Яжык Аркеоский (Jažyk Arkéoskij)

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Arkhæn [ɑr.keɪ.ɨn] or Arkhæo [ɑr.keɪ.o] is a constructed language. It is spoken by the nation of Arkhæo. The Language contains 27 letters; 7 vowels, 20 consonants, and and two diacretic letters.- THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.




There are 7 vowels

  • /ɑː/ <a>
  • /eɪ/ <æ>
  • /ɛ/ <e>
  • /aɪ/
  • /oʊ/ <o>
  • /uː/
  • /iː/ <y>


  • Letter "A" can also be pronounced as /æ/.
  • Letter "E" can also be prnounced as /eɪ/ if there is an "H" before or after the letter.
  • Letter "U" can also be pronounced as /ə/.
  • Letter "Y" can also sound like /aɪ/ under certain conditions.


Arkæo sometimes has the same diphthongs for different variations of spelling.

  • for the /eɪ/ sound: <æ, and ei>
  • for the /aɪ/ sound: < ai and æy>
  • for the /ʃ/ sound: <sh and ch>

"I" related:

  • /juː/<Iu> (e.g. Iumega: juː.mɛgə/you-Mega)
  • /jɑː/<Ia> (e.g. Iatos: jɑː.toʊs/ya-tos)
  • /jɪ/<Ii>
  • /i/<Ie> (e.g. Cierăn: sirɒn/seer-an)

Ii can also sound like /iː/ only if it is not at the beggining of a word.

J related:

  • /ʒ/<jz> (e.g. Jzakar: ʒɑ.kɑr)
  • /wɑ/<joi> (e.g. Joikăn: wɑ.kɒn)

U related: /ɔ/<Ua> (e.g. Uaranzei: ɔr.ɑn.zeɪ or like the "o in orange)


The consonants of the language is roughly the same as in English, with the exception of letter "C" and "H".

  • Letter "C" is pronounced solely like /s/
  • Letter "H" is mute at the begginning of words and after consonants like "k", "d" and "m".


  • The letter "A" with a breve (Ă) denotes that the letter is pronounced as /ɒ/
  • The letter "U" with a breve (ŭ) denotes that the letter is pronounced as /ə/, however this only applied in Ancient Arkhæn and is mostly obselete as the normal "U" can also be pronounced like this modern Arkhæn. Ancient Arkhæn words, like Ahdăntŭm, still use it.
