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Sajem Tan/Lexicon

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duhdem (d)

dathnyc -- encounter; stumble upon

dasnan -- (n.) outer space; (n.) nature ; (adj.) natural, cosmic

danec -- borrowed; copied; imitated

delgem -- select; curate; anthologize

delgemzhum -- Pokemon

dec -- decimal 1

doln -- to make a loud, deep sound; to grumble; to rumble

dolk -- senary 1

divolm -- thunder; phonology

din -- home; hive; etc.

dic -- auxiliary verb: indicative

duhdem -- dam; swamp

duldolt -- witness; observe; notice

don -- sounds like the phoneme sequence, e.g. don zelzeln = sound of a bee

gigim (g)

gajin -- pure awe

gamyk -- tree; one that produces

gevmulk -- (adj.) underground, subterranean, chthonic; (v.) to bury, inter, or inhume, especially treasure or waste

golm -- auxiliary verb: be obligated to

gigim -- flipper; fin

gyznyt -- nose

gyn -- worker

guhn -- decimal 9

gulslim -- nourish; feed; sustain

xataxym (x)

xaxat -- to laugh

xaslem -- glide; transition smoothly; move forward on a thin cusion of fluid (air, ketchup, slime, etc.)

xamatin -- the frustration of realizing that one has inadvertently invalidated or undone an accomplisment

xanoln -- to greet

xataxym -- hole; pit; ditch

xelteln -- cliff

xen -- no; incorrect; thumbs-down

xek -- senary 6

xyt -- all; each; every

xulkat -- fun; grammar; climbing; the enjoyment of challenges

xo -- particle indicating that the following word is archaic

jegen (j)

jaxin -- plastic or wooden chair, especially one that has been mass-produced; schoolroom desk

jafin -- melodrama

jafinmeht -- melodramatic

jelk -- full

jelkelm -- a book, usually but not always a physical (i.e., paper) book

jegen -- hook

jidolk -- Flower

jizlet -- Quizlet

jit -- auxiliary verb: must; vital; necessary

jikin -- wiki; notebook; bulletin board

jo -- so; therefore; implies; if-then (placed between antecedent and consequent)

fijyc (f)

fmolk -- auxiliary verb: irrealis mood

fmyvuhk -- to make; to create

fmyvu -- to make; to create [archaic, xref "fmyvuhk"]

fnit -- auxiliary verb: to be willing to

fam -- decimal 2

felt -- senary 2

femek -- mind; thought; noetic; deduce; realize; Sherlock Holmes; exclaim "Elementary, my dear Watson!"

femektholk -- discovered by telepathy

folt -- senary 36

fijyc -- rainbow

voljam (v)

vmelfelc -- wisdom; silliness

vmelt -- decimal 1000

vmyn -- mouth

vaslnulm -- cease; flee

vakult -- parent; parent figure; teacher; older relative

vesnen -- share

voljam -- ear

voln -- understood through the reversal of a previously deep belief (evidential adverb)

vith -- bird [archaic, xref "vithit"]

vithit -- bird; overseer

vithitdin -- twig-woven home of the swift feathered one

vynit -- long (time); slow; delayed

vyk -- senary 3

vulc -- decimal 3

thethat (th)

thneduht -- (noun) silence; ominous stillness; void

thnolt -- decimal 100

thnuhduhk -- elephant

theln -- fast; quick(ly) (of processes/actions other than motion verbs, e.g. "*Kizhul* coins words *theln*") [xref "solm"]

thefnolm -- bear

thefam -- stone; writing; orthography

thefammeht -- stony; rocky

thefahm -- stone [archaic, xref "thefam"]

thethat -- wind; breeze

thek -- to scribble; to scrawl

tholk -- direct sensory evidence (evidential adverb)

thishnim -- sleep

thycam -- to read

tho -- to scribble; to scrawl [archaic, xref "thek"]

thom -- particle linking a nonce word or word used in a new sense with its gloss or definition

sekelt (s)

snat -- learned via seconday/tertiary/etc. sources, especially writings (evidential adverb)

snolzem -- knot

snym -- cloud

snymmeht -- cloudy; overcast

sno -- postposition: in the time of; during

sajem -- common; communal; public

seln -- to; towards

sesuht -- to sing boisterously, especially music that is disliked; to sing Let It Go

sekelt -- valley

soljesolm -- multimodal; multipurpose; proceding in many manners; manifold; chromesthesia; color-code; organize by color

solm -- fast; swift; quick (of moving objects, e.g. "the feathered one is *solm*") [xref "theln"]

simem -- (adj) silent, quiet, calm, sleepy [xref "thneduht"]

sin -- auxiliary verb: may; let it be that; imperative

suhzhnolm -- pleasant

sulfekaslifazhislitikesixasloldolshyc -- cookie

sulfekahslifazhislitikesixahsloldolshyc -- cookie [archaic, xref "sulfekaslifazhislitikesixasloldolshyc"]

sulslem -- nectar

zuhzuhmelt (z)

znenan -- tale; story

znek -- decimal 10

znols -- to gather; to collect [archaic, xref "znolc"]

znolc -- to gather; to collect

znolk -- day

znim -- falling; to fall (unconstrained motion under influence of gravity)

zatheln -- spider; silkworm

zamen -- to hope

zan -- to be

zatenym -- troop; group; platoon

zuhzuhmelt -- ladle; dipper

zult -- after; once; soon after

shuhzhik (sh)

shnuhk -- lips

shasholc -- to partake

shan -- hearsay (via a living person) (evidential adverb)

shelgin -- to perceive

shelsheln -- River; pragmatics

shen -- decimal 6

sholmak -- between

shik -- auxiliary verb: be able to

shuhzhik -- tear; drop

shehn -- feels like, e.g. shehn simem = the feeling of peace, quiet

zhizlik (zh)

zhasik -- (noun) sky; canopy of a forest; ceiling of a cave (but not of a house)

zhat -- decimal 7

zhelt -- senary 216

zhejuln -- enjoy

zhetam -- pollen; semen

zhetamvakult -- biological father

zhizlik -- fish

zhiman -- feather; long lustrous hair

zhimahn -- feather [archaic]

zhuhzhim -- dust; a floating particle; something that settles down or doesn't

zhuhzhuhm -- to fly in a straight line / like a bird

slik (sl)

slnuhm -- (adj) gray; grey; dull; indeterminate; incomplete; boring; plain; numinous

slet -- traditional knowledge; lore (evidential adverb)

slolc -- senary 4

slin -- fight

slingyn -- warrior; Klingon

slik -- yes; thumbs-up; okay; correct

slysyc -- snake

sluht -- decimal 4

sluln -- based on faith/beliefs/subjective experiences (evidential adverb)

slah -- particle indicating the following word is being used in a new sense

zlolfit (zl)

zlnanic -- chameleon

zlantak -- domino

zlelc -- senary 5

zlolfit -- wing

zlolzhit -- poop (thanks, thunder's sister)

zlislym -- creepy; skeleton

zlik -- decimal 5

zlulc -- lump; dollop (of a substance); instance (of something more abstract)

molmelc (m)

ma -- to thank [archaic, xref "man"]

man -- to thank

met -- falling, collapsing, tumbling (chaotic falling, like an stone bouncing many times as it falls down a hill, or a vase breaking when it hits after a simple ballistic fall)

molm -- tribe

molmvakult -- legal/adoptive parent

molmelc -- roof; shelter

molt -- auxiliary verb: not

mizizlat -- wheelbarrow; cart; trolley; pram

muhshim -- to be cool/awesome

muhzl -- that which cities, forests, and hives have in common, a community [archaic, xref "muhc"]

muhc -- that which cities, forests, and hives have in common, a community

nyzlan (n)

navnyc -- upon

nasham -- wave

nanym -- dispatch, especially for military purposes; send a letter

nacen -- also

nolk -- decimal point (both bases)

nyzlan -- snail

nymem -- clumsy

nasham (a)

xelteln (el)

tezet (e)

tolmolm (ol)

mizizlat (i)

slysyc (y)

shnuhk (uh)

tuln (ul)

cuhc (c)

cejym -- OCD; to obsessively organize minute details

coltan -- remote-/telekinetically-controlled item; zombie

cuhc -- foot

culjim -- ant

culjimdin -- anthill

cehsh -- particle indicating the following is a neologism or nonce word [archaic, xref "cehk"]

cehk -- particle indicating the following is a neologism or nonce word

con -- particle indicated that the following word is a transliteration and may not be phonotactically valid

tytyt (t)

taznoln -- until

tan -- honey; vomit; language; (with verb affix(es)) to speak; to vomit

tanzlulc -- utterance; short speech; sentence; dollop of honey

tat -- dad

telzlnoln -- Rain

tezet -- lightening

tetan -- flying snail (picture)

tolthim -- majestic

tolmolm -- slope

tim -- decimal 0

tyt -- senary 0

tytyt -- clover

tyk -- conjunction: so; as a result

tuln -- eye; camera; telescope

tah -- honey; vomit; language; (with verb affix(es)) to speak; to vomit [archaic, xref "tan"]

tahzluv -- utterance; short speech; sentence; dollop of honey [archaic, xref "tanzlulc"]

tahn -- sounds like, e.g. tahn divolm = the sound of thunder

kyfik (k)

kagan -- hoola-hoop; donut

kasyn -- recur

kasyn -- repeat; rerun a TV episode

ke -- and [archaic]

kem -- to shake; to cause to vibrate; (with no explicit subject) to shake; to vibrate (intransitive)

kecyc -- Internet; cyberspace; virtual reality; dream; Holodeck; multiplayer game mode; Second Life; Tron

kolthic -- the joy and exhaustion that comes after final exams are over

kolk -- auxiliary verb: polar interogative (yes-no question)

kizhul -- bee [archaic, xref "kizhult"]

kizhult -- bee; harvester [xref "znolc"]; storyteller

kizhultdin -- beehive

kic -- carefully discerned through protracted study (evidential adverb)

kyfik -- arm

kuhc -- letter

kulk -- decimal 8

keh -- and

kut -- feels like the phoneme sequence, e.g. kut xigeldifigeldit = all over the place, higgledy-piggledy

zlnanic (ah)

thnuhduhk (eh)

snolzem (o)

om -- particle to carry conjugations for con, don, kut, shehn, and tahn, e.g. kut xigeldifigeldit omum culjimah = the ants are all over the place / disorganised

vmyn (u)