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Middle High Jermench (MGR)

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Middle High Jermench
Spoken in: Holy Roman Empire
Conworld: Mundus Germaniae Romanae
Total speakers: unknown
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
Middle High Jermench
Basic word order: SVO
Morphological type: inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: nominative-accusative
Writing system:
Created by:
P Collier, BP Jonsson 2006+


Modern Descendants



Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p   b t   d k   g
Affricate p͡f     t͡s    
Fricative f   v s     z ʃ x     h
Approximant w j
Trill r
Lateral l


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High iː   yː
Near-high ɪ   y ʊ
High-mid e   øː
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ   ø ɔ   ɔː
Low æ   æː a   aː

Phonological History



1st Declension

2nd Declension

3rd Declension


Singular Plural
masculine feminine reflexive impersonal masculine feminine reflexive
1st person Nominative ju nus
Accusative mei nus
Genitive mi noster
Dative möue nous
2nd person Nominative zu wus
Accusative zei wus
Genitive twi wëster
Dative zöue wous
3rd person Nominative el elle hom illî ellas
Accusative sei hom sei
Genitive schwi homs schwi
Dative söue hœme sis
& relative
Nominative ki ki
Accusative kie kus quas
Genitive köus quæs kour quar
Dative ki quæ kius


Indicative Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation

Subjunctive Mood

1st Conjugation
2nd Conjugation

Imperative Mood

Infinitive and Past Participles

Auxilliary Verbs

Estzer (to be)
Singular Plural
1st person sou soums
2nd person ës ësts
3rd Person ëst suntz
Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person düe doums
2nd person düste dusts
3rd Person dus dourntz

Estzer was used in conjunction with a passive participle to create the passive voice.

Haber (to have)
Singular Plural
1st person hab habems
2nd person hos habets
3rd Person hous hontz
Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person houwe houwems
2nd person houweste houwests
3rd Person houwt houwerntz
Wiener (to come)
Singular Plural
1st person wien wienems
2nd person wienes wieneszes
3rd Person wienes wienentz
Preterite (Simple Past)
Singular Plural
1st person winwe winwems
2nd person winweste winwests
3rd Person wines winwerntz


Definite Article

Definite Article
Masculine Feminine
Nom. sing. lie li
Acc. sing. lou lus
Gen. sing. löus lour
Dat. sing. löu lis
Nom. plur. la las
Acc. plur. la las
Gen. plur. læs lour
Dat. plur. lis

Indefinite Article

Indefinite Article
Masculine Feminine
Nom. sing. uns une
Acc. sing. un une
Gen. sing. unöus unæs
Dat. sing. unöu unæ

Sample Texts