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Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plosive p t k (ʔ)
Affricate ts~tʃ
Fricative s~ʃ
Nasal m n
Approximant l (t͡ɬ) j w


Short Long
Front Back Front Back
Close i u
Open ɑ ~ ə


Nouns can be marked for gender, number, size, and in several other ways.



Singular Dual Plural
1st wa- pwá- kwa-
2nd ni- - (n)ki-
3rd ú- ku-


Singular Dual Plural
1st mwa- twá- skwa-
2nd mi- (n)tí- ski-
3rd (m)pu- - sku-


  • Pronominal prefix - VERB STEM - tense/aspect-modal


There are three tenses...nonpast, past, and distant past.

  • - non-past [NPST]
wanuyá - wa-nuy-á - 1S-eat-NPST - I eat.
  • - past [PST]
ninuyí - ni-nuy-í - 2S-eat-PST - You ate.
  • -ayí - distant past [DSPT]
pwánuyayí - pwá-nuy-ayí - 1DU-eat-DPST - We (two) ate long ago.

other modifiers

Various moods (or modals), aspects, and syntactic markers are used to add nuance and subtlety.

  • -ank- - negative [NEG]
skumatankí - sku-mat-ank-í - 3PL-kill-NEG-PST - They were not killed.
  • -iy- - obligation [OBG]
walakiyá - wa-lak-iy-á - 1SG-go-OBG-NPST - I should go.
  • -úy- - ability [ABIL]
tumúyá - tum-úy-á - attend-ABIL-NPST - She/he is able to attend.


These are listed by stem, and do not distinguish nominal and verbal meanings or usages.

  • kál - say; tongue; voice; language; talk
  • káw - love; desire; dear; care
  • kay - earth; ground; land
  • kúp - show; evident; witness
  • (t)lak - go; move; mobile
  • mat - cut; kill; knife
  • nak - season; suit; opportune
  • nuy - eat; nourish; bread
  • pun - vegetable; herb green
  • (t)sat - meet; contact
  • tan - limit; wall; city
  • tum - serve; tend; attend
  • túy - advise; prompt; urge



  • kál - speak
  • wakálá - I speak   
  • nikálí - you spoke
  • wakálutlá - I may speak to him
  • pukálámí - did he speak to someone else?
  • nikálí - you had spoken
  • inikálí - you were spoken to
  • nikál! - speak to me!
  • kálúna - made to speak
  • nimpukálí - you were speaking to him
  • únyikálanká - they are not speaking to each other
  • kálanyá - and he keeps on speaking


  • put - break
  • puputí - it broke
  • puputásá - it’s beginning to break
  • wampuputí - I broke it
  • mwaputúní - he made me break it
  • puputanyá - it is broken again