Ogili Gold Empire

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The Gold Empire was created by Khulls speakers soon after the breakup of their nation. Though their territory was already huge, the population was sparse and militarily weak. Even Poswobs were a danger to the eastern border areas [1]



The languiage is similar to Khulls but somewhat simpler. There is only one labialized series instead of two, and /r/ has changed to /n/ unconditionally. Ejectives became plain voicless stops and then merged with the voiced stops. Thus instead of voiceless-aspirate:voiceless-ejective:voiced, it is voiceless:voiced. Thus the consonant inventory is:

/pʷ bʷ fʷ vʷ p b m t d n s z l č ǯ š ž j k ġ x g h ʕ/.

Vowels are the same as Khulls, although /o/ and /u/ were becoming less rounded when not next to labialized consonants, and this became phonemoic towards the end of the Empire. Additionally, an epenthetic /u/ had appeared before sllabic consonants.

Tones are the same except the sandhi has coalesced into phonemic tone, and the á and ā tones have merged.

This can be called a "P-Khulls" (or Píllis) language because it merges all labialized consonants into rounded labials (labialized bilabials).

Geography and demographgics

The Gold Empire was strung out along the west coast of Rilola, resembling Europe and Africa combined, but without extewnding very far inland. Their empire was in somne ways like a human body: long and narrow ,with limbs spreading out from the center, soft evewrywhere, and with the heart not far from the edges. This allowed lots of points of entry for invaders. In fact, basically every point of the empire was having a hard time just protecting itself from injury. Even the Poswobs, who were about as sharp as a blown-up balloon, were able to win control of much of the Empire for about 200 years.

There were 19 states. Some, such as Taryte, have the same names as states that existed 4000 years later, but were not continuously occpied with the same name all that time. Like Europe, each state soon developed its own language, meaning there were 19 "Gold" languages, but they were very close together and the Empire preferred to use a unified language for communbication. Ogili developed out of the northernmost of the 19 languages (Safiz).


  1. Though they did not call themselves Poswobs yet, for the sake of histroical contuity, they are genrally called Poswobs.