User:Cedh audmanh/TCR3/Ndok Aisô

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Text fragment 4 in Ndok Aisô

Êp'eutoi uksêdadeu rai kêd eu pexos. Eu tsêdagoisudeu êsaig dôlbitasteu wagoikseu. Kelkig eu ru nagô, êbixeudeu na-aigrat'oi tsig, od sapamadeu rai dôstodasteu êsaig daihitosteu.


Êp'eutoi wanted to be a hero. He wanted to fight in order to attain peace. Fierce like a bear, he showed his claws, and he began to attack in order to take revenge.

Interlinear gloss

Êp'eutoi uksêdadeu     rai     kêd              eu      pexos.
Êp'eutoi uksêd -deu    rai     kêd              eu      pexos
Êp'eutoi desire-LEG.SG SUB.ACC DYN[MID.NPST.SG] 3SG.NOM hero

Êp'eutoi wanted to be a hero.

Eu      tsêdagoisudeu      êsaig       dôlbitasteu   wagoikseu.
eu      tsê-agoisoi-deu    êsaig       dôlbit-steu   wagoikseu
3SG.NOM OPT-fight  -LEG.SG in_order_to bring -IPF.SG peace

He wanted to fight in order to attain peace.

Kelkig        eu      ru nagô, êbixeudeu     na-aigrat'oi tsig,
kelkeu-g      eu      ru nagô  êbixeu-deu    na-aigrat'oi tsig
fierce-ACC.SG 3SG.NOM as bear  show  -LEG.SG PC-claw      3DU.GEN

Fierce like a bear, he showed his claws,

od  sapamadeu    rai     dôstodasteu   êsaig       daihitosteu.
od  sapob-deu    rai     dôstod-steu   êsaig       daihiteu    -steu
and begin-LEG.SG SUB.ACC attack-IPF.SG in_order_to take_revenge-IPF.SG

and he began to attack in order to take revenge.


Content words

agoisu-     v.      fight, struggle, strive
aigrat'oi   n.      claw
daihito-    v.      take revenge
dôlbit-     v.      achieve, bring
dôstod-     v.      attack
êbixeu-     v.      show, exhibit, have as a feature
Êp'eutoi    n.      (a proper name)
êsaig       cj.     so that, in order to, for the purpose of
eu          pron.   (3rd person singular, nominative) 
kêd         v.      become, do to oneself (suppletive middle voice nonpast singular of su 'do')
kelkig      adj.    fierce, dangerous (accusative singular)
nagô        n.      bear
od          cj.     and
pexos       n.      hero
rai         cj.     that (complementizer)
ru          prep.   as, like
sapam-      v.      start, begin
tsig        pron.   (3rd person dual/paucal possessive)
uksêd-      v.      want, wish, desire
wagoikseu   n.      peace, safety


-(a)deu     (legendary past singular)
-(a)steu    (imperfective singular)

na-         (dual/paucal)
tsê(d)-     (optative)

Orthography / Phonology

  • p' t' k' are aspirated plosives /pʰ tʰ kʰ/
  • x is a glottal stop /ʔ/
  • ê ô are lax mid vowels, approximately /ɛ~ɜ/ and /ɔ~ɞ/ respectively

Stress falls before the last consonant in a word.

Grammar notes

The default word order in Ndok Aisô is SVO, but the parent language was verb-initial, and VSO order is preserved in several types of subclauses. Intransitive main clauses also often have VS order.

Nominal morphology is fairly minimal, marking only number (singular, dual/paucal, plural) and possession. A peculiarity of the possessive pronouns is that they agree in number only with the possessed, not with the possessor.

Adjectives inflect for case and number of their referent by means of fusional suffixes. They normally follow their head noun. Adjectival predicates use a zero copula and follow Adj-N word order.

The main verbal distinctions of Ndok Aisô are aspect, mood, and voice, of which only aspect and mood play a minor role in this text. Tense is unmarked in the active voice. Verbs also agree with the subject in number, but not in person. Aspect, voice and number are marked with fusional suffixes, mood is marked with prefixes. The morphosyntactic alignment is technically a variant of split-S; however, the vast majority of verbs follows a NOM-ACC pattern.


Further information:ô