Lenian languages
The Lenian languages are a paraphyletic cultural grouping of related languages that descend from Tapilula but exclude branches that acquired divergent characteristics.
- Use User:Soap/scratchpad for Dreamlandic and not this page.
See Play substratum languages.
All Dreamlandic languages are included. See also Minor Lenian languages.
Tribal identity
All Lenians were light-skinned people, mostly with blonde hair and blue eyes. They mostly lived in cold or temperate climates, but nonetheless some Lenians came to live in compact nations in the tropics, generally having to fight for their land as they arrive. Taken as a group, they were the world's most widely dispersed people, having the southernmost and westernmost (on the mainland) areas to themselves, and controlling much of the cold areas near the poles. However, the idea of a shared Lenian identity was only supported by some Lenians; they fought against each other as much as they fought against other tribes.
For the most part, these languages do not spread to non-Lenian tribes. The only language that had a sizable non-Lenian population of speakers was Oyster.
Tapilula (800 BC) to Proto-Dreamlandic (520)
The three-way split of Dreamlandic, "Andano-Tropical-Gold" (better name needed), and the HP-3/4 speakers is treated as simultaneous because ATG was a distinct dialect for hundreds of years before their migration, and because the speakers of the other languages remained in contact even though genetically they had diverged from each other earlier than ATG had split from HP-4. See Hipatal for details.
Note that Dreamlandic could have branched off earlier than the rest, perhaps as much as 1,000 years earlier, but that it might also be better to assume the others branch off around 500 AD than to push Dreamlandic alone all the way back to 1000 BC. Baywatch must be moved back to around 2800 in even the minimal case, and could be pushed all the way back to 2300 AD, making it almost contemporary with Gold.
The original consonant inventory was
Rounded bilabials: pʷ mʷ mbʷ mpʷ w Spread bilabials: p b m mb mp (Ø) Alveolars: t n nd l Rounded alveolars: tʷ nʷ ndʷ Velars: k ḳ ŋ ŋġ h g
Note that hiatus in this language is considered to be /g/. The differentiation between /Ø/ and /g/ in the other branch is due to analogy.
See Play substratum languages for further details.
- Before a low tone, the fricatives h g shifted to kʷ kʷʕ. Before a high tone, they disappeared. Thus, the language became entirely free of fricatives.
- In a few situations, to avoid sequences like /awó/, they also became hard before a high tone, thus producing /apwó/. This lenites later on, but lenites in a different way than if the phoneme had disappeared in the early shift.
- The dependent phonemes kʷ kʷʕ shifted to p pʕ if bordering any /u ə/ in either direction, and otherwise to k. Note that /o/ did not trigger this shift.
- Note, many words have this incorrectly shifting to /k ḳ/ rather than to just /k/. It may be best to leave it this way, as it fills out the consonant distribution.
- Note also that the rare true primordial /hʷ/ behaves here as the sequence /hu/, meaning that it becomes pu. This sound is much rarer than the cluster /mfʷ/ which became /hʷ/ in Gold.
- Before a low tone, the lateral approximant l shifted to r.
- Before a high tone, the voiceless stops pʷ p t tʷ k became the fricatives hʷ f s hʷ h. This did not apply to the emphatics.
- Voiceless prenasalized sequences were reanalyzed as nasal + fricative. Voiced prenasalized sequences were reanalyzed as nasal + stop. Thus they were no longer phonemic. Nevertheless, they continued to occur in the syllable onset rather than splitting between the onset and the preceding coda.
- The sequences aə əa aa all merged as ā.
- The sequences əu əi then shifted to ū ī. Thus /ū ī/ are distinct in proto-Dreamlandic from the sequences /uu ii/; the latter are spelled as "wu yi" when not after a consonant. In this they resemble the later-emerging Play system. There is no corresponding sequence /aa/, however.
- Note that the conditioning environment necessary to generate this shift might constrain it to occurring only in words that had primordial low-high tone melody, meaning that they would always have a lost final consonant. If the Dreamers always preserved these silent final consonants in spelling (since they reappeared in grammar), they would never need any symbols for long vowels. The only exceptions to this would be classifier prefixes that lost their status and came to be seen as part of the root. Here, it might be assumed that they had once ended in /g/, since there never was a final /g/ and the symbol would therefore be free.
- The emphatic stops pʕ ḳ shifted to pp kk except in absolute phrase-initial position. (Since most words began with classifier prefixes, this shift produced many root-initial clusters, but the classifiers that padded these roots did not acquire initial clusters.)
- For all practical purposes, the condition can be ignored, and it may be that the speakers produced geminates even at the beginning of a sentence.
- The voiceless alveolar stop t affricated to c before the high vowels [i ə u].
- The vowels a e i all shifted to palatalized forms ya ye yi. If one of the non-labialized consonants p m f t n s k ŋ h l r preceded, it became palatalized to pʲ mʲ fʲ č ň š ć ń ś ł ŕ. But palatalization of /l/ was not marked in spelling.
- Meanwhile, the long vowels ā ē ī shifted to yā yē yī (not *yaya, etc).
- It is likely that au, from earlier /ahu agu/ was excluded from this shift and did not become /yau/.
- The rounded alveolars tʷ nʷ became kʷ ŋʷ.
- The high central vowel ə shifted to i.
- Note that this shift opens up a three-way contrast of /t/~/č/~/k/ before [i], and the following shift adds [ə] and [a]. However, there was only a two-way contrast before [u]. This may be seen as related to the labialized phoneme /kʷ/ and might even trigger the loss of /u/ in some daughters.
- The mid vowels e o shifted to ə a. This did not affect, and was not affected by, whether the previous consonant was labialized or not; the respective allophones shifted in tandem.
- Tones were eliminated.
- Syllabic consonants preceded by a consonant were resolved as sequences of /i/ + consonant, and assimilated to the place of articulation of a following consonant. In absolute final position, they became in. Meanwhile, a syllabic consonant preceded by a vowel became a simple n. In all cases where another consonant followed, these nasals were front-loaded onto the next syllable, and thus the only closed syllables in proto-Dreamlandic were at the end of a word, and they were very rare.
- It is possible that rather than having all three syllabic nasals shift to /in/, the shift is ṁ ṅ ŋ̇ > un in ən, with /ŋ/ probably shifting first. A second possibility is /un in an/, where /ŋ/ starts out as /ə/ and then is pushed to /a/ when /m/ appears, which also started out as schwa but then became labial.
- The root-initial geminates pp ppʲ ćć kk shifted to singletons p pʲ ć k if there was another heavy syllable in the word.
- All prenasalized consonants became voiceless with a stopped release.
- The sequence ʷi shifted to i, except in hiatus (/awi iwi uwi/).
Thus the vowel inventory at this time was /a i u ə/, and the consonants were:
Rounded bilabials: pʷ mʷ w a i u ə Plain bilabials: p m f (Ø) a i u Spread bilabials: pʲ mʲ fʲ y a i ə Alveolars: t n s l r a i u (/ta ci cu/) Postalveolars: č ň š *l *r a i ə (/ča či čə/) (Palatals: ć ń ś ) a i ə Velars: k ŋ h a i u Labiovelars: kʷ ŋʷ hʷ a i u ə
Thus the full set of four vowels was contrastive only after rounded consonants. However, /l/ and /r/ break this rule. There was also a sequence /mfʷ/.
At this point, around the year 1320, the language divides into two dialects: one for the western end of the peninsula, where travel between the north and south coasts is easy; and the other branch for the central and eastern areas, where travel is more difficult and daughter languages tend to divide more quickly. The eastern branch is called Nuclear Dreamlandic, but this is often shortened to just "Dreamlandic".
Dialect breakup
However, it is possible that all of the diversity arose in the western and central areas, and that the division between them was political rather than tribal. Thus North Dreamlandic would be simply a branch of one of many subgroups from the West or center.
Changes unique to Western Fojy
- The voiceless non-sibilant fricatives f fʲ h hʷ shifted to Ø Ø Ø w.
- The palatalized labials pʲ mʲ shifted to p m. (These may have passed through a linguolabial stage.)
- The bare vowel u shifted to ʉ. Then wa shifted to wo. Neither of these shifts were phonemic.
Changes unique to Nuclear Dreamlandic (695)
- The mid vowel e, which occurred almost entirely after palatalized consonants, shifted to a. Thus, the vowel inventory was reduced to /a i u/, with frequent sequences of /ya wa yi wu/ but no others.
- NOTE, this is almost certainly a mistake (or an early transcription) for ə.
- The true palatals ć ń ś shifted to č ň š .
At this stage the language had 95 syllables, considering the clusters /mp nt nk pp kk ćć/ to be singles. The syllabary contained signs for
a i u ya wa yi wu pa pi pu pya pwa pyi pwu ma mi mu mya mwa myi mwu ta (ci cu) tya tyi na ni nu nya nyi sa si su sya syi la li lu lya lyi ra ri ru rya ryi ka ki ku kwa kwu ŋa ŋi ŋu ŋwa ŋwu ha hi hu hwa hwu fa fi fu mpa mpi mpu mpya mpwa mpyi mpwu nta (nsi nsu nsya nsyi) nka nki nku nkwa nkwu ppa ppi ppu ppya ppwa ppyi ppwu kka kki kku kkya kkwa kkyi kkwu
The following languages are ordered by inverse time of separation, not east-west as is usually followed. DPR is spoken to the west of Baywatch.
Nuclear Dreamlandic (695) to Dolphin Rider (3308)
Alternate names: Ōpo, Neamaki, Pōpō, Eurobabe. The speakers originated in "Laġo" and in the unlabeled territory next to Lago. The native name of the unlabeled state may in fact be Ōpo, but properly that is the name of the originating tribe and likely extended to areas beyond. All four of the alternate names were once valid in-language but are now expired "exonyms" from outside the world. Euro babe was at one point the word for dream.
Note that the maturation date of this branch is much later than that of Baywatch, and that it may have early-branching varieties of its own, perhaps as many as seven. (There are two maps of Dreamland with overlapping borders; the southern coastline is split into a group of three nations and a group of four.)
- The labiovelars kʷ ŋʷ hʷ shifted to pʷ mʷ fʷ unconditionally.
- The sequences ya wa shifted to ye o.
- It seems that yā did not shift to /*yē/, and that there may have been no /ē ō/ in the language at this time. Thus long vowels stay as they are. This makes sense as well given the shift below.
- The rare sequences aw iw shifted to ow uw (later /ō ū/); these may have been restricted to occuring before /i/; also, au became ou as well.
- The sequence uy shifted to iy. There may have likewise been a shift of /ay/ > /ey/. These were only from primordial /y/, not the /a/ > /ya/ shift.
- If this language had previously shared Baywatch's gap of /*so/, this fills that gap.
- Any new i before a vowel came to be interpreted like ʲ. The later /io/ is from /ifo/.
- In a closed syllable, the vowels i u lowered to e o. Long vowels did not shift.
- The sequence āi shifted to ē.
- Between vowels, the sequence ta shifted to ra.
- It is possible that r shifted to l in initial position here, but note that the main motivation for this had not yet come.
- Syllables ending in nasals shifted to having nasal vowels. This detail is irrelevant to DPR but the nasal vowels spread to PEB where they affect preceding consonants and also the vowel color.
- The prenasals mp nt nč ŋk shifted to voiced stops b r r g. This causes a lot of l to shift to r by analogy.
- The voiceless coronals t č š shifted to s . Meanwhile ň shifted to n.
- The palatalized labials pʲ mʲ fʲ bʲ became f m f b. Thus palatalization was defeated.
- It appears that lʲ rʲ also shifted to l r.
- It is important to note that the sequence pi, when not before a vowel, remained unchanged. This is why this shift is worded differently.
- The sequences hi hu shifted to si fu. Then ŋi shifted to ni.
- It is possible that languages like Lohi break off at around this stage. See Dreamlandic languages.
- The velars h g ŋ (including in clusters) disappeared to Ø.
- The sequences of ow uf uw shifted to ō ō ū ū. However, the geminate /ff/ did not participate in this shift.
- Most likely, ei ēi shifted to ē, and perhaps /ai āi/ (again) shifted as well. Consider that /ai/ and /ei/ often came from variants of the same root and that /ai/ was probbly slightly longer in duration.,
- Any remaining singleton f disappeared to Ø. Note that the timing of this shift means that disappearing /f/ might occasionally be distinguished from disappearing velars by its failure to collapse /ei/ (and probably /ai/) to ē; however, it is not clear that velars would persist in this position (since even /ŋi hi/ from earlier schwa undergo fronting here).
- Labialization was defeated. Any remaining w shifted to b, at least before /i/.
- It is not clear what happens to sequences like /efʷo/ > /ewo/ here. But it is likely that /b/ does not appear. It may be that the only surviving /w/ was /wi/ anyway.
- The geminates pp ff ss kk shifted to p s s k . Thus /f/ was eliminated.
- Nasal vowels denasalize.
- If there were any allophonic prenasals left over from above (most likely just /mb/ if any at all), they also become single consonants now.
- At this point, the consonant inventory was /p m b n s l r k/ and the vowels were /a e i o u/. Long vowels /ā ē ī ū/, but not /ō/, were fairly common. This occurred around the year ????. After this, the language became conservative.
- All vowels before a hiatus became short.
- Any remaining ae ea shifted to ā. But it is possible this had been sifted out earlier.
- The vowel sequences au ao eo oa oe shifted to ō. Thus the word for dolphin became /pōpō/. /ua uo/ remained, but they were rare, mostly coming from earlier /ufa ufo/. Thus, original sequences /ao eo io oo uo/ appeared as /ō ō io ō uo/, just as in Baywatch, but the shifts occurred roughly a thousand years apart and differed in other details.
- It is possible that all vowels before a long shifted to /i u/. There should be no /a/ in this position, but if it exists, it probably survives, and may shorten the following vowel instead.
Possible future sound changes
Branch I
- 17:17, 9 April 2024 (PDT)
- ri ru > ǯi du. possibly same with /ir ur/.
- then l > r.
- ip up > ib ub (or the reverse).
- Stressed vowels may lengthen (to escape from later shifts). This may even apply to all vowels spaced two apart.
- e i u > Ø ʲ ʷ. ONLY IF LENGTHENING IS DONE BY NOW. else to /i ʲi u/.
- It is possible that vowels will elide following a long vowel (always separated by a consonant). That is, ōnu > on, etc. It is possible also that these will allow distinctions, e.g. /m/ when /u/ disappears, but it is difficult to align this with place-assimilation. In any case the resulting superheavy syllables would then contract to short vowels, and then probably vowel length disappears altogether.
- New consonants from /Ci/ and /Cu/.
- In theory could be
- bʲ nʲ rʲ sʲ > d ň ř š
- pʲ mʲ lʲ kʲ > t m λ č.
- Thus a /t~k/ contrast is created, and there is crowding near /r/ as all of /d r ř l λ/ are contrastive. It is most likely (though not certain) that /k/ was already [č] before front vowels even before this shift. It is possible that /λ/ > /y/ early on since there would actually not be a phonemic IPA /j/ otherwise.
- Note that /λ/ will be much rarer than /ř/ because of differences in patterning dating back to near-MRCA times.
- And also
- bʷ nʷ rʷ sʷ > b ŋ~m w f
- pʷ mʷ lʷ kʷ > p m w k~p.
- Note that /kʷ/ cannot shift to /p/ unconditionally because then there would be a gap of no /ku/ unless /ču/ shifted to /ku/ afterwards, but this could be problematic.
- The shifts of /bʲ pʲ/ > /d t/ may be conditional too, because although it would not create a gap of no /bi pi/, those sequences would become rare.
- A staircase shift for fricatives to fill out /f s š h/ instead of having /s/ dominate.
- The shift of /b/ > /d/ might need to be conditional, and it is possible that /bi/ remains, since otherwise there would be a near-gap owing to the scarcity of /ʷi/. (Not as much a problem is /ʲu/.)
- Possibly /ns mf/ > /z v/, etc. Voiced stop geminates devoice.
- It is possible that /ā/ does not contract, as there is no obvious means by which to generate a new /ā/. However, it could be that like Japanese and Māori, some long vowels are more common than others. New /ā/ could be from morpheme crossers.
Other b ranches
- In a separate branch from the above, b p > p f, greatly changing the sound of the language.
- In a third branch, probably far west, b p > p Ø, and this may beg the branch above to shift its /f/ to /h/ or even to /Ø/. But they are not the same branch. This branch passed through a middle stage of /ʔ/, not a fricative.
Nuclear Dreamlandic (695) to Proto-Eastern Dreamlandic (2570)
These languages were spoken in colder climates, rubbing up against Thunder and Moonshine settlements. The speakers were generally of blonde hair and blue eyes, perhaps even more so than the stereotypically blonde Thunderers.
This language can be called "Proto-Eastern Baywatch" to get the acronym to be PEB, but the name strictly speaking is incorrect since Baywatch is a subset of this group, not a larger group that encompasses it. Even so, the Baywatch name could be detached from its political party and so repurposed.
This group has many other descendants besides Baywatch proper, and probably has at least two descendants in Tata.
Initial phoneme inventory:
Rounded bilabials: pʷ mʷ w a i u Plain bilabials: p m f (Ø) a i u Spread bilabials: pʲ mʲ fʲ y a i Alveolars: t n s l r a i u (/ta ci cu/) Postalveolars: č ň š ł ř a i (/ča či čə/) Velars: k ŋ h a i u Labiovelars: kʷ ŋʷ hʷ a i u
- The sequences ya wa shifted to ye wo. Unlike Dolphin Rider, the resulting /wo/ does not shift to /o/ and then collapse with a preceding syllable. Thus, the sequence /iwa/ ultimately becomes /io/, not /ʲo/.
- In word-initial position, the sequence su shifted to hu.
- The sequences ti tu shifted to si su. (This includes all /č/.)
- The velars k ŋ shifted to t n. Then ň also became n.
- The sequence āi shifted to ē.
- The sequences ha hu shifted to a u.
- However, any new eu iu shifted to ē ī (not /ō ū/).
- It is possible that ea (always from /yā/) also shifted to ē, unlike in Dolphin Rider where it became /ā/.
- The sequence hi shifted to si.
- Before a consonant, the sequences nu tu lost their vowel, creating prenasalized and geminate consonants, which always assimilated. Triple consonant sequences reduced to doubles; the specific sequence tussi became tti due to the [č] allophone of /t/ in this position.
- The spread labials pʲ mʲ fʲ shifted to p m b unconditionally.
- The labial fricative f shifted to b in all positions.
- This is a good place to break off new daughter languages that were originally supposed to break off at the root. Some can also be split off two lines earlier, before /f fʲ/ > /b b/.
- The sequences ai ei oi merged as ē.
- The palatal glide y shifted to w if after /u/, and otherwise to Ø.
- The sequences au eu ou merged as ō. Note that underlying /ao eo oo/ also become /ō/ by the combination of this rule and the next, since this sequence was always [awo ewo] for the first two.
- The sequences wo wu shifted to o u. Any other /w/ also disappeared. Thus, by the combination of these two shifts, the underlying sequences /ao eo io oo uo/ shift to /ō ō io ō uo/, as if setting up a future syllable inventory in which the vowel /o/ could be preceded by a palatal or labial onglide. However, at the stage of classical Baywatch, these remained as two-vowel sequences.
- Long vowels followed by geminate consonants became short. But not prenasals.
- In root-initial position, the sequences bap bep bip bop bup (but not the long-vowel counterparts) shifted to pap pep pip pop pup. This also applied to /bVt/, but not to /bVs/.
If both labialized consonants and prenasalized consonants are analyzed as clusters, the phonology would be
Bilabials: p m b Alveolars: t n s l r
And the vowels /a e i o u/ in both short and long forms. The geminates /pp ss tt/ still remained, and there were sound gaps of */te so bo lo ro/, except in a few rare words where contraction of long vowels before geminates had created new short vowels there.
The coronal stop /t/ was allophonically [k] before any /o u/. Unlike the neighboring Dolphin Rider language, however, it remained [t] before /a/, and therefore [t] is considered the primary allophone. It was not palatalized before /e i/.
Proto-Eastern Dreamlandic (2570) to Nunabetari
This is now an orphaned language since it was intended to appear 800 years later.
- The sibilant sequences sa se si so su shifted to pa te ti o u . Any new hiatus lengthened the preceding vowel.
- Remaining r shifted to b.
The consonant inventory had thus become merely
Bilabials: p m b Alveolars: t n l
Note, the Nunabetari are actually migrants from the west, whose original language was PDP. Any other people identifying as Nunabetari were latecomers who joined the existing settlements.
Proto-Eastern Dreamlandic (2570) to Pre-Baywatch (3338 AD)
- The long vowels ē ī ō ū (but not /ā/) shortened to e i o u.
- This was originally below.
- Before a vowel, the sequences om um shifted to ōm ūm.
- The alveolar nasal n shifted to m unconditionally.
- The alveolar flap r shifted to l in word-initial position, and disappeared to Ø elsewhere.
- The sequences ma me mi mo mu shifted to nasal vowels ã ẽ ĩ õ ũ
before a singleton consonantUNCONDITIONALLY!!!!!!!!!!. - Prenasalized consonants bled into the preceding vowel and then denasalized.
- The sequences uoa uoe uoi uoo uou shifted to uwa uwe uwi uō ūō.
- The sequences ii uu shifted to ī ū. This included shifts from triplets like /auu/, etc.
- The Baywatchers who invaded and conquered the Thunder Empire spoke this stage of the language. The tiny province of Samia may have also spoken this stage of the language, as their entry occurred shortly after the Baywatchers were driven out. (Remember that they were traitors to their own nation, but would have spoken only one language like most of the Baywatchers.)
- After any vowel, the sequences oa oe oi (independent of nasalization) shifted to wa we wi. Nasalized w shifted to w̃.
- After a vowel, the sequences ua ue ui uo (independent of nasalization) shifted to wa we wi wo.
- All consonants became labialized before any /u/.
- Before a nasal vowel, the labial approximant w shifted to w̃.
- Geminates became simple.
- NOTE, this shift is only here because it appears in the dictionary; i never wrote it down.
The consonant inventory at this time could be analyzed as
Bilabials: p b w w̃ Alveolars: t s l
All syllables were CV. Thus a syllable chart can be created:
a e i o u ã ẽ ĩ õ ũ pa pe pi po pu pã pẽ pĩ põ pũ ba be bi bo bu bã bẽ bĩ bõ bũ wa we wi wo w̃a w̃e w̃i w̃o w̃ã w̃ẽ w̃ĩ w̃õ ta te ti to tu tã tẽ tĩ tõ tũ sa se si so su sã sẽ sĩ sõ sũ la le li lo lu lã lẽ lĩ lõ lũ
Longs are analyzed as sequences here and thus not shown. Longs can either be aa or aã~ãã; there is no *ãa.
Daughter languages of Playwatch include Mysticeti and probably others spoken by very small populations. Shifts include ĩ ũ > e o, ẽ ã õ > a, and w~ y~ > m n. Note, though, the languages that merge the nasal vowels retain the original allophones of preceding consonants. Thus, for example, tõ becomes ka, not *ta. Thus, the distinction between /t/ and /k/ becomes phonemic. /l/ might have been [n] before a nasal vowel even in Playwatch, and this could phonemicize too, but /y~/ also shifts to /n/.
Another possibility is that before vowel nasalization disappears, it first spreads out to the entire word, or to at least everything between the original nasal vowel and the stressed syllable. This assumes that Playwatch still has stress at all.
Pre-Baywatch to Baywatch (~4300 AD)
Since the timeline is being shifted backwards by 1,000 years, this is the new Baywatch.
- The sequences eu oi shifted to iu ui.
- The vowel sequences ai ei merged as ē. Then au ou merged as ō.
- The sequence tui shifted to pi .
- The nasalized approximants w̃ ỹ shifted to m n.
- The the coronal stop t came to be spelled k before any of /a o u/. (This was a long-standing allophonic variation.)
- It is possible that it should be /o u/.
- The nasal vowels ĩ ũ ẽ õ shifted to e o a a.
- This may need to be more finely detailed. For example, /ũ/ might shift to /ʷo/ at least conditionally.
Playwatch to Maple Rag
If not orphaned, this language is spoken along the north coast. "Like Seattle".
Note that the orthography here uses grave accents for low tone, unlike Moonshine and most related languages which use grave accents for checked syllables, which are typically short and allophonically high-toned. Nasalized /l/ may have reverted to plain /l/ in this branch.
- The glide y (the surface manifestation of some /i/) shifted to ỹ before any nasal vowels.
- The glides w̃ ỹ shifted to m n.
- The nasalized vowels ã ẽ ĩ õ ũ shifted to low tone à è ì ò ù.
- It is possible that some quality shifts, as in Mysticeti, happened before this shift.
- The plain vowels a e i o u became high tone á é í ó ú, except that a sequence of two high tones collapsed into high-low.
Other Dreamlandic languages
- For Western and other minor branches, see Dreamlandic languages. and Minor Lenian languages
Non-Dreamlandic languages
- See Hipatal.
Lenian languages began to decline around by year 1900[1] when settlers from AlphaLeap spread the Gold language into Paba. Shortly thereafter, Nama invaded Subumpam due to a famine, and after the famine was over, the Star Empire invaded Subumpam and occupied it for several generations. Then, yet another nation, Litila, also invaded Subumpam and crushed the native population. Subumpam was only rescued from their catastrophe when the Tarpabap people, speaking a Gold-derived language, invaded Subumpam one last time and completely drove out the native Lenian languages.
Meanwhile, by this time, Lenian languages had spread into colder climates and begun driving out the aboriginal Repilian tribes, but they were being chased around by other tribes also growing northwards, and these tribes happened to speak Gold and Tarise languages. AlphaLeap invaded Paba again in the 3800s, and the submissive Pabaps allowed them to use Paba as a base to invade a much larger range of habitats, eventually controlling more than half of the humanly habitable land on the planet. AlphaLeap did not hold their empire for long, but when it collapsed, it was to a new tribe of people calling themselves the Paaapa, who spoke the language that would soon evolve into Pabappa. These people were mostly of Lenian ancestry but identified themselves as Paaapa only, and did not seek alliances with Lenians. Importantly, they were known for having dark hair, and blondes were uncommon.
Linguistic characteristics
The Lenian languages retain the classifier prefixes of Tapilula and have generally simple rules of grammar. Even the most complex nominal morphology is simpler than that of Pabappa. Verbal morphology is highly variable; some languages are extremely simple, while others retain much of the early Tapilula system, which is, nevertheless, fairly simple by comparison to that of Gold and the Tarise-Thaoa supergroup.
- ↑ or earlier