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Senjecas dict. g

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Pronunciation table

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ɫ l c s z r n k g x h ȝ sÿ i e a ɵ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb tif kat
g γ г գ ? ג ݢ

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  • Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  • g001 gą̋|ȝa, 1. t.v. sing. 2. i.v. sing. -i, adj. singable. –ilu, singer. -ite̋ro, choir (room). -ȝo, song.
  • g002 gą̋|la, t.v. air, ventilate; aerate. -lą̋ro, atmosphere. -lxa̋fo, airport. :-lɱi, adj. aerial, pneumatic. -l̨o, ventilator. -lo, air. -lra, ventilation. -lri, adj. airy. -lÿǫ̋nu, Child of Air, i.e., Ethran.
  • g003 gą̋m|a, 1. t.v. increase, multiply, maximize. 2. i.v. increase, multiply. -i, adj. more. –o, more, increase. –ra, increase, multiplication. -u, adv. more. -ve̋do, magnifying glass.
  • g004 gą̋na, t.v. take [s.o.,] with [o.s.].
  • g005 gą̋s|a, t.v. trouble. –i, adj. troubled. –o, hardship. –ra, trouble, hardship.
  • g006 ga̋a, t.v. take, accept.
  • g007 ga̋da, 1. t.v. upbraid, scold, berate. 2. i.v. upbraid, scold, berate.
  • g008 ga̋g|u, giant. –i, adj. gigantic.
  • g009 ga̋l|a, 1. t.v. yell. 2. i.v. shout, yell. -o, shout, yell.
  • g010 ga̋ɫ|a, i.v. compete, contend, vie, contest. –i, adj. competitive. –lu, competitor, contestant. -o, contest, match. -ra, competition, contention.
  • g011 ga̋ɱ|a, i.v. squawk, caw. -o, squawk, caw.
  • g012 ga̋n|a, t.v. describe, qualify. -i, adj. descriptive. -o, description.
  • g013 ga̋ᵹto, one of a pair.
  • g014 ga̋þ|a, i.v. pick-, gather-, -berries. –a, berry-picking month (Jun 20-Jul 19). –da̋ro, berry patch. -o, berry. -ni, adj. baccate, resembling a berry. –ᵹa̋vi, adj. baccate, bearing berries. -ᵶe̋fe, baccivore. -ᵶe̋fi, adj. baccivorous.
  • g015 ga̋ud|a, t.v. experience, undergo, run into []. -i, adj. experiential. -ra, experience.
  • g016 ga̋ul|a, i.v. swell, rise, tumefy. –ra, tumefaction, tumescence. -i, adj. erectile. -o, swelling, growth, tubercle, tuberosity.
  • g017 ga̋v|a, i.v. sympathize. -ra, sympathy.
  • g018 gę̋ɫ|a, t.v. screen. –o, screen.
  • g019 ge̋|ga, 1. t.v. anger, madden, infuriate. 2. i.v. bear ill-will (to¬wards, þǫ́sa), be angry (at, with, þǫ́sa), madden. -gi, adj. angry, mad, rancourous, wroth. -gÿi, adj. irascible. -ᵹra, anger, resentment, animosity, rancour. –ᵹri, adj. resentful, wrathful. -ᵹᵶa̋ba, glare.
  • g020 ge̋l|a, 1. t.v. form-, roll-, -into a ball, conglomerate. 2. i.v. conglomerate. -i, adj. conglomerate. -ko, bead, globule. –l̨e̋ida, bowling. -ɱi, adj. globular, spherical. –ni, adj. global. -o, ball, globe, sphere. -ra, conglomerate, conglomeration.
  • g021 ge̋m|a, t.v. seize, lay hold of, prey upon. -i, adj. predatory.
  • g022 ge̋n|a, 1. t.v. convey, transport, transfer, relay. 2. i.v. transfer. –ra, transportation.
  • g023 ge̋ᵹ|a, 1. t.v. wrestle (with). 2. i.v. wrestle. -lu, wrestler.
  • g024 ge̋|ra, t.v. embrace, include, contain, comprise, comprehend; hold; fig. undertake too many things at once. -r̨a, inclusion. –raþo, contents. -ri, adj. inclusive, comprehensive.
  • g025 ge̋|þa, 1. t.v. observe, (keep) watch, keep an eye on. 2. i.v. observe, watch. -þlu, observ¬er, watcher, sentinel. -þra, observation, observance, watch. -þÿi, adj. observable.
  • g026 gı̨̋l|a, i.v. exult. –ra, exultation.
  • g027 gı̨̋na, 1. t.v. derive. 2. i.v. derive (from, áfa).
  • g028 gı̨̋r|a, 1. t.v. draw, illustrate. 2. i.v. draw, illustrate. -k̬őini, adj. picturesque. –le̋ma, iconoclasm. -lu, artist, illustrator. -ɱi, adj. pictorial, graphic. -o, picture, portrait, icon, drawing.
  • g029 gı̋ȝ|a, t.v. indent, dent. -i, adj. indented, crenate. -o, dent, indentation.
  • g030 gı̋l|a, 1. t.v. make red-hot, mull, incandesce. 2. i.v. incandesce. -ra, incandescence. -i, adj. incandescent, candent. red-hot; fig. flushed, angry.
  • g031 gı̋m|a, t.v. blemish, mar. -i, adj. blemished, defective, flawed. -o, blemish, defect, flaw.
  • g033 gı̋r|a, 1. t.v. giddy, dizzy, bewilder. 2. i.v. giddy. -i, adj. giddy, dizzy, bewildered. -ta, giddiness, dizziness, bewilderment, vertigo.
  • g034 gǫ̋f|a, t.v. rap, toll, knell. -o, rap, toll, knell.
  • g035 gǫ̋ka, t.v. look up.
  • g036 gǫ̋l|a, t.v. store, set-, lay-, put-, -aside, -away, save, stock up, garner, stow away. -da̋ro, depot, dump, store, stock, supply. -no, closet; locker, press, hutch. -o, stock, provisions, supply; fig. anything abundant. -ᵹą̋vo, treasure.
  • g037 gǫ̋|ra, 1. t.v. irritate. 2. i.v. irritate. –r̨a, irritation. –ri, adj. irritating.
  • g038 gő|ba, 1. t.v. make pretty, beautify. 2. i.v. beautify. -bi, adj. beautiful, pretty, fair, handsome, comely. -bı̋ȝo, finery. –vȝa̋ra, calligraphy. -vra, beautification. –vsą̋ra, esthetics. –vta, beauty, loveliness, handsomeness, comeliness. -vta̋ɱa, art. –vt̬i, cosmetic.
  • g039 gőc|a, 1. t.v. crumple. 2. i.v. crumple. –i, adj. crumpled.
  • g040 gőd|a, 1. t.v. persist in. 2. i.v. persist. –a, persistence, diligence. –i, adj.¬ persistent, incessant, diligent, sedulous.
  • g041 gőg|a, i.v. proceed solemnly. -o, solemn procession.
  • g042 gő|ȝa, i.v. differ. -ȝi, adj. different. -ita, difference. -ivi, adv. differently.
  • g043 gől|o, knot, knar [tree], burl, joint [reed]. -i, adj. knotty, knarry. -ȝa̋mo, knothole.
  • comp golıkǫ̋no, doeskin.
  • g044 gőnto, bamboo tube.
  • g045 gő|pa, t.v. clamp, clasp. –flo, clamp, clasp.
  • g046 gőr|a, 1. t.v. starve, famish. 2. i.v. starve, famish. -i, adj. starving, famished. -o, famine, dearth. -ra, starvation. -u, starveling.
  • g047 gőþ-a, 1. t.v. make similar, resemble. 2. i.v. be-, -like, -similar. -a, postp. like, similar to, as. -i, adj. similar, resembling, analogous (to). -o, image, likeness. -ra, similarity, resemblance, analogy.
  • g048 gőx-a, 1. t.v. heighten. 2. i.v. heighten, grow taller. -i, adj. high, tall [anim. obj.]. -ta, height, altitude.
  • g049 gɵ̋f-a, i.v. hunger, be hungry (for, o). -i, adj. hungry, famished; poor [of the soil]. –ne̋ca, death from starvation. -ra, hunger.
  • g050 gų̋da, t.v. gut, eviscerate, disembowel.
  • g051 gų̋|na, t.v. flex. -nÿi, adj. flexible.
  • g052 gų̋|-a, 1. t.v. pour (out), shed, spill. 2. i.v. shed, spill. –aþo, spilth. -lo, spout, spigot. -o, libation.
  • g053 gų̋þ|a, i.v. deteriorate. –ra, deterioration.
  • g054 gű-a, t.v. be-, get-, -in the habit of, be-, become-, -accustomed to. -i, habitual, customary. –ra, habit, custom. –vi, customarily.
  • g055 gű|di, adj. vertical. -ðvi, adv. vertically.
  • g056 gűm|a, t.v. heap-, pile-, mount-, -up. -o, heap, pile, stack.
  • g057 gűn|a, 1. t.v. torture; agonize, cause pain. 2. i.v. agonize. –ra, torture. -i, adj. torturous. –lu, torturer. -o, torture, torment, agony.
  • g058 gűnto, pellet.
  • g059 gűr|a, 1. t.v. grunt. 2. i.v. grunt, oink. -o, grunt, oink.
  • g060 gűrlo, cowrie snail shell.
  • g061 gűs|a, i.v. fall [of leaves]. -a, leaf-falling month (Oct 18-Nov 16). -kǫ̋mo, carpet of leaves. -ra, leaf fall, defoliation.
  • g062 gű|ta, t.v. keep secret. -ti, adj. secret, secretive, privy. –to, secret, clandestine. -þra, secrecy. -þsi, adj. secretive.
  • g063 gűþ|a, t.v. noose. -o, noose.
  • g064 gűx|a, 1. t.v. cling to. 2. i.v. cling.
  • g065 güą̋ða, 1. t.v. drown; smother, put out [a fire]; stifle. 2. i.v. drown.
  • g066 güa̋l-a, 1. t.v. parch, calcine. 2. i.v. parch, calcine. -i, adj. arid, parched, torrid; fig. gloomy, austere, intractable, sullen [of persons]. –ra, drought.
  • comp güar-a̋lÿi, adj. tramontane. (< ǧa̋ro, mountain). -a̋ɱi, adj. downhill. -áɱvi, adv. downhill. -a̋ni, adj. uphill. -ánvi, adv. uphill. -főla, landslide. -ǫ̋ni, adj. extremely high. –r̨u, highlander, mountaineer. -są̋ra, orology. -sąrą̋gu, orologist.
  • g067 güe̋ð|a, 1. t.v. encroach (upon), infringe. 2. i.v. foul, befoul. -a, infringement, encroachment.
  • g068 güe̋la, i.v. boil over.
  • g069 güe̋m|a, i.v. come. -láþvi, adv. tonight. -ra, coming.
  • g070 güe̋n|u, woman. -bą̋o, sanitary napkin. -ɱi, adj. womanly, feminine. -ɱɛta, womanhood, womanliness. -n̨i, adj. womanish, effeminate. -są̋r=a, gynecology. =ą̋gu, gynecologist.
  • g071 güe̋r|a, t.v. welcome, receive, greet, accept. -i, adj. welcome. -lu, welcomer, receptionist. -o, greeting, welcome, salutation, reception.
  • g072 güe̋s|a, 1. t.v. put out, turn off, extinguish, douse, quench. 2. i.v. go out, be extinguished. –lo, extinguisher.
  • g073 güı̨̋|ȝa, 1. t.v. vivify, give life, enliven, animate. 2. i.v. be alive. -ifÿǫ̋la, career. -ipa̋fa, diet. –ira, life. -ite̋ro, environment. -itőðɱi, adj. organic. -ivǫurli, parasite. -ȝanto, organism. –ȝi, adj. alive, living.
  • g074 güı̨̋ɱ|o, gum. -i, adj. gummy.
  • g075 ǧɵ̋|di, adj. slow, sluggish, dull. -ðta, slowness, sluggishness, dullness, inertia, lassitude. –ðtüi, soporific.
  • g076 gÿą̋la, i.v. remain, stay (behind), bide; stop
  • g077 gÿą̋ra, 1. t.v. spread out over, stretch over, bespread. 2. i.v. spread out.
  • g078 gÿa̋n|o, bulb. -mi, adj. bulbous, resembling a bulb. –ɱi, adj. bulbous.
  • g079 gÿa̋s|i, adj. barbarous, brutal. -ta, brutality.
  • g080 gÿől|a, t.v. tolerate, put up with, stand for. -ni, adj. patient, tolerant, forbearing. -ṅi, adj. tolerable. -ra, tolerance, patience.
  • g081 gÿős|a, t.v. stick. -o, stick, wand, baton, cane.