The Anabanganka are an ethnic group in Risevne, inhabiting Agalmare along the northeastern coast of the Lavgor Inland Sea; the provinces of this area are sometimes known as Sordene, or "Land of the Sorde", after the ethnonym most commonly used for them in Mirselec. The term Anabanganka is recently gaining more widespread use as the accepted name for the race; it derives from the Anabanganka language term Ana-ba-nganka, which means "Men of the Hill" and was originally used to differentiate themselves from the Mirsel, who in their language are called Ana-ba-onama, "Men of the Plain".
The main Anabanganka homeland is in the northwest of Agalmare, in Sonaira and Mongar provinces; within these provinces the Anabanganka, who make up a significant proportion of the population, are granted equal language education and tribal rights, and local culture is highly distinct from the culture elsewhere in the nation. All in all the Anabanganka are the largest minority ethnicity in Risevne, but this still amounts to just 4.7% of the population or around 3.7 million people.