Constitution of Muskat

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Constitution of the Republic of Muskat

Chapter 1

The Foundations of Constitutional Order


1) The Republic of Muskat is a sovereign and democratic state based on the rule of law.

2) The power of the Republic of Muskat lies within the people.

3) The state guarantees the protection of the rights and freedoms of people given by the constitution.

4) The protection of human rights are ensured in Muskat.

5) The supreme law is protected in Muskat.

6) The right of property is protected in Muskat.

7) The right of a multiparty system is protected in Muskat.

8) The state language of Muskat is Musmeh.

9) The state anthem of Muskat is “My Muskat!”.

10) Every citizen has the right to life, privacy, and freedom in Muskat.


Constitaç ёn Dunţaru Xavlikё

Masçer 1

Elemexţi ёn Qonstitaçet Varča


1) Pёduscet ёn Dunţaru vut axirn ё demoqraçin bёsh uvur boyengaç ёzge ёn ork.

2) Ucёţ yev Dunţaru Xavlikё barqut behetish maserçi.

3) Bёsh caznačut paxbanen ёn pashёvan ё vihshmi ёn maserçiun darot behet qonsitaç.

4) Paxban ёn maserçun pashёvanun vuç ţёshqanuç id Dunţar.

5) Hacqivё ork vut paxbanot id Dunţar.

6) Pashёvan ёn daraçu vut paxbanot id Dunţar.

7) Pashёvan ёn muçgrupu kashlau vut paxbanot id Dunţar.

8) Bёshu lёzguţ ёn Dunţaru vut Ёluçqan.

9) Bёshu yervek ёn Dunţaru vut “Vёsça Muskat!”.

10) Sal masqru dunvut bёshen vёx giyel, susqruč, ё vishshmi id Dunţar.
