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Sarim (Sarim: Abar Sarim) is one of the most widely spoken of the Ke:tic languages.



NB: Sarim has possibly one of the most boring phonologies in the history of conlanging.

-Plosives /p b t d k g/ <p b t d k g>

-Nasals /m n/ <m n>

-Fricatives /f v θ s x/ <f v th s h>

-Rhotic/Approximants: /r ɫ j/ <r l y>


/i e a o u/ <i e a o u>

Syllable Structure

The basic syllable structure in Sarim is (C)(C)V(V)(C), with the monovocalic nucleus being the only compulsory component, with the following caveats:

No nucleus with two vowels of the same quality occurs.

Coda consonants only occur word finally, and then can only be one of /t k θ s x r j m n/.

Word-initial clusters to not occur. Word-internally, clusters are organised into several series:

-the h series: /xp xt xk/ -the s series: /sp st sk sn sm/ -the n series: /nt nd nk ng nv ns nθ nm nn/ -the m series: /mp mt md mk mg ms mθ mr mm mn/ -the stop series: /ps ts ks/ - the r series: /rt rd rk rg rr/


-/r/ is realised as an approximant [ɻ] before a vowel or word-finally, but [ɦ] before another consonangt.

- The voiceless stops are often realised as lightly aspirated.

- /n/ is realised at the same point of articulation as a following consonant: /nk/ = [ŋg]

-Before /s/, nasals tend to be realised as a sequence nasal+voiceless stop, e.g. /ms/ = [mps].

-All vowels are pronounced lax: [ɪ ɛ ɐ ɔ ʊ] when not part of a two-vowel nucleus.


Stress in Sarim is non-phonemic ,always falling on the final syllable of a word. Monosyllabic lexemes are stressed; grammatical particles are not.

Morphophonological Processes

-If two vowels of the same quality would occur within the same nucleus, the second is lost.

-In word-final position, /p b t d/ merge to /t/; /g f v x/ merge to /x/, and /ɫ/ merges with /r/.

-If a plosive would be followed by a nasal, that plosive becomes a nasal. /p b/ become /m/; and /t d k g/, /n/. /f θ/ deriving from older */pʰ tʰ/, behave in the same way.

- Any sequence of */kt gd/ or */tk dg/ becomes /θ/.

-If two /r/'s would appear adjacent to the same nucleus, the second dissimilates to /t/. Similarly, with two /θ/'s the second also dissimilates to /t/. Note that this rule also applies to instances of /θ/ from former velar + alveolar clusters.

Nominal Morphology

Sarim nouns are one of two genders, animate and inanimate. To a great extent, the two categories are semantic: people, animals, deities and spirits, celestial bodies, and certain body parts(notably the hand, tongue, eyes, liver, and heart) are animate, and all other nouns are inanimate. Nouns are declined for singular and plural numbers, and absolutive, ergative and oblique cases. However, in inanimate nouns the ergative and oblique have collapsed into a single case. In this outline the citation form will be the noun stem. Sarim grammarians prefer to give the absolutive singular and plural, however.

Animate Nouns

Where two forms divided by a slash are given, the first is used after stems ending in a consonant, the second after stems ending in a vowel.

Singular Plural
Absolutive -0(-a*) -o/-n
Ergative -a/-n -on/-ma
Oblique -e/-0 -(a*)me
  • -a is an epenthetic vowel, used after a noun stem ending in two consonants, e.g. int- "the Sun", absolutive singular inta.

yat- - farmer kari- - man noht- - fish

Singular Plural
Absolutive yat, kari, nohta yato, karin, nohto
Ergative yata, karin, nohta yaton, karima, nohton
Oblique yate, kari, nohte yanme, karime, nohtame

Inanimate Nouns

Singular Plural
Absolutive -0{-a*) -ar/-r
Erg/Obl -i/-ya -ai/-ri

sed- fort, village; tengu- tree, bush; emr- house.

Singular Plural
Absolutive set, tengu, emra sedar, tengur, emrat
Erg/Obl sedi, tenguya, emri sedai, tenguri, emrai


The Sarim Personal Pronouns are as follows:

First Person

Singular Plural
Absolutive nan nemi
Ergative nei nemei
Oblique nama nemei

Second Person

Singular Plural
Absolutive ath ethei
Ergative thayei etheyei
Oblique atha etheya

Third Person Animate

Singular Plural
Absolutive un 'inni
Ergative unna innin
Oblique unne inni

Third Person Inanimate

Singular Plural
Absolutive is iyar
Erg/Obl ihi iyai

Deictic Anaphora

Sarim shows three-way split in deixis: this (near the speaker) ri; that (near the listener) ma; and that (at a third point) mu. However, note that ma and mu collapse, to m- in many forms in the table of correlatives

Sarim Table of Corrlatives

Which? This That Some Every No
Person (AS) thi ri ma/mu yalli yatar bani
Thing (OS) thuyu ri ma/mu is li is tar banuyu
Place nama mai amma mane li mane tar bama
Time nadu diyi dutum dutu li dutar bodu
Means neis eiri eiso eis li eis tar bayeis
Reason nekun kuri kumu kun li kun tar bokun