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Henaudute (Ἡναυδυτε) is a Dele language, spoken on Arda.

  • Timespan: beginning from 1400s anno mundi ≈ classical times
  • Setting: Yellow Empire (Ῥαυραρ Ἡνατε)



There are few if any true adjectives; most are participial forms.

Comparison of adjectives is formed by prefixation.

ου -θα = ουθα
old PART:T : "old"
ἀμ- ου -θα = ἀμουθα
COMP old PART:T : "older"
ἰσ- ου PART:T = ἰσουθα
SUP old ADJ:TAN : "oldest"


In etymologies, ** indicates a root not in the Dele word list, while * is a regular Dele word.

The citation form is nom. sg., gen. sg. for nouns, and 1sg. for verbs. The symbol · in a verb indicates the infix point.


  • ἀιτε, -τεν l. name, noun.
  • ἀιτλε, -λαεν l. sg., t. pl. word.
  • ἀλ pron. dem. that. ἀλλυ obl.
  • ἀ·μνε v. to sit.
  • ἀν pron. dem. this; def. art. the. ἀννυ obl.
  • ἁργλη, -λα t. jackal. —**srgāl-.
  • ἀρ pron. dem. that yonder. ἀρῥυ obl.
  • ἀρε, -ρεν l. the sun.
  • ἀτρα, -τρα t. brother's wife.
  • ἀ·χνε v. to bite.


  • βορῥι·νε v. to be warlike. βορῥη, -ρῥινα g. Borrhē, the third day of the week.
  • βρελ, -λα t. month, about 35 days.
  • βρερτη, -τεν l. Brertē, second week of the month.


  • γαρνωβρελ, -λα t. Gar, the third nobrel of the lada.
  • γαρτοι, -τοιχα t. gnome.
  • γοχλαδα, -δα t. the second lada of a rhike.
  • γραρτη, -τεν l. Grartē, third week of the month.


  • δηψῑ, -ψιιν t. (pl. tant.) teachings.
  • δληνε v. to be jovial. δλη, δληνα g. Dlē, the fifth day of the week.
  • δρῑγι, -γα t. zodiac; a sequence of eleven rhiki, about 23,100 days.


  • ἡνωβρελ, -λα t. He, fourth nobrel of the lada.
  • ἡτοι, -τοιχα t. sylph.


  • θραννε v. to be holy; to go berserk. θρανη, -ννα g. Thranē, the second day of the week.
  • θυτνε v. to be beautiful. θυτη, -τνα g. Thutē, sixth day of the week.


  • λᾱδα, -δα t. lada, or "long year", about 700 days.
  • λαλη, -λνα g. a day.
  • λαλλι, -λλα t. bitterness.
  • λαλλιδρατη, -τεν l. Lallidratē, fifth week of the month.
  • λαρ, -ρα t. ox.
  • λου, λωα t. tiger. —**lōhu-
  • λυ, λυκα t. wolf.
  • λῡνωβρελ, -λα t. Lu, the second nobrel of the lada.
  • λῡτοι, -τοιχα t. undine.
  • λυσσα, -σσα t. young wolf.


  • μαυ, μαα t. hare.
  • μηϊδρατη, -τεν l. Mēidratē, fourth week of the month.


  • ναυρ, -ρα t. strength.
  • νολ, -λλα t. hog.
  • νοχινε v. to be silent. νοχη, -χινα g. Nochē, seventh day of the week.
  • νωβρελ, -βρελα t. nobrel, or "quinquemester", about 175 days.


  • ουλαδα, -δα t. the third lada of a rhike.


  • πανδῑγι, -γα t. panther. —**pan- *dīgi
  • πιμβλαδα, -δα t. the first lada of a rhike.
  • πωλαλε, -λεν l. a week, seven days.


  • ῥαρτη, -τεν l. Rhartē, first week of the month.
  • ῥευνε v. to shine. ῥευτη, -τενα g. Rheutē, the first day of the week.
  • ῥικε, -κιεν l. rhike, or cycle of three ladi, about 2,100 days.
  • ῥοχυ, -χα t. turtle.


  • σις, -σα t. lion. —**sisi-


  • ταλλα, -λλακα t. phœnix.
  • ταννωβρελ, -λα t. Tan, first nobrel of the lada.
  • ταντοι, -τοιχα t. salamander.
  • τοχοννε v. to be obscure, be mysterious. τοχονη, -ννα g. Tochonē, fourth day of the week.


  • χουλα, -λα t. charm, charisma.