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Kala Verbs

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  • A typical verb denotes the occurrence or abandonment of an action (run, stop), a relationship (have, lose), or a state (stand, melt). Most verbs can be reused without change as a noun.


tense suffix gloss example
remote past -yai REM nam inayai
We ate a long while ago.
recent past -yao REC nam inayao
We just ate.
past -ye PST nam inaye
We ate.
present not marked nam ina
We eat. / We are eating. / We do eat.
future -tli FUT nam inatli
We will eat.
immediate future -tlao IMM nam inatlao
We will eat soon/now.
distant future -tlai DIS nam inatlai
We will eat a long while from now.
  • The remote and recent pasts, as well as the immediate and distant futures are negated by the preceding negative nke rather than the negative suffix -k.
  • Kala does not distinguish perfect and imperfect aspects of the verb (e.g. "I ate", "I used to eat", "I have eaten", "I had eaten").
  • If a temporal adverb is used, the tense suffix may be omitted.
Example: We ate yesterday.
yomaye nam ina
day-pst 1pl eat



  • -pa from pala is used to signify ability or possibility. This does not indicate the permissive.


  • na yalapa
1sg go-able
I am able to go. / I can go.


  • -pya from upya is used to signify an attempt.


  • na inapya
1sg eat-attempt
I am trying to eat.


  • -k from nke is used to signify negation.


  • na yalak
1sg go.neg
I am not going. / I do not go.


  • -mu from mula is used to signify beginning an action.


  • na yalamu
1sg go-begin
I begin to go.


  • -myo from myonta is used to signify permission or allowance.


  • na yalamyo
1sg go-perm
I am allowed to go.


  • -ne from neya is used to signify something that should or ought to be done.


  • ta yalamyo
2sg go-sug
You should go.
usage suffix from example
need, necessity -he heya
to need; require
na yalahe
I need to go.
deintensify -hi ahi
small; little
na inahi
I am snacking.
appear, seem -tse tse'e
to seem; appearance
ha yalatse
He seems to be going.
want, desire -ue ueha
to want; desire
na yalaue
I want to go.
intention, volition -ue ueyo
to intend to
na yalaue
I intend to go.


  • They would be happy if the sun were shining.
sama a yatli kam noya
sun be if-X-then-Y 3pl happy
  • We doubted he would go.
na'am iya ha yala ketsaye
1pl.excl cond 3sg go doubt-pst
  • she would have been a good musician


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