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Amade is the largest anbd msot economically powerful stte of the Ogili Empire.


The tone system has esse3ntially reverted to that of Khulls. That is, Khulls had a stress/tone cobination, which went to all-tone in Ogili, and now is back as strress/tomne. But the tones are so heavily changed that high is refelcted as low as often as it is reflected as high. THis is unlike all other langiages that descendded from Khulls.

Consonants & voiwerls are similar butu nsteressed syllabs have lost all final consos and some voewrls. However, since the parent language Ogili was mostly (C)V to begin with, this is not a great loss, and for the most part, Amade is a fairly conservative language.

Geogrtaphy and climate

Though originally based in the warm temperate west coast of Goga, they moved southward in search of founding an even warmer capitali n Baeba, and from there going even further south into the heart of the tropics. This southward push was also used buy the rival state of Tarise, but Tarise had been much farther south (though on a plateau) to begin with.

By the year 8700 trhey were successful in convincing the world that their capital was Baeba and their original northern homelands, though still the richest parts of their state, were merely backwaters dependent on the tropics for survival. THis was despite the fact that the Amad=eans didnt even firmly control Baeba and most did not live there. THey merely controlled the shipment of goods in and out of Baeba, and thus could control to some extent whether Baeba was rich or poor. THe Amadeans had never declarsed war on Baeba, as they had not been allowed to. THus they survived in a state of perpetyual violence, losing about 10X as many soldiers as there were civilians in that area.