Mracian orthography of Slevan

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The Mrácian orthography for Slvanjec

Modern Mrácian Description
á, é, í, ó, ú â, ê, î, ô, û Long vowels are marked with acute accent in the modern orthography but with circumflex in the Mrácian orthography.
c ç The sound /ts/ was consistently denoted by Ç ç, e.g. çêch, modern cék.
ch j/ch The sound /x/ was consistently denoted by J j, except before another consonant at the beginning of a word, where it was denoted by Ch ch e.g. Chrxtân, modern Chrsztán.
cz c/ci/ic The sound /tʃ/ was consistently denoted by C c before the vowels e, ê, i, î, and by Ci ci before other vowels. Before other consonants and at the end of words it is denoted by ic, except after the vowels i and î, where it is denoted by c only.