Dal'qörian numbers
The Dalcurian numeral system is based on the vigesimal system or base 20 system. In fact, it it very similar to french numerals in that numbers from 30 to 39 are made up of 20 + 11, 12, 13 etc. Forty is literally two twenties, 41 is two twenties and one, 50 is two twenties and ten, 55 is two twenties and fifteen, etc. 60 is three twenties, 80 is four twenties until 100, which has its own name of qenta. However, unlike French and similar to German, the smaller digit goes first up to 100.
Cardinal numbers
0 döqu
1 on
2 dion
3 tre
4 tera
5 pen
6 hec
7 senal
8 aÞ
9 nina
10 senta
11 onsenta
12 dionsenta
13 tresenta
14 terasenta
15 pensenta
16 hecsenta
17 senalsenta
18 aÞsenta
19 ninasenta
20 dionta
21 onö'dionta
22 dionö'dionta
23 treö'dionta
24 terö'dionta
25 penö'dionta
26 hecö'dionta
27 senalö'dionta
28 aÞö'dionta
29 ninö'dionta
30 sentö'dionta Lit: ten & twenty
31 onsentö'dionta
32 dionsentö'dionta
33 tresentö'dionta
34 terasentö'dionta
35 pensentö'dionta
36 hecsentö'dionta
37 senalsentö'dionta
38 aÞsentö'dionta
39 ninasentö'dionta
40 dion'diontel Lit: two twenties-note the plural ending
41 dion'diontelö'on: Lit: two twenties and one
50 dion'diontelö'senta
60 tre'diontel Lit: three twenties
80 tera'diontel Lit: four twenties
100 qenta
For numbers after 100, all numerals under 100 go AFTER qenta. qenta also looses it's a and adds ö:
101 qentö'on
105 qentö'pen
116 qentö'hecsenta
125 qentö'penö'dionta Lit: one hundred and five and twenty
130 qentö'sentö'dionta' Lit: one hundred and ten and twenty
137 qentö'senalsentö'dionta Lit: one and hundred seventeen and twenty
140 qentö-dion'diontel Lit: one hundred and two twenties
141 qentö-dion'diontelö'on Lit: one hundred and two twenties and one
You can easily deduce the pattern up to 199. Numerals 200, 300, 400 up to 900 have their own names. Forming numerals from this point is the same, replacing qentö appropriately:
200 dienta
300 trenta
400 terenta (be careful when using 300 and 400 as they sound very similar; Dalcurians often stress the 1st syllable in terenta to make a clear distinction from trenta).
500 penta
600 solenta
700 senalta
800 aÞenta
900 ninenta
1000 sencenta
40 teronta
50 penta
60 hecenta
70 senalta
80 aÞalta
90 ninanta
100 qenta
101 onö'qenta
110 sentö'qenta
115 pensentö'qenta
130 träontö'qenta
178 aÞsenaltö'qenta
200 dioncenta
300 trecenta
600 hecienta
700 sencenta
900 nicenta
1000 sentacenta (lit: ten hundred)
1001 onö'sentacenta
1010 sentö'sentacenta (lit: ten and ten hundred)
1100 onsentacenta
1130 träontö'onsentacenta (lit:thirty and eleven hundred)
1486 hecaÞaltö'terasentacenta
2000 diontacenta (lit: twenty hundred)
3000 träontacenta
6000 hecentacenta
7000 senaltacenta
10,000 quenta (the original word for this was qentacenta, lit: one hundred hundred. Over time it became contracted to q'qenta, morphing further into its present day form).
For numbers greater than 10,000, denominations of '10' do not contract to denominations of '100', therefore take no vowel change; only the denomination of '100' takes the contraction:
10,050 pentö'quenta
10,250 pentadioncentö'quenta