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Rangyayo/Word List

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*ULD# (Universal Language Dictionary Index)

  • Ety. (etymology)
    • n: native Rangyan words
    • s: Sino-Rangyan words
    • f: foreign loanwords
  • Entry (dictionary entry)
  • Reading (pronunciation in Romanisation)
  • Cls. (lexical class)
    • adj.: adjective
    • adv.: adverb
    • n.: noun
    • num.: numeral
    • v.: verb
    • vt.: transitive verb
  • Meaning (definition)

Word list

ULD# Ety. Entry Reading Cls. Meaning
01A:A n

nyo n. outside
021: n

v. be, exist (intransitive predicative copula) [v]
026: n

v. do, perform, engage in (specified activity) [v]
034: n 마너

mane adv. how? (in what manner?) [av]
036: '

mu adv. not [av]
039: n

cham adv. together [av]
03A: n 마자

maca adv. when? (at what time?) [av]
03B: n 마수

masu adv. where? (at/to what place?) [av]
03C: n 마가

maka adv. why? (for what reason?) [av]
03D: '

ha adj. any (no particular one of) [aj]
03E: '

so adj. every, each [aj]
03F: n

oro n. person, human being
041: n

yuwi n. child
041:1 s 児童

idung '
044: n

wako n. man (adult male person)
044:1 s 男子

namci '
044:2 s 男性

namseng '
045: n

bebi n. woman (adult female person)
045:1 s 女性

nyoseng '
047: n

coko n. father
048: n

üwi n. mother
049: n

wepi n. marriage (spousal relationship)
049:1 s 婚姻

hon'in '
049:A n 娵스

bessü v. marry a woman [v]
049:B n 嫁스

wassü v. marry a man [v]
049:C sn 結婚느

ket'honnü v. marry, wed [v]
04A: n

kao n. husband
04B: n

ibe n. wife
04E: s 兄弟

hwengdei n. brother
04E:A n

horu n. elder brother
04E:B n

cuno n. younger brother
04F: s 姉妹

cimai n. sister
04F:A n

bijo n. elder sister
04F:B n

büyu n. younger sister
051: n

moga n. king
052: n

hume n. queen
053: s 総統

cungthong n. president
054: s 国相

koksang n. prime minister (of Rangya)
054:1 s 首相

syusang n. prime minister
055: s 獨裁者

dukjaicya n. dictator
055:A s 暴君

bokun n. tyrant
057: n

epbe n. slave
057:1 s 奴隸

nurei '
058: n

onco n. soldier
059: s 大使

daisi n. ambassador
05A:1 f 멈빠

memba '
05B: n

eke n. friend
05C: n

ok'yo n. enemy
064: s 文化

munhwa n. culture (the customs and beliefs of a people)
068: s 人種

incong n. race (group of people with similar characteristics)
06A: n

boe n. abdomen
06A:1 s 腹部

pukbu '
06B: n 尻穴

sukunnut n. anus
06B:1 s 肛門

kongmon '
06C: n

kasa n. arm (shoulder to hand)
06D: n

bora n. back (dorsal area)
06D:1 s 背部

baibu '
06F: n

hibe n. blood
070: n

osso n. body
070:1 s 身体

sinthei '
071: n

buki n. bone
072: n

beku n. brain
073: n

bobo n. breast, mammary
073:1 s 乳房

yubang '
074: n

sukun n. buttock
075: n

biko n. cheek (side of face below eye)
076: n

boku n. chest (upper front of torso)
076:1 s 胸部

hongbu '
076:2 s 胸廓

hongkhwak '
077: n

bira n. chin
078: n

suju n. ear
079: n

boro n. egg
07A: n

bu n. eye
07A:1 s

an '
07A:A n

suhi n. eyebrow
07B: n

bimi n. face
07C: n

simmi n. feather
07C:1 s 羽毛

yumo '
07E: n

büri n. fetus (foetus), embryo
07E:1 s 胎児

thaii '
07F: n

kapa n. finger
07F:1 n 手指

kakapa '
080: n

kako n. fist
081: n

gori n. foot (on which something stands)
081:1 s 足部

cokbu '
082: n

bema n. forehead
084: n

hiku n. hair (a strand of fibrous material growing from the body)
084:1 s 体毛

theimo '
085: n

sikhi n. hair (the hairs atop one's head thought of as a collective entity)
085:1 s 頭髪

dupet '
086: n

ka n. hand
087: n

bommo n. head
087:1 s 頭部

dubu '
088: n

pap n. heart (coronary muscle)
088:1 s 心臓

simjang '
08B: n

nago n. horn (bone-like growth from animal's head)
08C: n

bamu n. intestines, gut(s), viscera
08C:A s 小腸

syojang n. small intestine
08C:B s 大腸

daijang n. large intestine, colon
08E: n

bise n. kidney
08E:1 s 腎臓

zinjang '
08F: n

gedo n. knee
090: n

bogi n. leg
091: n

rumbu n. lip
092: n

banjo n. liver
092:1 s 肝臓

kanjang '
093: n

bubo n. lung
093:1 s 肺臓

pheijang '
094: n

obo n. meat, flesh
095: n

ro n. mouth
099: n

bege n. neck
09A:1 s 神経

jinkeng '
09B: n

humu n. nose
09C:1 s 器官

khikwan '
09C:2 s 臓器

jangkhi '
09E:1 s 陰茎

imhang '
09F: n

nakga n. shell
0A0: n

konsi n. shoulder
0A1:1 s 骨骼

kotkak '
0A2:A n

bude n. skin (of animal)
0A2:B n

buwi n. skin (of human)
0A3: n

borabuki n. spine, backbone
0A3:1 s 脊柱

cekjyu '
0A4: n

bowe n. stomach
0A4:1 s 胃臓

wijang '
0A5: n

enji n. sweat, perspiration
0A6: n

siku n. tail
0A7: n

ebu n. tear(drop(s))
0A8:1 s 睾丸

kohwan '
0A9: n

ronko n. throat
0A9:1 s 咽喉

yenhu '
0AA: n

khokapa n. thumb
0AB: n 足指

gorikapa n. toe
0AC: n

reju n. tongue (body-part)
0AD: n

yadu n. tooth
0AE: n 尿

ese n. urine
0B0:1 s 血管

hwetkwan '
0B1: n

bumbu n. waist
0B1:1 s 腰部

yobu '
0B2: n

siwi n. wing (of bird etc.)
0B3: n

hoa n. wound
0B3:1 s 傷口

sangkhu '
0B4: n

kuni n. wrist
0B5: f 뻐리

beri n. berry (small pulpy fruit)
0B5:1 s 液菓

yekkwa '
0B5:2 s 漿菓

cangkwa '
0B6: n

tumi n. bud (of flower/leaf)
0B7: n

topi n. flower
0B8: n

detu n. fruit
0B8:1 s 菓実

kwajit '
0B9: n

dette n. leaf
0BA: f

nat n. nut (hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel)
0BA:1 s 堅菓

kenkwa '
0BC: n

dabi n. root (of a plant)
0BD: n

duji n. seed
0BD:1 s 種子

congci '
0BE: n

tumbi n. sprout (young shoot of plant)
0BF: n 活리

elri adj. alive [aj]
0C0: n 亡비

numpi adj. dead [aj]
0C1: n 生믄

bomün n. birth
0C1:A n 生므

bomü v. give birth [v]
0C3: n 健기

ongki adj. healthy [aj]
0C4: n

kimo n. disease, illness, sickness
0C4:1 s 疾病

jitbeng '
0C5: n 肥삐

babi adj. fat, obese, plump [aj]
0C6: s 性別

sengbet n. sex, gender
0C7: n 雌비

impi adj. female [aj]
0C8: n 雄끼

okgi adj. male [aj]
0CB: n

kimbe n. pain
0CF: n 眠르

burü v. sleep [v]
0D0: n 醒미

hammi adj. awake [aj]
0D1: s 熱病

yetbeng n. fever
0D2: n 噛므

rammü v. bite [v]
0D3: n 息프

huphü v. breathe [v]
0D3:1 sn 呼吸느

huhipnü '
0D4: n 捉르

kyarü v. catch (stop the motion of and seize in the hands) [v]
0D5: n 攀뜨

kadü v. climb [v]
0D7: n 爬흐

kwahü v. crawl [v]
0D8: n 叫르

rarü v. cry out, shout, yell [v]
0D9: n 泣드

eitü v. cry, weep [v]
0DA: n 舞끄

tokgü v. dance [v]
0DB: n 死브

numpü v. die [v]
0DC: n 飲느

yonü v. drink [v]
0DD: n 溺므

emmü v. drown (die/kill via immersion) [v]
0DE: n 食쁘

yabü v. eat [v]
0E1: n 持뜨

kitdü v. hold [v]
0E1:A n 握끄

kangü v. grasp [v]
0E2: n 狩쯔

khitjü v. hunt, pursue (with intent to capture and/or devour) [v]
0E3: n 跳므

gommü v. jump, leap [v]
0E5: n 殺즈

khetcü v. kill [v]
0E7: n 笑그

hakkü v. laugh [v]
0E8: n 臥르

sorü v. lie (recline horizontally) [v]
0E9: n 活르

elrü v. live (be alive) [v]
0EA: n 走으

giü v. run [v]
0EB: n 剃즈

secü v. shave [v]
0EC: n 坐끄

ogü v. sit (be in a sitting position) [v]
0EE: n 嚔쯔

hotjü v. sneeze [v]
0EF: n 唾쯔

rutjü v. spit [v]
0F1: n 立드

itü v. stand [v]
0F2: n 吞크

rokhü v. swallow [v]
0F3: n 泳느

enü v. swim [v]
0F4: n 甞므

ripmü v. taste (perceive the flavor of) [v]
0F5: n 投느

kenü v. throw, toss [v]
0F6: n 觸므

kimmü v. touch [v]
0F7: n 吐끄

ragü v. vomit [v]
0F8: n 行느

gonnü v. walk [v]
0FA:1 s 動物

dungmut '
0FB: n

ritgi n. ant (insect of family Formicidae)
0FC: n

ippo n. bear (animal of Ursidae family)
0FD: n

reji n. bee (member of genus Apis)
0FE: n

haya n. bird (egg-laying feathered animal with wings)
0FF: n

ritudu n. butterfly
100: n

khatu n. cat (Felis catus)
101: n

hokka n. chicken
101:A n

heppa n. duck
101:B n

hipa n. goose
103: n

haku n. cow/bull, cattle (bovine animal of either sex)
104: n 鹿

iksi n. deer (animal of family Cervidae)
105: n

iku n. dog (Canis familiaris)
108: n

nuwe n. fish
108:A n

niye n. prawn, shrimp
108:B s 海鮮

haisen n. seafood
109: n

riru n. fly (small winged insect)
10A: n

khibo n. fox (member of genus Vulpes)
10B: n

rikga n. frog (web-footed tailless leaping amphibian)
10E: n

sako n. horse (Equus caballus)
10F: s 昆虫

konjung n. insect
110: s 獅子

sici n. lion (Felis leo)
113: s 哺乳動物

buyudungmut n. mammal
115: n

khonka n. monkey, small primate
116: n

riku n. mosquito
117: n

hiksu n. mouse
118: n

gongko n. pig, swine (omnivorous mammal of family Suidae)
119: n

hui n. rabbit (animal of family Leporidae)
11A:1 s 爬虫

bajung '
11A:2 s 爬虫動物

bajungdungmut '
11B: n

hime n. sheep (Ovis aries)
11C: n

risi n. snake, serpent (reptile of suborder Serpentes or Ophidia)
11D: n

ritji n. spider, arachnid
11D:1 s 蜘蛛

cicyu '
11F: n

huyo n. tiger (Felis tigris)
121: n

naku n. turtle (reptile of order Testudinata)
123: n

nunyo n. whale (large marine mammal of order Cetacea)
124: n

khabi n. wolf (Canis lupus)
125: s 蠕虫

yujung n. worm
126: n

dama n. apple (tree/fruit of genus Malus)
126:1 s 沙菓

sakwa '
126:2 s 林檎

rimgim '
127: n

horon n. bamboo (plant/stem of genera Bambusa / Arundinaria / Dendrocalamus)
128: n

toge n. banana (plant/fruit of genus Musa)
128:1 f 빠나나

banana '
12C: f 코피

khophi n. coffee (plant/seeds of sp. Coffea arabica)
12F: n 綿

wipha n. cotton (fibers of genus Gossypium)
12F:A n 綿木

wiphadu n. cotton tree (plant of genus Gossypium)
131: n

dudip n. date (fruit/tree of sp. Phoenix dactylifera)
134: n

tampo n. garlic (herb of sp. Allium sativum)
135: n

tammu n. ginger (plant/rhizome of genus Zingiber)
136: s 人蔘

insim n. ginseng (plant/root of genus Panax)
138: s 葡萄

budo n. grape (plant/fruit of genus Vitis)
139: n

tija n. grass (monocotyledonous plant of family Gramineae)
13A: n

itdi n. hemp, marijuana (plant/material of sp. Cannabis sativa)
13E: n

dotom n. mandarin, tangerine (fruit/tree of sp. Citrus reticulata)
13F:1 s 薄荷

bak'ha '
140: n

tusuju n. mushroom (a complex aerial fleshy fruiting body of a fungus)
144:1 s 橄欖

kamram '
145: n

tapa n. onion (plant/bulb of sp. Allium sepa)
146: n

dono n. orange (fruit/tree of Citrus sinensis / related spp.)
14B: n

deci n. pine (coniferous tree of genus Pinus)
14C: n

dowi n. plum (certain fruits/tree of genus Prunus)
14E: n

tipi n. rice (plant/seed of sp. Oryza sativa)
14E:A n

yopi n. cooked rice
14F:1 s 薔薇

jangmui '
151:1 s 胡麻

huma '
156: n

te n. tea (plant/leaves of sp. Camellia sinensis)
156:1 s

ja '
157:1 s 煙草

yencho '
159: n

toni n. wheat (plant/seed of sp. Triticum aestivum)
15B: s 庭園

dengwen n. garden
15E:1 s 植物

zikmut '
15E:A n

titu n. vegetable
15E:A1 s 菜蔬

chaisyo '
15F: n

du n. tree
15F:1 s 樹木

zyumuk '
15F:A s 樹皮

zyubi n. bark (of tree)
160: n

eyen n. bay (small body of water offset from lake or sea)
162: n

jusu n. cave
163: n

ugiga n. cliff
164: n

mimi n. cloud
165: s 沙漠

samak n. desert
166: s 地球

digyu n. earth (terra firma contrasted with sea and heaven)
167: s 地震

dicin n. earthquake
169:A n

gada n. ground, earth, land
169:B s 平野

bengya n. plain, open field
16A: n

eco n. flood, deluge
16A:1 s 洪水

hungsui '
16B: n

mine n. fog
16C: n

dudude n. forest
16C:1 s 森林

simrim '
16D: n

mopbu n. hail
16E: n

umo n. hill (smaller than a mountain)
16F: n

uya n. island
170: n

ebo n. lake
172: n

biye n. moon (natural satellite of a planet)
173: n

ugu n. mountain
174: s 自然界

jiyenkai n. nature (that which occurs spontaneously; the non-artificial world)
175: s 遊星

yuseng n. planet
176: n

mubi n. rain
177: n

mubidakko n. rainbow
178: n

ruru n. river
179: n

eyu n. sea
179:1 s 海洋

haiyang ' sea, ocean
179:A n

ettu n. ocean
17A: n

meku n. sky
17A:1 s 天空

thenkhung '
17B: n

muse n. snow
17C: n

ami n. star
17C:A s 恒星

hüngseng n. star, sun, fixed star
17D: s 暴風雨

bopungyu n. storm
17E: n

ara n. sun
17E:1 s 太陽

thaiyang '
17F: n

esyu n. swamp, marsh
180: n

muwa n. thunder
181: n

epbe n. tide
181:1 s 潮汐

jyozek '
183: s 宇宙

yujyu n. universe, cosmos
184: n

cori n. valley
185: s 火山

hwasan n. volcano
186: s 天气

thenkhi n. weather
187: n

huri n. wind
188: s 世界

seikai n. world
189: n

oki n. arrow (sharp-tipped shaft shot from a bow)
18A: n

cokha n. axe
18E: n

hogom n. basket
190: n

cugi n. bell
191: n

khisi n. blade
193: n

daha n. board
195: n

mabin n. bottle
196: n

nan n. bow (for arrows)
197: n

marun n. bowl (deep round dish)
198: n

hopba n. box (rigid rectangular receptacle)
19B: n

hombi n. broom
19D: n

dana n. bucket, pail
1A0: n

hoyop n. cage
1A1: n

mugo n. can (presealed metal container) {British: tin}
1A2: n

phari n. candle
1A2:1 s 蝋燭

rapcok '
1A3: n

mapo n. cannon
1A3:1 s 大砲

daipho '
1A5: n

danki n. chair (furniture for one person to sit on)
1A7: s 時計

zikei n. clock
1AA: n

dara n. comb
1AB: s 電脳

denno n. computer (electronic instruction-obeying information-handler)
1AB:1 f 콤퓨타

khomphyutha '
1AF: n

domo n. cup (small bowl with handle)
1B3: s 人形

inheng n. doll, effigy
1B7: n

tige n. drum (hollow musical instrument beaten with sticks or hands)
1B9: n

huso n. fan (device to create air current)
1BC: n

tiso n. flag
1BD: n

keki n. fork (instrument with 2 or more prongs for picking up something)
1BD:A n 膳叉

botikeki n. fork (for meal)
1BF: s 家具

kagyu n. furniture
1C1: f 낃타

gittha n. guitar (stringed instrument played with the fingers)
1C2: n

cuyo n. gun (ballistic weapon)
1C3: n

dohi n. hammer
1C6: n

cupi n. hook
1C8: s 沙時計

sazikei n. hourglass
1CB: n

hisi n. knife
1CB:A n 膳刀

botihisi n. knife (for meal)
1CD: n

daci n. ladder
1CE: n

phana n. lamp
1D2: s 機械

kihai n. machine (device with moving parts)
1D2:1 s 機器

kikhi '
1D2:2 n

dobi '
1D4: s 顕微鏡

henmuikeng n. microscope
1D5: n

cutu n. mirror
1D8: n

ciji n. needle
1D9: n

wibi n. net
1E0: n

haki n. pen (writing tool that uses ink)
1E1: s 鉛筆

yenpit n. pencil (writing tool that uses semi-solid substance)
1E1:1 s 蝋筆

rappit n. crayon (writing tool that uses semi-solid substance)
1E4: n

bota n. plate (shallow dish, usually round)
1E5: n

hinka n. plow (plough)
1F0: n 剃즌刀

secünhisi n. razor
1F1: n

wiru n. rope
1F3: n

rop n. sack, bag
1F3:1 f

bek n. bag
1F4: n

roni n. sail
1F5: n

cusi n. saw (tool)
1FE: n

dori n. spear, lance
201: n

kapo n. spoon
201:A n

hika n. chopsticks
207: n

osi n. sword
209: n

hano n. table (piece of furniture with flat top)
209:1 s

cok '
20A: s 電話

denhwai n. telephone
20B: s 見遠鏡

kenwenkeng n. telescope
20C: s 電見

denken n. television set
20D: n 手洗끈室

kaegünjom n. toilet, water closet
20D:1 f 퇴럳

thoiret '
214: n

hoju n. umbrella
217: n

jomo n. wheel
21E: n 目鏡

bucutu n. eyeglasses
21E:1 s 眼鏡

ankeng '
222: n

rapbu n. hat, cap
233: n

hoso n. door
238: n

jom n. room, chamber
23A: n

gosi n. wall
23B: n

joho n. window
23E: s 病院

beng'wen n. hospital
23E:A s 医師

isi n. doctor, a person licensed to practice medicine
23F: f 호털

hothel n. hotel, inn
23F:1 s 客棧

khakjan '
240: n

sagi n. house (a free-standing man-made dwelling-building)
241: s 冊館

chakkwan n. library
244: s 学校

hok'ho n. school
245:1 s

tem '
246:1 f

ba n. bar
246:2 f

phap n. pub
247: s 映画館

yenghwaikwan n. theater, cinema
248: s 大学

daihok n. university
249: n

dakko n. bridge
24A:1 s 農場

nongjang '
24B: s 公園

kungwen n. park (public outdoor area)
24C: s 市場

zijang n. market (place where goods are bought/sold/traded)
24C:A fs 수파市場

suphazijang n. supermarket
24C:A1 f 수파마컫

suphamakhet '
24C:A2 s 百貨市場

pak'hwazijang '
24D: n

gato n. tower
252:1 s 憲法

henpep '
255: n

remi n. crime
257: s 自由이

jiyui adj. free (at liberty) [aj]
258: s 政府

cengpyu n. government
25A: s 国際이

kokceii adj. international [aj]
25E: n

migu n. nation, state (political entity)
25E:1 s 国家

kokka '
262: s 国会

kokhwai n. parliament, congress (legislative body of elected officers)
262:1 s 議会

ihwai '
263:1 s 政党

cengtang '
263:A s 宗派

congphai n. sect (religious)
264: n 准끄

imgü v. permit, allow, let [v]
265: s 警察

kengchat n. police (organization to enforce laws)
265:A s 警察局

kengchatgok n. police station
266: s 政治

cengji n. politics
267: n 禁므

domü v. prohibit, forbid, contra-permit [v]
26C: n

cudo n. tax
26F: n

ricü v. vote [v]
270:1 s 戦爭

cencang '
272:1 f 아카운트

akhaunthü '
273: s 銀行

inhang n. bank (monetary institution)
276: s 商賣

sangmai n. business, commerce
276:1 n 買른賣끈

curüncogün '
277: n 買르

curü v. buy, purchase [v]
278: n 價低피

chumuphi adj. cheap, inexpensive [aj]
279: n 手票

kamup n. cheque (written order directing a bank to pay from an account)
279:1 f

chek '
27B: s 契約

kheiyak n. contract (agreement-document)
27C:A f 크럳띧칻

khüretdit khat n. credit card
27C:A1 sf 信用칻

sinyongkhat '
27F: n 價高리

chubori adj. expensive, costly [aj]
280: n 倹미

cimi adj. frugal, thrifty [aj]
283: n 予느

kinü v. give [v]
283:A n 授쁘

kibü v. confer [v]
284: s 保険

pohem n. insurance (protective contractual arrangement)
28A: n 失그

hokü vt. lose (cease having; contra-acquire) [vt]
28A:A n 迷브

hüpü v. lose one's way [v]
28C: n

chiki n. money
28C:1 s 金銭

kimjen '
290: n 貧시

chusi adj. poor, impoverished [aj]
291: n

cumo n. price, cost
298: n 受쁘

kepbü v. receive [v]
298:A f 리싣

risit n. receipt, a writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money
298:A1 s 領收証

rengsyucing '
29A: s 責任

cak'im n. responsibility, liability, accountability
29C: n 富위

jawi adj. rich, wealthy [aj]
29D: n 賣끄

cogü v. sell [v]
29E: n 盜드

botü v. steal (take in a criminal way) [v]
2A1: n

mup n. ticket
2A1:1 s

phyo '
2A1:A s

khwen n. coupon
2A2: s 價値

kaji n. value (the quality of being useful and/or desirable), worth
2A3: s 天使

thensi n. angel (supernatural flying humanoid)
2A3:A s 妖精

yoceng n. fairy (supernatural flying humanoid)
2A5: n 詛므

yupmü v. curse, damn (wish evil upon) [v]
2A7: n

iru n. god, diety
2A7:A n

yat n. divination
2A8: s 天堂

thendang n. heaven, celestial realm, Valhala etc.
2A9: s 地獄

diyok n. hell, Hades
2AA: n 聖끼

sangi adj. holy, sacred [aj]
2AB: s 魔法

mapep n. magic, sorcery
2AE: s 宗教

congko n. religion
2AF: s 天啓

thenkhei n. revelation, mystical vision
2B0:1 s 祭儀

ceii '
2B1: s 魂霊

honreng n. soul, spirit (believed to outlive the body)
2B1:A n

mihi n. soul (believed to outlive the body)
2B1:B n

mirim n. spirit (believed to outlive the body)
2B4: n 怒비

nepi adj. angry [aj]
2B5: ' 許쯔

yojü v. approve (of) [v]
2B6: s 藝術

yeijut n. art (creative craft; productive use of talent)
2B9: n 信느

onnü v. believe (accept as true) [v]
2C0: n 擇쯔

kanjü v. choose, pick (out), select one of many possibilities [v]
2C4: n

noko n. courage, bravery
2C4:1 s 勇气

yongkhi '
2C6:A n 定므

jimü v. determine [v]
2C7: s 失望

sitmang n. disappointment
2CA: n

turun n. dream
2CC: s 熱心

yet'sim n. enthusiasm, zeal
2D0: n 恐브

nompü v. fear (be afraid of) [v]
2D1: n 感브

ripü v. feel (experience an emotion/sentiment) [v]
2D3: n 忘브

wapü v. forget (contra-remember) [v]
2D4: n 恕브

repü v. forgive, pardon [v]
2D4:A n 赦즈

kotcü v. remit [v]
2D7: n 貪니

chinni adj. greedy [aj]
2DB: n 疚기

nonki adj. guilty, blame-worthy [aj]
2DD: n 喜디

hatti adj. happy [aj]
2DF: n 愿브

hapü v. hope [v]
2E0: n 謙시

yoksi adj. humble, modest [aj]
2E1:1 f 애띠아

aidia '
2E5: n 狂끼

khongi adj. insane, crazy, mad [aj]
2EC: n 知르

orü v. know [v]
2EE: n 学브

bopü v. learn [v]
2EF: n 好느

wanü v. like (derive pleasure from) [v]
2EF:A n 享뜨

rindü v. enjoy (derive pleasure from) [v]
2F1: n 寞기

jakki adj. lonely (feeling undesirable solitude) [aj]
2F2: n 愛브

bepü v. love [v]
2F3: n 忠리

pari adj. loyal [aj]
30A: n 悲비

rüpi adj. sad, unhappy, melancholy [aj]
30C: n 覓쁘

kabü v. seek, search (for), look for [v]
30C:A n 募스

bassü v. recruit [v]
311: n 愚비

wippi adj. stupid [aj]
318: s 学説

hokset n. theory
318:1 s 理論

riron '
319: n 思브

upü v. think [v]
31A: n 信르

onrü v. trust [v]
31B: n 識르

narü v. understand, comprehend [v]
31E: n 賢지

suci adj. wise [aj]
320: s 処所址

chyosyoci n. address (postal co-ordinates)
328: n 問느

ranü v. ask, inquire [v]
329: s

chak n. book
32A: n 喚쁘

ronbü v. call, summon [v]
32A:A n 召스

rosü v. summon [v]
331: s 子音

ciim n. consonant (non-vowel)
336: n 論쁘

yombü v. discuss, talk about [v]
33F: s 知料

ciryo n. information
344: s 語言

yoyen n. language (the verbal communication technique of a people)
344:A s 琅野語

rangyayo n. Rangyan language
34B: n 요바

yopa n. meaning (semantic content of a word)
34B:1 s 意味

imui '
34E: n

nori n. name
34E:1 s 名称

mengching '
34E:2 s 姓名

sengmeng '
353: n

tide n. page (one side of a sheet of paper in a book)
354: s 照画

cyohwai n. photograph
354:A n 撮스

kesü v. take a photograph [v]
35C: n 讀즈

yutcü v. read [v]
35E: n 求쯔

yejü v. request, ask for [v]
35F: n 話드

yottü v. say, tell, express in words [v]
360: n 秘피

hiphi adj. secret [aj]
362: n 詠느

yeinü v. sing [v]
363: n 言르

yerü v. speak, talk [v]
368: n 謝흐

yohü v. thank (express gratitude toward) [v]
368:1 n 恩感

awaripü '
368:2 n 恩拜

awakamü '
36B: s 母音

muim n. vowel
36E: n 書르

karü v. write [v]
36E:A n 譯르

yolrü v. translate [v]
36F: s 遊戯

yuhi n. game (a rule-governed system of competitive amusement)
36F:1 f

geim '
370: s 競技

genggi n. game, match (one particular encounter between competitors)
371: s 運動競技

yundunggenggi n. athletics (games involving physical skill), sports
376: n 雪滑쁘

museebü n. ski
377: s 野球

yagyu n. baseball
378: s 筐球

khwanggyu n. basketball
379: s 蹴球

chukgyu n. football (association f~), soccer
37B: s 体操

theicho n. gymnastics
37D: s 撞球

jonggyu n. pool, billiards
37E: s 庭球

denggyu n. tennis
37E:1 f 턴닛

thennis '
37F: s 将棋

canggi n. chess
381: n 同미

bomi adj. same, identical [aj]
382: n 似이

bo'i adj. similar [aj]
385: n 変그

wekü v. change (become/make different), vary [v]
387: n 原비

hampi adj. original, non-imitative [aj]
38A: n

moi num. zero [num]
38A:1 s

reng '
38B: n

me num. one [num]
38B:1 s

it '
38C: n

pu num. two [num]
38C:1 s

i '
38D: n

cho num. three [num]
38D:1 s

sam '
38E: n

ke num. four [num]
38E:1 s

si '
38F: n

tha num. five [num]
38F:1 s

u '
390: n

che num. six [num]
390:1 s

ruk '
391: n

ju num. seven [num]
391:1 s

chit '
392: n

he num. eight [num]
392:1 s

pat '
393: n

kon num. nine [num]
393:1 s

kyu '
394: n

jo num. ten [num]
394:1 s

zip '
395: n

sotco num. hundred [num]
395:1 s

pak '
396: n

hatco num. thousand [num]
396:1 s

chen '
397: n

mitco num. myriad; ten thousand [num]
397:1 s

men '
398: s

pan num. half (1/2) [num]
39A:1 f 남빠

namba '
39B: n 数쁘

kobü v. count, enumerate [v]
39E: n 加스

kasü v. add, append, join so as to cause an increase [v]
3A0: n 増즈

katcü v. increase (become or make greater in quantity) [v]
3A1: n 減르

heirü v. decrease (become or make lesser in quantity) [v]
3A3: n 分즈

hitcü v. divide [v]
3A3:A n 份스

osü v. share [v]
3A3:A1 f 셔아

sye'a '
3A6: n 完미

jummi adj. whole, entire, complete [aj]
3A7: n 全끼

mogi adj. all (the whole number or entire sum of) [aj]
3A8: n 多니

noni adj. many (a large number of) [aj]
3A9: n 少비

hipi adj. few (a small number of) [aj]
3AB: n

nom adv. more (a larger quantity of) [av]
3AC: n

cum adv. most (the largest quantity of) [av]
3AE: n

him adv. less (a smaller quantity of) [av]
3B7: s 多数

tasyu n. majority
3B8: s 少数

syosyu n. minority
3B9: s 密度

mitdu n. density
3BA: n 濃삐

tebi adj. dense (of much density), concentrated, intense [aj]
3BC: n 満삐

elbi adj. full, filled [aj]
3BD: n 空지

joci adj. empty [aj]
3C0:A n

tam adv. only, just, merely [av]
3C9: n

thim adv. too much, excessively [av]
3CB:1 f

sais '
3CC: n 巨시

sosi adj. huge, enormous, gigantic [aj]
3CD: n 大이

kho'i adj. big, large (of much size) [aj]
3CE: n 小지

nici adj. small (of little size) [aj]
3CF: n 微키

hukhi adj. tiny, minuscule [aj]
3D1: n 縮쯔

wijü v. shrink, contract [v]
3D2:1 s 距离

gyori '
3D3: n 遠미

hümi adj. far (at / to a great distance) [aj]
3D3:A n 遠밈

hümim adv. far (at / to a great distance) [av]
3D4: n 近리

güri adj. near (at / to a little distance) [aj]
3D4:A n 近림

gürim adv. near (at / to a little distance) [av]
3D7: n

pen n. place
3D7:A n

hen n. location
3D9: n 長미

sami adj. long (of much length) [aj]
3DA: n 短디

kiti adj. short (of little length) [aj]
3DC: n 寛디

jati adj. wide, broad (of space between objects) [aj]
3DD: n 狭기

khutki adj. narrow, of little width (of space between objects) [aj]
3DF: n 厚띠

mandi adj. thick, fat (large from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj]
3E0: n 薄이

teii adj. thin, slender (small from one surface to the opposite surface) [aj]
3E2: n 高리

bori adj. high, tall (of much height) [aj]
3E3: n 低피

muphi adj. low [aj]
3E3:A n 矮키

dukkhi adj. short (not tall; of little height) [aj]
3EE:1 s 空間

khungkan '
3F4: n

rin n. middle, center
3F4:A s 中心

cungsim n. center
3F9: n 外이

nyo'i adj. outer, exterior, external [aj]
3FB: n 覓뿌出드

kabuuttü v. find (discover the location of) [v]
3FE: n 上미

yomi adj. up [aj]
3FF: n 下미

emi adj. down [aj]
400: n

purum n. north
400:1 s

pük '
401: n

tojo n. south
401:1 s

nam '
402: n

dowa n. east
402:1 s

tung '
402:A s 東南

tungnam n. southeast
402:B s 東北

tungpük n. northeast
403: n 西

micu n. west
403:1 s 西

sei '
403:A s 西南

seinam n. southwest
403:B s 西北

seipük n. northwest
404: n

kal n. right(-hand)
405: n

kum n. left(-hand)
40C: n

ura n. city
40C:1 s

zi '
419: n 携스

kosü v. carry (move while supporting) [v]
41A: n 来드

dotü v. come (at indicated place) [v]
41A:A n 到르

garü v. arrive (at indicated place) [v]
41E: n 入브

oppü v. enter, go into [v]
41F: n 逃르

goirü v. escape, flee from [v]
420: n 飛드

hontü v. fly (move through the air) [v]
422: n 集끄

dogü v. gather, collect (bring or come together) [v]
423: n 往그

gokü v. go (move from starting point to elsewhere) [v]
423:A n 通느

gitnü v. pass through [v]
425: n 离쁘

gubü v. leave, depart, go away from [v]
425:A n 出드

uttü v. go out, come out, exit, leave [v]
427: n 逢쯔

bejü v. meet, encounter, come across [v]
429: n 移느

thinnü v. move (engage in motion / cause to engage in motion) [v]
432: n 乗드

gettü v. ride (sit/perch in/on a vehicle/horse/etc. and travel) [v]
435: n 滑쁘

ebü v. slide, slip, glide [v]
437: n 轉스

josü v. turn, divert (send in a different direction) [v]
438: n 廻르

nurü v. turn, rotate, revolve [v]
43A: n 飛든機

hontündobi n. airplane, aircraft
43A:1 s 飛行機

puihangki '
43A:A s 空港

khungkong '
43C: n

hübi n. boat
43D: f

bas n. bus
43D:1 s 公乗車

kungjingchya '
43F: n

jot n. car, automobile (wheeled motor vehicle)
43F:A f 턱시

theksi n. taxi
442: s 海港

haikong n. port, seaport
442:A n

etcu n. harbour
443: s 鉄道

thetdo n. railroad
444: n

goro n. road
444:1 s 道路

doru '
446: n

hüko n. ship
447: n

gone n. street
447:A n

nulbu n. corner (the place where two streets meet)
448: s 汽車

khichya n. train (of railroad)
448:A s 電車

denchya n. tram
449: s 貨物車

hwamutchya n. truck {British: lorry} (motor vehicle for cargo-carrying)
44B: n

yuoi n. age (degree of oldness / youngness)
44B:1 s 齢年

rengnen '
44B:A n

yumpi n. year-old
44B:A:1 s

sei '
44D: n 老기

jukki adj. old (of much age; having existed/lived for a long time) [aj]
44E: n 新리

dari adj. new, novel, recent (having been known for a brief time) [aj]
44F: n 旧시

toksi adj. old (of long standing; having been known for a long time) [aj]
458: n

som adv. again, once more, re- [av]
45F: n 久이

no'i adj. long (of much duration) [aj]
463: n 始르

birü v. begin, commence, start [v]
464: n 續끄

wigü v. continue, keep on doing/being [v]
467:A n 停느

oinü v. stop [v]
46F: s 時間

zikan n. time (the dimension/continuum of past-present-future)
46F:1 n

kocan '
46F:A s 時刻表

zikhükpyo n. timetable
46F:A1 f 탬테쁠

thaimtheibül '
475: n 昨日

eina n. yesterday
476: n 今日

inna n. today
477: n 明日

ona n. tomorrow
47D: n 早찌

aji adj. early, premature [aj]
47D:A n 早찜

ajim adv. early, prematurely [av]
47F: n 遅시

keisi adj. late, tardy [aj]
47F:A n 遅심

keisim adv. late, tardily [av]
480:1 s 速度

sukdu '
482: n 緩미

wemi adj. slow (with little speed) [aj]
482:A n 緩밈

wemim adv. slowly (with little speed) [av]
487: n 次니

moni adj. next (coming immediately after; "tomorrow" is the next day) [aj]
488: n

hotdo n. season
489: n

aka n. spring (the season)
48A: n

maha n. summer
48B: n

phude n. autumn, fall
48C: n

heyu n. winter
48D: s 世紀

seiki n. century
490:A s 月曜日

wet'yo'it n. Monday
490:B s 火曜日

hwayo'it n. Tuesday
490:C s 水曜日

suiyo'it n. Wednesday
490:D s 木曜日

muk'yo'it n. Thursday
490:E s 金曜日

kim'yo'it n. Friday
490:F s 土曜日

thuyo'it n. Saturday
490:G s 日曜日

it'yo'it n. Sunday
492: s 年月日

nenwet'it n. date (coordinates of a day given in some timekeeping system)
494: n

yuno n. night
494:A s 夜間

yakan n. nighttime
495: n

aja n. morning (dawn to noon)
495:A s 午前

ujen n. a.m.
496: n

oju n. noon
497: n

abo n. afternoon (noon to dusk)
497:A s 午後

uhu n. p.m.
498: n

uni n. evening (dusk to midnight)
49B: s

zi n. hour (60 minutes)
49C: s

pun n. minute (60 seconds)
49D: s

myo n. second (1/60th of a minute)
4A0: n 待뜨

otdü v. wait (for), await [v]
4A2: n

emu n. alcohol
4A3: n

phaki n. ash
4AB: n

cubo n. copper
4AC: n

gu n. dirt, earth (tangible), soil
4AC:1 s 土壌

thuyang '
4AD: n

gupi n. dust
4AD:1 s 塵埃

jin'ai '
4AE: s 元素

wensu n. element (substance of irreducible simplicity)
4AF: n

baba n. fat (oily/greasy material from animal adipose tissue or plant seeds)
4AF:1 s 脂肪

cibang '
4B0: s 燃料

yenryo n. fuel
4B1: s 琉璃

ryuri n. glass
4B1:A s 琉璃杯

ryuripai n. glass (tall, handleless drinking container)
4B2: n

cat n. gold (the precious metal)
4B3: n

ime n. ice
4B4: n

guwi n. ink
4B5: n

cukho n. iron
4B6: n

gimi n. jade (the tough green gemstone)
4B8: n

cucuri n. lead (the metal)
4B9: n

taja n. leather (prepared hide)
4BA: n

toi n. medicine (substance that makes one healthy)
4BA:A s 薬店

yaktem n. pharmacy
4BD: n

gepu n. mud
4C0: n

eru n. oil (a combustible fatty liquid that will not mix with water)
4C4: n

hiwi n. paper
4C6:A s 毒素

doksu n. toxin
4C9: n

maro n. rock, stone
4CB: n

eto n. salt
4CB:1 s 食塩

jikyem '
4CC: n

ehi n. sand
4CE: n

cawe n. silver (the metal)
4CF:1 f 샤뿐

syabun '
4CF:2 s 洋鹸

yangkam '
4D1: s 水蒸汽

suicingkhi n. steam
4D5: n

caphi n. tin (the metal)
4D6: n

ewe n. water
4DA: n 麦酒

toniemu n. beer
4DA:1 f 삐아

bia '
4DB: n 苦찌

tuji adj. bitter [aj]
4DE: f

chis n. cheese
4E2:A n

boti n. meal
4E2:B n 朝膳

ajaboti n. breakfast
4E2:C n 晏膳

aboboti n. lunch
4E2:D n 夕膳

uniboti n. dinner
4E3: n

juphu n. honey
4E3:1 s 蜂蜜

phongmit '
4E4: n

bue n. milk
4E7: f 사랃

sarat n. salad
4ED: n

tari n. sugar
4ED:1 s 沙糖

sadang '
4EE: n 甘미

timi adj. sweet [aj]
4F7: n

rubo n. circle
4FB: s 交叉

kocha n. cross (perpendicular intersection of linear items)
4FB:A s 交叉点

kochatem n. intersection
4FD: s 立方体

rippangthei n. cube
50B: n

nut n. hole
50C: f 쩌리

jeri n. jelly (gelatinous semi-solid material), gel
50D: n

dewe n. juice (fluid extracted from something)
50F: n

wihe n. line (series of contiguous points)
510: s 液体

yekthei n. liquid
521: s 長方形

jangpangheng n. rectangle
529: s 固体

kuthei n. solid (not a gas or liquid)
52A: s 球体

gyuthei n. sphere
52D: ' 正方形

cengpangheng n. square
533: s 三角形

samkok'heng n. triangle
539: n 滑삐

ebi adj. smooth [aj]
53B: n 直삐

jupbi adj. straight (not bent) [aj]
542: n 湿위

ewi adj. wet [aj]
543: n 乾니

joni adj. dry [aj]
54D:1 s 重量

jongrang '
54E: n 重끼

hyogi adj. heavy (of much weight) [aj]
54F: n 軽끼

jekgi adj. light (of little weight) [aj]
55B: n 吹르

hurü v. blow (move/cause to move as a current of gas) [v]
55F: n 築느

dannü v. build (join materials to create), construct [v]
563: n 含느

ryonü v. contain [v]
566: n 掘스

kusü v. dig [v]
567: n 溶解느

yongkainü v. dissolve [v]
56A: n 浮쁘

enbü v. float [v]
56B: n 流르

erü v. flow (travel in a current) [v]
56E: n 磨뜨

midü v. grind [v]
573:1 sn 汚染느

uyemnü '
575: n 保르

dorü v. preserve, maintain (keep X in good condition) [v]
578: n 挽느

kanü v. pull (draw something toward oneself) [v]
579: n 推끄

kogü v. push (press on something in order to move it) [v]
57A: n 腐뜨

obodü v. rot, decay [v]
57B: n 擦쁘

kopbü v. rub, abrade [v]
57C: n 縫쯔

wejü v. sew [v]
57D: n 揺쁘

kubü v. shake [v]
57E: n 射뜨

hidü v. shoot (cause to rapidly go forth) [v]
57F: n 沈쁘

embü v. sink [v]
582: n 刺뜨

sitdü v. stab, jab [v]
584: n 吸브

hoppü v. suck [v]
585: n 掃쁘

kombü v. sweep [v]
589: n 洗끄

egü v. wash [v]
58C: s 酸性이

sanseng'i adj. acid(ic) [aj]
58D: s 鹸性이

kamseng'i adj. alkaline [aj]
58E: s 原子

wenci n. atom
58F: n

honno n. balance, equilibrium
58F:1 s 平衡

benghang '
590:1 s 基礎

kichyo '
591: s 電力

denrik n. electricity
593: n

pha n. fire
595: s 重力

jongrik n. gravity
596:1 s 磁石

jizek '
597: s 分子

punci n. molecule
59C: s 真空

cinkhung n. vacuum
59D: n

emon n. vapor, mist
59D:1 s 水汽

suikhi '
59E: s 極性

gikseng n. polarity (electric, magnetic, etc.)
59F: s 正極이

cenggik'i adj. positive [aj]
5A0: s 負極이

byugik'i adj. negative [aj]
5A3: n 見므

bumü v. see [v]
5A4: n

phamu n. light (visible electro-magnetic radiation)
5A5: n

nai n. color
5A6: n

ahe n. shadow
5A6:A n

tihe n. shade
5A8: n

waru n. picture, image
5A9: n 明삐

abi adj. bright (with much light present) [aj]
5AA: n 暗디

uti adj. dark, dim (with little light present) [aj]
5AB: n 黒끼

ugi adj. black [aj]
5AC: n 灰色이

phakinai'i adj. gray {British: grey} [aj]
5AD: n 白이

ha'i adj. white [aj]
5AE: n 赤니

gani adj. red [aj]
5AF: n 柑色이

dotomnai'i adj. orange (having a hue between red and yellow) [aj]
5B1: n 緑니

teni adj. green [aj]
5B4: n 茶色이

tenai'i adj. brown [aj]
5B7:1 s 装飾

cangsik '
5B8:1 s 瑕疵

haji '
5BA: n 現끄

bukgü v. reveal, disclose [v]
5BD: n

ita n. sound (audible waves in the air)
5BE: n 寂찌

iji adj. silent [aj]
5BF: n 静시

kiksi adj. quiet, soft, faint (of little sonic intensity) [aj]
5C1: n 聞쯔

sajü v. hear [v]
5C2: s 音楽

im'ok n. music
5C3: s 音調

imdyo n. tone, pitch (frequency of sound waves)
5C5: s 温度

ondu n. temperature (relative amount of heat present)
5C7: n 冷미

imi adj. cold, chilly, frigid [aj]
5C7:A n 寒지

üci adj. cold, chilly, frigid (weather) [aj]
5C8: n 涼리

eri adj. cool [aj]
5C9: n 暖삐

ambi adj. warm [aj]
5CA: n 熱끼

agi adj. hot [aj]
5CA:A n 暑기

akki adj. hot (weather) [aj]
5CC: n 炊느

phonü v. cook (prepare by applying heat) [v]
5CD:1 s 發生느

pet'sangnü '
5D0: n

phewe n. disaster, catastrophe
5D0:A s 災禍

caihwa n. disaster
5D0:B s 災難

cainan n. catastrophe
5D2: s 活動

hwatdung n. activity, bustle, ado
5D3: s 結果

ketkwa n. result, consequence
5D6: n 護르

kyoterü v. protect [v]
5D7: n 攻그

mokkü v. attack [v]
5D8: n 良이

wa'i adj. good [aj]
5DA: s 分類

punrui n. category, classification
5DB:1 s 種類

congrui '
5E0: n 助쁘

kambü v. help, assist, aid [v]
5E7: n 造그

kukkü v. create, make (bring into existence) [v]
5E8: n 毀끄

khegü v. destroy (contra-create; cause to cease existing) [v]
5E9: s 安保

anpo n. safety, security
5EA:1 s 危険

wihem '
5EB: n 易피

aphi adj. easy [aj]
5EC: n 難끼

togi adj. difficult, hard [aj]
5EF: n 名聞찌

norisaji adj. famous [aj]
5EF:1 s 有名이

yumeng'i '
5F8: n 奇미

kemmi adj. strange, weird, unusual, peculiar [aj]
5FA: n 真지

juci adj. real, actual [aj]
5FE: n 居르

jorü v. reside, dwell, live [v]
5FE:1 n 居루定므

jorujimü v. settle down [v]
5FF:1 f 컴프

khemphü '
606: s 能力

nüngrik n. ability, capacity (to do something)
607: s 人工이

inkung'i adj. artificial (deliberately made by humans) [aj]
608: s 自動이

jidung'i adj. automatic [aj]
609:A n

gara n. luck
60A: s 文明

munmeng n. civilization
612: n 邪히

mahi adj. evil [aj]
616: s 実験

jityem n. experiment
617: n 沃키

ekhi adj. fertile [aj]
618:1 s 諧和

haihwa '
61C: n 互삐

mobi adj. mutual, reciprocal [aj]
61D: n 裸띠

rodi adj. naked, nude, exposed (without the usual cover) [aj]
61F: n 要므

cumü v. need, require [v]
620: s 可能이

khanüng'i adj. possible (able to happen or be done) [aj]
625:1 f 프로쩍트

phürojekthü '
626: s 証據

cingkyo n. proof, evidence
627: s 品質

phimcit n. quality, trait, attribute, characteristic
629: s 関係

kwankei n. relationship, association
62C: n 救쯔

kyojü v. save, rescue [v]
62F: s 系統

heithong n. system
62F:1 f 싯덤

sistem '
631: s 技術

gijut n. technology
634: n 用그

kakü v. use, utilize [v]
639: s 暴動

bodung n. riot
63A: s 科学

khwahok n. science
63B: n 侍뜨

koidü v. serve (provide service to) [v]
640: n 虐브

sepü v. torture, torment [v]

See also

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