Tower Orthography

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Foor dhis in Tawyr Oorthaagryfii sii Tawyr Oorthaagryfii

Tawyr Oorthaagryfii, or Tower Orthagraphy, is a simple alternative writing system for English.


It was a system of writing created by Timothy Patrick Snyder and Rebecca Spatz. It was named for the Bell Tower at Temple University, where the two created the writing system. It was created to make a generally more phonetic form of English, without having accents and extra letters. The only symbols which are not on standard English Keyboards are þ and ð, used for historical purposes connected to Old English, but can also be replaced with the diagraphs th and dh respectively.

The System

Here is the Chart showing the system with the IPA:

Tawyr Oorthaagryfii.jpg

Advantages - Advantydxiz

  • More Phonetic
    • Easier for foreign language learners to learn English
    • Easier writing system for Children
  • Makes more logical sense
    • Native English speakers would likely have an easier time with spelling and grammar
    • Fits with all forms of grammar, and does not have pesky homophones
  • It may help standardise spoken English

Disadvantages - Disadvantydxiz

  • Doesn't reflect English's Historic spelling and pronunciation
    • It did not evolve from Middle English orthography
  • Once standardised, It will not be as useful for spoken dialects
    • If it's standardised it would not promote dialect evolution

Examples - Egzampylz

Examples of English words - Egzampylz yv Ingglic wyrdz
List of Important Words - List yv impoortent wyrdz:
Moodulz -Models:
cud = should, wud = would, kud = could, me = may, wil = will, caal = shall, kan = can,
impoortent verbz - important verbs:
bi = be, duu = do, noo = know, goo = go, sii = see, am = am, ar = are, iz = is, wyz = was, wer = were,
Kwestcyn wyrdz - question words:
wai = why, huu = who, hau = how, wyt = what, weer = where, wen = when,
proonaunz - pronouns:
ai = I, mii = me, ys = is, wii = we, juu = you, hii = he, cii = she, him = him, her = her, it = it, hiz = his, herz = hers, main = mine, awyr = our, joor = your, dhee =they, dheerz = theirs, dheer = their
Artikylz and diimaanstrytives - Articles and demonstratives:
y = a, yn = an, dhy = the, dhis = this, dhiiz = these, dhat = that, dhooz = those,
Kaalyrz - Colours:
red = red, aarandx = orange, wait = white, yeloo = yellow, braun = brown, pyrpyl = purple, blak = black, bluu = blue, pingk = pink, griin = green,
Impoortent adverbz - important adverbs:
verii = very, wel = well, kwiklii = quickly,
Kynjyngktcynz - Conjunctions:
byt = but, oor = or, and = and, biicyz = because, iidhyr = either, niidhyr = neither,

Sample text

My friend and I made this new system for writing English, because we wanted a phonetic system of writing English which can be used with the normal keyboard. It's fairly simple, and based a good bit on the IPA with influences from Dutch, Icelandic, and a few others, though most of the consonants are the same as standard English. I want to know what people think, and if they'd be willing to try it.
Timothy Snyder

Mai frend and ai meed dhis nuu sistym foor raiting Ingglic, biikyz wii wyntyd y foonetik sistym yv raiting Ingglic witc kan bii yuuzd with dhy noormol kiiboord. Its feerlii simpyl, and beest y gud bit on dhy AI PII EE with influuentsys frym Dytc, aislandik, and y fjuu ydhyrz, dhoo moost yv dhy cansoonants ar dhy seem az standyrd Ingglic. Ai wynt tuu noo wyt piipyl thingk, and if dheed bii wiling tuu trai it.
Timythii Snaidyr

Sources: [[1]]

Page written by Timothy Patrick Snyder