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Senjecas dict. ð

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Pronunciation table

p b f v ɱ m t d þ ð ɫ l c s z r n k g x h ȝ š i e a ɔ o u ı ɛ y
/p/ /b/ /ɸ/ /β/ /m̊/ /m/ /t/ /d/ /θ/ /ð/ /l̥/ /l/ /ʦ/ /ʣ/ /s/ /z/ /ɾ̥/ /n/ /k/ /g/ /ç/ /ʝ/ /j̊/ /j/ /sʷ/ /sʲ/ /i/ /e/ /ä/ /ɒ/ /o/ /u/ /ɪ/ /ɛ/ /ʊ/


lat grk cyr arm geo dev gla run tng heb arb tif kat
ð ϑ ҙ թ ? ד ذ ㄊ゛

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  • comp = compound of two or more words, e.g., ð̬esȝa̋mo, breathing hole < ð̬e̋sa, breath + ȝa̋mo, hole.
  • Words in red indicate an object or concept that did not exist in Sefdaania.
  • ð001 ðą̋v|a, 1. t.v. slap [with the hand]. 2. i.v. slap. –o, slap.
  • ð002 ða̋|la, 1. t.v. (make-, color-) -green. 2. i.v. (turn-, become-,) -green. -la̋ski, adj. greenish. -li, adj. green. –lta, greenness, verdure, verdancy.
  • ð003 ða̋m|a, i.v. run the household, keep house. –a, housekeeping. –fę̋to, family name, surname. -lu, householder. -o, household. -tą̋ta, paterfamilias.
-u, family. –vę̋lu, master/mistress of the house, head of the family.
  • ð004 ða̋ɱa, 1. t.v. retch. 2. i.v. retch.
  • ð005 ða̋po, cistern, reservoir.
  • ð006 ða̋r|a, 1. t.v. hinge. 2. i.v. hinge. -lo, hinge.
  • ð007 ða̋v-a, 1. t.v. astonish, stupefy, amaze. 2. i.v. be-, -astonished, -amazed, -speechless, -founded (at, upéra). -i, adj. astonishing, amazing, remarkable. -ra, astonishment, amazement, stupefaction. –v̨i, adv. amazingly. -ᵶę̋no, portent.
  • ð008 ðę̋|a, 1. t.v. put, place, set, situate, locate, site. 2. i.v. be-, -located, -situated, lie; tu mum ~u mą̋ᵹa, you can get hold of me. ~-, adj. prefix. vice-. -a, postp. instead of, in place of, in lieu of, rather than. -aþi, adj. in place. –i, adj. local. -o, place, position, site, spot, point, locality, location, stead, stand. -ra, situation, disposition, setting, placing, posture, attitude. -u, adv. instead. -zı̋lu, regent.
  • ð009 ðę̋m|a, t.v. obscure. -i, adj. obscure, vague, cryptic, unintelligible, inarticulate. –ra, obscurity. -še̋pa, i.v. doze, nap. -ta, vagueness.
  • ð010 ðęs-, prefix for words with a spiritual or religious meaning. -cesrų̋no, hieroglyph. -cűði, adj. ritually-, spiritually-, -impure, profane. -eðlę̋po, altar. -eðlę̋pǫ̋ro, altar cloth. -gą̋ȝa, psalmody. -gąȝą̋gu, psalmist. -gą̋ȝo, psalm, hymn. -kı̋o, liturgy. -lűvo, the Bible. -őuto, vestment. -pę̋lno, chalice. -pűgi, adj. ritually-, spiritually-, -pure. -šę̋ðo, spiritual discipline. -ᵶe̋na, conscience.
  • ð011 ðe̋|bi, adj. thick-set, stocky, squat, sturdy. -vta, stockiness, squatness, sturdiness.
  • ð012 ðe̋in|a, 1. t.v. blanch, bleach. 2. i.v. pale, blanch. -i, adj. pale, faded, sallow, dun, pallid, wan, fallow, faint, light [of colors]. –lu, bleacher, fuller. -ta, pallor, paleness. -t̬i, bleach.
  • ð013 ðe̋l|a, i.v. tremble, shiver, thrill, vibrate, shudder (at, ha; away from, ápa). -i, adj. trembling; shivery, tremulous. -o, tremble, shiver, thrill, vibration, shudder.
  • ð014 ðe̋m|a, 1. t.v. pump out [water], bail (out). 2. i.v. bail. -lo, pump, bail.
  • ð015 ðe̋ɱ|a, 1. t.v. shine. 2. i.v. shine. –i, adj. shiny.
  • ð016 ðe̋|ra, 1. t.v. hold, keep (back), retain, restrain; detain, arrest, apprehend; hold out against, insist (on), maintain, allay [pain], stave off [hunger]. 2. i.v. hold out, stand firm. -r̨a, retention, maintenance; bearing, attitude, morale; carriage, posture; mien. –ri, adj. resolute, resolved, determined, staunch.
  • ð017 ðe̋uk|a, dusk. -i, adj. dark brown.
  • ð018 ðe̋uᵹ|a, t.v. press-, squeeze-, -out, express [oil]; express, utter. -i, adj. express, positive, explicit. -lo, press. -o, expression, utterance.
  • δ019 ðe̋v|a, t.v. harm. -i, harmful. –o, harm.
  • ð020 ðe̋|ᵶa, 1. t.v. dissolve. 2. i.v. dissolve. -ᵶo, solution. -ƶ̇i, adj. dissolvable, soluble.
  • ð021 ðı̋m|a, t.v. paste, glue, gum, stick to. -i, adj. tacky, gummy. -o, paste, glue. -ta, tackiness. -t̬i, adhesive.
  • ð022 ðı̋s|a, 1. t.v. chance, hazard. 2. i.v. take a chance, hazard. -o, hazard, chance.
  • ð023 ðǫ̋v|a, t.v. bury. -ra, burial, interment. –da̋ro, cemetery. -de̋mo, tomb, mausoleum. -o, grave. -ta̋ino, tombstone.
  • ð024 ðől|a, 1. t.v. dome. 2. i.v. dome. -o, dome, cupola.
  • ð025 ðų̋|a, t.v. rope (off), cable. -o, rope, line, cable, lashing. -re̋þo, pulley. -va̋nlu, rope-maker.
  • ð026 ðų̋ɱ|a, 1. t.v. dust, make dusty. 2. i.v. become dusty. -i, adj. dusty. -o, dust. -ṡǫ̋mi, adj. dust-proof.
  • ð027 ðų̋pa, 1. t.v. sink, submerge, scuttle, dip, plunge, submerge, dunk; immerse, douse; imbue. 2. i.v. sink; founder, go down, submerge, dive, plunge, sound.
  • ð028 ðű|ka, t.v. fan. –xpőɫmi, adj. fan-tailed. –xlo, fan. –xlɛvą̋nlu, fan-maker.
  • ð029 ðűmbo, hollow-, depression-, -in the earth, crater.
  • ð030 ðűṡu, ego, I, genius, daimo, "neti… neti".
  • ð031 ðűv-a, 1. t.v. make suitable, befit, beseem, adapt, adjust, accommodate (to, éha). 2. i.v. make suitable, adapt, adjust (to, éfa), accommodate (to, éfa). -i, adj. appropriate; becoming, proper, seemly. -ra, accommodation, adaptation. -ta, appropriateness, suitability, propriety.
  • ð032 ð̬a̋|ra, 1. t.v. cheat, dupe, swindle. 2. i.v. cheat, swindle. -r̨a, trickery, fraud, swindle, prestidigitation, legerdemain, sleight of hand. -ri, adj. insidious, treacherous [as ice]. -rlu, swindler, cheat, imposter, trickster. -ro, deception, illusion, trick.
  • ð033 ð̬ę̋|ka, 1. t.v. vaporize, volatilize, transpire. 2. i.v. evaporate, give off in vapor, volatilize, transpire. -ka, evaporation; vaporization, transpiration. -ki, adj. volatile. -ko, vapor, fume. –xlo, vaporizer. –xɱi, adj. vaporous, pertaining to vapors. –xri, adj. vaporous, full of vapors. -xta, volatility.
  • ð034 ð̬e̋la, t.v. make-, -thick, -muddy; cloud, tarnish.
  • comp ð̬e|sȝa̋mo, airhole, vent, breathing hole. -ṡi, adj. breathable.
  • ð035 ð̬ı̋mo, carcass.
  • ð036 ð̣ą̋|a, 1. t.v. read. 2. i.v. read. -ȝi, adj. legible, readable. –ve̋do, glasses, spectacles. -o, reading.