
From FrathWiki
Revision as of 01:55, 17 September 2009 by Melroch (talk | contribs) (moved Template:Lq to Template:Langquote: Longer name is more descriptive but shorter name is more user friendly.)
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On your page: {{langquote|conlang words}} or {{lq|conlang words}}

In some user's User:

.langquote { font-style: italic !important; }


.langquote { font-weight: bold !important; }


.langquote { 
    font-style: italic !important; 
    font-weight: bold !important;


body { font-family: serif; }
.langquote { font-family: sans-serif !important; }

OR whatever each user fancies!

Why this template?

I found that on some of my pages I've indicated conlang of foreign language words with italics/emphasis and on some with boldface/strong emphasis. Obviously my taste has changed over the years, and probably different people's taste differs too! This template is a means to introduce consistency and to let individual users choose how they want to see such 'metaquoted' words.

How it works

Instead of enclosing conlang of foreign language words with markup for emphasis (''quetta'') or strong emphasis ('''quetta''') enclose it in this template ({{langquote|quetta}} or {{lq|quetta}}). This is syntactic sugar for <span class="langquote">quetta</span>, letting you and other users control how such spans are displayed by defining the class .langquote in their user CSS — assuming you/they use the monobook skin, else go to http://wiki.frath.net/Username/skinname.css

The default definition in MediaWiki:Common.css is .langquote { font-style: italic !important; } as this is most traditional and least obtrusive.

(You may notice that I haven't implemented this template on my own pages yet. I will when I find time... BPJ 08:52, 17 September 2009 (UTC))