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Senjecas - The Betrayal of Judas (Mark 14:17-21; Matthew 26:20-25; Luke 22:1-6,21-23; John 13:23-30)

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


  • As this is a cento of verses, the numbering indicates the number of Senjecan sentences, not of the Biblical verses.


ȝĕhudűs mősra

यऺहुदु॓स् मो॓स्र

The Betrayal of Judas (Mk 14:17-21; Mt 26:20-25; Lk 22:1-6,21-23; Jn 13:23-30)

mukánȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Greek
  • English Text
  • Literal Greek Translation
  • Devanāgari Text
  • Senjecan Translation
  • 1. Now the feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was drawing near,
  • Was.coming.near and the feast of.the unleavened.bread, the being.called Passover.
  • da ðoonő' sa̋rno fe̋e̋taþo pĕsa̋xa e-ȝőba:
da ðoon-ő-' sa̋rn-o fe̋e̋t-a-þ-o pĕsa̋x-a e=ȝőb-a
and unleavened.bread-G.s-ELIS feast-N.s name-IND-PP-N.s Passover-N.s PST=come.near-IND

  • 2. and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to put him to death, for they were afraid of the people.
  • And were.seeking the chief.priests and the scribes the how they.might.destroy him, they.were.afraid.of for the people.
  • da ufva̋mlusk̬e ȝa̋rlusk̬' e-ne̋e̋þa. móódi (ȝe̋sum) ole̋ȝa. hi le̋uðum e-na̋a̋a:
da uf-va̋ml-us=k̬e ȝa̋rl-us=k̬-' e=ne̋e̋þ-a móódi ȝe̋s-um ol-e̋ȝa hi le̋uð-um e=na̋a̋-a
and chief-priest-N.p=and scribe-N.s=and-ELIS PST=seek-IND how Jesus-A.s destroy-SBJ because people-A.s PST=fear-IND

  • 3. Then Satan entered into Judas, the one surnamed Iscariot, who was counted among the Twelve,
  • Entered and Satan into Judas, the being.called Iscariot, being from the number of the Twelve.
  • da saata̋a̋nu ȝĕhűdum fe̋e̋taþum ískar̨őtum lukűs eȝúm főőd̬o e̋santum e-tı̋ra:
da saata̋a̋n-u ȝĕhűd-um fe̋e̋t-a-þ-um ískar̨őt-um luk-űs eȝ-úm főőd̬o e̋s-a-nt-um e-tı̋r=a
and Satan-N.s Judas-A.s call-IND-PP-A.s Iscariot-A.s number-G.s they-G.p twelve be-IND-AP-A.s PST=enter-IND

  • 4. and he went to the chief priests and temple guards to discuss a plan for handing him over to them.
  • And having.departed he.spoke.with the chief.priests and commanders the how to.them he.might.hand.over him.
  • da vĭvı̋dantu ufvamlűmk̬e eevlűmk̬e o e-sa̋m̃a. móódi eȝúm o éȝum sem̃e̋ȝa:
da vĭ~vı̋d-a-nt-u uf-vaml-űm=k̬e eevl-űm=k̬e o e=sa̋m̃-a móódi eȝ-úm o éȝ-um sem̃-e̋ȝa
and PRF~depart-IND-AP-N.s chief-priest-G.p=and commander-G.p=and to PST=speak-IND how they-G.p to he-A.s hand.over-SBJ

  • 5. said, “What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?” They paid him thirty pieces of silver,
  • he.said what me to.give and.I will.hand.over him?
  • e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ȝus mús o xom dőőu m̃e̋ṡa da mu ȝun o éȝum u-se̋m̃a m̃ar:
e=te̋e̋-a m̃a ȝ-us m-ús o x-om dőő-u m̃e̋ṡ-a da m-u ȝ-un o éȝ-um u=se̋m̃-a m̃ar
PST=say-IND QUOT 2p-N 1s-G to what-A.s give-SUP will-IND and 1s.-N 2p-A to he-A.s FUT=hand.over-IND QUOT

  • 6. When they heard him they were pleased. They paid him thirty pieces of silver,
  • the and having.heard rejoiced. they and weighed.out for.him thirty silver.pieces.
  • da vĭve̋nantus e-főga. da eȝús éra tı̋rfoos kur̨őnon e-te̋la:
da vĭ~ve̋n-a-nt-us e=főg-a da eȝ-ús éra tı̋r.foos kur̨-őn-on e=te̋l-a
and PRF~hear-IND-AP-N.p PST-rejoice-IND and he-G.s for three.tens silver-made.of-A.p PST=weigh-IND

  • 7. He accepted their offer and sought a favorable opportunity to hand him over to them in the absence of a crowd.
  • And he.consented and he.was.seeking opportunity of.the to.betray him without crowd to.them.
  • da éȝu e-he̋na da miilű' sána eȝúm o éȝumĕ mőṡu ma̋a̋tam e-ne̋e̋þa:
da éȝ-u e=he̋n-a da miil-ű-' sána eȝ-úm o éȝ-um=ĕ mőṡ-u ma̋a̋t-am e-ne̋e̋þ-a
and he-N.s PST=consent-IND and crowd-G.s-ELIS without they-G.p to he-A.s=EP betray-SUP opportunity-A.s PST-seek-IND

  • 8. When it was evening, he came with the Twelve.
  • And evening having.come [Jesus] comes with the Twelve.
  • da ȝĭȝı̋tantĕvi. ȝe̋su eȝúm főőd̬o súna ǧe̋ma:
da ȝĭ~ȝı̋t-a-nt-ĕ-vi ȝe̋s-u eȝ-úm főőd̬o súna ǧe̋m-a
and PRF~evening.falls-IND-AP-EP-ADV Jesus-N.s they-G.p twelve with come-IND

  • 9. And as they reclined at table and were eating, Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.”
  • And reclining they and eating the Jesus was.troubled in the spirit and said, Truly I.say that one of you will.betray me the eating with me.
  • ṡe̋lantu edantűm. ȝe̋s' uuna̋s éna zı̋þu e-vűűa da e-te̋e̋a: m̃a mu m̃éérvi ȝúm o ȝúm þűn mú' súna edantumĕ mum u-mőṡu te̋e̋a:
ṡe̋l-a-ntu ed-a-nt-űm ȝe̋s-' uun-a̋s éna zı̋þ-u e-vűű-a da e=te̋e̋-a
recline-IND-AP-ABS-Ø eat-IND-AP=G.p Jesus-N.s-ELIS spirit-G.s in troubled-N.s PST=be-IND and PST-say-IND
m̃a m-u m̃éér-vi ȝ-úm o ȝ-úm þűn m-ú-' súna ed-a-nt-um=ĕ m-um u=mőṡ-u te̋e̋-a
QUOT 1s-N true-ADV 2p-G to 2p-G one 1s-G-ELIS with eat-IND-AP-A.s-EP 1s-A FUT=betray-SUP say-IND

  • 10. For indeed the Son of Man indeed goes, as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.
  • For indeed the son of.the human goes it.has.been.written concerning him, woe but to.the human that through whom the son of.the man is.betrayed.
  • hi va̋a̋ tal̨onűs pőiku a̋ta—ríív̈i épi eȝú' sépa ȝa̋raþo ı̋ı̋la. de a-tal̨onűs m̃aı̋ taús móódi tal̨onűs pőiku mőṡaþu ı̋la:
hi va̋a̋ tal̨on-űs pőik-u a̋t-a ríív-vi épi eȝ-ú-' sépa ȝa̋r-a-þ-o ı̋~ı̋l-a
for indeed human-G.s son-N.s go-IND exact-ADV as he-G.s-ELIS about write-IND-PP-N.s PRF`become-IND
de a=tal̨on-űs m̃aı̋ ta-ús móódi tal̨on-űs pőik-u mőṡ-a-þ-u ı̋l-a
but that=human-G.s woe who-G.s by human-G.s son-N.s betray-IND-PP-N.s become-IND

  • 11. It would be better for that man if he had never been born."
  • good it.was to.him if not was.born the human that
  • va̋do eȝús éra vŭvuue̋ȝa—ebi a-tal̨őnu e-żĭże̋na ne m̃ar:
va̋d-o eȝ-ús éra vŭ~vuu-e̋ȝa ebi a=m̃ı̋r-u e=żĭ~że̋n-a ne m̃ar
good-N.s he-G.s for PRF-be-SBJ if that=man-N.s PST-PRF~be.born-IND not QUOT

  • 12. The disciples looked at one another, at a loss as to whom he meant.
  • looked then into one.another the disciples being.perplexed about any he.was.saying
  • taú' sépa sa̋m̃a bűxus vűűantu—tűnlus anánun e-nőőa:'"
ta-ú-' sépa sa̋m̃-a bűx-us vűű-a-ntu-Ø tűn-l-us an.án-un e=nőő-a
who-G.s-ELIS about speak-IND uncertain-N.p be-IND-AP-ABS learn-AG-N.p other.other-A.p

  • 13. They began to be distressed and to say to him, one by one, "Surely it is not I?"
  • They began and to.say to.him one by one, Surely.not I, Lord?
  • mı̋ı̋m̃rus vuua̋sa da þúnþun eȝús o teea̋sa: m̃a mu na̋i ne m̃ar:
mı̋ı̋m̃-r-us vuu-a̋s-a da þún-þun eȝ-ús o tee-a̋s-a m̃a m-u na̋i ne m̃ar
sorrow-full-N.s be-INC-IND and one-one he-G.s to say-INC-IND QUOT 1s-N surely not QUOT

  • 14. One of his disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was reclining at Jesus’ side.
  • Was reclining one of the disciples of.him on the bosom of.the Jesus whom loved the Jesus.
  • tunlűm þűn—táum ȝe̋su e-m̃e̋na—ȝesűs pazős éna e-ṡe̋la:
tunl-űm þűn tá-um ȝe̋s-u e=m̃e̋n-a ȝes-űs paz-ős éna e=ṡe̋l-a
disciple-G.p one who-A.s Jesus-N.s PST=love-IND Jesus-G.s bosom-G.s on PST=recline-IND

  • 15. So Simon Peter nodded to him to find out whom he meant.
  • Nods therefore Simon Peter to.ask who about whom he.speaks
  • pe̋þru ṡimőnu sááru sús do n̨űna—táádi—xu—taús sépa sa̋m̃a—ese̋ȝa—mete̋ȝa:
ṡimőn-u pe̋þr-u sááru s-ús do n̨űn-a táádi x-u ta-ú-' sépa sa̋m̃-a es-e̋ȝa met-e̋ȝa
Simon-N.s Peter-N.s therefoe this-G.s to nod-IND who-N.s who-G.s about speak-IND be-SBJ ask-SBJ

  • 16. He leaned back against Jesus’ chest and said to him, "Master, who is it?"
  • Having.leaned.back then, thus on the breast of.the Jesus says to.him, Lord, who is?
  • ṡĭṡe̋lantu pósu nu ítu ȝesűs pazős éna eȝús o te̋e̋a m̃' anderű xu e̋sa m̃ar:
ṡĭ~ṡe̋l-a-nt-u pósu n-u ítu ȝes-űs paz-ős éna eȝ-ús o te̋e̋-a m̃-' ander-ű x-u e̋s-a m̃ar:
PRF~lean-IND-AP-N.s then that-N.s thus Jesus-G.s bosom-G.s on he-G.s to say-IND QUOT Lord-V.s who-N.s be-IND QUOT

  • 17. Jesus answered, "It is the one of the Twelve, the one who dips his hand with me into the dish, to whom I hand the morsel after I have dipped it."
  • Answers the Jesus of.the Twelve the dipping his hand with me into the bowl, to.whom I will.dip the morsel and will.give to.him.
  • ȝe̋su num kı̋ı̋ra: ka̋ikom éna mú' súna ma̋nom sa̋mantu—taús o mu ka̋a̋mom u-sa̋mak̬' eȝús o u-dőőak̬e:
ȝe̋s-u n-um kı̋ı̋r-a ka̋ik-om éna m-ú-' súna ma̋n-om sa̋m-a-nt-u ta-ús o m-u ka̋a̋m-om u=sa̋m-a=k̬-'
Jesus-N.s that-A.s answer-IND bowl-A.s into 1s-G- ELIS with hand.A.s dip-IND-AP-N.s who-G.s to 1s-N morsel-A.s FUT=dip-IND=and-ELIS
eȝ-ús o u=dőő-a=k̬e
he-G.s to FUT=give-IND=and

  • 18. So he dipped the morsel and took it and handed it to Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot.
  • Having.dipped therefore the morsel he.takes and gives to.Judas of.Simon of.Iscariot
  • sĭsa̋mantu nááru ka̋a̋mom ga̋ak̬e iskár̨otős ṡimonűs ȝĕhudűs o dőőak̬e:
sĭ~sa̋m-a-nt-u nááru ka̋a̋m-om ga̋-a=k̬e iskár̨ot-ős ṡimon-űs ȝĕhud-űs o dőő-a=k̬e
PRF~dip-IND-AP-N.s therefore morsel-A.s take-IND=and Iscariot-G.s Simon-G.s Juda-G.s to go-IND=and

  • 19. After he took the morsel, Satan entered him. So Jesus said to him, "What you are going to do, do quickly."
  • And after the morsel then entered into the Satan. Says therefore to.him the Jesus, the do quickly.
  • saata̋a̋nu kaamős pósa num éna fésu e-tı̋ra: ȝe̋su sááru eȝús o te̋e̋a: m̃a ááþvi kı̋e—táom t' u-kie̋ȝa m̃ar:
saata̋a̋n-u kaam-ős pósa n-um éna fésu e=tı̋r-a ȝe̋s-u sááru eȝ-ús o te̋e̋-a m̃a ááþ-vi kı̋-e
Satan-N.s morsel-G.s after that-A.s into then PST=enter-IND Jesus-N.s therefore he-G.s to say-IND QUOT quick-ADV do-IMP
tá-om t-' u=ki-e̋ȝa m̃ar
what-A.s 2s-ELIS FUT=do-SBJ QUOT

  • 20. None of those reclining at table realized why he said this to him.
  • This but knew of.the reclining for what he spoke to.him
  • de ṡelantűm néu e-sa̋a̋ra—f̨údi eȝús o e-sa̋m̃a:
de ṡel-a-nt-űm né-u e=sa̋a̋r-a f̨údi eȝ-ús o e=sa̋m̃-a
but recline-IND-AP-G.p PST=know-IND why he-G.s to PST=speak-IND

  • 21. Some thought that since Judas kept the money bag, Jesus had told him,
  • Some for were.thinking since the had Judas that says to.him the Jesus,
  • hi tíídus—hi ȝĕhűdu piinma̋kom e-ƣe̋va—ȝe̋sum eȝús o te̋e̋u e-żűűma:
hi tííd-us hi ȝĕhűd-u piin-ma̋k-om e=ƣe̋v-a ȝe̋s-um eȝ-ús o te̋e̋-u e=żűűm-a:
for some-N.s since Judas-N.s money-bag-A.s PST=have-IND Jesus-A.s he-G.s to say-SUP PST=remembe-IND

  • 22. "Buy what we need for the feast," or to give something to the poor.
  • Buy of.which need we.have for the feast or to.the poor that something he.should.give.
  • m̃a sa̋ros tááda—táom m̃us ı̋ı̋ƣa—sa̋e m̃ar. m̃o éȝum peediȝűm o tíídom dőőu:
m̃a sar-ős tááda tá-om m̃-us ı̋ı̋ƣ-a sa̋-e m̃ar m̃o éȝ-um peed-iȝ-űm o tííd-om dőő-u
QUOT feast-G.s for which-A.s 1p-N need-IND buy-IMP QUOT or he-A.s poor-COL-G.p to something-A.s give-SUP

  • 23. So he took the morsel and left at once. And it was night.
  • Having taken therefore the morsel went.out immediately. it.was and night.
  • ka̋a̋mom a-gĭga̋antu nááru áv̈i e-tı̋ra. da la̋a̋ta e-e̋sa:
ka̋a̋m-om a=gĭ~ga̋-a-nt-u nááru áv-vi e-tı̋r-a da la̋a̋t-a e=e̋s-a:
morsel-A.s that=PRF~take-IND-AP-N.s therefore immediate=ADV PST=enter-IND and night-N.s PST=be-IND