go gä’gör-went
  • andöcr-give gä’andöcr-gave
  • pilför-steal gä’pilför-stole
  • Ädiáda, mæ, te binä, gä’andöcr ni gistäj. He gave me a present yesterday.
  • Sia gä’voltir quascr mæöra eÞöa. She wanted to ask him something.
  • Sia, te sia, gä’Þonábr disiri tagéÞrädnas. She gestured very seductively to her.

Perfect/Pluperfect Past

This tense states an action that began in the past and ended before another began (usually followed by before or when). The auxilliary ádra infixes:

  • jedár-adjust gä’ádrajedár-had adjusted
  • täsplétr-burst gä’ádratäsplétr-had burst
  • Binä, lintöni di danpörämös gä'stæabetár, gä’mösár vögér,, vonéri binä näocr gadörajvalcr. I had to wait for the rain to stop before I could walk the dog.
  • Mæ gä’ádrajenögörør,, vömä diö gä’téádr. He had just gone out when you rang.

Notice how, in English, the auxiliary and main verb can separate; this can’t happen in Dalcurian.

The Continuous Past

Again, in English, this tense has multiple uses:

  • To describe the background in a story written in the past tense:
    * The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle.
  • To describe an unfinished action that was interrupted by another event (usually followed by when or until):
    * I was having a great dream when/until the dog barked.
  • To describe an action that happened over a period of time:
    * They were climbing for twenty seven days before they reached the summit.
  • With 'wonder', to make a very polite request:
    * I was wondering if you could baby-sit for me tonight?
  • To express a change of mind:
    * I was going to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead.

With the exception of the last 2 examples above, Dalcurian uses its simple past to render this tense. If the action was unfinished or interrupted, the subordinate clause is introduced by lintöni-until:

  • Di Siárij gä’ømár,, ön di vögäl gä’löigár,, sä di majentáj, gä’ömøqamör di jonglæ. The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle. Lit: The sun shone and the birds sang as the elephant came out of the jungle.
  • Binä gä’æanémr éagöra,, lintöni di gadöraj gä’vafr. I was having a great dream when/until the dog barked. Lit: I dreamed well until the dog barked.
  • Rödn senal’dionta iádel, éren gä’qlimbér,, lintöni éren gä’öraqur di viténiÞ. They were climbing for twenty seven days before they reached the summit. Lit: For 27 days, they climbed until they reached the summit.

To express a change of mind or plan/intention, the verb septér-intend is used in the simple past:

  • Dörac di áda, binä, andri öbri, gä’septér neparépør,, brát binä, máriÞ ni töribesöcérämös, gä’edécödr tisdæd gör . I was going to spend the day at the beach but I decided to go on an excursion instead. Lit: Throughout the day, I, at the beach, intended to spend time but I, with an excursion, decided to instead go .
  • Ména, am Strománi, gä’septér vehær,, brát, ména gä'mösár, lintöni Tødröna, lobéstr. We were planning on a summer wedding but we’ve had to put it off until October now. Lit: We, in the summer, intended to marry but we had to, until October, postpone.

With 'wonder', a special verb is used. The verb is formed with the appropriate reflexive personal pronoun attached to the end of the word qualtéa. (This is quite an idiomatic word; qualtéa roughly translates as a thought or goal that may be difficult to reach):

  • Qualtéabinöria,, méla diöra, te binä, neldrquas di vötöj qve diöra¿ I was wondering if you would lend me your car? lit: I am wondering if you, to me, would lend your car?
  • Qualtéaménöria,, öbæ tev’araciev, diö iquirquas, máriÞ ménöra, amøcamör¿ We were wondering whether you'd like to come out with us later? lit: We were wondering whether later, you would like, with us, to come out?

The Future Tense

The Dalcurian future tense is simply formed with the suffix æ. In English, the future tense can be formed by using the present tense or by using the auxiliary verbs will/shall (shall is used more to denote an intention or order):

  • We are going out tonight.
  • We shall go out tonight.
  • I will be a good father!
  • I’m going to/will be twenty one soon.
  • Thou shall not kill!

Dalcurian can also use the present progressive tense to describe the future:

  • Tev’araciev iáda, binä görøria. I am going out later today.

However, as stated earlier, this tense is only used if the event in question will happen 'on the same day'. For example, one wouldn't typically say:

  • Vonériáda, ména görøria. We are going out tomorrow. But rather:
  • Vonériáda, ména görøræ. We will go out tomorrow.

NOTE: Although this is standard Dalcurian grammar, learners will certainly not come under scrutiny for using the progressive tense.

The future is also used when you are uncertain when the event will take place, and with hypothetical statements/questions:

  • Nösaraciev, binä quascræ mæöra. I will ask him sooner or later.
  • Vömä? nörasägræ éren. When are they going to learn? Lit: When will learn they?
  • Qualtéabinör méla, vonériáda, danöÞ danpöræ? I wonder if it’s going to rain tomorrow? Lit: I wonder if, tomorrow, it will rain?
  • DanöÞ nébaræ, am perösarä, sævála dasquriøámn. There’s always going to be sadness in the world. Lit: There will be, in the world, always sadness.
  • Binä nitörieÞ stæpatiquálö,, brát binä qönér,, taÞ Éan quascræ binöra néba di onis sáj qve mæöra. I’m not quite sure, but I think Ian is going to ask me to be his best man.

There is also another inflection to the future tense, which is an additional n. This equates to the English use of shall and where will is used in requests, and can also translate as lets:

  • Iáda'ninÞi, ména görøræan, yil? Shall we go out tonight?
  • Iáda'ninÞi, ména görøræan. Let's go out tonight
  • Diö qoÞ, öcra binöra, eÞöa vaquræan, yil? Will you do something for me?

The Passive Tense

In English, the passive tense is formed with a form of the verb to be and the past participle of the verb. Verbs are said to be either ACTIVE: The executive committee approved the new policy, or PASSIVE: The new policy was approved by the executive committee in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a be-er or a do-er and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon by some other agent or by something unnamed: The new policy was approved.

Dalcurian has no passive voice. Instead, the active voice is used with an impersonal pronoun, either minä-you/one or minäla-they (not to be mistaken as éren-they-this is only used when the they are known).

There are several passive tenses in English, again, all of which can be rendered by the active voice in Dalcurian. Below are several examples to illustrate this, using the verb inoventör-design:


  • The car/s is/are designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventör di vötöj/el Lit: They, in thought of safety, design the car/s.

Present Progressive

  • The car/s is/are being designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventöria di vötöj/el. Lit: They, in thought of safety, are designing the car/s.

Simple Past

  • The car/s was/were designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, gä’inoventör di vötöj/el. Lit: They, in thought of safety, designed the car/s.

Perfect Present

  • The car/s have been designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, gä'ábra-inventör di vötöjel. lit: They, in thought of safety, have designed the car/s.

Perfect Past

  • The car/s had been designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, gä'ádra-inventör di vötöjel. lit: They, in thought of safety, had designed the car/s.

Continuing past

  • The car/s was/were being designed with safety in mind.

This is the 'odd ball' of the Dalcurian passive equivalent. The construction was/were being designed indicates that the process was halted for some reason. For instance, we could elaborate on the sentence: The cars were being designed with safety in mind but due to a design fault their production was delayed. The Dalcurian equivalent is to use the simple past; context becoming clear from additional text or info.


  • The car/s will be/will have been designed with safety in mind.
    • Minäla, amqönérämös mérasámn, inoventöræ di vötöj/el. Lit: They, in thought of safety, will design the car/s.

To Be or not to Be!

The verb to be is probably one the most inflected verbs in use, even though it is classed as an auxiliary verb. It has no less than eight conjugations in English and even more in German! In complexity, the Dalcurian verb to be néba, is far less complex than in other languages. It has only 'one' inflection which is to denote the future tense nébaræ-will be and it's the words it is used in conjunction with that denote its other tenses. As you should know by now, there are no present tense conjugations am/are/is; their existence lies within the pronoun/noun or the present participle of a main verb. In fact, it should be noted that néba has very little usage at all in Dalcurian speech, save for political and very formal contexts.

Néba-present/progressive tense being

This is the am/are/is being form, invariably followed by an adjective. Dalcurian does not use néba at all in this construct, but rather idiomaticaly uses the present progressive verb inflection ia with an adjective (if the adjective ends in i, then this is removed):

  • Gegéna, éren faliÞ'ia. They are being stupid again. lit: They are stupiding again.
  • Megan veclérÞ belistø'ia. Megan is being really noisy. lit: Megan is really noisying.

To make this past, was/were being, one simply puts the adjective into the past tense:

  • Gegéna, éren gé'faliÞ'ia. They were being stupid again. lit: They were stupiding again.
  • Megan veclérÞ gé'belistø'ia. Megan was being really noisy. lit: Megan was really noisying.

Infinitive use

When néba is used with the modal verbs már-may, nöacr-can, mösár-must, Þöldr-should in the present tense, it takes the infinite meaning be, but with voltir-want, it acts as a to infinitive:

  • Mæ voltir néba berömni. He wants to be famous.
  • Di löræasáÞ mösár néba te’qurehendø. The music must be louder. (Note: the modal verb mösár is translatable as to have to and not as strict as must).
  • Mæ Þöldr néba dérÞ. He should be here.

Néba future tense

The future tense is denoted in the same way as any other Dalcurian verb except that it adds an r before the future inflection æ:

  • Dörac vonériáda, danöÞ nébaræ strömi. It will be hot all day tomorrow.

For more on néba as an adjectival copula, see Adjectives

The verb to do

Modal Verbs

Verb Moods

This article is one of many about the Dalcurian language.

Sub categories:

Dalcurian language and basic history:
Halcánian dialect
Dalcurian alphabet and pronunciation
Comparison of adjectives * Comparative sentences * Adjective endings * Adjective tense * Attributive and Predicative adjectives * Post positive adjectives * Inherent and non-inherent adjectives * Nominal adjectives * Resultant adjectives * Adjectives with prepositions * Adjective Hierarchy * Adjective Negation
The verb to do * Modal Verbs * Verb Moods
Preposition word order * Alternative uses of prepositions

Miscellaneous word and phrase lists:

Colours * Days/months/seasons * Describing people * Names of Countries * Hello/goodbye Please/thankyou * Intensifiers * English Dalcurian Dictionary


Omniglot * Various webpages in Dalcurian