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New AngloSaxon Spelling

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Letter Value Example TO IPA Name
i ɪ kit kɪt ɪt
e ɛ dres dress drɛs ɛt
a æ trap træp æt
o ɒ lot lɒt/lɑt ɒt/ɑt
y ʌ stryt strut strʌt ʌt
u ʊ fut foot fʊt ʊt
é flés fleece fliːs
á fás face feɪs
í prís price praɪs
œ ɔɪ cœs choice tʃɔɪs ɔɪ
ů (u) gůs goose ɡuːs
ó əʊ/oʊ gót goat ɡəʊt/ɡoʊt əʊ/oʊ
ú múþ mouth maʊθ
ý juː kýt cute kjuːt juː
ér ɪə/ɪɹ nér near nɪə/nɪɹ
ár ɛə/ɛː/ɛɹ skwár/squár square skwɛə/skwɛː/skwɛɹ
ór oː/oɹ fórs force foːs/foɹs
ýr ʊə/ʊɹ kýr cure kjʊə/kjʊɹ
ar ɑː/ɑɹ start start stɑːt/stɑɹt
or ɔː/ɔɹ norþ north nɔːθ/nɔɹθ
ur ʊə/ʊɹ pur poor pʊə/pʊɹ
yr ɜː/ɜɹ nyrs nurse nɜːs/nɜɹs
å ɔː þåt thought θɔːt ɔːs
(a) ɑː faþer father fɑːðə/fɑːðɹ ɑːk

The Ʒ ʒ character

The preferred shape of the letter Ʒ ʒ is not like the IPA ezh, but like the Insular G, (\u1D79), the capital version of which however is not adopted in Unicode yet. I use Ʒ ʒ (ezh) provisionally since the capital version of Insular G is not adopted in Unicode yet, and the small letter also is missing from most Unicode fonts. The preferred shape is shown in this image:


It should be noted that in NAS this letter denotes the phoneme /dʒ/ and not the phoneme /ʒ/ which is written zj, except before ý where it is written z, e.g. vizjn, azýr.

Alternative graphies

Letters with acute diacritics may be replaced with digraphs as follows á > aa, é > ee, í > ij, ó > eo, ú > ou, ý > yy, œ > oe, ů > uo, å > oa.

Þ, þ may be replaced with Th th, Ʃ ʃ may be replaced with Sh sh and Ʒ ʒ may be replaced with Cg cg or Gj gj.

BPJ 02:04, 25 February 2006 (PST)

Alternative vowel glyphs