Dal'qörian demonstrative pronouns

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This; that; these; those; none and neither are demonstrative pronouns that substitute nouns when the nouns they replace can be understood from the context. They also indicate whether they are replacing singular or plural words and give the location of the object:

siÞ-This: singular and near the speaker

taÞ-That: singular and at a distance from the speaker

séÞa-These: plural and near the speaker

sáÞ-Those: plural and at a distance from the speaker



  • Äda'yéras, ména gä'namör siÞ. We bought this last year.
  • Diö icaÞr séÞa sacéjel,, ön binä icaÞræ sáÞ. You take these bags and I'll take those.
  • Binä iqurquas esti taÞ vötöj! I'd really like that car!
  • Minäla, te'binä, gä'andöcr 2 pescöbrämös; nálöa önestárädn. I've been given 2 perscriptions; neither is correct.
  • Vitamørämös? qve möj voltir diö. Nönä. How much meat do you want? None.

NOTE: taÞ is also a relative pronoun and a subordinate conjunction which is set off buy a single comma and a double comma respectively:

  • Di sáj, taÞ ädiáda gä'Þalár dérÞ, di parenöj qve binöra. The man who was here yesterday is my father.
  • Binä qönér,, taÞ diö æanasiaÞáli. I think that you are beautiful.