Dalien Trelos Gwenero
If you're reading this page then you've come from the E'hwelos main page and (hopefully) read the overview first. In answer to the first line on the main page, well it's quite simple....I'M AN UTO! Thats right, I'm a male Uta actually from E'hwelos itself. Don't be too suprised, there are many of us here on Earth. We've been studying your solar system and galaxy for decades! I say decades because we only discovered your dimension in your year of 1930. Currently, there are around 5000 Utai here on Earth...but we keep a low profile!
So now you're wondering, "If the Siopicus Dimension cannot be seen or felt in my universe...then how come you're here on Earth"? Well, as stated in the overview, Utai can lower their vibrations which puts in direct contact with your dimension. It kind of 'phases' us out of our world, and phases us into yours. Ever seen Startrek? Well its similar to the 'Beam me up Scottie' scenario. I know that makes it sound a little cheesy and science fiction, but it's really not as sipmle as that. It takes us many years of training and conditioning to be able to sustain our lower vibrations enough to remain here for any length of time.