Elbic Swadesh list

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The Swadesh list for Elbic. A note on the number entries: the top entry is the traditional, common counting system (a remnant of the Celtic language spoke on Elba before the Roman invasion; currently falling into disuse, preserved only in children's rhymes and various archaicisms), and the bottom entry is the more modern, formal, and commonly used Latin-influenced counting system.

English Elbic
1 I io
2 thou
3 he
4 we noi
5 you
6 they lori (m.)
lore (f.)
7 this iste
8 that ise
9 here qui
10 there ila
11 who chi
12 what chè
13 where dóve
14 when quhante
15 how quomí
16 not non
17 all totte
18 many muolte
19 some ni (m.)
ne (f., n.)
20 few ni (m.)
ne (f., n.)
21 other altro
22 one ono
23 two daui
24 three trisi
25 four pettre
26 five pinche
27 big granto
28 large grosso
29 wide hampo
30 thick folto
31 heavy pesante
32 small piccollo
33 short córtho
34 narrow angusto
35 thin axutto
36 woman donna (f.)
37 man
huomo (m.)
38 person persona (f.)
39 child
(a youth)
bambinno (m.)
bambinna (f.)
40 wife maritta (f.)
41 husband maritto (m.)
42 mother matre (f.)
(colloq. má)
43 father patre (m.)
(colloq. pá)
44 animal animalle (n.)
45 fish pexa (f.)
46 bird uccello (m.)
47 dog canne (m.)
48 louse piattolla (f.)
49 snake xerpente (n.)
50 worm verme (n.)
51 tree arbollo (m.)
52 forest foreste (m.)
53 stick
(of wood)
bastonne (n.)
54 fruit frutta (f.)
55 seed xeme (m.)
56 leaf follia (f.)
57 root radicciu (n.)
58 bark
(of tree)
corteccia (f.)
59 flower fluora (f.)
60 grass herba (f.)
61 rope cortta (f.)
62 skin
(of a person)
pellu (n.)
63 meat
(as in flesh)
carnu (n.)
64 blood xanquinnu (n.)
65 bone osseo (m.)
66 fat
attipe (n.)
67 egg uovo (m.)
68 horn cornu (n.)
69 tail settre (m.)
70 feather
(rather not down)
pluma (f.)
71 hair xappellu (n.)
72 head xappu (n.)
73 ear orecchio (m.)
74 eye occhio (m.)
75 nose naxo (m.)
76 mouth bocca (f.)
77 tooth
(rather not molar)
dentu (n.)
78 tongue lingua (f.)
79 fingernail uonghia (f.)
80 foot piette (n.)
81 leg zampa (f.)
82 knee ginocchio (m.)
83 hand manno (f.)
84 wing alla (f.)
85 belly pancia (m.)
86 guts
(as in courage)
coraggio (m.)
87 neck quollo (m.)
88 back diettro (m.)
89 breast mammelle (f.)
90 heart quore (f.)
91 liver fiegatto (m.)
92 to drink bhe
93 to eat mangiha
94 to bite mordhe
95 to suck succha
96 to spit spiuttha
97 to vomit vuomitha
98 to blow
(as wind)
99 to breathe respirrha
100 to laugh ritthe
101 to see vetthe
102 to hear sentendrhi
103 to know
(a fact)
104 to think pensha
105 to smell
(sense odor)
106 to fear temhe
107 to sleep dormhi
108 to live vivhi
109 to die si morhi
110 to kill uoccidhi
111 to fight combatthe
112 to hunt
113 to hit quolphi
114 to cut quortha
115 to split dividhi
116 to stab
(or stick)
117 to scratch
(an itch)
118 to dig xavha
119 to swim nuotha
120 to fly vuolha
121 to walk passegiha
122 to come venhi
123 to lie
(as on one's side)
124 to sit si sedhe
125 to stand si alza
126 to turn
(change direction)
127 to fall
(as in drop)
128 to give dha
129 to hold
(in one's hand)
130 to squeeze spemmhe
131 to rub strovinha
132 to wash lavha
133 to wipe spuolverha
134 to pull trainha
135 to push premmhe
136 to throw gettha
137 to tie annodha
138 to sew quoc'i
139 to count contha
140 to say disshi
141 to sing cantha
142 to play gioccha
143 to float galleggiha
144 to flow fluhi
145 to freeze fressha
146 to swell gonfiha
147 sun xolu (n.)
148 moon lunna (f.)
149 star stella (f.)
150 water acqua (m.)
151 to rain piovhe
152 river fluomu (n.)
153 lake laggo (m.)
154 sea
(as in ocean)
mare (f.)
155 salt sale (n.)
156 stone piettra (f.)
157 sand xabbia (f.)
158 dust puolve (n.)
159 earth
(as in soil)
terra (f.)
160 cloud nuobbe (m.)
161 fog nebbia (f.)
162 sky xiello
163 wind
(as in breeze)
vento (m.)
164 snow neva (f.)
165 ice ghiaccio (m.)
166 smoke fuomo (m.)
167 fire fuotte (m.)
168 ashes cienere (f.)
169 to burn
170 road via (f.)
171 mountain muontanna (f.)
172 red ruotte
173 green vertte
174 yellow giallo
175 white bianccio
176 black nierro
177 night noxe (n.)
178 day
diu (n.)
179 year anno (m.)
180 warm
(as in weather)
181 cold
(as in weather)
182 full completto
183 new nuovo
184 old vecchio
185 good buono
186 bad mallo
187 rotten
(as, a log)
188 dirty immondo
189 straight diritto
190 round cirocollare
191 sharp
(as a knife)
192 dull
(as a knife)
193 smooth lixio
194 wet bannatto
195 dry
196 right
197 near prossimo
198 far lontanno
199 right
200 left
201 at a
202 in in
203 with
204 and i
205 if si
206 because perchhè
207 name nuomo (f.)