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Proto-West Altaic'

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Proto-Altaic' to Erly Proto-West Altaic'

  • /s ʂ/ → [ts tʂ] and /ɽ/ → [ɖ] when initial or prenasal
  • Lenition of dorsal stops to fricativs in vicinity of other stops
  • Retroflexes (but not the palato-alveolar sibilant allophones) acquire velarization
  • /w/ is also possibly alreddy [βˠ] by this stage (areal influence? CF Proto-Betamax)
  • /N/ drops before affricates and [ɖ], phonemicizing 'em

Erly to mid PWA'

ca. -3ka

Middle PWA' had three main dialects: Northern, spoken in the vicinity of the Aral Sea; and Southern, spoken across a wide area south of this, further broken down to West proper just south of the Caspian Sea, and Proto-Sadabax, spoken around where Samarkand exists in reality.

  • /x xʷ Nx Nxʷ χ χʷ Nχ Nχʷ/ → /h f ŋh ŋʷh ħ fˤ ŋħ ŋʷħ/
  • Retroflex stops (but generally not affricates) → velars before front vowels, emphatics elsewhere; [ɽˠ] → /ɡ/ consistently
  • POA chain shift involving labials. The results differ a bit by the dialect - West proper develops an emphasis contrast, while North shifts this further to a palatalization / velarization contrast (in some cases with a third dimension too).
    • 1) /kʷ ŋʷ qʷ/ → /p m pˤ/ (South), /pˠ m kʴ/ (North)
    • 2) /p f fˤ/ → /t̻ θ θˤ/ (South), /pʲ fʲ fˠ/ (North) (/m/ is not pushed due to distributional differences)
  • Associated approximant drift
    • /l/ → /n̻/
    • /j/ → /ɟ/ → /dʲ/ (North), → /d̻/ (South)
    • /w/ → /βˠ/ → /bˠ/ (North), → /bˤ/ (South)
  • /ts/ → /θ/ (only in West)
  • /q/ → /ʔ/ (South), /kʴ/ (North)
  • /θ/ → /s̻/ (→ /sʲ/ in North and Sadabax)

Mid to late PWA'

ca. -1.5ka

  • /t tʂ s n/ → /ṯ ṯ s̱ ṉ/ (with the [ʧ] allophone also generalized to both stops)
  • /d̻ ḏˤ/ → /l̻ ɫ/ conditionally (pretonic intervocalic maybe?)
  • Voicing processes
  • /θˤ/ → /ħ/; under voicing /ɫ/
  • Velar rounding (maybe not with vowel elision but mergers / harmony?)
  • Pharyngeal harmony (spills over into vowels too)
    • Emphasis spreds thru a word unless blocked by a velar obstruent or nasal.
    • The laminal/apical distinction in coronals is neutralized when emphatic.
Labial Lamino-
Velar Laryngeal
Plain Emphatic Plain Emphatic Plain Labial Plain Emphatic
Stops Voiceless p ṯˤ k (ʔ ~ ∅)
Voiced b ḏˤ ɡ ɡʷ
Fricatives Voiceless ʂˣ h ħ
Voiced ʐˠ (ɣʷ)
Nasals m ṉˤ ŋ
Laterals (ḻ) ɫ
Semivowels ɻˠ j w

(Depending on the font, the laminality signs (subsc. square) may look like dentality sings (subsc. bridge), but since they're dental anyway, that's no problem.)