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This is the holding name for a country located in the far west of the continent of Rilòla, on the planet Teppala. They are far left in politics as well, being the only nation not part of an alliance with any other nation. Furthermore humans in Nok live primarily with firebirds, a species of birds whose diet primarily consists of humans. Firebirds are sentient, and have agreed not to abuse the Nokwians, and the Nokwians have agreed not to attempt to free any of the humans they are farming. Thus Nok is the enemy of essentially all other humans, although they have formed military agreements with the nation of Bé, Bé is so far distant that most humans living in one country will never visit the other.


Nok is a vast large arm-shaped peninsula, with mountains in the middle and flatlands to the south of it. Humans mostly live near the "armpit" and shoulder area, however, not further out. This is because firebirds mostly inhabit the arm and hand, and the armpit in summer is too hot and humid for firebirds to tolerate. It is uncomfortable for humans too, but this is the price they pay for living in a land where they are anatomically disadvantaged. Nokwians are actually some of the tallest and strongest people on the planet, but that helps them not at all against the firebirds, who actually find taller people easier to kill .

There is no definite western border. However, since the humans of Nok get most of their food provided to them by firebirds, they do not have any need to travel, or build farms, and therefore live almost entirely in a dozen or so compact cities.

Moving southwest, the climate gets milder and actually often cooler, because the ocean offshore gets deeper and therefore doesnt warm up as much in the summer. There is no exact Earth quivalent to this phenomenon, but note that northwest Africa has milder summers than places such as Cairo and Tel Aviv. Humans would ordinarily be best off in a climate like this where it is never hot or cold, but again, firebirds took the best land for themselves and the firebirds are actually confined mostly to the coasts here because even in the west it gets very hot inland. Thus humans could survive here, but choose not to because they would not have access to the coastline.


Nok is actually one of the richest nations i nthe world, possibly the very richest, partly because of the economy they had before they seceded, paryly because of locaitons, and partly because they are hjelped by essentially all animals opposed to the grteat human empires that control the center of trhe continent. But even though they are rich,m they are much worse off than Poswobs etc because they are in the most dangerous place of all. Thus there is essentialy no immigration except for criminals. Most Pacifists in Goga have declared an exception to their rules, mneaning that killing Nokwians is OK since Nokwians are killing everyone else, but more extreme pacifists like the Poswobs will not harm even the Nokiwans. Nokwians generally have no contqact with Poswobs, however, since there is too much thick land in between them.

Duew to the lack ofg immigration, despite Nokwians stating their territory is open to anyone, Nokwians are essentially 100% descended from the original Ogili settlers, which means thay are almost all blonde and blue-eyed. Unlike Goga, there is no mixing with Posowbs or Moonshines, so men are taller than women always. Recvent treands that have made blonde hair rare in GOga have not affected Nokwia at all, and so Nokwia is actually the blondest countryu in the world despite being o nthe border with Baeba.