A dictionary of Diès
The Numbers
1 - aon
2 - duò
3 - drèi
4 - cahàr
5 - coùg
6 - siànn
7 - sìuf
8 - ougda
9 - nìen
10 - jeùg
The numbers if you're counting , one, two three...
1 - a haon
2 - a dhuò
3 - e dhrèi
4 - a chahàr
5 - a choùg
6 - a hiànn
7 - a hiùf
8 - a hougda
9 - e nìen
10 - a jeùg
And last but not least - first, 2nd, 3rd and so on
1st - aonda
2nd - duòna
3rd - drèiji
4th - cahèri
5th - coùgi
6th - sìanni
7th - siùfi
8th - ougdanni
9th - nìenni
10th - jeùgonni
Some Nouns
Woman - Vala
Man - Kàr
Old man - bòdach
Old woman - Kòuni
Girl - janti
Boy - pàjki
Youth - jandòum
Chair - stalla
Table - tafli
Lamp - raunàpil
Book - laòur
Pen - stifti
Paper - papar
Letter - litra
Envelope - òumslitra
Glass - glòys
Mug - Maug
Jug - Bòugal
Stool - Stòul
Arm chair - Seinstalla
Sofa - Dreistalla
Shoe - Broudakin
Shirt - Tragi
Jacket - Jacki
Trousers - Pantòul
Broomstick - Flòystafi
Bookshelf - Laòurskalfi
TV - Fjàrsjàf (FS)
Computer - Magnirin
Rubber - Ràsur
Phone - Rèdlaòur
Personal Pronouns
Ei - I
Þu - You
Ann - He
Enn - She
Sen - It
Vìsi - We
Auri - You (pl.)
Þey - They
Objective forms
Mi - me
Þi - you
Anni - him
Enni her
Senni - it
Unsi - us
Aurs - you (pl.)
Þeym - them
Possessive Pronouns
Mo - my
Do - your
Anns - his
Enns - her
Sens - its
Visis - our
Auris - your (pl.)
Þeyras - their
N.B - Diès is a mutating language, influenced by Celtic mutation rules and syntax. Possessive pronouns are leniting according to the following rule;
B - MH /w/
C - CH /x/
D - DH /ð/
F - FH - silent
G - GH /g/
K - KH /x/
M - MH /w/
P - PH /f/
S - SH /h/
T - TH /h/