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Tnusjakt is a language spoken in Lhinead, along the coast just south of the peninsular known as Timeritah in Faraneit. The speakers are semi-agriculturalists, who have adopted many of the Etimri-speakers' crops, although not many of their methods. Still heavily reliant on fishing, and to a much lesser extent, gathering, they are considered relatively primitive by the Faraneih and other political powers in the area.

The speakers of this language refer to themselves as the "Tnusjaktut", meaning Tnusjakt-speakers.


  • Phonemes:
    • /p t k s n j a i u/
  • Phonotactics:
    • Onsets:
      • Any Consonant
      • (s) + p / t / k + (n) + (j)
      • Nothing
    • Coda:
      • Any Consonant
      • (s / n) + p / t / k + (s)
      • Any two plosives
      • Nothing
  • Allophony:
    • Stress-Related
      • /ˈa ˈi ˈu/ > [áː íː úː]
      • /ˌa ˌi ˌu/ > [aː iː uː]
      • unaccented /a i u/ > [ə e o]
        1. /ˈt ˈp ˈk/ > [ts) pɸ) kx)]~[tʰ pʰ kʰ]
    • Voicing-Related
      • /t p k/ > [d b g], when between vowels or /n/
      • /s/ > [z]~[ɹ], when between vowels or /n/
      • /t p k/ > [d b g], when final after /a/
      • /t p k/ > [dʑ) bʲ ɟ], when final after /i/
      • /t p k/ > [dˠ bˠ ɢ], when final after /u/
      • /s/ > [z]~[h], when final after a vowel
    • Cluster-Related
      • /n/ assimilates to following consonant in clusters
      • /tj/ > [tɕ)j] when initial or in a cluster with another voiceless consonant, [dʑ)j] otherwise
      • /kj/ > [cj ɟj] with the same distinction
      • /pj/ > [pʲj bʲj] with the same distinction
      • /sj/ > [ɕj ʑj] with the same distinction
      • /pk/# > [gb)]
      • /ukt/# > [uɣ◌̥◌̊◌̤◌̪◌̬◌̰◌̺◌̼◌̻◌̚◌̹◌̃◌̜◌̟◌̠◌̈◌̴◌̽◌̝◌̩◌̞◌̯◌̘◌̙◌̆◌̋◌́◌̄◌̀◌̏