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     Taazhpuur is an artlang created by Gregory Scaff as a teenager for a novel. Taazhpuuria is set in a post-apocalyptic, futuristic world something like Burroughs’ Pellucidar, except relocated to the Gulf Coast of Florida.  It brims with monstrous creatures, sundry exotic peoples, and larger than life heroes and heroines.  
    The novel and the Taazhpuur language were meant to articulate a philosophy involving ideals such as cultural relativism, feminist equality, non-violence, naturism, sex positive diversity, and world-wide environmental and economic stability.   

Taazhpuur: Spoken in: the future Timeline/Universe: personal /art language for Taazhpuuria Total speakers: 1 Genealogical classification: A posteriori Based on: Gothic, Inuit, Mongolian, Native American Basic word order: SVO Morphological type: agglutinating Created by Gregory Scaff 1979


 Stress is placed on the second syllable, except for when it is not. Punctuation is as in English.

Taazhpuur can be written both in Taazhpuurian runes, and in Roman script. Each letter, with the exception of Y, has only one pronunciation. There are no double consonants, only double vowels. There are 15 vowels and 22 consonants, plus the additional rune named Uuncis, which is abbreviated as UN. UN stands for a word meaning “between us” and is used only when referring to intimates, spouses or lovers.


Thoovyos aact:

                         F U TH O R C G W

Thoonourzos aact:

                        H N I J AI ZH P S

Tyeeros aact:

                       T B E M L NA D EO

Aarvithos aact:

                       AE A EE Y SH UU OU GU

Nailubaarmzos aact:

                        Z Ch OW AA OI V OO UN



A A as in mate or state. Aansus AA The vowel sound in pot or lot. Daadyu AE The vowel sound in that or cat. Aeglo AI The vowel sound in high or pie. Airzees B The consonant B sound as in boy. Baercu C The consonant C sound as in the K of kitchen or keep Cowns CH The consonant CH sound as in chance or chowder. Chaelcyo D The consonant D sound as in dog or deep. Daegs E The vowel E sound as in set or pet. Evuus EE The vowel EE sound in seat or meet. Meedu EO The vowel sound e as in set or pet followed by the o sound as in hope or dope. Beogud F The consonant F sound as in fright or flicker. Fehoo G The consonant G sound as in get or guppy. Givu H The consonant H sound as in hot or hip. Haegyl I As in sit or pit. Ees J The consonant J sound as in jazz or jar. Yaer L The consonant L sound as in leak or lava. Laagus M The consonant M sound as in meet or medal. Maenu N The consonant N sound as in near or net. Neoth O The vowel O sound as in stone or moat. Ogaen OI The vowel OI sound in boy or toy. Beroich OO The vowel OO sound in boot or hoot. Oonaegee OU The vowel OU sound in pour or more. Aurahai OW The vowel OW sound in sour or ouch. Owthyl P The consonant P sound as in pet or pretty. Paertru R The consonant R sound as in rock or repress. Raidu S The consonant S with a hissing ssssssssss sound as in sing or sun. Saaool SH The consonant SH sound as in shop or sheep. Shel T The consonant T sound as in teach or tip. Tyuus TH The consonant TH sound as in this or there. Thyooth U U as in hut or smut. Uurus UN Pronouced as spelled in Taazhpuur. Uuncis

NUMBERS: 1-ain, 2- veg, 3- tra, 4- feor, 5-fimf, 6- hecs, 7-zeof, 8- aact, 9- coo, 10-daen, 11- ylf 12- vegdaen,13- tradaen, 14-feordaen, 15- fimfdaen,16- hecsdaen, 17-zeofdaen, 18- aactdaen, 19- coodaen, 20- vegric, 30- traric, 40- feoric, 50-fimfric, 51- fimfricain, 52- fimfricveg, 53-fimfrictra, 60- hecsric, 70- zeofric, 80-aactric, 90- cooric, 100- tugric 101- tugricain, 102- tugricveg, 150-tugfifric, 251- vegtugfifricain, 1000- cylric,1100- cyltugric, 1251-kylvegtugricfifricain A. 100 + 50= 150; tugric + fimfric = tugfimfric. The highest number drops it’s suffix of –ric as in the tugric in this case, leaving the lowest with its suffix of -ric.

NOUNS All names, titles, and terms of endearment are capitalized. When making a plural in which the initial letter is capitalized, only the l of the pl. form is capitalized. Ex: Aunt n. Ethlyg, pl. Lyethlyg

SUFFIXES: When adding suffixes to a word which ends in e,u, or i, the final vowel is dropped. Ex.: dronu, hair, dronylu fur. -ylu A diminutive. -os Makes a possessive; daas fimf puurbucos, the cat’s paw, the paw of the cat. The possessive follows the word it posseses, geen Staen Shainaaros, geen huv huvaeryislynos, the head of which.


ly- Makes a plural; geen lypuurbuc, the cats’. The y of ly- rhymes with “lip”. When making a plural with a word which begins with y, skip the initial y. Ex: yoon, acorn, pl. lyoon. 8 When making a plural with a word which begins with i, skip the initial i. Ex: bath, inip, pl. lynip. When making a plural with a word which begins with another vowel besides i, the y of ly- is then pronounced first like the vowel y, then like the consonant y, as in l-i-yu. Ex: eonamin skull, pl. lyeonamin. To make a noun into a verb, simply add the requisite verbal inflection. Comparatives are made by using an adjective such as binictmins, more, or mins, less, with aanu, on, as English than; binictmins feohuursc aanu al lysuuncith, more gorgeous than every sunset When making compound words, the prefix ly-, and the suffixes –lyg and –lyn are deleted. The vowel u is often inserted between the two elements. Ex: micylyn, big; micyl big, gaard, city, Micylugaard, Clearwater, Florida To combine plurals and possessives, Ex: geen lyfimfos lypuurbucos, the (plural) paws of the (plural) cats iscu- Makes a verb out of a noun; Ex: hunger n. huungriz, To hunger inf. v. iscuhuungrizaen.

VERBS The tenses of verbs are as follows: INFINITIVE: ganaen PRESENT: Ic gan I go. PAST: Ic ganai. I went. FUTURE: Ic ganish. I will go. PRESENT PARTICIPLE: Ic ganist I am going. PERFECT PARTICIPLE: Ic ganyow I have gone. FUTURE PARTICIPLE: Ic ganith I will go. OPTATIVE 1: Ic ganust I want to go. OPTATIVE 2: Ic ganuth I must go. OPTATIVE 3 Ic ganush I may, can go To make a verb into a noun, add the prefix aend- to infinitive. Ex: cuucyaen to lick ain aendcuucyaen a licker, lyaendcuucyaen two lickers.

ADVERBS Add suffix “-lyg” to root word to make an adverb. Ex: aashodis, orgasm, aashodislyg, orgasmic. If –lyg is added to a root word which ends in the vowel “ai”, then the i is unchanged in Roman spelling.

ADJECTIVES Add suffix “lyn”, “like” to root words to make an adjective. Example: luuft, air, luuftlyn, airy. Adjectives made from nouns which already end in –lyn do not add the adjectival –lyn. Colors and adjectives made from other adjectives are made by duplication. Ex: blaolyn, blue, blaoblao, bluish. If –lyn is added to a root word which ends in the vowel “ai”,then the i is unchanged in Roman spelling.

SUPERLATIVES FOR ADVERBS AND ADJECTIVES Remove the adjectival or adverbial suffix –lyg or –lyn then add the prefixes bi- (more) or ift- (most). Ex: wislyn calm, biwis calmer, iftwis calmest


A paper copy of the complete Taazhpuur grammar and lexicon can be obtained at: [email protected]