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Senjecas dict. r

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  Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal
Plosives p /p/

b /b/

t /t/

d /d/

c /ʦ/

ƶ /ʣ/

k /c~k/

g /ɟ~g/

Spirants f /ɸ/

v /β/

þ /θ/

ð /ð/

s /s/

z /z/

x /ç~x/

ᵹ /ç~ʝ

Sonorants ɱ /m̥/

m /m/

ł /l̥/

l /l/

r /ɾ̥/

n /n/

h /ȷ̊/

ȝ /j/

  Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close ı /ɪ/ y /ʊ/
Mid ɘ /ə/
Close-mid e /e/ o /o/
Open a /a/ ɔ /ɑ/

r – ρ – р - რ - ր – र - ᚱ - ⱃ - 7 – ר – ر

  • r001 rą̋-a, i.v. be possessed.
–a, possession.
–i, adj. possessed.
  • r002 rą̋-da, 1. t.v. gladden. 2. i.v. have a good time, be glad.
-di, adj. glad, gladsome.
–ðta, gladness.
  • r003 rą̋ða, t.v. promote.
  • r004 rą̋-ȝa, t.v. witness.
–ilu, witness.
  • r005 rą̋s-a, 1. t.v. croak. 2. i.v. croak.
  • r006 rą̋t-a, 1. t.v. log. 2. i.v. log.
-o, log [of wood].
  • r007 ra̋ɱa, t.v. tear-, -apart, -open.
  • r008 ra̋-ta, 1. t.v. line (-up), align. 2. i.v. line (-up), stand in line.
–ta, alignment.
-to, line, row, rank, file.
–þmi, adj. -lined.
–þɱ=i, adj. linear, lineal.
=ɘvi, adv. in a line.
  • r009 ra̋v-a, i.v. rage, rave, storm.
-a, wrath, rage, ire, fury, frenzy, temper.
-i, adj. irate, raging, enraged, frantic, fanatical, furious, raving, frenzied, wrathful.
  • r010 ra̋x-a, i.v. crackle, rustle, rattle.
–lo, rattle.
  • r011 rę̋-a, 1. t.v. slim, slenderize. 2. i.v. slim (down), slenderize.
-i, adj. slim, slender.
-ta, slimness, slenderness.
–vą̋lmes, those having slender leaves [the fifth order of living beings].
  • r012 rę̋b-a, 1. t.v. belch, burp, eruct. 2. i.v. belch, burp, eruct.
–a, eructation.
-o, belch, burp.
  • r013 rę̋-da, 1. t.v. cheer-, (-up, -on), encourage, hearten. 2. i.v. cheer (up).
-da, encouragement, cheer.
-di, adj. cheerful, cheery.
-do, cheer.
  • r014 rę̋ð-i, adj. superior, paramount, supreme, foremost; super-, arch-.
–asűr=u, emperor.
=i, adj. imperial.
=ta, empire.
–se̋ilu, archimage.
-ta, superiority.
  • r015 rę̋-ȝa, t.v. set right, adjust, regulate, standardize.
–ilo, regulator.
–imi, adj. principled, scrupulous.
-ȝo, rule, standard, model, norm, criterion, principle, scruple.
  • r016 rę̋k-a, i.v. neigh, chortle.
-o, neigh.
  • r017 rę̋m-a, 1. t.v. blind. 2. i.v. be-, become-, -blind.
-i, adj. blind.
–ta, blindness.
-u, blind person.
  • r018 rę̋-pa, 1. t.v. sneak, steal, prowl. 2. i.v. slink, sneak, skulk, steal, prowl.
-flu, sneak, prowler.
-pa, stealth.
-pi, adj. stealthy, furtive, surreptitious.

v019 rę̋ᵹ-u, king.

-i, adj. royal, regnal.
–muþı̋ȝ=u, council, royal court.
=ą̋gu, majordomo.
-ta̋iɱa, kingdom.
  • r020 rę̋s-a, i.v. run; course.
–ankűlo, conveyor belt.
-i, adj. cursorial.
-lu, runner, courser.
-o, course.
  • r021 rę̋t-a, 1. t.v. roar. 2. i.v. roar, rumble, drone.
–o, roar, rumble.
  • r022 rę̋-ƶa, 1. t.v. extend; rack. 2. i.v. extend.
-ƶa, extension, tension.
-ƶo, extent.
-ƶ̇i, adj. extensible, elastic.
  • r023 re̋d-a, i.v. gutter, trickle down; elapse, lapse [of time].
–a, lapse [of time].
  • r024 re̋-ga, 1. t.v. wind, reel. 2. i.v. wind.
–ga, torsion.
-ᵹlo, reel, winder, windlass, winch, capstan, crank.
  • réið-a, postp. by (< re̋iða, ride).
–mimą̋gu, knight errant.
–lo, (supermarket) cart.
  • r025 re̋i-ka, 1. t.v. scribble, scrawl, scratch. 2. i.v. scratch, splutter [of pens].
  • r026 re̋ira, i.v. quiver, waver.
  • r027 re̋iv-a, 1. t.v. ring. 2. i.v. ring, peal.
-o, ring, ringing, peal.
  • r028 re̋-ka, 1. t.v. decide. 2. i.v. decide, determine.
–ka, determination.
–ko, decision, ruling.
–xsi, adj. decisive.
  • r029 re̋m-a, t.v. lath, batten.
-o, lath, batten.
  • r030 re̋uva, t.v. be-, -due to, -up to.
  • r031 re̋ɱ-i, adj. vast, extensive, ample, capacious, voluminous, far-reaching, sweeping; wide.
-ta, vastness, ampleness, capaciousness.
  • r032 re̋n-a, 1. t.v. climb (up), clamber up, scramble up, mount, scale, ascend. 2. i.v. climb, scale, mount, ascend, rise, go up, clamber; fig. be promoted.
-a, climb, ascension, ascent, rise, rising.
–ı̋ȝo, run, sequence [cards].
-ɱi, adj. gradual, gentle [slope].
-o, step.
  • r033 re̋-pa, t.v. snatch (up), grab, carry-, -off, -away, rape, abduct.
–flu, abductor, rapist.
  • r034 re̋s-a, t.v. stab, puncture; spur on, prod, goad.
-lo, spike, goad.
-re̋þ=o, rowel.
=nı̋ðo, spur.
  • r035 re̋ṡa, ill will, malevolence, enmity.
  • r036 re̋tu, buffoon, jester, clown.
  • r037 re̋þ-a, 1. t.v. roll (up), trundle; water [of fabric]. 2. i.v. roll, trundle.
-a, volution.
-i, adj. rolled, cylindrical, convoluted; watered [of fabric].
–lę̋iso, rut, track [of a wheel].
–muxmų̋lo, cigar.
-o, wheel, roll, cylinder, roller, caster.
-sı̨̋ło, cog.
–ta̋ino, boulder.
-ta̋ɱlu, wheelwright.
  • r038 re̋ud-a, 1. t.v. sob. 2. i.v. sob.
–o, sob.
  • r039 re̋u-ða, 1. t.v. redden, color-, make-, -red. 2. i.v. turn-, become-, -red; blush, flush.
-ði, adj. red, ruddy.
–ðta, redness.
–ðt̬i, rubifacient.
  • r040 re̋uga, t.v. burst-, -forth, -out, break forth.
  • r041 re̋upa, 1. t.v. pluck (out), tear out, pull (up), pick. 2. i.v. pluck, pick.
  • r042 re̋uva, t.v. be-, -due to, -up to.
  • r043 re̋v-a, t.v. rib.
-i, adj. ribbed, costal.
-o, vein [of a leaf].
  • r044 rı̨̋n-a, t.v. fix boundaries, demarcate, survey, chart, map.
–lu, surveyor, mapmaker.
-mo, map, chart, plan, design.
-o, balk, ridge, bank [between fields].
  • r045 rı̋l-a, age.
-a, post. at the age of.
  • r046 rı̨̋-bi, adj. exact, accurate, precise, very.
-ba, exactness, accuracy, precision.
–vi, adv. exactly, accurately, precisely, just, to the day.
-vte̋n=i, adj. prompt, punctual.
=ta, promptness, punctuality.
=vi, adv. promptly, punctually, on time.
  • r047 rı̋ᵹ-a, i.v. burrow.
–o, burrow.
  • r048 rı̋r-a, i.v. quake, palpitate.
-o, quake.
rı̋ta, i.v. be-, get-, -stuck. (< )
  • r049 rı̋z-a, t.v. prop, stay, support, shore up, brace, uphold.
–a, postp. with, in support of.
-bőto, fulcrum.
-o, prop, stay, leg, support, brace.
  • r050 rǫ̋-ba, 1. t.v. hollow out, excavate, chamfer, flute, undermine. 2. i.v. excavate.
-ba, excavation, grooving, fluting.
-bi, adj. hollow.
-bo, excavation, cavity, hollow, concavity; ventricle, chamber.
–vǧe̋ti, adj. concave.
  • r051 rǫ̋m-i, adj. fertile.
-ta, fertility.
  • r052 -rőgi, suffix used in naming plants.
  • r053 rőiv-a, t.v. spot, stain, blot.
-o, spot, stain, blot.
  • rote̋ida, November.
  • r054 rőuk-a, t.v. crease.
–o, crease.
  • r055 rőƶa, t.v. tear-, rip-, burst-, wrench-, force-, fling-, -open.
  • r056 rų̋m-a, 1. t.v. extend hospitality to. 2. i.v. extend hospitality.
-a, hospitality.
-i, adj. hospitable.
-lu, host.
-ve̋l(ɘl)u, guest master.
  • r057 rų̋n-a, 1. t.v. spell. 2. i.v. spell.
–a, spelling.
-ȝa̋ra, orthography, spelling.
-o, letter [alphabet], rune.
–pa̋f=o, alphabet.
=i, adj. alphabetic, abecedarian.
  • r058 rűþ, adj. six.
-a̋ha, week.
–ca̋to, hexathlon.
–ę̋n=o, sexennium.
=i, adj. sexennial.
–ę̋nmi, adj. six years old.
-gą̋mi, adj. sixfold, sextuple.
-o, sextet, hexad.
-pı̋nt=o, a game like pachisi.
=ɘle̋mo, ruþzaro piece.
=ǫ̋ro, ruþzaro cloth.
-s, adv. six times.
-ti, adj. sixth.
–úru, adv. six at a time.
  • rűs-e, Ruminantia [Tax.] (< rűsa, chew the cud).
-rűto, paunch.
  • r059 rűz-a, t.v. engrave.
–lo, burin.
–lu, engraver.
-o, engraving.
–rų̋no, glyph.