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Senjecas - Song of Songs, Chapter 3

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Pronunciation table

(vowels with प)
nı̋þo ṡ̨uuše̋nos
(weak vowels)
b f v m t d þ ð ɫ l ż s z r n k g x ƣ h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
म़ ल़ स़ क़ ग़ स्व स्य इ ई
पि पी
ए एै
पे पै
अ आ
प पा
ऒ ॵ
पॊ पॏ
ओ औ
पो पौ
उ ऊ
पु पू
पं पऺ पॅ
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̥/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/

Glossing abbreviations

1s/p = 1st person singular/plural ABL = ablative suffix COL = collective F = feminine INT = intensive prefix PRV = privative prefix SUP = supine
2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural ABS = absolutive
(an unmarked modifying adjective)
DES = desiderative FRQ = frequentative LAT = lative suffix PST = past TRZ = transitivizer
3 = 3rd person ADV = adverb DIM = diminutive FUT = future LOC = locative suffix REV = reversive VOC = vocative particle
A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural) AG = agent ELIS = elision IMP = imperative M = masculine Q = interrogative particle YNG = young
G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural) AP = agent (active) participle ELT = elative INC = inchoative OCC = occupation suffix QUOT = direct quotation
N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural) AUG = augmentative EP = epenthesis IND = indicative PP = patient (past) participle RPR = recent perfective
V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural) CAUS = causative EQU = equative degree INS = instrument PRF = perfect SBJ = subjunctive


gaaȝőm ga̋a̋ȝo. þı̋ro f - The Song of Songs - Chapter 3
ivrɛȝe̋kam úúda tarne̋xaþo
Translated from the Hebrew
  • New American Bible
  • Literal Hebrew Translation
  • Senjecan Text
  • 1. On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves-I sought him but I did not find him.
  • on-my.bed by.night I.sought whom.loved my.soul I.sought.him but.not I.found.him
  • mu-þegős éna éȝum—táumɛ mu-ṡ̨űűu m̃e̋na—e-ne̋e̋þa: éȝum e-ne̋e̋þa. de éȝum e-de̋e̋sa ne:
mu=þeg-ős éna éȝ-um tá-um=ɛ mu=ṡ̨űű-u m̃e̋n-a e=ne̋e̋þ-a éȝ-um e=ne̋e̋þ-a de éȝ-um e=de̋e̋s-a ne
my=bed-G.s on 3-A.s who-A.s=EP my=soul-N.s love-IND PST=seek-IND 3-A.s PST=seek-IND but 3-A.s PST-find-IND not

  • 2. I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him.
  • I.will.rise now and.I.go.about in.streets whom.loves my.soul I.sought.him but.not I.found.him
  • mu ím' u-kőþa. da rı̋ȝom þáfa u-a̋ta: pa̋a̋vonk̬e la̋fo ðe̋e̋onk̬e éna éȝum—táumɛ mu-ṡ̨űűu m̃e̋na—u-ne̋e̋þa: éȝum e-ne̋e̋þa. de éȝum e-de̋e̋sa ne:
m-u ím-' u=kőþ-a da rı̋ȝ-om þáfa u=a̋t-a pa̋a̋v-on=k̬e la̋fo-Ø ðe̋e̋-on=k̬e éna éȝ-um
1s-N now=ELIS FUT=arise-IND and city-A.s about FUT=go-IND street-A.p=and broad-ABS place-A.p=and in 3-A.s
tá-um=ɛ mu=ṡ̨űű-u m̃e̋n-a u=ne̋e̋þ-a éȝ-um e=ne̋e̋þ-a de éȝ-um e=de̋e̋s-a ne
who-A.s=EP my=soul-N.s love-IND FUT=seek-IND 3-A.s PST=seek-IND but 3-A.s PS=find-IND not

  • 3. The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city: Have you seen him whom my heart loves?
  • the.watchmen the.going.about whom.loves my.soul
  • rı̋ȝom þáfa a̋tantu vula̋kus mum e-de̋e̋sa: m̃a ȝus éȝum—táumɛ mu-ṡ̨űűu m̃e̋na—nına̋ka me m̃ar:
rı̋ȝ-om þáfa a̋t-a-ntu-Ø vula̋k-us m-um e=de̋e̋s-a m̃a ȝ-us éȝ-um tá-um=ɛ mu=ṡ̨űű-u m̃e̋n-a nı~na̋k-a me m̃ar
city-A.s about go-IND-AP-ABS watchman-N.p 1s-A PST=find-IND QUOT 2p-N 3s-A who-A.s-EP my=soul-N.s love-IND PRF~see-IND Q QUOT

  • 4. I had hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves. I took hold of him and would not let him go till I should bring him to the home of my mother, to the room of my parent.
  • little.while when.I.had.passed from.them until I.found whom.loves my.soul I.seized.him and.not I.let.him.go until I.had.brought.him into-house my.mother's who.conceived me
  • keeska̋s méti mu éȝun ápa e-nynűxa—éȝum—táom mu-ṡ̨űűu m̃e̋na—e-de̋e̋sa: éȝum e-e̋ma. da éȝum pıpa̋usa ne—sííri mu-maama̋s m̃e̋e̋som éna da mum niilaþűs te̋rom éna éȝum e-nıne̋xa:
kees-k-a̋s méti m-u éȝ-un ápa e=ny~nűx-a éȝ-um tá-om mu=ṡ̨űű-u m̃e̋n-a e=de̋e̋s-a éȝ-um e=e̋m-a
while-DIM-G.s when 1s.N 3-A.p from PST=PRF~pass-IND 3-A.s who-A.s my=soul-N.s love-IND PST=find-IND 3-A.s PST=bring-IND
da éȝ-um pı~pa̋us-a ne sííri mu=maam-a̋s m̃e̋e̋s-om éna da m-um niil-a-þ-űs te̋r-om éna éȝ-um e=nı~ne̋x-a
and 3-A.s PRF~let.go-IND not until my=mother-G.s house-A.s into and 1s-A conceive-IND-PP-G.s room-A.s into 3-A.s PST=PRF~bring-IND

  • 5. I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and hinds of the field, Do not arouse, do not stir up love before its own time.
  • I.charge you daughters.of Jerusalem by.gazelles or by does.of the.field that.not you.stir.up and.not-you.awaken the.beloved until-it.pleases
  • 'úruṡálima̋s zidűs. ite̋mk̬e keeże̋mk̬e óita ȝun m̃e̋naþum ka̋ƣu ze m̃o ze̋lu ze sííri fa̋ṡa ȝun e̋ȝa:
úruṡálim-a̋s zid-űs it-e̋m=k̬e keeż-e̋m=k̬e óita ȝ-un m̃e̋n-a-þ-um ka̋ƣ-u ze
Jerusalem-G.s daughter-V.p gazelle-G.p=and doe-G.p=and by 2p-A love-IIND-PP-A.s stir-SUP not
m̃o ze̋l-u ze sííri fa̋ṡ-a ȝ-un e̋ȝ-a
or awake-SUP not until please-IND 2p-A charge-IND

  • 6. What is this coming up from the desert, like a column of smoke laden with myrrh, with frankincense, and the perfume of every exotic dust?
  • who this coming.up out.of.the.wilderness like.pillars.of smoke perfumed.with myrrh and.frankincense from.all powders.of merchant
  • xu. muuxős ṡiisőm sóma. faarlűs őro podőm áfa ṡ̬ildiȝı̋sk̬e noorpiitı̋sk̬e šéða naadı̋d̨aþu. agűlom éha i-kőþantu e̋sa:
x-u muux-ős ṡiis-őm sóma faar-l-űs őro-Ø pod-őm áfa ṡ̬il.diȝ-ı̋s=k̬e
who-N.s smoke-G.s pillar-G.p like sell-AG-G.s all-ABS powder-G.p from wax.gum-G.s=and
noor.piit-ı̋s=k̬e šéða naad-ı̋d̨-a-þ-u agűl-om éha i=kőþ-a-nt-u e̋s-a with fragrance-TRZ-IND-PP-N.s wilderness-A.s out.of this=come_up-IND-AP-N.s be-IND

  • 7. Ah, it is the litter of Solomon; sixty valiant men surround it, of the valiant men of Israel:
  • behold his.bed's sixty around it of-mighty-men of.Israel
  • eenő eȝu-þe̋go—to sɛloműs vűűa: ȝisráelűs m̃a̋lu m̃iirűm sa̋a̋dfoos m̃ı̋ı̋rus éȝom áána vűűla:
eenő eȝu=þe̋g-o t-o sɛlom-űs vűű-a ȝisráel-űs m̃a̋lu-Ø m̃iir-űm sa̋a̋d.foos m̃ı̋ı̋r-us éȝ-om áána vűűl-a
behold his=bed-N.s which-N.s Solomon-G.s be-IND Israel-G.s mighty-ABS man-G.s six.tens man-N.p 3-A.s around there_be-IND

  • 8. All of them expert with the sword, skilled in battle, Each with his sword at his side against danger in the watches of the night.
  • All hold swords battle man his.sword on-his.thigh from dread in the night
  • őrus ṡatős túȝa dőkaþus va̋a̋lon ƣe̋va. eȝu-va̋a̋lo veðős éna laata̋s vormɛra̋s ha:
őr-us ṡat-ős túȝa dők-a-þ-us va̋a̋l-on ƣe̋v-a eȝu=va̋a̋l-o veð-ős éna laat-a̋s vormɛr-a̋s ha
all-N.p battle.G.s in teach-IND-PP-N.p sword-A.p hold-IND his=sword-N.s thigh-G.s at night-G.s dread-G.s from

  • 9. King Solomon made himself a carriage of wood from Lebanon.
  • palanquin made for.him King Solomon of.trees.of Lebanon
  • sɛlőmu re̋e̋ƣu eȝús éra foinixs̨a̋s hais̨őno úngɛnexþe̋gom e-va̋a̋na:
sɛlőm-u re̋e̋ƣ-u eȝ-ús éra foinixs̨-a̋s hais̨őno-Ø úngɛ.nex.þe̋ e=va̋a̋n-a
Solomon-N.s king-N.s 3-G.s for Lebanon-G.s made_of_tree-ABS canopy.carry.bed-A.s PST=carry-IND

  • 10. He made its columns of silver, its roof of gold, its seat of purple cloth, its frame work inlaid with ivory.
  • he.made of.silver its support gold purple its.middle was.paved love by.daughters.of Jerusalem
  • kurős éha eȝo-hőőlon. gilős éha eȝo-rı̋zlom. m̃iȝős éha eȝo-se̋dom e-va̋a̋na: eȝo-ȝűo úrusálima̋s zidűm kía m̃énm̃ɛvi ȝuka̋ðaþo e-ı̋la:
kur-ős éha eȝo=hőől-on gil-ős éha eȝo=rı̋z-l-om m̃iȝ-ős éha eȝo=se̋d-om e=va̋a̋n-a
silver-G.s from its=pole-A.p gold-G.s from its=support-INS-A.s purple-G.s from its=seat-A.s PST=make-IND
eȝo=ȝű-o úrusálim-a̋s zid-űm kía m̃énm̃-ɛ=vi ȝu.ka̋ð-a-þ-o e=ı̋l-a
its=interior-N.s Jerusalem-G.s daughter-G.p by loving-EP=ADV inside.cover-IND-PP-N.s PST=become-IND

  • 11. Daughters of Jerusalem, come forth and look upon King Solomon in the crown with which his mother has crowned him on the day of his marriage, on the day of the joy of his heart.
  • go.out and see daughters.of.Zion KingSolomon which.crowned-him his.mother gladness.of his.heart.
  • úrusálima̋s zidűs. vide̋ȝa da zilmodő' šéða—tós kía ma̋a̋ma eȝu-m̃eðra̋s aha̋s da eȝu-suðős raaðta̋s aha̋s éȝum e-zílmodı̋d̨a—sɛlőmum re̋e̋ƣum nake̋ȝa⁝
úrusálim-a̋s zid-űs vid-e̋ȝa da zil.mod-ő-' šéða t-ós kía ma̋a̋m-a eȝu=m̃eðr-a̋s ah-a̋s
Jerusalem-G.s daughter-V.p go.out-SBJ and with which-G.d by mother-N.s his=wedding-G.s day-G.s
da eȝu=suð-ős raaðt-a̋s ah-a̋s éȝ-um e=zíl.mod-ı̋d̨-a sɛlőm-um re̋e̋ƣ-um nak-e̋ȝa
and his=heart-G.s gladness-G.s day-G.s 3-A.s Solomon-A.s king-A.s see-SBJ

Senjecas - Song of Songs, Chapter 4