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Yleiskanjit (常()漢字(), literally "common kanji") is a list of kanji, as they are used in Suomitsuzuri, and which are taught at school. This corresponds to the Japanese jōyō kanji. However, some of the kanji in the jōyō kanji list have been removed from yleiskanjit. These can be found in the list viralliset lisäkanjit. Peruskanjit, a subset of yleiskanjit which are thought at elementary school, have been excluded from this article for brevity's sake. This page therefore only lists those yleiskanjit that are thought at junior high and high school.

Peruskanjit are grouped according to grade, but for the rest of yleiskanjit there is no such official grouping. The kanji in this article have been ordered according to Kangxi radicals and stroke count.

The column readings lists the readings; usually fun'yomi, Finnish reading. When a reading is followed by a hyphen, it means that this reading does not make a whole word without okurigana, kana that defines inflectional or derivational endings. Readings preceded by a hyphen denote suffixes.

Japanese readings, on'yomi (based on Chinese) and kun'yomi (natively Japanese) are marked with the superscript letters o and k respectively. Unmarked readings are fun'yomi.

Capital A, O, U stand for vowels that vary according to vowel harmony. A stands for a or ä, O for o or ö, and U for u or ö. For example 人 -lA- is -la- in すおま人的 suomalainen (Finn), but -lä- in べなぇ人的 venäläinen (Russian), due to suomalainen being a front harmony word and venäläinen being a back harmony word.

Radical 40 宀

Number of strokes (total) Kanji Meaning Readings Example words
13 sleep nuk- 寝くあ nukkua - to sleep

Radical 60 彳

Number of strokes (total) Kanji Meaning Readings Example words
8 (s)he hän 彼 hän - he; she

Radical 61 心 (忄, ⺗)

Number of strokes (total) Kanji Meaning Readings Example words

Radical 85 水 (氺, 氵)

Number of strokes (total) Kanji Meaning Readings Example words
12 cross rist- 渡い risti - cross
渡えうぇ() risteys - crossing; intersection
渡えいり者 risteilijä - cruiser
渡いっこ ristikko - lattice; crossword puzzle

Radical 104 疒

Number of strokes (total) Kanji Meaning Readings Example words
10 tired väsy 疲ぬぇ() väsynyt - tired