Senjecas domain -sky

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Pronunciation table

p b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a õ o u ĭ ĕ ŭ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ĕ/ /ʊ/


  • Words in red indicate objects or concepts not known in Sefdaania.

1.0 Universe

  • a. What words refer to everything we can see?
    • universe, cosmos - alme̋ȝo [ < al, privative prefix, me̋ȝi, adj. measurable]
    • creation - ƥűto
    • heaven and earth - nűmok̬e ta̋lek̬e
    • macrocosm - méżalméȝo [ < méżi, adj. large]
    • everything that exists – orésantos [< őri, adj. all; e̋sa, i.v. be]

1.1 Sky

  • a. What words are used to refer to the sky?
    • sky, firmament - nűmo
    • canopy - űngo
    • vault - ƣűvo
  • b. What words refer to air around the earth?
    • air - ga̋a̋lo
    • atmosphere – gaala̋a̋ro [< ga̋a̋lo, air; a̋a̋ro, open space]
    • airspace - gaala̋a̋ro
    • troposphere - gáálṡurkĕle̋ƣo [< gaalo, air; ṡűrko, current; le̋ƣo, layer]
    • stratosphere - tiiþmégaamle̋ƣo [< tiiþme̋a, temperature; ga̋a̋ma, t.v. increase; le̋ƣo, layer]
    • mesosphere - tiiþmépinle̋ƣo [< tiiþme̋a, temperature; pı̋na, t.v. decrease; le̋ƣo, layer]
    • thermosphere - þómpusle̋ƣo [< þómi, meager; pű|ṡa, t.v. compress; le̋ƣo, layer]
    • exosphere - sil̤e̋ƣo [< síli, adj. outermost; le̋ƣo, layer]
    • ozone layer - kooxǧíísuvle̋ƣo [< kőőxi, adj. blue; ǧíía, life; subo, gas; le̋ƣo, layer]
  • c. What words are used to refer to the place or area beyond the sky?
    • heaven - nűmo
    • space - a̋a̋ro
    • outer space - puusa̋a̋ro [< pűűsi, adj. outer; a̋a̋ro, open space]
    • ether – diim̃e̋xra [< dı̋ı̋a, i.v. shine brightly; m̃e̋xra, matter]
    • void - m̃a̋a̋nta [< m̃a̋a̋na, t.v. empty]
    • solar system - suulta̋go [< sűűle, sun; ta̋ga, t.v. systematize]
  • d. What words describe something in the sky or something that happens in the sky?
    • aerial - ga̋a̋lm̃i
    • heavenly, celestial - númm̃i
    • atmospheric - gaala̋a̋rm̃i
    • stratospheric - tiiþmégaamle̋ƣm̃i
  • e. What words describe the appearance of the sky?
    • blue - numkőőki
    • black [of the night] - kőni
    • cloudy, cloud-filled - ne̋vri
    • brilliant - pa̋a̋ugi
    • dark - żími
    • night sky - laaþnűmo [< la̋a̋ta, night]
    • foreboding - naƣűri
    • stormy - ðűűi
    • star-studded - ṡűxri
    • clear sky - ga̋no
  • f. What words refer to the edge of the sky where it meets the ground?
    • horizon, skyline – numm̃űȝo [< nűmo, sky; m̃űȝo, limit]
  • g. What words refer to something in the sky?
    • heavenly-, celestial-, -body - numm̃e̋ko [< m̃e̋ko, thing]
    • luminary - le̋uxlo [< le̋uka, t.v. illuminate; -lo, verbal agent suffix]
  • h. What words refer to the lights that appear in the northern (or southern) sky?
    • aurora borealis - kirűƣ̨e
    • northern lights - kuðf̨őþos
    • southern lights - lum̃f̨őþos
  • i. What words refer to something being in the sky?
    • aloft, up in the sky, up in the air - óónvi

1.1.1 Heavenly bodies – numm̃e̋kos Sun

  • a. What words refer to the sun?
    • sun, sol - sűűle
    • solar - sűűli
    • daystar - ahṡűxe
  • b. What words refer to how the sun moves?*
    • rise, come up - re̋na
    • set, go down, sink – dűűa
    • cross the sky - nűmom ta̋ra
  • c. What words refer to the time when the sun rises?
    • dawn - va̋iƣa
    • sunrise, sunup - ne̋e̋da
    • daybreak - ahtőda [< aha, morning; tőda, t.v. begin]
    • cockcrow - puunżĕka̋a̋m̃o
  • d. What words refer to the time when the sun is at its highest point?
    • noon - na̋a̋ża
    • zenith - numőőnta [< nűma, sky; őőnta, height]
  • e. What words refer to the time when the sun sets?
    • sunset, sundown - dűűa
    • dusk, twilight - ðe̋uska
    • eventide - ȝı̋ta
  • f. What words refer to when the sun is shining?
    • shine - dı̋ı̋a
    • sunny - sűűlri
    • bright – dı̋ı̋i
    • give light - f̨őþa
    • daytime - ahf̨őþo
  • g. What words refer to the sun shining through the clouds?
    • come out - ka̋ȝa
    • break through [the clouds] - [ne̋von] re̋uga
    • go behind [a cloud] - [nevős] pósa la̋a̋ða
  • h. What words describe where the sun is shining?
    • sunlit, lit by the sun - suulf̨őþaþi
    • be (out) in the sun – suule̋s néra vűűa
    • shine on – éva ve̋la
    • be in the sunlight – suulf̨oþős éna vűűa
    • sunny (spot) - sűűlro ðe̋e̋o
  • i. What words describe when or where the sun doesn't shine?
    • shade, shadow - nı̋ı̋zo
    • shady - nı̋ı̋zi
    • eclipse [v.] - żı̋ma
    • eclipse of the sun - suulżı̋mo
    • sunless - fŭsűűli
  • j. What words refer to the light of the sun?
    • sunlight, sunshine - suulf̨őþo
    • ray, beam - he̋e̋ro
    • light - f̨őþo
    • sunbeam - suulhe̋e̋ro
    • radiance - he̋e̋r̈a
    • glow - a̋a̋so
    • sparkle, glisten - nı̋ga
    • glare - pa̋a̋ugo
  • k. What words describe the brightness of the sun?
    • bright - dı̋i
    • intense - m̃a̋li
    • brilliant, luminous - pa̋a̋ugi
    • blinding - re̋e̋manti
    • glaring - pa̋a̋uganti
    • glistening - nı̋ganti
    • dim - le̋ini
  • l. What refers to the sun heating things?
    • warm - te̋pi
    • heat - tı̋ı̋þa
    • dry – sa̋usi
  • m. What else does the sun do?
    • looks down on - éva n̨aża̋ba
  • n. What words describe the damage done by sunlight?
    • sunburn – te̋e̋do
    • sunstroke, heatstroke, heat prostration - tiiþda̋mo
    • suntan, tan - suulba̋do
    • sun damage - suulva̋no
    • fading from the sun - suulma̋zo
    • bleached by the sun - suulpa̋ȝaþi
  • o. What do people use to protect themselves from the sun?
    • sunglasses - żimve̋do
    • shade tree - niizda̋ro
    • suntan lotion - súúlaiðsa̋vt̬i [< sűűle, sun; a̋iða, t.v. burn; sa̋ba, t.v. hinder; -t̬i, noun suffix used to indicate a medicine]
    • awning - pűlto
    • sun umbrella, parasol - suulnı̋ı̋zlo [< sűűle, sun; nı̋ı̋za, t.v. shade; -lo, instrument suffix]
    • sunbonnet - niizṡa̋bo [< nı̋ı̋za, t.v. shade; ṡa̋bo, hat]
    • hat - ṡa̋bo
    • visor – telkı̋ȝo
  • p. What words are used of telling time by the sun?
    • sundial, sun-clock - súúltenme̋lo [< sűűle, sun; te̋na, time; me̋a, t.v. measure; -lo, instrument suffix]
    • angle of the sun - suulkőőno [< sűűle, sun; kőőno, angle]
    • shoot the sun - sűűlem me̋a
    • sextant - súúlkoonme̋lo
    • position of the sun - suulðe̋e̋o
  • q. What words refer to using the power of the sun?
    • solar energy - suulfe̋do
    • solar power - suulm̃a̋xra [< sűűle, sun; m̃a̋ka, t.v. empower]
    • solar panel - suulm̃a̋xlo [< sűűle, sun; m̃a̋ka, t.v. empower; -lo, instrument suffix] Moon

  • a. What words refer to the moon?
    • moon - ze̋e̋re
    • satellite - ba̋l̤o
    • full moon – b̨aage
    • first quarter moon – dűste
    • last quarter moon – þ̨őlǧe
    • new moon - ża̋nge
  • b. What words refer to how the moon moves?
    • rise - re̋na
    • set, sink - dűűa
  • c. What words refer to the time when the moon rises?
    • moonrise, rising of the moon – zeer̈e̋na
  • d. What words refer to the time when the moon sets?
    • moonset, setting of the moon – zeerdűűa
  • e. What words refer to when the moon is shining?
    • moon is shining, the moon is out - ze̋e̋ra
    • by the light of the moon - zeerf̨oþa̋s xéma
    • moon is coming out - ka̋ȝa
  • f. What words describe where the moon is shining?
    • moonlit, lit by the moon - zeerf̨őþaþi
    • be in the moonlight – zeerf̨oþa̋s éna vűűa
  • g. What words describe when or where the moon doesn't shine?
    • moonless night - vĭze̋e̋ra la̋a̋ta
    • eclipse of the moon - zeerżı̋ma
    • eclipse (v.) - żı̋ma
  • h. What words refer to the light of the moon?
    • moonlight, moonshine - zeerf̨őþa
    • moonbeam - zeerhe̋e̋ro
  • i. What words describe the brightness of the moon?
    • bright - dı̋ı̋i
    • pale - le̋ini
  • j. What words describe the appearance of the moon?
    • man in the moon - b̨aaƣṡe̋ṡe [< b̨a̋a̋ge, full moon; ṡe̋ṡe, hare]
    • harvest moon - koib̨a̋a̋ge
  • k. What words refer to the spots on the moon?
    • lunar sea - zéérkeba̋ro [< ze̋e̋re, moon; keba̋ro, steppe]
    • crater - ðűmbo
  • l. What words refer to the phases of the moon?
    • phase - zı̋no
    • half moon - felze̋e̋re
    • quarter moon - na̋a̋lte ze̋e̋re
    • crescent, sliver – (zeer)kőðlo [< kőðlo, sickle]
    • moon is waxing - me̋ża
    • moon is waning - pı̋na
  • m. What words refer to the time it takes for the moon to go through its phases?
    • lunar month - e̋ida Star

  • a. What words are used to refer to the stars?
    • star - ṡűke
  • b. What words describe the sky when the stars are shining?
    • starlit (sky) – ṡuxf̨őþaþo nűmo
    • (sky is) ablaze with stars - ṡuke̋n šéða a̋iðo (nűmo vűűa)
    • starry (sky), star studded (sky) - ṡűxro nűmo
    • stars are shining – ṡűkes ðe̋m̃a
  • c. What words are used for where the stars are shining?
    • starlit, lit by the stars - ṡuxf̨őþaþi
  • d. What words are used for when or where the stars don't shine?
    • starless (sky/night) - fŭṡűko nűmo, fŭṡűka la̋a̋ta
  • e. What words refer to the light of the stars?
    • starlight - ṡuxf̨őþa
  • f. What words describe the brightness of the stars?
    • bright - dı̋ı̋i
    • brilliant, luminous - pa̋a̋ugi
    • dim - le̋ini
  • g. What words describe the appearance of the stars?
    • twinkle - v̌e̋ka
    • wink - k̨űma
    • glittering - nı̋ganti
    • star-shaped - ṡuxzı̋ni
  • h. What words refer to the study of the stars?
    • astronomy - ṡuxsa̋a̋ra [< sa̋a̋ra, t.v. know]
    • astronomer - ṡúxsaara̋a̋gu [< -a̋a̋gu, nominal agent suffix]
    • astrology - ṡuxta̋a̋fra [< ta̋a̋fa, t.v. foresee]
    • astrologer - ṡúxtulka̋a̋gu
    • stargazer - ṡuxża̋vlu [< ża̋ba, t.v. gaze upon]
  • i. What is a group of stars called?
    • constellation - ṡuxgı̋ı̋ro [< gı̋ı̋ra, t.v. draw]
    • galaxy - ṡukı̋ȝo [< ı̋ȝo, collective suffix]
    • nebula - ṡuxne̋vo [< ne̋vo, cloud] Planet

  • a. What words refer to a planet?
    • planet - d̬őőne
    • wandering star - ma̋lante ṡűke
  • b. What are the names of the planets?
    • Mercury -ȝŭȝud̬őőne [< ȝŭȝui, adj. innermost]
    • Venus – nevd̬őőne [< ne̋vo, cloud]
      • Morning Star - aaiṡűke [< a̋a̋ȝa, morning]
      • Evening Star - ȝiþṡűke [< ȝı̋ta, evening]
    • Earth - v̌e̋e̋te
    • Mars - reuðd̬őőne [< reuði, adj. red]
    • Jupiter - eeld̬őőne [< e̋e̋lo, stripe]
    • Saturn - aand̬őőne [< a̋a̋no, ring]
    • Uranus -lend̬őőne [< le̋na, t.v. tilt]
    • Neptune - kooxd̬őőne [< kőőxi, adj. blue]
  • c. What words refer to how the planets move?
    • revolve [on its axis] - t̨űla
    • orbit [around the sun] - ba̋la
  • d. What words refer to the sun and planets?
    • solar system - suulta̋go Comet, Meteor, Asteroid

  • e. What words refer to comets?
    • comet - voxd̬őőne [< vőxo, flame]
    • tail - pőɫo
    • head - nı̋ı̋mo
  • f. What do comets do?
    • appear - ka̋ȝa
    • disappear - ma̋a̋ȝa
  • g. What words refer to meteors?
    • meteor, shooting star, falling star - foolṡűke [< főőla, i.v. fall]
    • meteor trail - fóólṡuxsa̋a̋go [< sa̋a̋go, trail]
    • meteor shower - fóólṡuxṡa̋do [< ṡa̋do, shower]
  • h. What do meteors do?
    • flash across the sky – nűmom tára pa̋a̋uga
    • blaze a trail across the sky - nűmom tára sa̋a̋gom vőxa
    • strike the earth - v̌e̋e̋tem tűűga
    • make a crater – ðűmbom va̋a̋na
    • burn up - a̋iða
  • i. What words are used for when a meteor hits the earth?
    • meteorite - numta̋a̋ino [< ta̋a̋ino, rock]
    • meteor crater - númtaainðűmbo
  • j. What is a small planet called?
    • asteroid - balta̋a̋ino [< ba̋la, t.v. orbit]