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High German

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High German, or Hochdeutsch, is the name of the standard form of Modern German. It is a West Germanic and is related to Low German, Dutch, and Anglo-Saxon/Modern English. Today it is the official language of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

High German
Spoken in: Germany, Switzerland, Austria (Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich)
Conworld: Real world
Total speakers: 105 million
Genealogical classification: Indo-European
West Germanic
High German
Basic word order: SVO, OVS/V2
Morphological type: inflecting
Morphosyntactic alignment: nominative-accusative
Writing system:
Created by:
unknown 1800-Present C.E.

Difference between High and Low German

High German differs from other West German languages such as Low German, English, and Dutch in that High German when through the High German Consonant Shift. The High German Consonant Shift (or HGCS) is the sound shift where;

  1. Non-geminated voicless stops became fricatives,
  2. Geminated and liquid-adjacent voiceless stops became affricates,
  3. Voiced stops became voiceless stops, and finally
  4. All interdental fricatives (/ð/ and /θ/) became the dental stop and/or Alveolar stop // and /d/.

The last stage was shared by Low German and Dutch.

All of these stages occur in the Highest of High German dialects, but Standard High German does not have all of them. The shift of /k/>/kx/ in stage 2 did not occur in the standard, although it did in Upper German dialects, such as Bavarian. Also the only part of stage 3 which actually became part of standard High German was /d/>/t/. The other two happened only in the Highest of High German or Upper German dialects


High German is written with the Latin alphabet. It has extra letters which represent some of the sounds of the German language, which are not otherwise found in the Latin alphabet. These include Ö ö, Ü ü, Ä ä, ß.



Bilabial Labiod. Alveolar Post-alv. Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ (ʒ) ç x h
Affricate pf ʦ ʧ (ʤ) (kx)
Approximants j
Trill r
Lateral Approximant l
  • The diagraph ch is /x/ after a back vowel, and /ç/ elsewhere.
  • v and f are (usually) both pronounced /f/, and w is pronounced /v/.
  • /ŋ/ occurs as ng and /ŋk/ is nk.
  • sch is pronounced /ʃ/. tsch is pronounced /ʧ/.
  • Initially s is pronounced /z/ before vowels, and /ʃ/ before a consonant (such as st and sp).
  • j is pronounced /j/.
  • The spellings tz and z are pronounced /ʦ/.
  • ß and ss are pronounced /s/.
  • German has final devoicing. This means that all voiced consonants with voiceless forms become those voiceless forms, at the end of the word.


Front Central Back
Unround Rounded Unrounded Rounded
High iː - ɪ yː - ʏ uː - ʊ
Mid eː - ɛ øː - œ ə oː - ɔ
Low aː/a
All entries are: Tense - Lax
  • In order to form the long version of a vowel, add -h after the vowel.
  • Final e is pronounced /ə/.
  • ü is pronounced /yː/, /ʏ/.
  • ö is pronounced /øː/, /œ/.
  • ä is pronounced /eː/, /ɛ/.


  • eu and äu are pronounced /oj/.
  • ei and ai are pronounced /aj/.
  • au is pronounced /aw/.



Gender and Number

Nouns, Adjectives, Articless, and to some extent Pronouns all affected by Gender and Number. There are three genders and two numbers in High German. The three genders are Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter, and the numbers are Singular and Plural. Gender is arbitrary in German, but Nouns referring to living being usually are the gender of that being. Usually all forms of the Plural are the same, when it comes to adjectives and articles.


In German, there are four cases, Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, and Dative. These affect articles, pronouns, adjectives, and nouns. The prepositions of German also affect whether an phrase is genitive, dative, or accusative.


There are definite articles and indefinite articles in German as well as in English. Articles are affected by case, gender, and number. The plural is the same across the genders.


Cases Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural (all Genders)
Nominative der die das die
Genitive des der des der
Dative dem der dem den
Accusative den die das die


Cases Masculine Feminine Neuter Plural (all Genders)
Nominative ein eine ein meine*
Genitive eines einer eines meinen
Dative einem einer einem meinen
Accusative einen eine ein meine
  • There is no plural form of ein, but there are other indefinite article-style words that do, such as mein which means my.

Sources and External Links
