Oyster language

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Both the Subumpamese peasants and the Crystals in Subumpam were friendly to the Islanders of Wapeblo Island (Ƥāli); they considered the Islanders a brave if foolish people for threatening to take over the entire world, but agreed that if they ever somehow managed to do it, their government would be far more benevolent than Nama or any of the governments proposed by the Lobexonian groups currently being oppressed by Nama. The Islander logo of a tall female soldier standing on top of a dying, helpless male was seen as unthreatening, even cute, by the strongly male-dominated societies of the rest of the world, and they yearned for the opportunity to bring Islander culture to the mainland.[1] The Crystals in particular had become famous for "accepting" Feminism (meaning, in this context, the rule of men by women and in most cases a biological trait in which women are taller than men), which made them dangerous in the eyes of Lobexon for two reasons: firstly, the absolute upper class in Lobexon was itself Feminist, being descended from Macro-Repilians from the cold interior of Nama who carefully set themselves apart from all other races and had maintained a tall-female, short-male society for thousands of years; and secondly, all of the other people in Lobexon did not want to live in a society in which their male power structure was so weak and helpless that their oppression would become even easier: Feminism did not seem to make women any stronger, either physically or socially; it simply removed all of the power of men, essentially in the eyes of Feminism's enemies turning them back into little boys.

However, the Islanders as a rule did not feel safe moving into Subumpam or Lobexon or any other territory where they would be a tiny, easily eliminated minority. THey instead invited others to move in with them instead to various colonies they planned to create, some in the rainforests of the far southwest, others in the cold snowy uplands of Nama. They considered Nama to be a safe place because at least in the areas they were planning to go there was no established society nearby that was strong enough even to defeat the tiny, impoverished Islander colony. They invited Subumpamese, including the Crystals in hiding in Subumpam, to move to their new nation, which they called simply FILTER (the name of their political party), and even if they themselves were not Feminists they promised that within a few generations they would be.
