Diachronic conlang

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A diachronic conlang is a conlang (usually a fictional language) which is derived from another language (natlang or conlang) by simulating sound changes and other kinds of language change.

Sometimes the diachronic conlang is part of a conlang family.

The diachronic method has been pioneered by J. R. R. Tolkien in the early 20th century in his Quendian language family, and is now considered the best way of coming up with a naturalistic artlang.

Special kinds of diachronic conlangs

A notable subcategory of diachronic conlangs is bogolangs.

Diachronic conlangs on Frathwiki

Frathwiki contains many articles on diachronic conlangs. If you would like to see them, please click here.

This article is part of a series on Types of Conlangs.

"Reason" classification system: Artlangs * Funlangs * Engineered language * Philosophical language * Arithmographic language * Logical language * Fictional languages * Exolangs * Diachronic conlangs * Lostlangs * Altlangs * Auxlangs
"Origin" classification system: A priori conlangs * A posteriori conlangs
"Other" classification system: Sketchlangs * Kitchen Sink Conlangs * Colllangs

This article is part of a series on the languages and worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien.

Conlangs: Adûnaic * Avarin * Black Speech * Khuzdul * Quenya * Quendian * Sindarin * Westron
Conworld: Middle-earth
Conpeoples: Elves
Terms and techniques coined: Diachronics * Legendarium * Lámatyáve * *